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The Wire discussion thread - contains spoilers The Wire discussion thread - contains spoilers

02-09-2014 , 09:40 AM
One theme I keep coming back to during my second time through the series is the significance of the railroad tracks that serve as Bunk and Jimmy's late night hangout. Sepinwall has discussed this on his blog, including in an interview with David Simon in which Simon acknowledges the tracks' significance but refuses to elaborate. Most of the discussion I've read on the topic seems to agree that railroads represent institutions (which you could argue are the real villains in the series)

That makes perfect sense to me. A train is big, hulking, uncompromising. The tracks were laid a long time ago and there's no altering the path now. One train, then the next, then the next.....different day, different conductor and crew, but same destination via the same route.

And with trains on the mind, my attention was also drawn to cars during my second viewing. Several situations involving a character's car started to jump out at me, whether intended by the writers or not. So what could a car represent in contrast with a train? Individual people? Individual freedom maybe (no tracks, go where you want to go)? While an institution is too entrenched to change course, an individual can?

A few of those car situations (or perhaps I should call them "personal vehicles") that caught my attention:

Ziggy's Camaro Burns: Poor Zig. If cars represent individual freedom, the torching of Princess sums up Ziggy quite nicely. Ill-suited for the world he landed in, he always seemed headed for a tragic end.

Jimmy Crashes his Car....Twice: Here's another perfect one. Jimmy's a fairly smart, charming, healthy adult male. He should have little trouble navigating his way to a reasonably happy existence in this world. But as the most hilarious cold open in all five seasons illustrates beautifully, Jimmy likes to screw up......then take a step back, and make the EXACT same blunder again. (And both the living of his life and the driving of his car become a disaster when Jameson gets involved).

Stringer Talks Cars to Marlo: "You know that Mercedes you got ridin out there, you got that titled in your aunt's name or some ****? You doin aight? Aight ain't got your name on a crib though, right?" We saw earlier that Marlo has to pay some kid to keep his beautiful Benz out of sight. These dealers might live like kings, but only in the confines of the world they're boxed into. Poor Stringer always wanted to step beyond the game, but there was just too much working against the man. (I know, we're stretching a bit here...)

Anyone have any thoughts? Any other vehicles making any sense in this context? Valchek's van? Nick's new truck? Etc?
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02-09-2014 , 03:20 PM
Nice, I like this sort of analysis. It may be a bit far reaching, but it's a fun way to revisit characters, themes, and events from the show and get a fresh perspective.

I think at the very least your overview of Ziggy's Camaro is spot on. It was a super cool car, but rough around the edges while trying to be flashy. No one really saw it for what it was except Ziggy. And when it was about to get torched, Ziggy tried to reason with Cheese, but to no avail. This perfectly mirrors how Ziggy tried to reason with that scumbag fence who ripped him off. He just couldn't get any traction in the respect department, and it ended up pushing him over the edge. He was trying to do too much too fast and too soon, and because of that no one took him seriously and he went down in flames. The car embodies this theme perfectly.
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02-11-2014 , 02:56 AM
Originally Posted by Turyia
same. One character that i didn't see an analysis for, who i think deserves at least a short one, is rawls.

Thought they did a pretty good job with a character who could easily have turned into a cliche.

fav. rawls moment is his reaction when he finds out about hamsterdam.
or when he was seen partying in the gay bar for like 1 second real quick
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02-12-2014 , 02:04 PM
Every EP is on comcast on demand. Rewatch time
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02-18-2014 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by darthwager
Every EP is on comcast on demand. Rewatch time
been there done that now should i watch it a third time...?
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02-18-2014 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by darthwager
or when he was seen partying in the gay bar for like 1 second real quick
wat? i think i missed this....
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02-18-2014 , 09:57 PM
The Wire discussion thread - contains spoilers Quote
08-14-2014 , 09:27 PM
Interesting that you just bumped this:

One of my best friends, whom I've pushed this on for years, is finally watching it. I was in from the beginning, but other's took a couple of eps. He said that he is up to ep2 and will "let me know when it gets good."

It's been awhile for me, so when should I expect that he'll finally "get it"? S1E3? S1E4?
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08-14-2014 , 09:38 PM
I'm rewatching season 1 for the n-th time, and I think things start getting good when they finally start getting on their pagers and when Omar's boy is killed, episode 5 I believe.
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08-14-2014 , 09:43 PM
I was thinking the "**** **** **** mother ****er ****ing ****" scene or Omar first whistle-walk would seal the deal.

They loved Deadwood, so I know they'll eventually love this. But I want it to be as long before Wallace goes as possible.
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08-14-2014 , 11:54 PM
i didn't get it until wallace got shot. then i was like damn...this might turn out to be the best show ever.
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08-15-2014 , 12:00 AM
I think S1 started to take off once the drunk shtty Detectives left for retirement or disability. It's been years since I have last seen S1 but on rewatch S1 was great from the start.

Oh, I was think of this sketch today while at work.
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08-15-2014 , 06:44 AM
I was hooked after the 2nd or 3rd ep IIRC.
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08-15-2014 , 07:24 PM
Took me to mid season one ..'game day ' maybe watching with the chick now and loving it ...favorite scene is Omar meeting up with greggs and Jimmy in the cemetery for their first meeting
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08-15-2014 , 07:26 PM
I'm trying to do a bit of vicarious living through my friend's first experience with The Wire. So, I'm hoping they're hooked quick. No doubt it'll be rewatched at some point, but that first time is something special.
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08-15-2014 , 08:06 PM
The correct answer is the chess scene.

But if your friend isn't hooked by episode 5 or so, all hope is lost.

But yeah... S1 E3...

In other news... CAN ANYONE TELL ME THE NAME OF THE SONG?? I was asking a few pages ago in this thread. S1 E10... about 3-4 minutes in as Avon/String/Bay discuss the shooting the night before. Jazzy tune in the background, no vocals, I've never been able to track it down!
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08-15-2014 , 08:13 PM
Yeah, another solid scene to get hooked on it's sake.
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08-15-2014 , 08:23 PM
Yeah chess scene is where it's at imo. And if they're not in by the end of the McDonald's scene, just find some new friends
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08-15-2014 , 08:38 PM
Hahaha. I know, right.

This is the same friend (and girlfriend) who I pushed BrBa on and they finally jumped in as S4 was in progress. I got a 3am phone call when they finally saw "RUN" and I'm hoping I get another 3am phone call for "Where's Wallace?"
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08-15-2014 , 09:55 PM
I was hooked from the snot boogie scene.... Yes it's the opening scene lol.

"Got to. This is America, man"
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08-17-2014 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by GoingBroke777
I was hooked from the snot boogie scene.... Yes it's the opening scene lol.

"Got to. This is America, man"
This. I fully bought in (with 0 liking of hour long dramas before) after this line. I think for most people I hear after ep 5 they have bought. Many of my friends would be fully in after S1, but I've had more than a few give up after midway in S2.
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08-19-2014 , 06:43 PM
The Wire discussion thread - contains spoilers Quote
08-22-2014 , 10:42 PM
I just got to the episode where Omar testifies in Bird's trial.


Probably one of my top five TV moments in this episode (if not #1).
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08-23-2014 , 08:04 AM
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