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The Walking Dead Season 6 The Walking Dead Season 6

10-28-2015 , 07:15 AM
Originally Posted by Byrung
Man Who Binge-Watched The Walking Dead ‘Kills Friend He Believed Was A Zombie’
Save it for a politician.
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
10-28-2015 , 07:59 AM
He probably marathoned through the entire show on crystal meth.
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
10-28-2015 , 09:48 AM
Mythbusters did a show on it a year or two ago. Basically they decided an axehead type weapon was most effective when facing a hoard. IIRC you were pretty much screwed with anything you had.
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
10-28-2015 , 09:49 AM
Originally Posted by jinx702
I always wondered why everyone is using tiny knives to kill the walkers, I keep yelling find a damn sword! Also if the virus is transmitted by saliva to an open wound wouldn't you think it'd be a good idea to wear gloves and carry around some hand sanitizer. And this entire fiasco could have been avoided if they used a damn bulldozer to destroy the exits to the quarry.
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
10-28-2015 , 09:50 AM
IIRC, Max Brooks wrote that a machete would be the best weapon. Solid enough to do some good zombie killing and can be very useful as a tool when not killing.
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
10-28-2015 , 11:52 AM
All the emphasis seems to be on weapons. But what about defense that some have mentioned and diversions!

Firecrackers and a lighter seem like a good portable diversion. Something loud, delayed and throwable seems wise. I also liked the noise maker traps that the governor and company set up. Setting some of those up at some distance from Alexandria would be wise.

But of course, solving the zombie problem kills the show.
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
10-28-2015 , 11:57 AM
Didn't they show the Alexandria people with bulldozers? Why wouldn't you just get in a roadgrader with six foot tires and take a couple spins through the zombie pen being guarded by trucks, come in with spears and headstab the incapacitated zombies?
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
10-28-2015 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by Leo Getz
Didn't they show the Alexandria people with bulldozers? Why wouldn't you just get in a roadgrader with six foot tires and take a couple spins through the zombie pen being guarded by trucks, come in with spears and headstab the incapacitated zombies?
when have the characters in this show ever done anything that ever made any type of logical sense?

if a plan makes sense it's shot down. if it makes absolutely no sense, that obv the plan for them
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
10-28-2015 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by jinx702
Also if the virus is transmitted by saliva to an open wound wouldn't you think it'd be a good idea to wear gloves and carry around some hand sanitizer.

Are you talking about the virus everybody already has and knows they have it but inexplicably acts like they have no idea?
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
10-28-2015 , 01:52 PM
This season has been a lot better than past seasons, but this show has also had a couple really good few episode stretches.

There is no way Glenn should still be alive, even if Nick was on top, Glenn isn't getting away from a hoard. I thought Nick was going to jump into the pile to give Glenn a few seconds to jump the fence, but nope, he shoots himself in the head and takes the only guy who gave a sht about him to their deaths.

I doubt Ricks cut hand will be anything, he would have to cut his hand off almost instantly if it was like the Herschal situation. Remember when Shane was stabbing Walkers in the head and then sliced his hand to draw them near the school bus?

I can't see how a sprained ankle would keep me from double timing it for a couple miles if my life depended on it. They didn't portray it as being broken.
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
10-28-2015 , 01:55 PM
I personally wonder if a bitten person could get to a good hospital with proper wound care could survive a bite or at least scratches. I suspect it is a wound plus necrotizing flesh and other filth in the wound that kills people.
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
10-28-2015 , 02:52 PM
(Spoil) there are photos of Glenn on set and in costume with an as of yet to be introduced character. Glenn is alive.
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
10-28-2015 , 03:21 PM
You need to learn to use spoilers properly or not post them.
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
10-28-2015 , 04:13 PM
Your right, I have no idea.
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
10-28-2015 , 04:39 PM
I've been watching this show from the start, and what's weird to me is that spoilers don't affect my enjoyment of it. Before I watched this last episode I saw a headline that spoiled Glenn's "death", and it just made me more excited to watch. I'll actually read through this thread before I watch the new episode with no care about it being spoiled.
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
10-28-2015 , 04:50 PM
is hoard the new moran?

Last edited by White Stuff; 10-28-2015 at 04:50 PM. Reason: out of the loop
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
10-28-2015 , 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by White Stuff
is hoard the new moran?
Hahaha, I guess for me it is.
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
10-28-2015 , 07:04 PM
I'm still thinking about ways to deal with the thousands of zombies at the quarry, maybe they could've built fences angled so they'd walk into them and then fall off a cliff.
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
10-28-2015 , 07:07 PM
Also if everyone already has the virus, what is with chopping off limbs? Why not just pour some alcohol on the wound and move on.
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
10-28-2015 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by jinx702
Also if everyone already has the virus, what is with chopping off limbs? Why not just pour some alcohol on the wound and move on.
Infection in the blood stream. A walker bite is the active virus which causes infection that goes to the blood stream immediately and causes death which is when they turn. They don't convert "live"
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
10-28-2015 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by jinx702
I'm still thinking about ways to deal with the thousands of zombies at the quarry, maybe they could've built fences angled so they'd walk into them and then fall off a cliff.
Or blast the ramps so there is no way to walk out.
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
10-28-2015 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by nuclear500
Or blast the ramps so there is no way to walk out.
Thought about that but wasn't sure if they could find explosives.
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
10-28-2015 , 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by jinx702
Thought about that but wasn't sure if they could find explosives.
Don't think it would need to be a total obliteration. Walkers can't climb inclines of any real degree. It would only have to be enough that they'd stumble towards the edge and fall back down.
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
10-28-2015 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by nuclear500
Don't think it would need to be a total obliteration. Walkers can't climb inclines of any real degree. It would only have to be enough that they'd stumble towards the edge and fall back down.
I guess a few shovels might have worked.

I guess if they wanted to get rid of them for good, they could've created a few temporary blockades at the top exit, reenforce the semis and just allow them to come out one at a time and kill them that way.
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
10-28-2015 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by nuclear500
Don't think it would need to be a total obliteration. Walkers can't climb inclines of any real degree. It would only have to be enough that they'd stumble towards the edge and fall back down.
They can climb over each others' heads.
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
