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08-03-2015 , 06:01 PM
i keep feeling like the redhead is gonna double cross VV but its probably just the way Kelly is playing her character and the fact she has those mysterious eyes.
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08-03-2015 , 06:09 PM
If it makes you feel better, you aren't the only one who feels this way.
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08-03-2015 , 06:11 PM
I guess this might be common topic, but i just want to get it out there without reading what has been happening since last episode (mayby someone spotted it earlier? , i mean even later episodes havent watched any of this)

Why Vince Vaughn was put in the part , it is obvious isnt it?

Intelligent, Moral guy put on the path of the criminal, rising to the top & really wanting to get out, not just the cliche of old mob bosses (who dont actually know HOW to live & have a relationship anymore, they are "crooks/power hungrily portrated always)

This is beautifully done, the choking scenes lack of intensity on the choking hand was very huge downer for the brilliant scene
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08-03-2015 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by nunnehi
Not sure if fly was answering but here you go.

Burris is very likely the killer of the orphaned kids parents in the robbery. It was an execution and robbery, made to look like looting. Holloway (the Chief of Vinci) was Burris's commanding officer. Burris's partner was Dixon (fat lazy cop who got killed in the shootout). Caspere was that division's accountant, so he probably helped them "wash" the diamonds. The kids witnessed the murder, and knew who did it (what his body type looked like at the very least). Someone at one of the sex parties saw Caspere in possession of the diamonds (they're now claiming it's Caspere's secretary Erika, who *might* be Laura). I think Vera's a big fat liar (it's very important to note that Vera's sister had a thick accent, while Vera had none), and that she's the most likely candidate to be Laura (the orphaned daughter), though obviously Erika could be the real deal. We still haven't been introduced to the son, but it now is probably going to be either the set photographer (could be friends with the Chessanis) or the Mexican in the cowboy hat. There's going to a personal connection to the Chessani family kids with these two orphans (not sure who yet, but the most likely candidate is Emily Rios, though they've also set it up to be Tony), or they're doing something very wrong in weaving this convoluted plot.

The Mexicans are 100 percent wrapped up in the diamonds. I don't believe the woman they murdered was Irina. So, for someone to know details of the robbery, one of the orphaned kids had to be connected to the Mexicans. It makes the most sense for that to be the guy in the cowboy hat. But, it also could make sense that it's the set photographer, as the set up of CF was involving the movie set and a Cadillac. So, someone on the set is involved in this whole thing somehow (or at least that's how it played at the time). Also, Caspere was posed intentionally, so there's a bigger play going on as well. The two orphaned kids have to be connected to both the sex parties and the Mexicans, and the cowboy hat and Vera (or the newly introduced Erika) make those connections.

Catalast is the guy VV talked to early in the series (was sitting down having the contract talk in the house, before Woodrugh stole the papers). Osip is involved with Catalast, as is the guy trying to become Attorney General or something (I can't for the life of me remember this character, though I know he was in the show), and obviously Caspere. Basically, Frank was collateral damage in the rail plans, and they were always going to screw him, because of his desire to get out. I also think his wife is involved in this screw job, though that's the loosest thing so far. Frank had a big leak, and she was in every scene where any piece of knowledge that was crucial was passed and he also discussed a lot of crucial stuff with her.

Does that make any sense?

The episode was entertaining overall, but still had tons of issues. I don't think there could have been more exposition if I were reading a book. It felt like the end of a Columbo episode or something.
Ive watched every episode (one twice), I just read this whole thing, and I swear to you I still pretty much have no godamn clue what is going on in this show.
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08-03-2015 , 06:20 PM
I recant my statement about Burris being the shooter of Velcoro. I forgot that the guy driving Caspere around in ep 1 had the bird getup in his car.

Birdman then likely didn't kill Velcoro because he's not on his revenge list.
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08-03-2015 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by CharlieDontSurf
i keep feeling like the redhead is gonna double cross VV but its probably just the way Kelly is playing her character and the fact she has those mysterious eyes.
Originally Posted by nunnehi
If it makes you feel better, you aren't the only one who feels this way.
I thought that when she came to VV's office after he killed Blake that we were going to learn her part in it. She looked like she thought the same thing tbh.
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08-03-2015 , 06:38 PM
Obviously could just be another red hairing.
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08-03-2015 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by HelloFriends
I feel it's pretty clear that Burris is the Birdman.

Michael Keaton is the Birdman.
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08-03-2015 , 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by nunnehi
Let's get real here. Is it any coincidence that VV will also be leaving out of Portland? It would be the funniest thing ever for all the main people to run into each other in Portland.
the dream of season 1 is alive in portland
(all the detectives have dark pasts)
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08-03-2015 , 11:37 PM
reading that salon summary of the plot makes the show almost sound good.
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08-03-2015 , 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by domer2
burris was hiding in the corner of a random exit...? convenient!

pretty good episode plotwise, the finale has a lot to wrap up tho
Lol this thought it was a good EP but how was Burris randomly outside the same exit motorcycle cop came out if after a firefight and running down random tunnels.
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08-03-2015 , 11:56 PM
lol dude gets shot in the back and crawls for 30 seconds and there is no blood trail?
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08-04-2015 , 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by kimoser22
Lol this thought it was a good EP but how was Burris randomly outside the same exit motorcycle cop came out if after a firefight and running down random tunnels.
He was just using his super hearing to listen for gunshots and footsteps, and could tell where he was coming out.
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08-04-2015 , 12:12 AM

I'm with nunn re: Blake. While there's no way I could have told you his name, I totally could have told you he's VV's main guy who has been acting real shady, and has been followed, is behind the eastern euro hookers, etc.
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08-04-2015 , 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by nunnehi
Let's get real here. Is it any coincidence that VV will also be leaving out of Portland? It would be the funniest thing ever for all the main people to run into each other in Portland.
Final scene is them fighting over the last Bacon Maple Bar at Voodoo Doughnut. Shootout ensues.
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08-04-2015 , 01:37 AM
I usually have a few drinks in me when I get around to watching and always come away confused. It's been nice to come to this thread and see some pretty smart people are having a hard time following it also.

I read the Salon article. It made me think this would be a lot of fun to watch if this was a bad screenplay of a good novel you'd read before.
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08-04-2015 , 09:20 AM
Last episode was better than most of this season but stepping over that low bar doesn't carry much weight. I hate shows that spell stuff out for you. I appreciate subtly. However, holy **** when they started rattling off names talking about the diamonds and "explaining" the whole thing I was like; "Who? Wha...who?!? Wait, what did he say when I said "Who?"?"

Also, everybody with a gun in this show is the opposite of stormtroopers in Star Wars. Nobody ever misses, just headshot after headshot. Yeesh.
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08-04-2015 , 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by _Drogo_
Last episode was better than most of this season but stepping over that low bar doesn't carry much weight. I hate shows that spell stuff out for you. I appreciate subtly. However, holy **** when they started rattling off names talking about the diamonds and "explaining" the whole thing I was like; "Who? Wha...who?!? Wait, what did he say when I said "Who?"?"

Reminds me of Scooby-Doo.
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08-04-2015 , 09:55 AM
Dan Attias directed the last episode. That dude has an elite TV resume. His son is the one who went psycho at UCSB
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08-04-2015 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
This is a good primer for all those people like me who have completely lost the plot

It's pretty hilariously convoluted. I still don't care about any of this but at least I kind of understand what is going on.
This was a very helpful read. I totally missed that we had a lead suspect in Caspere's death. I now feel like I know what to be watching for in the finale.

And yes, this plot was indeed a convoluted mess.
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08-04-2015 , 11:58 AM
I can't stand the Mayor(if that's who he is), the one VV kicked out of the Casino last ep, when he talks, his mouth and facial manurizms(sp?) makes him look like a sloppy dirty pig.

I will give Burris the benefit of the doubt and say that was the only exit, but why would he need to be there, it was like 5 on 1 with all similar skill levels inside the tracks, but I do hate when villains aren't thorough.
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08-04-2015 , 01:04 PM
To me I think the biggest problem with the whole season is all the screen time devoted to closet cop, he was not necessary to the plot in anyway as it turns out the only reason he was there because he was riding his bike with his eyes closed and stumbled on caspere and all his story arcs go nowhere now that he got capped. If they replaced all his angsty scenes with expositionary scenes related to velcoro bezzerides frank and the conspiracy it would probably be more entertaining and cogent. That being said I'm still interested in where the season finale goes
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08-04-2015 , 01:09 PM
Could have used more T&A as well.
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08-04-2015 , 01:19 PM

Originally Posted by SirOsis
Final scene is them fighting over the last Bacon Maple Bar at Voodoo Doughnut. Shootout ensues.

And then we cut to woody and Matthew walking out of blue star and having a ten minute discussion on why blue star is way better than overrated voodoo.
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08-04-2015 , 01:23 PM
I was talking to a friend of mine the other day and he said that he has been loving the season so far, and he's not an idiot so I asked why. He said that he likes that it's really confusing and convoluted and not totally clear, because he feels like he's on the same level as the cops, who aren't like super detectives like most cop shows are.

I've felt, like most people ITT, that it's bothersome that I can't keep up with who anyone is and that it's annoying that the show is actively making me work just to keep up with a convoluted plot that I'm not invested in, but I do think there's merit in what my friend is saying.

If NP's intention was just to f*** with audiences and make everyone confused, I'd actually respect that. There's no real way to know what his intention is/was, but it's a nice idea.
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