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** Top Chef Season 6 ** ** Top Chef Season 6 **

10-23-2009 , 06:07 AM
Originally Posted by supafrey
Wait are there actually restaurants where people don't say the f-word to each other, or is it just because these people are supposed to be on equal standing?

I just took delivery orders and mixed the occasional salad for a middling Italian restaurant when I was a teenager and I got called an F-up constantly. It was practically a term of endearment.
i also though it was weird that they seemed to draw the line at cursing. Micheal used that as his defense and made it seem like no matter whoever was in the first place, it was now her for cursing at him.
** Top Chef Season 6 ** Quote
10-23-2009 , 06:21 AM
Robyn: You shut your whore mouth when Micheal Voltaggio is talking!!!
** Top Chef Season 6 ** Quote
10-23-2009 , 06:38 AM
We finally saw some weakness from kevin/jen this episode... it was just weird to see Kevin send out a piece of lamb that undercooked, and Jen's fish looked like dog food. Michael V's food continues to amaze me. The amount of thought/creativity that goes into his dishes coupled with the perfect execution every single time... it's just unreal. The only thing that's hurt him in this competition was a short circuit that he had no control over. I think he's gotta be the front runner at this point.
** Top Chef Season 6 ** Quote
10-23-2009 , 08:42 AM
Originally Posted by supafrey
Wait are there actually restaurants where people don't say the f-word to each other, or is it just because these people are supposed to be on equal standing?
That's a good point. F-bombs are dropped regularly in the kitchen at busy restaurants

Also ironic that Mike V made a big deal out of it since he curses more than anyone
** Top Chef Season 6 ** Quote
10-23-2009 , 11:37 AM
I don't understand all you people saying you can't believe all the fighting between the brothers. I'm guessing most of you don't have a brother close in age.

Brothers who are close in age typically fight all the time. I know I fought with mine constantly growing up.

If I recall from the first episode, these two haven't seen each other in quite a while. They are both really good, accomplished chefs who want to win this thing. Obviously they want the other to succeed to a point, but each is trying to get a mental advantage over the other. They're just doing the same thing they did the first 20 years growing up.
** Top Chef Season 6 ** Quote
10-23-2009 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by Big TR
I don't understand all you people saying you can't believe all the fighting between the brothers. I'm guessing most of you don't have a brother close in age.

Brothers who are close in age typically fight all the time. I know I fought with mine constantly growing up.

If I recall from the first episode, these two haven't seen each other in quite a while. They are both really good, accomplished chefs who want to win this thing. Obviously they want the other to succeed to a point, but each is trying to get a mental advantage over the other. They're just doing the same thing they did the first 20 years growing up.
Yea but they are not still growing up. They are both in their 30's. I have 2 brothers myself and we stopped fighting once we got out of HS.
** Top Chef Season 6 ** Quote
10-23-2009 , 12:26 PM
Yeah, but what happens when you play sports with them in the backyard?

I never took it as "psychological damage" as somebody put it itt, more like standard brotherly needling.
** Top Chef Season 6 ** Quote
10-23-2009 , 12:32 PM
It was kinda cool to see an amazing chef like Kevin send out poorly cooked meat, because when I watch Hell's Kitchen I think that the Top Chef folks would never make that mistake. Gordon Ramsey would have flipped out!
** Top Chef Season 6 ** Quote
10-23-2009 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by keevin33
That's a good point. F-bombs are dropped regularly in the kitchen at busy restaurants

Also ironic that Mike V made a big deal out of it since he curses more than anyone
Whatever, the whole exchange was brought about by Mike having his TC future partly decided by an extremely inferior chef. Mike played optimally by letting Robin do as little as possible to torpedo the team and Robin played optimally by accepting that fact, yet still getting all huffy to save face when Mike 'disrespected' her cooking.
** Top Chef Season 6 ** Quote
10-23-2009 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by imakefrush
Whatever, the whole exchange was brought about by Mike having his TC future partly decided by an extremely inferior chef. Mike played optimally by letting Robin do as little as possible to torpedo the team and Robin played optimally by accepting that fact, yet still getting all huffy to save face when Mike 'disrespected' her cooking.

it was just weird for Mike to flip out about the cursing.
** Top Chef Season 6 ** Quote
10-23-2009 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by SneakyFerret
Robyn: You shut your whore mouth when Micheal Voltaggio is talking!!!

The V. Bros. didn't see or talk to each other for 12 years. There's definitely bad blood there.
** Top Chef Season 6 ** Quote
10-23-2009 , 02:54 PM
Did they ever mention if the two brothers knew they were going to be on the show? Or if they even knew they both entered to be on it?

The brothers have been a great element to this season, especially since they both kick ass. Great decision by Bravo.
** Top Chef Season 6 ** Quote
10-23-2009 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by gobbomom

The V. Bros. didn't see or talk to each other for 12 years. There's definitely bad blood there.
What really? I didn't know that. Did they both happen to apply to the show or something w/o the other knowing it?
** Top Chef Season 6 ** Quote
10-23-2009 , 03:17 PM
i think a lot of people are missing the point re cursing. you can say F as much as you want (F this! hurry the F up! whats wrong with your Fing meat?) but Robyn said "F you" which has nothing to do with what's going on in the kitchen and is a personal insult.

robyn is a child and MV responded like a huge dick.
** Top Chef Season 6 ** Quote
10-23-2009 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by thatpfunk
i think a lot of people are missing the point re cursing. you can say F as much as you want (F this! hurry the F up! whats wrong with your Fing meat?) but Robyn said "F you" which has nothing to do with what's going on in the kitchen and is a personal insult.

robyn is a child and MV responded like a huge dick.
There's like a 1% chance he responds in that particular manner if the person yelling at him is somebody he respects even a little. And her getting upset about somebody messing with her dish is understandable from almost any perspective you care to name. I think it's very likely that she's sucky and irritating but that is probably the least of her transgressions.
** Top Chef Season 6 ** Quote
10-23-2009 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by thatpfunk
i think a lot of people are missing the point re cursing. you can say F as much as you want (F this! hurry the F up! whats wrong with your Fing meat?) but Robyn said "F you" which has nothing to do with what's going on in the kitchen and is a personal insult.

robyn is a child and MV responded like a huge dick.
I was called an f-in ****** repeatedly. I know the new wave of chefs these days exude a level of professionalism you never really saw before, but I always thought everyone knew that chefs/cooks often have colourful pasts and even more delightful language.
** Top Chef Season 6 ** Quote
10-23-2009 , 04:45 PM
wasn't is "Get the f*** off of my station"? Pfunk, perhaps you have other reasons for calling her a child, but this was an entirely reasonable time and way to stick up for herself. You can tell that she is a woman who hates confrontation too. I have no love for Robyn, but have to take her side on this and increase my dislike of MV's lack of professionalism and general childish bahavior.

And no, there is nothing unprofessional about saying, "get the hell off my station."
** Top Chef Season 6 ** Quote
10-23-2009 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by supafrey
I was called an f-in ****** repeatedly. I know the new wave of chefs these days exude a level of professionalism you never really saw before, but I always thought everyone knew that chefs/cooks often have colourful pasts and even more delightful language.
When I was 17 and still in HS, I was hired at Pizza Hut as a dishwasher. The shift manager there was on loan from a different store because we were so short staffed at the time. Anyway, he used to call me ****** all the time. Like, "Hey ******, go bus some tables.". Anyway, about a year or so later, I get promoted to Assistant Manager. Guess what store I was transferred to? The dude looked white as a ghost when he saw me. It wasn't busy the first night I worked and I made him clean and re-organize the walk-in. He quit the next day. Everyone that worked there said he was a major prick and was glad.
** Top Chef Season 6 ** Quote
10-23-2009 , 08:44 PM
grunch because there was waaay too many posts from the last ep:

jen shoulda gone. that seems to be the 2nd time somebody got a freebie based on past performance.
** Top Chef Season 6 ** Quote
10-23-2009 , 09:53 PM
trying reading the responses and maybe you'll learn why that's just not true.
** Top Chef Season 6 ** Quote
10-23-2009 , 09:58 PM
theres 100 new posts im not reading that. i believe she cooked two dishes one of which was "a disaster"
** Top Chef Season 6 ** Quote
10-23-2009 , 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by yeotaJMU
theres 100 new posts im not reading that. i believe she cooked two dishes one of which was "a disaster"
You can't read 100 posts in 5 mins? WTF?
** Top Chef Season 6 ** Quote
10-23-2009 , 10:38 PM
On his blog I think Collichio said that the lamb dish was actually the worst. Additionally due to the editing it's really difficult to get an idea of how bad the front of the house people do, but all signs point to Laurine being really really bad and also having a hand in why the dishes were so weak.
** Top Chef Season 6 ** Quote
10-24-2009 , 02:07 AM
Great episode. How strong would the top 6 be if Robin went home next week? Even if she doesn't I suppose. Anyway, ridiculous.

+1 on Jen looking better then expected in a bikini. Crush definitely growing.
** Top Chef Season 6 ** Quote
10-24-2009 , 02:51 AM
BTW I can't believe how accomplished some of these chefs are at 25~30 years old....I feel worthless.
** Top Chef Season 6 ** Quote
