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03-24-2011 , 06:46 PM
although it was a huge fail on Blaise's part not to give the no tools twist to antonia. It would have basically ended her chances.
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03-24-2011 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
although it was a huge fail on Blaise's part not to give the no tools twist to antonia. It would have basically ended her chances.
Agreed, though it's ridiculous that it was possible.
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03-24-2011 , 07:11 PM
At that point everything that needed to be opened should have been opened I would hope though they did show here and Carla opening a can so the world knows its not true but doesnt make it any less ******ed on her part...

And didnt she do 2 different curry coconut dishes basically for the day, the QF and the Bite... seems un original IMO
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03-24-2011 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by kartinken
Nonsense, Blais has choked more than once.
What does that have to do with anything? If he's gonna choke, he's gonna choke whether Mike gives him hardships or not. The point is, Richard is going to succeed or fail based on his own demons -- he's way too good to let a few silly challenge-based twists cripple his dish. As people have said, his only competition is himself.

Originally Posted by Clovis8
although it was a huge fail on Blaise's part not to give the no tools twist to antonia. It would have basically ended her chances.
Yes. But that was just the quickfire, so no big deal really.
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03-24-2011 , 09:33 PM
The single bite did not determine the winner between Mike and Antonio, it was some % the last meals and some % the single bite. What % was allotted to each I think was never planned out; seems like everything was subjectively ruled by the producers.
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03-24-2011 , 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by Clayton
The single bite did not determine the winner between Mike and Antonio, it was some % the last meals and some % the single bite. What % was allotted to each I think was never planned out; seems like everything was subjectively ruled by the producers.
Link? Because it sure as hell didnt seem that way when they were voting.
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03-24-2011 , 10:13 PM
basically mike isabella is the san fran giants, or new york giants
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03-24-2011 , 10:16 PM
does anyone actually like Mike? gonna suck bad when he wins this.
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03-24-2011 , 10:25 PM
I don't mind Mike too much but I'd def rather see Blais win.
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03-24-2011 , 10:53 PM
I didn't like the fact that the one bite was going to trump over the dishes, seemed too stupid for me. Also, waiting to read the blog, but if that photographer really got a big say, then meh...

I am stoked for the finale off the details in the preview.
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03-25-2011 , 12:54 AM
Originally Posted by private joker
What does that have to do with anything? If he's gonna choke, he's gonna choke whether Mike gives him hardships or not. The point is, Richard is going to succeed or fail based on his own demons -- he's way too good to let a few silly challenge-based twists cripple his dish. As people have said, his only competition is himself.
Adding difficulty and pressure can only increase the chances of choking.
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03-25-2011 , 12:54 AM
Originally Posted by GambleGamble
Spent some time thinking about the yesterdays episode and I came to this conclusion:

They totally rigged it so that Blais would have multiple chances to get to the finale, if he bombs the 3 way competition the odds he crushes a "bite-off" vs the other 2 is ridiculously high so they can pretty much ensure the best player makes it to the finale.

They also could have easily had different envelopes depending on who the bottom 2 are, they could have had it set so if Blais doesnt make it they have the envelope I guessed on earlier where best record makes it and they guarantee Blais is in.

Just my .02
Nah I don't buy that because if they really wanted him to be in the finals they could just pretend his dish was the best.

Besides if it were actually Mike vs Antonia they would have hit the cousin angle pretty hard.
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03-25-2011 , 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by private joker
Blais is too good to let a few difficulties like canned-only food or Morimoto stop him from getting to the final. So if Mike wastes the hardships on a guy who's gonna get in anyway, then he's back to a level field with Antonia. If, however, he hampers a contestant who is already an underdog to Blais, then he walks into the finale with Blais and has a 50% shot to win.

Smart play, imo.

How does he have a 50% of winning? There is no way it's 50/50 going into the finale. It's probably like 70/30 w/ the variance being whether or not Blais chokes or not.
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03-25-2011 , 01:01 AM
Originally Posted by kartinken
Oh something I am surprised hasn't come up here yet. How dumb was mike for trying to take out Antonia with the difficult choices rather than Blais?
I Agree; although I do think Mike is being sincere in wanting to beat the best in the finale. Can't blame him. Who among us wouldn't want to beat Ivey heads up at the final table of the WSOP?
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03-25-2011 , 01:19 AM
Originally Posted by Matt Williams
I Agree; although I do think Mike is being sincere in wanting to beat the best in the finale. Can't blame him. Who among us wouldn't want to beat Ivey heads up at the final table of the WSOP?
If I could prevent ivey from getting dealt the ace of spades and the ace of hearts 3 handed, I'd probably do it rather try to be a hero.
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03-25-2011 , 02:37 AM
I'm surprised by the genuine hate of Mike itt. Like, yeah he's a bit of a tool, but you all sound like 45 year old housewives with how srsly you take him. Blais vs. Mike is infinitely better than Blais vs. Antonia.

i lol'd pretty hard when the three cliffhanger votes for Mike's bite were Colicchio, Gail and Morimoto and the three for Antonia were Bernstein, Padma and the know-nothing photographer. After that, it would have been the biggest sham ever if Mike had gone home.

also, PJ, are you legitimately upset that people outside the top 5 traveled to the Bahamas for the show? this thread is like a ****ing bizarro world sometimes.

Last edited by Eurotrash; 03-25-2011 at 02:48 AM. Reason: go Blais ofc
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03-25-2011 , 07:38 AM
Originally Posted by Matt Williams
Nah I don't buy that because if they really wanted him to be in the finals they could just pretend his dish was the best.

Besides if it were actually Mike vs Antonia they would have hit the cousin angle pretty hard.
Problem with that is they had 4 other guest judges and if they wanted to keep it like they dont influence the show they couldnt guarantee only push it in his direction... if his dish blew then the other judges would have said it blew
Top Chef All-Stars :) Quote
03-25-2011 , 09:49 AM
I don't think enough has been made here about the fact that they consciously put Morimoto on the show to choose a final meal, then they provided NO sushi grade fish at all. Imagine you have the bad fortune to draw Morimoto in the first place: "OK, fair enough. I hear Mike is doing fried chicken. Hm. This is going to be tough, but I have decent knife skills, so...maybe. Oh, thanks a lot for the slimy plastic-wrapped ass-smelling yellowtail. Now I guess I'll just hope this here tuna over here passes."

Between this sort of thing and the damned bullcrap challenges, I have found this season pretty disappointing.

They could say all day that the amuse (bite) portion at the very end would only have x% bearing on the results, but it would be the final bite the judges had prior to judging. It just seems like it would be so easy to anticipate that it is a generally bad idea, but also that their more staunch and discerning viewers would hate it.
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03-25-2011 , 10:52 AM
Do we know for sure if the ]interviews are done after the challenges for the day? If so, they really need to devise a new way of interviewing the cheftestants rather than doing the interviews after the elimination has been decided. Just based off the Mike and Antonia interviews, it was obvious Mike was going to the finale. He was all smiles while Antonia seemed to be rather straight faced and lacked enthusiasm. You just knew she didn't make it, and ruins any suspense whatsoever.
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03-25-2011 , 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by Zygote
to be frank that statement doesnt really make sense to me. adding sauce doesnt make it not miso soup.

in any case i bet she added some to hers. cant find the recipe online yet, but you could tell by the darkness of the broth IMO.
I guess technically you are right. You could also put in lamb and worcester sauce into miso soup and it would still be miso soup. I guess what I meant was that traditional miso soup does not have soy sauce in it.

BTW the darkness of the broth was probably due to the use of red miso instead of white miso, or a combination of red/white miso. I doubt she would put in soy sauce, she seemed like she was going for a traditional dish.
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03-25-2011 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by rapidacid
I paused the DVR 62 seconds into the episode and told my wife "There's your loser"
to be honest, I find it very weird when people feel the need to make comments out loud about tv shows and movies to the people they watch it with.

Originally Posted by rapidacid

Yea when I saw it was brown I said outloud "oh you idiot"
red miso paste imo.
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03-25-2011 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by Eurotrash

also, PJ, are you legitimately upset that people outside the top 5 traveled to the Bahamas for the show? this thread is like a ****ing bizarro world sometimes.
No, of course not. Come on, man.

Just upset with the production for lying and pretending they weren't.
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03-25-2011 , 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by szw
to be honest, I find it very weird when people feel the need to make comments out loud about tv shows and movies to the people they watch it with.
How do you keep score in life then?
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03-25-2011 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by szw
to be honest, I find it very weird when people feel the need to make comments out loud about tv shows and movies to the people they watch it with.
Half the enjoyment of watching any show is hitting the pause button to discuss it with my husband. We both do so regularly.
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03-25-2011 , 11:29 AM
The commenting already spoiled the results as Mike was all cheery when talking about the last challenge. Also the last challenge was purely going through the motions, they already had the envelope ready before the challenge so pretty much whatever Mike did for the bite he'd be safe imo. They made it close for TV. Cliffhangers = good ratings?
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