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Survivor: Samoa Survivor: Samoa

10-16-2009 , 12:34 PM
But they DID look like crop circles in his beard. I can't believe I like FOA FOA and white Russell as much as I do. When he was burning socks and dumping out the water, I thought, 'I'm gonna hate this guy'. But he really grew on me.

However, I think I like Liz as well and their interests may not coincide shortly.

Of course I like Mick. (Hot doctor. What's not to like.) And I still sort of like Jaison despite his pantys. Its possible Jaison is one of these athletes that is always coming up with some 'injury' to get out of doing hard conditioning, but being a colligiate athlete, I have to imagine he was put through SOME rigorous physical training. Yet, he says Survivor is the most difficult thing he has done, by far. ...All while us people sitting on our couches at home blast him for being wussy. {shrug}

{Laugh} at Jaison and the basketball comment from TLY. I'm not nearly as comfortable shooting things smaller than basketball's like a basketball. It just doesn't seem to flow right. Granny style seemed to be the most popular technique with the coconuts. Besides he played water polo... Surely his disgrace or lack thereof is already in question.

Also, whoever said Ashley was getting more good looking as it went along was not wrong. I hate her. Not really, just jealous. Anyway, I was amused how I'd be like 'Oh, the two plus twoers aren't going to like that' during the show. Liz correctly predicting Ashley would be the weak link in the eating challenge. Jeff calling her out for not making a single shot. Her getting voted out.

I am actually rooting for White Russell to make it to the merge without the numbers on his side. Curious to see if he can pull something off.
Survivor: Samoa Quote
10-16-2009 , 12:34 PM
Is it possible that Erik is +575 because all of the "in the know" money has gone his way, thus bringing the line way down?

So - in essence, are these lines possibly spoiler-ish themselves?
Survivor: Samoa Quote
10-16-2009 , 01:03 PM
That's what's confusing. I've never even seen Survivor lines listed anywhere because people can have inside information. Sure, it can be wrong, but it seems like the lines would be more of a product of rumors than pure speculation/guessing.

Unless I'm being super-leveled by how important spoilers would be in those lines, though, I think Erik at +575 is awful. He's essentially the favorite in the game (White Russell's line is probably skewed based on his "villain" status), yet he's on the outskirts of his tribe's core alliance, he's a physically fit, charismatic, under-30 alpha-male, and he has no true partner in the game. You can look at the II as a positive or a negative I guess, though I think it hurts his EV since he'll be in a majority; he's more likely to be targeted by his own team if they find out he has it. Guys like him can win, but they're such obvious targets that they usually end up getting blindsided early.
Survivor: Samoa Quote
10-16-2009 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by loosekanen
Did anyone else not know there was someone in the game named Brett?.
I run a fantasy survivor pool and one thing that scores points are interviews, pretty sure that was Brett's first interview of the whole season. Also got to award the first puke points of the season last night.

Originally Posted by Ditch Digger
Of course, if they were thinking 100% about longterm they should've known that Yasmine >>>>>>>> Shambo.
+1...they never learn.
Survivor: Samoa Quote
10-16-2009 , 02:40 PM
**** why did you add whos going next in that first spoiler... I don't care knowing whos injured, but I didn't really want to know whos going to be voted out :\.

Also lol @ the guy who said WRussell is gonna be seen as a physical threat. Most of the immunity challenges post-merge are running and puzzles. While Russell might be good at puzzles, he's definitely way too slow to be a threat.

And saying that you don't know who Brett is? Cmon... last week was pretty Galu-heavy so if you still don't know who is who you're really not paying attention, or you're very slow :\.
Survivor: Samoa Quote
10-16-2009 , 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by soda
I think it's accurate. It came from a spoiler guy who's been getting info from several sources. This particular info came from a friend of his who correctly predicted every eviction thus far. Also, it seems to fit pretty well with the season 20 spoilers.

But, it is a spoiler, so always a chance it's just plain wrong.

Almost positive that the first part is true - that info is everywhere right now.

shucks, i wish i didn't read the spoiler

Last edited by luka allen; 10-16-2009 at 08:07 PM. Reason: oops didnt realize i wasnt on the last page
Survivor: Samoa Quote
10-17-2009 , 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by DeuceKicker
I was wondering the same thing

In the first season they could bring one luxury item each. One woman brought a razor, but other than that they had to go Euro. The show provided only condoms and feminine hygiene items. Starting in season two or three they started providing razors for the women. AFAIK they've continued to provide them. Any unshaven women you've seen were probably by choice.
what? show provided condoms?
Survivor: Samoa Quote
10-17-2009 , 03:26 AM
Originally Posted by biggetje
Also lol @ the guy who said WRussell is gonna be seen as a physical threat. Most of the immunity challenges post-merge are running and puzzles. While Russell might be good at puzzles, he's definitely way too slow to be a threat.
Don't you think he looks strong/intimidating?

Originally Posted by g-bebe
what? show provided condoms?
Yes, I remember in one of the first seasons (maybe the first one, not sure) there was a retired cop and in the reunion episode she said she appointed herself the guardian of the condoms and made sure they are still all there until she got voted out.
Survivor: Samoa Quote
10-17-2009 , 05:35 AM
Originally Posted by g-bebe
what? show provided condoms?
Every season.
Survivor: Samoa Quote
10-17-2009 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by g-bebe
what? show provided condoms?
Its just like prison. When you put a bunch of people together for a while they're gonna **** no matter how nasty the conditions are.
Survivor: Samoa Quote
10-17-2009 , 12:57 PM
If I'm ever on Survivor then I'm using those condoms as...raincoats, literally. Just wrap 4 around your arms and legs and boom, Survivor raincoat.

Probably illegal since no one has tried it yet though.
Survivor: Samoa Quote
10-17-2009 , 02:30 PM
I'm not even sure if I want to read this thread anymore, eventually someone is going to post spoilers inline, whether intentionally or not.
Survivor: Samoa Quote
10-17-2009 , 02:52 PM
wow, had no idea that they were given condoms every season
Survivor: Samoa Quote
10-17-2009 , 03:49 PM
I like the fact that this season got off the proverbial buss running & has kept us entertained in all the early episodes. The first 6/7 shows are usually boring as we get to the good stuff & whether by planning or accident I'm happy this season started with action.

I have good news & bad news.......I lost the breathing tube mouthpiece & didn't catch any fish. What was the good news again? Even without the breather (which they should be looking for - they float- they should be eating plenty of fish; what gives?
Survivor: Samoa Quote
10-17-2009 , 04:19 PM
man they need to try a season with like 3-4 episodes a week. i feel like we're missing so much information when i'm watching an episode (which makes it less enjoyable for me, but i still really do enjoy it). i guess the other shows that follow this format really spoiled me.
Survivor: Samoa Quote
10-17-2009 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by Chesskid1
man they need to try a season with like 3-4 episodes a week. i feel like we're missing so much information when i'm watching an episode (which makes it less enjoyable for me, but i still really do enjoy it). i guess the other shows that follow this format really spoiled me.
Well Big Brother is 3 episodes a week but theres a full week of content.

If you count a survivor "week" as 1 elimination, theres only 3 days of content.
Survivor: Samoa Quote
10-17-2009 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by g-bebe
wow, had no idea that they were given condoms every season
AFAIK there's never been any hanky panky during the show. Even when people were attracted to each other, they said they had zero sex drive because of being malnourished and smelly. Though, IIRC, Cirie accused a guy on her team of talking about how much he loved his wife/kids, then trying to grind on her during the night.
Survivor: Samoa Quote
10-18-2009 , 01:31 AM
Originally Posted by DeuceKicker
AFAIK there's never been any hanky panky during the show.
yea theres no way this is true
Survivor: Samoa Quote
10-18-2009 , 05:48 AM
Natalie would be sooooo good in porn
Survivor: Samoa Quote
10-18-2009 , 06:41 AM
Originally Posted by DeuceKicker
Though, IIRC, Cirie accused a guy on her team of talking about how much he loved his wife/kids, then trying to grind on her during the night.
Racist ban ldo. That was Ghandia, not Cirie.
Survivor: Samoa Quote
10-18-2009 , 06:49 AM
True, Cirie would have ripped his balls off instead of just whining about it.
Survivor: Samoa Quote
10-18-2009 , 05:14 PM
promo during nfl game "spoiled" who gets hurt

black russell, probst says its the scariest moment of his survivor career
Survivor: Samoa Quote
10-18-2009 , 07:22 PM
saw that

Survivor: Samoa Quote
10-18-2009 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by zer0
promo during nfl game "spoiled" who gets hurt

black russell, probst says its the scariest moment of his survivor career
yeah wtf

not that i really care (i read the big spoiler ffs) but that was a dick move imo
Survivor: Samoa Quote
10-18-2009 , 10:15 PM
When I see spoiler tags I always instantly click on them without even looking at the context of the warning.

Feel left out when seeing them.
Survivor: Samoa Quote
