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Survivor S32 - Kaoh Rong - Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty II - Feb 17 2016 Survivor S32 - Kaoh Rong - Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty II - Feb 17 2016

05-10-2016 , 11:33 PM
I never look at the guides, but thanks for the heads up!
Survivor S32 - Kaoh Rong - Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty II - Feb 17 2016 Quote
05-11-2016 , 04:06 AM
Im predicting that we have a cliffhanger tomorrow night.

Does the guide tell us if it's a final 2 or 3?
Or does it spoil something like who the finalists are
Survivor S32 - Kaoh Rong - Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty II - Feb 17 2016 Quote
05-11-2016 , 08:39 AM
Originally Posted by Jeremy517
Warning: Guide info for the 05/18 episode contains a spoiler for the 05/11 episode. I see it on Directv's guide, but I assume that it is the same for other providers.
I went and looked because I really don't care.

Direct TV's listing is not the same as the regular TV Guide listing oddly which means it might not be accurate.

It gives a hint about who might or might not be voted out tonight but doesn't mention anyone by name and doesn't say if it will be F3 or F2. I would avoid it but it's not that bad.

And once this episode if over it's totally non-spoilerish.
Survivor S32 - Kaoh Rong - Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty II - Feb 17 2016 Quote
05-11-2016 , 09:13 AM
Originally Posted by esad
It gives a hint about who might or might not be voted out tonight but doesn't mention anyone by name and doesn't say if it will be F3 or F2. I would avoid it but it's not that bad..
Is it Mark?
Survivor S32 - Kaoh Rong - Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty II - Feb 17 2016 Quote
05-11-2016 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by esad
It gives a hint about who might or might not be voted out tonight but doesn't mention anyone by name and doesn't say if it will be F3 or F2. I would avoid it but it's not that bad.
It doesn't specifically say a name, but it guarantees that
won't be voted out tonight, as she's the only one left from that tribe.
Survivor S32 - Kaoh Rong - Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty II - Feb 17 2016 Quote
05-11-2016 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by Jeremy517
It doesn't specifically say a name, but it guarantees that
won't be voted out tonight, as she's the only one left from that tribe.
your top spoiler is a spoiler of the sub-spoiler

won't be voted out tonight, as she's
Survivor S32 - Kaoh Rong - Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty II - Feb 17 2016 Quote
05-11-2016 , 11:46 AM
Did not look at any of the spoilers already posted, but I heard what seems like a spoiler in a radio ad for tonight:

Radio preview made it almost 100% seem like there will be another medical evac tonight.
Survivor S32 - Kaoh Rong - Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty II - Feb 17 2016 Quote
05-11-2016 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
Did not look at any of the spoilers already posted, but I heard what seems like a spoiler in a radio ad for tonight:

Radio preview made it almost 100% seem like there will be another medical evac tonight.
Never believe the promos!!!!

The TV Listing for this episode alludes to something but I didn't read much into it. It's probably the same thing which means it's just misdirection.
Survivor S32 - Kaoh Rong - Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty II - Feb 17 2016 Quote
05-11-2016 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
Did not look at any of the spoilers already posted, but I heard what seems like a spoiler in a radio ad for tonight:

Radio preview made it almost 100% seem like there will be another medical evac tonight.
I've been confident there's another medical evacuation based on something from the initial promos. I think it said most medevacs in a season. So we need another.

My initial theory was the reason this season goes to f2 is because someone is medevac'd at the f4 immunity challenge, and they still go to tribal after.

If medevac'd at f5, then I don't really see why it would need to go to f2, but it's possible.

Also, gotta be Joe right?
Survivor S32 - Kaoh Rong - Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty II - Feb 17 2016 Quote
05-11-2016 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by housenuts
I've been confident there's another medical evacuation based on something from the initial promos. I think it said most medevacs in a season. So we need another.

My initial theory was the reason this season goes to f2 is because someone is medevac'd at the f4 immunity challenge, and they still go to tribal after.

If medevac'd at f5, then I don't really see why it would need to go to f2, but it's possible.

Also, gotta be Joe right?
I feel like it could be almost anyone given the bad skin infection thing going around that sent other players home. FWIW I happened to say to my wife last week that Tai looked to have a pretty nasty cut during one of his confessionals.
Survivor S32 - Kaoh Rong - Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty II - Feb 17 2016 Quote
05-11-2016 , 08:17 PM
Oh my god picking cydney is so bad from Aubrey
Survivor S32 - Kaoh Rong - Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty II - Feb 17 2016 Quote
05-11-2016 , 08:19 PM
Survivor S32 - Kaoh Rong - Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty II - Feb 17 2016 Quote
05-11-2016 , 08:19 PM
LUL challenge rules. LUL Joe.
Survivor S32 - Kaoh Rong - Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty II - Feb 17 2016 Quote
05-11-2016 , 08:27 PM
i dont know if its because english isnt his first language, but tai comes off as the biggest idiot we've had in this game in a long while
Survivor S32 - Kaoh Rong - Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty II - Feb 17 2016 Quote
05-11-2016 , 08:33 PM
Aubrey is all over the place jesus
Survivor S32 - Kaoh Rong - Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty II - Feb 17 2016 Quote
05-11-2016 , 08:39 PM
838 and no immunity challenge.

Survivor S32 - Kaoh Rong - Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty II - Feb 17 2016 Quote
05-11-2016 , 08:39 PM
rut roh aubry if joe goes
Survivor S32 - Kaoh Rong - Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty II - Feb 17 2016 Quote
05-11-2016 , 08:43 PM
Cydney with the clutch final 5 dayvig
Survivor S32 - Kaoh Rong - Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty II - Feb 17 2016 Quote
05-11-2016 , 08:45 PM
does nothing whole game

finally wins immunity

can't take a **** and goes home

Survivor S32 - Kaoh Rong - Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty II - Feb 17 2016 Quote
05-11-2016 , 08:46 PM
i guess we now know how MICHELE wins
Survivor S32 - Kaoh Rong - Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty II - Feb 17 2016 Quote
05-11-2016 , 08:46 PM
Medevac at F5 is the worst
Survivor S32 - Kaoh Rong - Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty II - Feb 17 2016 Quote
05-11-2016 , 08:50 PM
lol Joe
Survivor S32 - Kaoh Rong - Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty II - Feb 17 2016 Quote
05-11-2016 , 08:50 PM
Death by Satay

<--should have had the chicken
Survivor S32 - Kaoh Rong - Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty II - Feb 17 2016 Quote
05-11-2016 , 08:55 PM
So presumably Tai's idol is now useless. When was the last time we went an entire season without a HII being played? Has it ever happened since they were introduced?
Survivor S32 - Kaoh Rong - Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty II - Feb 17 2016 Quote
05-11-2016 , 08:58 PM
lol if the 3 idiots dont vote out Aubrey next
Survivor S32 - Kaoh Rong - Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty II - Feb 17 2016 Quote
