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Survivor: One World Survivor: One World

04-19-2012 , 03:06 AM
she's still a goddess of fire
Survivor: One World Quote
04-19-2012 , 03:09 AM
Originally Posted by exoendo
yeah he had 4 chances, twice didn't even make the jury, and the last time he was put on a show where even if he was voted out he would still have a chance to get back in, surrounded by an incredibly dumb tribe that was also partially thrilled to play with an F-list celebrity and didn't want to send him home right away. Most overrated survivor player by a long shot.
I totally agree with this.

How those people even let him get close to the end the last time completely astonished me. He won more because they were complete idiots than anything he did.

IMO, Kim is a much stronger player than Boston Rob.
Survivor: One World Quote
04-19-2012 , 03:42 AM
Originally Posted by exoendo
yeah he had 4 chances, twice didn't even make the jury, and the last time he was put on a show where even if he was voted out he would still have a chance to get back in, surrounded by an incredibly dumb tribe that was also partially thrilled to play with an F-list celebrity and didn't want to send him home right away. Most overrated survivor player by a long shot.
The flip side is that he really won ~twice and he played great on HvV, only getting voted out because someone else in his alliance did something really stupid. Watch starting at 2:30 and try to tell me Rob did anything wrong. He knows exactly what they're going to do, what needs to be done, and someone else ****s it up. You only have so much control in Survivor, even when you do everything right. I mean Kim is playing mother ****iing incredible right now, and she could have easily gone home the past two weeks. It's the nature of the game.

Also, it's not like Rob is the only person to have played with dumb people. Look at Kim with the guys this year, or Parvati and Cirie on Micronesia when they got Erik to give up immunity. No really, think back to that. It's hard to put into words how ****ing stupid that was. Does that mean they aren't great players? No, of course they are. It's just part of the game, and Survivor casts dumb players every season, so it would be unfair to Rob to take credit away from him for taking advantage of something that other great players have and will continue to take advantage of. (pawns)

On top of that, Rob dominated, and I mean DOMINATED an all star season, and then played well on what was essentially another all star season. By the first episode he had the man with the biggest ego of all time (Coach) crushing on him like a little school girl, and Sandra was talking about how much she loves Rob and how good he is. So lets not act like the only time Rob has ever played well is when he was with a bunch of droolers, because it's not accurate at all. Oh yea, and the whole being an F- celebrity thing and lack of anonymity can also work against him, so it's pretty unfair to act like it's a given that he should do well in those conditions.

And I don't think it matters much that he's been on the show 4 times. Parvati has played 3 times and didn't finish well her first time, Cirie has played the game 3 times and never finished better than 3rd, and both of them are great players. If we're just going off how they finish then Fabio and Natalie from Samoa should be ranked higher than Parvati and Cirie, but they're not, because there's way more to it than that, and Rob has played great every time since coming back to play on All Stars.

Originally Posted by Soncy
I'm violating a rule here... He pretty much won on his second try AND got the girl.

Last edited by jmill; 04-19-2012 at 04:09 AM.
Survivor: One World Quote
04-19-2012 , 04:18 AM
lol...Kat has got to be the funniest person ever on Survivor. Her looks of total confusion are priceless.
Survivor: One World Quote
04-19-2012 , 04:42 AM
- Don't really know why Troyzan didn't just bid $500 in the challenge advantage thingy.
- I wanted Alicia and Christina to flip sooo much today. The only good thing is that it seems Alicia knows where she's at and she just delayed her flip. I really hope next week they flip on kim because if her alliance actually eliminate troyzan I won't even be watching the next few eps.
- I actually muted Alicia when she was reading her mail. Anyone would be a bit likeable in that position and I didn't want to hate her any less.
- I don't mind Troyzan's cocky attitude, but I think the best thing is just stay quiet atm. he's still got a long road ahead and there's no need to get cocky this early. That said, I'm rooting for him. I liked how he showed respect for Kim and said how good of a player she was as he was voting.

Last edited by KansasCT; 04-19-2012 at 04:59 AM.
Survivor: One World Quote
04-19-2012 , 04:54 AM
Originally Posted by KansasCT
- Don't really know why Troyzan didn't just bid $500 in the challenge advantage thingy.
- I wanted Alicia and Christina to flip sooo much today. The only good thing is that it seems Alicia knows where she's at and she just delayed her flip. I really hope next week the flip on kim because if her alliance actually eliminate troyzan i won't even be watching the next few eps.
- I actually muted Alicia when she was reading her mail. Anyone would be a bit likeable in that position and I didn't want to hate her any less.
- I don't mind Troyzan's cocky attitude, but I think the best thing is just stay quiet atm. he's still got a long road ahead and there's no need to get cocky this early. That said, I'm rooting for him. I liked how he showed respect for Kim and said how good of a player she was as he was voting.
Solid post. I didn't mention the bolded since it didn't end up mattering, but that was definitely weird. If you're willing to bid that much for the immunity help, why not just bid the amount that guarantees you get it. Maybe he knows a guy that can get his shocks fixed for $80.
Survivor: One World Quote
04-19-2012 , 05:21 AM
Originally Posted by Spike Forehand
Yes - thanks to cash mahne for running. The "can only answer a name once" was a nice wrinkle that provided more variance.
+1 - One name only made the choices a lot tougher.

Originally Posted by wetleg
Chelsea and Sabrina make comments tonight that piss Troyzan off. Kim doesn't say anything. She's got this locked up.
I obviously haven't drunk enough kool-aid yet.

In 2 hours of tribal I seriously doubt she didn't say anything, why we weren't shown her responses is more interesting.

It seems to have escaped a few people, but Kim could have played her HII after 'Troyzans' idol was played without risk. Not a GOAT move, but a sensible one.

Kim looks like the winner, but we were shown pretty clearly that the others know shes a leader and she is still vulnerable. If it weren't Christina and Alicia as bottom 2 of the womens alliance I think we'd see a definite flip.

Here's hoping that we get a good reward challenge that splits the girls up next week.
Survivor: One World Quote
04-19-2012 , 05:30 AM
If Kim wasn't on the radar before the last to TCs, she has to be now....

Only problem with the last 2 weeks, is to pull everything off, she just about had to show her hand.... Basically Troyzan tipped everyone off to exactly what was going on.

But, this group is probably to dumb to even see that writing on the wall.

All 6 women act as if they are all in a good spot. I can't figure how any of them don't figure that they are probably in the bottom of that alliance....
Survivor: One World Quote
04-19-2012 , 07:21 AM
Originally Posted by Jedi Speed Racer
His 2nd place finish on the second try was all based on a lie to a close friend. He did a scumbag move to supposedly his boy.
Future bitter, butthurt Survivor contestant ITT...
Survivor: One World Quote
04-19-2012 , 07:37 AM
Originally Posted by Jedi Speed Racer
His 2nd place finish on the second try was all based on a lie to a close friend. He did a scumbag move to supposedly his boy.

1:30, Lex saying that he's willing to lie to a friend right after Jerry says how much she trusts him and likes him

Originally Posted by bazooka87
Somebody LIED on Survivor?!?!!?!?

Originally Posted by Jedi Speed Racer
Kat showing she's one of the smarter ppl on this island
Survivor: One World Quote
04-19-2012 , 08:00 AM
It's funny how comfortable Kim is at every tribal. I think she has the bottom of the alliance all wrapped around her finger. It feels like she has a few more deals going on with the other players that are not the the foursome or at least made a really good case why Troyzan needs to be dealt with first or no female wins because of the all-male jury.

I just love food auctions. It's just a guarantee for chaos every single time.
The irradical bidding strategy, the way almost all players lose their poker face and their cool.
I don't think many players get that there's a lot of strategy to it of who do you bet against, what items to take and when to keep a low profile.
Kim played that very cool. She chose very carefully which players to big against and which players to stay away from and stole two items for cheap.
First she gave up the shake to fake-boobs for cheap and I think she even thanked her.
And seriously, 400$ for nachos and a tiny ****-tail?
Then she bought a shower for FORTY bucks. That's a total steal in a tribe with plenty of women.
Then it appeared like it was Alicia's own fault not to get the peanut butter. She even laughted about it and she defused the situation with a funny comment from the shower.
How can you not love Kat. I just love how real her emotions come across. I think it's her child-like innocencene that make her such good tv.
You can really feel that she's having fun out there and she's not getting worked up about the drama that's going on around her and I also think that she understands that it's a game, therefore, she's not getting all emotional attached to a sent-off or takes every single comment too serious.
Troyzan really dug his own grave. I guess he's just too emotional to really go to the top in this game. If you try to flip somebody, at least give them the choice who they want to vote out. Give them a feeling of superiority and make they feel like you're giving them a the opportunity to further themselves. Does it really make a difference for Troyzan which of the foursome goes first?
I think Leif must be a really really boring person. If there was some entertainment value to him I believe the editors would've shown every single scene of it.
I guess I wasn't a million miles of when I gave him the nickname "Boring Peter Dinklage". He was a real disappointment and one of the most quiet departure episode solidifies that fact. Usually you get at least some major screen-time during your send-off episode but I can barely remember any confessionals he had this episode.
Survivor: One World Quote
04-19-2012 , 08:03 AM
Lol auctions - how do they work...amazingly, it was Kat that said to Christina when bidding for the advantage to just bid 500 (but it was better for Christina to not win it).

I actually like Chelsea's and Kat's position in the game. Juries gonna juries and be butthurt at Kim (especially Alicia) and therefore any anti-Kim votes would probably go to Chelsea or Kat if Chelsea isn't around.
Survivor: One World Quote
04-19-2012 , 08:22 AM
Originally Posted by JackTrumper
I actually like Chelsea's and Kat's position in the game. Juries gonna juries and be butthurt at Kim (especially Alicia) and therefore any anti-Kim votes would probably go to Chelsea or Kat if Chelsea isn't around.
We don't know all the behind the scenes stuff, but I think Kat wins between the 2. Chelsea could be tarnished by her friendship with Kim.

There seem to be only 2 things to watch any more this season.

1. Is there any way to get Kim out of the game? It looks less and less likely each week.

2. Can the dominant player win FTC? IMO, Kim is way less a lock to get the votes than people itt think. It's only happened 3 times that I can remember (Hatch, Boston Rob, Heidek).
Survivor: One World Quote
04-19-2012 , 08:27 AM
Wait, people think Boston Rob lost all-stars? And lol at merge/pre-merge being a measuring stick.
Survivor: One World Quote
04-19-2012 , 08:29 AM
If Kat was to win she would instantly join the ranks of worst ever winners. She is the perfect combination of dumber than dirt, devoid of strategy and pointless coat-tailer.
Survivor: One World Quote
04-19-2012 , 08:34 AM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
If Kat was to win she would instantly join the ranks of worst ever winners. She is the perfect combination of dumber than dirt, devoid of strategy and pointless coat-tailer.
Survivor: One World Quote
04-19-2012 , 08:43 AM
Originally Posted by Cardfish1
We don't know all the behind the scenes stuff, but I think Kat wins between the 2. Chelsea could be tarnished by her friendship with Kim.

There seem to be only 2 things to watch any more this season.

1. Is there any way to get Kim out of the game? It looks less and less likely each week.

2. Can the dominant player win FTC? IMO, Kim is way less a lock to get the votes than people itt think. It's only happened 3 times that I can remember (Hatch, Boston Rob, Heidek).
I'm not sure how many people ITT actually think she's a lock to get the votes. I think she's playing phenomenally, but I don't consider her a lock to get the votes if she makes it to the end.

I also think you can make a case for Tom/Todd/Yul all being pretty dominant in their seasons.

* I realize Yul had the absurd idol, but he still had to get the votes
Survivor: One World Quote
04-19-2012 , 08:45 AM
Yeah, I forgot about Tom. I wouldn't really put Yul in that category.
Survivor: One World Quote
04-19-2012 , 08:50 AM
I can't remember what was the deal with Yul's idol?
Survivor: One World Quote
04-19-2012 , 08:52 AM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
I can't remember what was the deal with Yul's idol?
Could use it after the votes were read out IIRC
Survivor: One World Quote
04-19-2012 , 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by zomg
Could use it after the votes were read out IIRC
Oh right. Lol.
Survivor: One World Quote
04-19-2012 , 09:44 AM
Kim confesses to Troyzan

I'm surprised this scene didn't make the cut.
Survivor: One World Quote
04-19-2012 , 10:03 AM
I would also put Earl, JT and Parvati in the dominant winners category. I don't see why you wouldn't include Yul, after flipping Penner he dominated the post-merge game.
Survivor: One World Quote
04-19-2012 , 10:35 AM
Earl I feel is hard to put as dominating as I felt him and Yau were collaborative in the domination of that season.
Survivor: One World Quote
04-19-2012 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by housenuts
sabrina's antics during IC when troyzan says "this is my island you cannot take it!" is pretty funny for avatar
Survivor: One World Quote
