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04-28-2022 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by housenuts
Nah you vote them out and get fake canceled by cbs/woke fans. No one will remember in 2 months.
This, in 2 episodes from now the game will just continue as usual, I have no doubts.

I kind of get everyone's position here though. You're tired, cold, hungry af and you get emotional. Real life issues come out, you can't help but make it a big deal. Jonathan's reaction was justified but I liked that he backed off after making his point.

Both Maryanne and Drea playing their idols after realizing they handcuffed others was a fair & good solution. Can't imagine what a complete shitshow this could've been if, say Tori, was the one with an idol and Maryanne was supposed to go home that day.
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04-28-2022 , 09:51 PM
It's just bizarre that this all came just from seeing that Rocksroy was voted out. Drea and Maryann both come across as borderline unstable to me. Maryann seems almost manic much of the time.

I get that black people experience racism, and that sucks, but that's not a free pass for seeing it EVERYWHERE. Several black people have won Survivor, Wendell and Jeremy fairly recently. Is there some actual data to show black people get voted out faster than the average contestants on this show? If not then they are crying racism over a sample size of 2.

Not to mention even making it to the jury means, by default, you weren't voted out early.

I guess you can chalk it up to them being tired and hungry and freezing, but the whole thing was very strange. I'm sure Jeff loved every minute of it.
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04-29-2022 , 12:10 AM
Vecepia, Earl, Jeremy, Wendell
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04-29-2022 , 12:34 AM
Originally Posted by VTChess

What an awkward position for people like Jonathan to be in. .
Oh did they face a little awkward moment? Boo-hoo. These people face actual oppression
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
04-29-2022 , 01:53 AM
The way they showed everything made it seem to me like Drea was visibly upset from the get-go, and only once she dove into it did Maryanne jump on. Maybe I'm drawing links between Maryanne's immaturity and echoing someone else's thoughts, but Drea has seemed like a pretty composed and thoughtful person and I agree with tarheels that it was genuine and well-intentioned.

It really does raise a bunch of very unique questions in the context of the game. I'm not sure it won't have some effect on the next several votes.

I would have shot out of my seat if Jeff had unrolled that paper and it read "SAFE" for Tori. Would have been the all-time gut punch of Survivor history for Lindsay. Sitting there pretty much lock safe, vote-wise, and then gets shown the door from the shot in the dark after all that.

It also ruined the SITD as well due to the nature of them publicly discussing the vote. Tori gets a free and GTO use of it.
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04-29-2022 , 02:56 AM
I didnt mind them not voting. But the whole mechanic breaks down.
What if Tori had an idol there? How is she supposed to act?
What if Lindsay had an idol or if Jon had an idol and may or may not use it on Lindsay?
The vote is just necessary

She will be a dumb trivia answer about going home with no votes or some nerdshit
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04-29-2022 , 03:06 AM
What if lindsay has an idol nullifier, a thing that exists.
What if Tori had the knowledge is power thing?
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04-29-2022 , 06:22 AM
Originally Posted by Soncy
Vecepia, Earl, Jeremy, Wendell
Didn't Cirie win one of her many seasons too, or am i misremembering?

Either way, there have definitely been many great black contestants in the past. I wonder if they also feel this same oppression in real life, or if their personalities can mostly overcome that.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
04-29-2022 , 06:37 AM
For me I thought Drea was already spooked about what was going to go down and with all the stuff in her bag to play, she was ready to put something to use. When she saw Rocksroy it put her paranoia over the top. (rightfully so)

but anyways basically +1 to all of this

Originally Posted by tarheels2222
What happened tonight is not fair to a single person in that cast, regardless of skin color.

I respect Survivor for continually attempting to bring awareness to social injustice.

However, what I don’t respect is controversy being created without basis.

Two of Chanelle’s elimination votes last week were from Drea and Rocks. Get the ***** out of here.

Additionally, Drea and Maryanne had not a clue what led to the first TC voting out Rocks. They weren’t apart of that TC discussion

I’m glad they played idols and didn’t put Jonathan, Lindsay and Tori in a position of having to potentially vote for either of them. However, it still ruined the strategy and spirit of that second TC.

I believe the emotions that Drea and Maryanne displayed were raw, genuine, and well intentioned. But I also believe they were misguided and unfair to the rest of the players in the game, who to this point, have all been full of class and integrity based on what we’ve seen.
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04-29-2022 , 07:26 AM
Originally Posted by Soncy
Vecepia, Earl, Jeremy, Wendell
Please do not post these racist facts.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
04-29-2022 , 09:07 AM
Originally Posted by revots33
I get that black people experience racism, and that sucks, but that's not a free pass for seeing it EVERYWHERE.
The problem is that often - enough so that it might as well be practically treated as always - they don't have the luxury of not being aware that they may be treated differently because of race.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
04-29-2022 , 10:14 AM
I think Drea made it pretty clear she didn't want to see it as racism, didn't think any of the current cast are racist, but it just triggered certain feelings that have been there her whole life. I think that's also what set off Maryanne, once she made the connection those feelings also popped up for her.

She seemed more in pain about the fact that she gets these feelings despite her genuinely liking her cast mates than the actual fact that 2 black people were voted out first.

I dunno, I hate woke survivor but this tribal didn't bother me at all, as long as we can put the issue to rest and continue playing the game moving forward.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
04-29-2022 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by Didace
The problem is that often - enough so that it might as well be practically treated as always - they don't have the luxury of not being aware that they may be treated differently because of race.
Yeah I get it. I'm not trying to deny her feelings or personal experience. It is just odd that she could look over and happen to see Rocks sitting there, and immediately be triggered to that extent. Whereas if it was Romeo for ex., she would have been fine. That seems way too fine a line to be triggered like that. I'm sure hunger/fatigue/cold played into it. At any rate, as a white person I obv. can't speak to her lifetime of experiences so I am not trying to negate them.

Imagine the team draw fell out differently and Drea was on the other group of 5 instead of Mike. Would she have had a problem voting for Rocksroy if that was how the rest of the tribe was voting and she knew it would make her safe? I tend to doubt it, especially since she voted for Chanelle the week before.

Also it's ironic that it was the three minority gay guys who banded together to vote out Rocksroy. Mike was the only one who didn't seem to want to vote for him (although I guess he did in the end).
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
04-29-2022 , 12:06 PM
Also now that I think about it I'm not really sure about Mike's ethnicity. I thought he might be an Italian guy but he could also be Hispanic or even black.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
04-29-2022 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
Also now that I think about it I'm not really sure about Mike's ethnicity. I thought he might be an Italian guy but he could also be Hispanic or even black.
He's a privileged Puerto Rican.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
04-29-2022 , 12:50 PM
I guess the larger issue I have is that feelings are not facts, and so people should not be forced to respect feelings as if they were facts.

The facts say that 7 people went home before Chanelle (6 voted out, Jackson medically removed). By my count: 5 white, 1 Asian, and 1 Indian. So how in the world could race be a factor when 2 black people happen to be voted out after 6 non-black people were already voted out before them? 4 black contestants total, and they all made the merge, all made the jury.

The facts just don't support her feelings, and it bothers me when we have to pretend they do in order to not appear racist or insensitive. Part of the problems in the world these days is that people now equate feelings with facts.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
04-29-2022 , 01:41 PM
I think Drea has the social awareness to know something was off and she was on the wrong side of the numbers in the 5 person tribe.

Doing the vote in public made absolutely 0 sense and 100x when there is the stupid shot in the dark dynamic at play. Massive overreach for Jeff for seemingly no reason.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
04-29-2022 , 03:00 PM
Since Probst allows idols to be played at the start of tribal, if you're worried about your idol being stolen from some power, seems best to just hand it to Probst to play it at the start of tribal.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
04-29-2022 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
Also it's ironic that it was the three minority gay guys who banded together to vote out Rocksroy. Mike was the only one who didn't seem to want to vote for him (although I guess he did in the end).
Omar is not gay lol
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
04-29-2022 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by housenuts
Nah you vote them out and get fake canceled by cbs/woke fans. No one will remember in 2 months.
Thing is - for us it's a few weeks. For the cast, it's going to literally be a day or two between this tribal and next, and you can bet there's going to be plenty of discussion about it in the intervening days. Just imagine that they go back from tribal and Tori is gone; tribe 2 updates everyone that Maryanne and Drea played their idols because they felt triggered seeing multiple black contestants eliminated. Everyone is suitably somber about what happened and much conversation about it occurs.

The next day, there's an immunity challenge. One of the non black contestants win.

Is there any universe in which any white contestant feels comfortable going up to anyone else and saying "we should vote off Maryanne/Drea" without being hyper aware that it's going to be possibly perceived as racist? It's at least the next vote and probably the next couple.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
04-29-2022 , 03:56 PM
Also - no clue why Lindsay wouldn't also play her shot in the dark last night.
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04-29-2022 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
I get that black people experience racism, and that sucks, but that's not a free pass for seeing it EVERYWHERE.
Guess this is the end result when the media constantly hammers on about black lives matter and "black people are all being killed by cops at higher rates than others," and crap that statistically isn't even accurate.

The current black contestants completely forgot all the black winners in the history of this game, because it doesn't fit *the narrative*. The current media narrative is that blacks are victims, therefore these black players got voted out cuz they're black. It's the "only explanation".... when you're fed media narratives all day, and believe them.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
04-29-2022 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by Punker
Also - no clue why Lindsay wouldn't also play her shot in the dark last night.
Can you only play it once?
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
04-29-2022 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by El Rata
Omar is not gay lol
Really? That is bizarre I honestly thought I remembered him saying he was. Definitely possible that I just made a faulty assumption.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
04-29-2022 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by NotReddBoiler
Can you only play it once?
Pretty sure you can play it any time. Maybe Lindsey wasn't sure if she'd need her own vote to have enough to definitely get Tori out? Did they draw for the SITD before or after the other 3 verbally voted for Tori?
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