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***Official*** LOST Final Season Discussion, Episode 8 ***Official*** LOST Final Season Discussion, Episode 8

03-18-2010 , 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Also worth saying again that every single character (so far) has had a better life in the world without Jacob than the one with him all things considered.
Obviously people who are not in highly dangerous/traumatic/drama intense situations are going to have "better" lives assuming you define "better" to mean not having those things.
03-18-2010 , 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by TheHip41
maybe ban them from the threads too?
Good idea. People who just whine about every episode make these thread practically unreadable.
03-18-2010 , 09:56 AM
Originally Posted by TheHip41
This is true. But I'm just saying that Sawyer's character is evil in the sense that he is a sociopath. Not a murderer like Sayid, but still on the evil side of the equation. Just like Kate is a sociopath.
Sawyer isn't a sociopath. He's TRYING to be a sociopath to escape from his pain, but that doesn't mean he is one, and the fact that he truly does care for others comes out quite regularly.
03-18-2010 , 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by AlexM
Sawyer isn't a sociopath. He's TRYING to be a sociopath to escape from his pain, but that doesn't mean he is one, and the fact that he truly does care for others comes out quite regularly.
Then why does he run all these cons? He feels bad about it sometimes, but he still is a huge douche.
03-18-2010 , 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by TomCollins
Then why does he run all these cons? He feels bad about it sometimes, but he still is a huge douche.
The way I read the definition of "sociopath" is that he would never feel bad about it. Like Tony Soprano is a sociopath. He doesn't feel for other people or only puts on a show that he does. Sawyer isn't like that.
03-18-2010 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by SoulPower
So, assuming that Widmore is against Flocke because of the sonic fence thing and assuming there are only two sides to align with (Flocke and Jacob), how does that explain the battle between Ben and Widmore? Ben was clearly aligned with Jacob. I guess they couldn't kill each other because they were both candidates and I might be missing something big, but it sure never seemed like they were fighting for the same thing.
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Ben was on the same side as Jacob for all of the past 27 years
Originally Posted by ZBTHorton
I'm not sure Flocke was already thinking Ben could kill Jacob for him. That seems like a reach, but who knows.

"Ben was being manipulated by smokey and put on smokey's side from the moment he saw his mom's "ghost" as a child. (On the other hand, how did smokey get past the sonic fence to become Ben's mom in Dharmatown? Plothole?) All part of the chain of events that led to Widmore getting booted from the island and Ben taking his place."

In other words, Widmore has been on Jacob's side and Ben on MiB's from the start.

Though really they're probably both just pawns that are potentially usable by either.
03-18-2010 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by AlexM

"Ben was being manipulated by smokey and put on smokey's side from the moment he saw his mom's "ghost" as a child. (On the other hand, how did smokey get past the sonic fence to become Ben's mom in Dharmatown? Plothole?) All part of the chain of events that led to Widmore getting booted from the island and Ben taking his place."

In other words, Widmore has been on Jacob's side and Ben on MiB's from the start.

Though really they're probably both just pawns that are potentially usable by either.
Ben ran outside the fence and saw him.
03-18-2010 , 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by AlexM
The way I read the definition of "sociopath" is that he would never feel bad about it. Like Tony Soprano is a sociopath. He doesn't feel for other people or only puts on a show that he does. Sawyer isn't like that.
You are correct. Sawyer is most definitely not a sociopath. A good example of this is when I think it was the finale of season 2 he went back to help Jin/Sayid at the beach when he could just as easily have continued trekking to the tower with Jack and the rest of the gang.
03-18-2010 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by TomCollins
Ben ran outside the fence and saw him.
No his mom first appeared at his window in Dharma town.
03-18-2010 , 11:09 AM
There are a lot of those type of "ghostlike" apparitions (Walt, Christian, Ben's Mom, etc...) that I don't think we can be 100% certain were smokey taking that form. It would seem that way, but there are a lot of inconsistencies with all of those for them all to be smokey.
03-18-2010 , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by Semtex
No his mom first appeared at his window in Dharma town.
Didn't remember that part, only when he went into the woods.

The only explanation that makes sense is that the fence was disabled or that it was a hallucination.
03-18-2010 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by TomCollins
Didn't remember that part, only when he went into the woods.

The only explanation that makes sense is that the fence was disabled or that it was a hallucination.
Or that it was a real ghost or that it was Jacob or that it was the island or who knows what else...

Or maybe MiB can project an image sometimes. Who knows?
03-18-2010 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by AlexM
Or that it was a real ghost or that it was Jacob or that it was the island or who knows what else...

Or maybe MiB can project an image sometimes. Who knows?
Right, all of those things are possibilities too. We'll probably never get an answer.
03-18-2010 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by Fyte On
Surprised so many people are so sure there's a person locked in the sub. I only saw it the once but that door seemed too small.
small door = small person. further support for my ji yeon theory.
03-18-2010 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by TomCollins
Didn't remember that part, only when he went into the woods.

The only explanation that makes sense is that the fence was disabled or that it was a hallucination.
IIRC after seeing his mom at his window he runs off to the fence and sees her again on the other side and she says "not yet" or something. later he turns off the fence and runs into the jungle and meets richard.

i'm not sure they knew where they were going with these ghostly apparitions (walt etc) when they were writing them. now they're explainable as mib, but the fact that he could get through the fence seems to be a plot hole.
03-18-2010 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by cres
Sawyer is a bunco cop in the alternate timeline. His chosen profession is a cover to continue the search for his fathers con man. I don't think he thinks or cares about criminals that don't fit his field.
More to the point, he didn't want anyone to know he was in Australia or at the airport, so he wasn't about to do anything official there. So he let Kate go.
03-18-2010 , 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
The sonar fence make it all but a lock that they arent on the same side.
^this. i hope we get an explanation as to how/why the sonar fence keeps Smokey out. kudos on Widmore's style. i hope there is an ep on Widmore assaulting the church (lamppost?) to find where the Island is!

Originally Posted by GrandmaStabone
Really weak episode and I rarely say that.

Jacob and MiB are brothers. Book it.
surprised no one is talking about MiB mentioning his "mother". do you think he was referring to his alien mother or earthly mother? i like the 'Brothers' theory, except now i think that MiB is Faraday, trapped in the loop of space and time for all eternity. i think there is a good chance that the reason the MiBs name is not known is because it is a huge "shocker."

Originally Posted by TomCollins
First Episode(s) - very very good
Locke's - pretty good

The rest- meh.

Oh well, the next one should be very good.
really Tom? even Dr Linus?

Originally Posted by RacersEdge

it's not that the flash sideways are irrelevant, but they devote waay too much time to them - do we really have to sit through Sawyer's story again?

please no heart wrenching scenes between Charlie and his brother about his heroin addiction..

the Richard one next week better rock

I did like the Tina Fey vibe that beach chick had going
help! someone explain why i don't understand this! because it pertains to the Enhanced Episodes i'll ask in spoilers! (also FYI i don't think its fair to name the next week's episode itt...)

the Enhanced episode refers to the Flash Sideways as "what would've happened if Flight 815 hadn't crashed...." but obv this isn't the case! (ie the differences...Jack's kid, etc" what don't I understand?!
03-18-2010 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by donniccolo
^this. i hope we get an explanation as to how/why the sonar fence keeps Smokey out. kudos on Widmore's style. i hope there is an ep on Widmore assaulting the church (lamppost?) to find where the Island is!

surprised no one is talking about MiB mentioning his "mother". do you think he was referring to his alien mother or earthly mother? i like the 'Brothers' theory, except now i think that MiB is Faraday, trapped in the loop of space and time for all eternity. i think there is a good chance that the reason the MiBs name is not known is because it is a huge "shocker."

really Tom? even Dr Linus?

help! someone explain why i don't understand this! because it pertains to the Enhanced Episodes i'll ask in spoilers! (also FYI i don't think its fair to name the next week's episode itt...)

the Enhanced episode refers to the Flash Sideways as "what would've happened if Flight 815 hadn't crashed...." but obv this isn't the case! (ie the differences...Jack's kid, etc" what don't I understand?!
Dr. Linus was entertaining as a standalone episode. It was well acted, but not that well written, and the story was mostly irrelevant. It wasn't a fantastic episode, but it wasn't horrible. The plot holes distracted me. It certainly is the best of the ones I didn't mention. Perhaps the first episode set my expectations too high since it was pretty damn awesome.
03-18-2010 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by AlexM
Obviously people who are not in highly dangerous/traumatic/drama intense situations are going to have "better" lives assuming you define "better" to mean not having those things.
Hurley isnt "cursed". Jack has a kid. Dogen got to be with his kid who is alive. Sawyer is a cop and not a conman. Miles knows his dad and is a cop instead of a psychic. Charlotte is still alive, as is Ethan, Ben's Dad and Alex. Ben isnt quite getting the great life but it is clearly better as an under loved teacher than an over hated former leader on a magic island.

Also surprised there isnt much discussion that we now know for a fact that the bomb going off didnt kill a bunch of people on the side island since Mile's dad wasnt on the sub that left and if im not mistaken he was near where the bomb went off and left with the other workers.

This means there was time for the Others to evacuate too, perhaps even a lot longer than we expect between the island being where it was when the bomb went off and where it ended up underwater.
03-18-2010 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Hurley isnt "cursed". Jack has a kid. Dogen got to be with his kid who is alive. Sawyer is a cop and not a conman. Miles knows his dad and is a cop instead of a psychic. Charlotte is still alive, as is Ethan, Ben's Dad and Alex. Ben isnt quite getting the great life but it is clearly better as an under loved teacher than an over hated former leader on a magic island.
Picking just one of these, Sawyer was a cop and not a con man in 2004, but a change in job isn't a change in person and he was just as tortured about his past. In Timeline A though, he had a wonderful 3 years with Juliet and resolved his issues with Anthony cooper. Yes, Juliet's dead now, but better to have loved and lost. He's better off in the original timeline IMO.
03-18-2010 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by AlexM
Picking just one of these, Sawyer was a cop and not a con man in 2004, but a change in job isn't a change in person and he was just as tortured about his past. In Timeline A though, he had a wonderful 3 years with Juliet and resolved his issues with Anthony cooper. Yes, Juliet's dead now, but better to have loved and lost. He's better off in the original timeline IMO.
He's still got 3 years extra in the original time line. A lot can happen in 3 years.
03-18-2010 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by daryn
haha pretty funny that rushmore comes in w/ his theory which he specifically states he has not found anywhere on the internet, then dom comes in and posts the same theory but super detailed.
Yeah, that sort of sucked.

It's just that while I was watching the other night, I had this weird epiphany, and I immediately came and searched (faraday, man in black) and did not find, yet now i see the entry in lostpedia and the one dom linked.


I felt like Charlie in Willie Wonka, finding the Golden Ticket.

Now I'm just in bed with my Grandpa again.

But that's a different story altogether.
03-18-2010 , 01:30 PM
i still don't get the reasoning for faraday being mib though.
03-18-2010 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by daryn
i still don't get the reasoning for faraday being mib though.

i didn't read that page ppl are referring to, but i've been thinking about it.

We don't know MiB name, so we are assuming it's someone we know.
Faraday is someone we know who we haven't seen in Alt ville.
Faraday had a crazy mother.
Faraday's character, like Desmond, seems like it knows more than he should.

Other than that, I'm curious to see how it plays out, since Faraday being the MiB, AND it making sense would probably be enough for the naysayers here to get on board.
03-18-2010 , 02:11 PM
I think Faraday is such a catalyst in the entire equation, and that he was the one who has had the greatest effect on pretty much everything, having developed the means by which to actually sort of interact with the island (time travel), and you have Eloise Hawking (definitely bonkers) and Widmore...

It is not unreasonable to believe that Faraday might have made even more discoveries, pushed by his mother and by his own need to undo so many perceived wrongs.

Sorry, regardless, most of you guys have forgotten more about LOST than I have ever known.

So call it a hunch. Say "Math is idiotic." Whatever.
