Originally Posted by ChiddyBang
Len is wow bad. How is he still allowed to practice, ridiculous. Railroading a ******ed kid unbelievable.
As someone else mentioned, this type of "lawyering" is 100% standard for public defenders. You disbar this guy, you have to disbar most of the others.
1.) You probably are bottom 5% talent-wise if you are a career public defender.
2.) The system has to keep grinding, and your workload is impossible. You are measured on closing cases, not on getting acquittals.
3.) It's a small town, and you have to work with the same DAs for decades. Realistically, you are part of THEIR team, playing a kabuki role as a "defense" lawyer.
4.) The vast majority of your clients are guilty morons who have very little chance at trial, and the best you can do is plea them out.
5.) If there's a confession, your job is basically done.
It would take a special sort of person to overcome all of that to help one inbred borderline-******ed kid from a family that everybody hates.
Now... all that said, I still strongly dislike this guy. I'd hope for SOME little spark of responsibility to kick in at SOME point. But it never did. He was going to continue with the kabuki theater no matter what.
And, to be completely fair, the kid WAS convicted, and WOULD have been better off taking the deal, despite the jury seeing the LOL coerced videotaped "confession". It's just the way things are, sadly.
Last edited by BustoPro; 12-25-2015 at 08:42 PM.