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Making a Murderer Making a Murderer

08-11-2017 , 01:08 PM
Besides on top of that, avery's niece was underage so its rape even if it was consensual by definition.

NVM, apparently legal age of consent is 16 in wisconsin.

Last edited by fraleyight; 08-11-2017 at 01:18 PM. Reason: Looked up the sexual assault laws in wisconsin
Making a Murderer Quote
08-11-2017 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by fraleyight
Im not shrugging my shoulders and saying meh, I condone his actions. They are wrong. He clearly took advantage of someone in a vulnerable state. It is just not as you say it is. again.
I am just repeating what Kratz's victim told investigators.

I trust her version of events more than I do yours.

no sodomy,
noun: sodomy

sexual intercourse involving anal or oral copulation.

Again, you are either stupid or lying. Maybe both.

no restraining her so he can have sex with her,
"She said Kratz held her hands behind her back... Kratz also 'clamped her mouth shut to swallow' with his hands... [The victim] stated that Kratz was very strong."

Looks like you can't read, or like to lie. Maybe both.

no threatening her if she didn't have sex with him,
"he [Kratz, the District Attorney] told her he knew everything about her, and if she did not listen to him he could 'get her jammed up.' "

That is a threat - what did he want her to do to avoid Kratz acting on his threat?

"he instructed her to give him a 'blow job,' and she did "


Because she was afraid of what Kratz would do, she was scared by his threat: "He can be a very intimidating man."

Again, all in the victim's statement which you left out, by mistake or on purpose.

no multiple accusations from multiple women.
True, in this interview with one of Kratz's victims only one victim is interviewed.

You have greatly exaggerated what has happened.
You are wrong, as anyone who comprehends English can see for themselves.

Or rather, what she says happened.
You are a sad and sick little man.

This is called "shifting the burden of proof" you are making a claim and asking me to prove you wrong.
Actually, since you are claiming there are significant differences between what I wrote and the original, it is up to you to prove your claim.

Don't try any word games about 'logic' because you won't fool anyone.

I provided a link so readers could see I was accurate.

How can I even do that without producing the whole testimony which is already linked itt?
This is what you are asking me to do.

I say if you want it done, do it yourself.

If these specific claims were made in her testimony youd have produced them by now. You produced quotes that summarized her testimony but not from the testimony directly that corroborates what you're saying.
I linked to the original so people could check to see if I was being accurate.

As I have shown, in every instance I was correct and you were either wrong or telling a lie.

You don't do your cause any favors by engaging in a blatant cover up regarding the testimony of one of Kratz's victims.
Making a Murderer Quote
08-11-2017 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by fraleyight
Here are the claims you made

1) kratz told her if she didn't have sex with him she would be in trouble (jamed up)

What he actually said was "if she didn't talk to him shed be jamed up"
Too bad you didn't read the statement: Kratz threatened to 'jam her up' if she didn't listen to him, then he instructed her to perform a sex act. She complied because she was scared of him, afraid of what he'd do.

2) Kratz sodomized her against her will

No where is sodomy or physical penetration mentioned anywhere in the interview
You either did not read the statement or are lying again.

Performing a sex act under threat is rape. If she wanted to have sex with him, he wouldn't need to threaten her.

3) You claim he restrained her so he can have sex with her

No where is this mentioned, she says he held her hands behind her back during the blowjob. That is not what you said happend
Holding someone's hands behind their back is restraining them using his strength to force her to do what he demanded under threat.

Do you really not understand English?
Making a Murderer Quote
08-11-2017 , 03:06 PM
What the hell is wrong with you?

You left out the part where Kratz the prosecutor threatened that he could make trouble for her, jam her up in court, if she didn't do as he said.

You left out the part where he physically restrained her while he sexually abused her.

You left out the part where she lived in fear that Kratz would rape her again.

Why are you lying about what the victim reported?

I understand if you think Steven might be guilty of murder.

I do not understand why you deliberately lie to cover up for Kratz.
(redacted) stated that the blowjob happened on her couch, she was bent over kratz. She said kratz held her hands behind her back. (redacted said kratz also clamed her mouth shut to swallow with his hands. (redacted) stated that kratz was very strong.

When kratz was at (redacted) apartment, he told her that he knew everything about her and if she didn't liste to him he could get her jammed up. Kratz talked about how he was into bondage. He said he ties women up, they listen to him, and he is in control. (redacted) stated taht krats wanted her to engage in bondage with him. She said he instructed her to give him a blow job and she did.
above is what you said, vs what she said.

First you said this
You left out the part where Kratz the prosecutor threatened that he could make trouble for her, jam her up in court, if she didn't do as he said.
This isnt what he said. He said he would jam her up if she didn't listen to him. He didn't say he would jam her up if she didn't do what he said.

Then you said
You left out the part where he physically restrained her while he sexually abused her.
But what actually happened was he held her hands behind her back during a blowjob. A blowjob that she didn't resist. If the blowjob was consensual or if he thought it was consensual, this act was clearly not to restrain her. She wasn't trying to stop.

The etymology of the word sodomy is from sodom and gomorrah from the bible, I have never heard anyone use that word to describe a blowjob. But apparently people do so whatever. Its more common usage is for anal sex, so youd excuse my ignorance on that matter surely.

You also said multiple people accused him of rape. This appears to be untrue. You seem to be back peddling on that one a bit. Are you now admitting you made a mistake or are you saying there is someone else claiming he raped them in some other statement?
Making a Murderer Quote
08-11-2017 , 03:23 PM
Kratz threatens woman, demands sex, she complies out of fear, Kratz restrains her during sex act (holding her hands behind her back), she lives in fear of another attack from Kratz.

Everything I related is what the victim said.

Now you're trying your folk-etymology trying to tell people sodomy means something other than the English definition.

"Derp! I thought it meant something else."

If you are trying to say Kratz threatening his victim is no big deal, and everything done under threat is consensual, then why make a fuss about supposed threats made by Steven?

Threats are OK according to you, submitting to sex under threat is consent according to you, restraining someone during sex is normal anyway, and according to you women are liars and can't be trusted.

Your defense of Kratz works just as well as a defense for Steven.
Making a Murderer Quote
08-11-2017 , 04:55 PM
You're going to keep strawmanning everything I say so there is no point. Enjoy your afternoon.
Making a Murderer Quote
08-11-2017 , 07:24 PM
Fraleyight has realized his position is indefensible.

Rather than simply admit what Kratz did to this poor woman is wrong, pretends to be offended.
Making a Murderer Quote
08-11-2017 , 10:07 PM
You mean besides the 4 times I called it wrong itt?
Making a Murderer Quote
08-11-2017 , 11:10 PM
I should have been more clear - admits forcing a woman to submit to sex is rape.
Making a Murderer Quote
08-11-2017 , 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by proudfootz
I should have been more clear - admits forcing a woman to submit to sex is rape.
The argument wasn't if forcing a women to submit to sex is rape, the argument was if that is what she is saying happened. But you already know that, this conversation isn't productive for either of us.
Making a Murderer Quote
08-12-2017 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by fraleyight
The text messages don't indicate he raped anyone as far as I can tell. Can you elaborate on why you think this is evidence of rape?

Kratz has 1 person accusing him of rape. Avery has 2 accusing him, and others who corroborate this happened.

You are comparing a convicted felon with a prosecutor. Ridiculous.
Making a Murderer Quote
08-12-2017 , 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by golfnutt
You are comparing a convicted felon with a prosecutor. Ridiculous.
How is that ridiculous? You are again, making assumptions about me that I have never said. I imagine you are implying that I think Kratz should NOT BE held to a higher moral standard? Even though I have never said that.

Clearly, the amount of evidence avery committed rape exceedes the amount of evidence kratz did and that was my whole point in that post.
Making a Murderer Quote
08-12-2017 , 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by golfnutt
You are comparing a convicted felon with a prosecutor. Ridiculous.
I guess if we're going to go by the standard that everyone gets to commit one free rape, the on the record Kratz 'wins'.

However, there are some who think public servants must not abuse their authority even if they are lost in the haze of drug addiction.

In my view on the 'character issue' it is a draw - both Steven and Kratz have rape accusations against them.
Making a Murderer Quote
08-12-2017 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by fraleyight
How is that ridiculous? You are again, making assumptions about me that I have never said. I imagine you are implying that I think Kratz should NOT BE held to a higher moral standard? Even though I have never said that.

Clearly, the amount of evidence avery committed rape exceedes the amount of evidence kratz did and that was my whole point in that post.
I don't care that much about either one individually.

I care more that a prosecutor went on tv and implicated a private individual with completely unsubstantiated and highly conflicting evidence. There was no public safety reason.

Although it may have "won" a conviction, it also hurt the perception of the validity of the conviction. The prosecution was boxed into the narrative of rape/sexual assault when there was zero evidence that even occurred -- something the jury concurred.

It made everything look ridiculous how there was not a single piece of DNA of the victim in the entire house. Outlandish in light of alleged hours of assault.

What may have really happened is that he shot her outside and buried her outside, all in a matter of minutes. Instead, there was a narrative of tying the victim to the bed, having a soda, cutting her hair, watching tv, BD raping her etc.

Now, the jury may have recognized that she wasn't ever in the house and still found him guilty. Just because the prosecution got the theory wrong of what happened doesn't mean a murderer gets to go free. It does leave open "reasonable doubt" and makes one question everything. Which is why it is important for the prosecution to distinguish between fact and conjecture. Which is perfectly ok!

The prosecution of Scott Peterson said they were not certain specifically how his wife was murdered. They presented enough evidence to show that he did "something" which was more than ample evidence for the jury to feel confident in their guilty verdict.

Jurors, unless there is an accusation of racism or illegal conduct, don't have to provide their reasons for voting guilty. They don't have to take to the press. They are absolutely allowed to make their decision purely on hunches and body language.
Making a Murderer Quote
08-12-2017 , 10:43 PM
So you're going to say how ridiculous I am then quote the post where I am asking for clarification and change the subject to something I wasn't even talking about? How ridiculous.
Making a Murderer Quote
08-12-2017 , 11:13 PM
Originally Posted by fraleyight
So you're going to say how ridiculous I am then quote the post where I am asking for clarification and change the subject to something I wasn't even talking about? How ridiculous.

I am sorry. I don't even care that much about the individuals. I care about the system that could envelope any of us. You seem invested in SA being guilty and just can't realize that many of us are discussing larger issues that should interest everyone.

Like if it is ok for a 16-year old to waive his right to have an attorney present without consulting with anyone. Or should his appointed defense attorney let him continue meeting with the police without him present. We don't allow 16-years olds to smoke cigarettes but I guess we allow them to incriminate themselves to rape and murder without consulting an attorney or parent.
Making a Murderer Quote
08-12-2017 , 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by golfnutt
I am sorry. I don't even care that much about the individuals. I care about the system that could envelope any of us. You seem invested in SA being guilty and just can't realize that many of us are discussing larger issues that should interest everyone.

Like if it is ok for a 16-year old to waive his right to have an attorney present without consulting with anyone. Or should his appointed defense attorney let him continue meeting with the police without him present. We don't allow 16-years olds to smoke cigarettes but I guess we allow them to incriminate themselves to rape and murder without consulting an attorney or parent.
Yes, the problems revealed in the convictions of Brendan Dassey and Steven Avery are systematic.

Corruption from top to bottom with little concern for justice for victims, or public safety in making sure to apprehend the true malefactor, or justice for the persons put on trial for their lives.
Making a Murderer Quote
08-13-2017 , 02:21 AM
Like if it is ok for a 16-year old to waive his right to have an attorney present without consulting with anyone. Or should his appointed defense attorney let him continue meeting with the police without him present. We don't allow 16-years olds to smoke cigarettes but I guess we allow them to incriminate themselves to rape and murder without consulting an attorney or parent.
Its pretty standard for kids to be interviewed without an attorney present, his mom said this was ok. The doc I watched about the slendermen kids, they were interviewed by police without an attorney present. I don't hear any outrage over them.

Also, what do you mean not consulting a parent? His mom was there. She was asked if she wanted to go into the room and said she didn't want to. The police didn't know BD was involved in the murder when they met with him the time you're referring to either. They thought he witnessed stuff avery did based on the two conversations they had with BD just before that and BD and his mom were both coorperating. So they assumed it would just be getting what he already told them on video.
Making a Murderer Quote
08-13-2017 , 02:23 AM
This brings up another interesting question actually. How much of BD confession is coerced? He admitted to seeing body parts, admitted to helping SA clean up the body, and burn the body days before the confession. He didn't recant in those days. Why not?
Making a Murderer Quote
08-13-2017 , 02:37 AM
Here for example is his feb 27th interview. He admits to seeing body parts, and helping steven burn her body.

So from feb 27th to march 1st he has two days to recant his confession but doesn't. The detectives move BD and his mom to a hotel because there is rumors of intimidation from the family. And at this point they think he is a witness to a murder or at least a witness to someone cleaning up the body after. He doesn't recant any of this until the march 1st interview when he has now implicated himself in the crime.
Making a Murderer Quote
08-13-2017 , 07:46 AM
Since the police first started trying to suborn perjury from Brendan on November 6 2005, it's pretty clear they had zero interest in what he actually saw and only wanted him to say something that would implicate Steven because that was who they wanted to pin a crime on.

The truth was the furthest thing from their minds.

Expecting this poor sheltered kid to outwit the cops and take control of the situation is asking a bit much.

It's too bad there doesn't seem to be anyone interested in finding Teresa when she was a missing person, and no one genuinely interested in discovering what the witnesses had to say. Like the 1985 case it looks like a full court press to get Steven by hook or by crook.
Making a Murderer Quote
08-13-2017 , 07:59 AM
Here's what Brendan's mother Barb has to say about the railroading:

In an exclusive interview for 'Un-making a Murderer,' Brendan Dassey's mother Barbara Tadych spoke for the first time about her dislike of Kratz and her son's interrogation by police without her present - even though he was 16 years old at the time, had an IQ of 90 and the mental age of nine.

In the book, Tadych doesn’t hold back on her views about the three men responsible for finding Avery and Dassey guilty: former Wisconsin Calumet County district attorney Ken Kratz and chief interrogators Mark Wiegert and Tom Fassbender.

The duo were sentenced to life in prison in 2007 for the murder of 25-year-old photographer Teresa Halbach

She’s also highly critical of Dassey’s original defense attorney Len Kachinsky, who was a court-appointed attorney accused of working alongside the prosecution, with his ‘misconduct’ branded ‘indefensible’ by Judge Duffin.

She says that Dassey’s interrogators were so forceful, they even tried to get her to claim that her own brother Steve Avery had sexually abused her.

‘Wiegert and Fassbender are [deleted] that take innocent people and lie to them and get them to say what they want them to say,' she said.

'Wiegert always said to me that every family has a black sheep in it. Fassbender and [Calumet County Deputy] Wendy Baldwin tried to get me to say bad things about my brother, Steve: that he had sexually molested me.”

‘My thoughts on Ken Kratz are not good. He is a piece of dog s**t. Oh no! That was too good for him!

'I think they should put all of them in prison for what they did to us, including Len Kachinsky [Dassey’s defense attorney], who is not any better than the rest of them. He is a lying d*****bag.’


Detectives Mark Wiegert and Tom Fassbender interrogated Brendan on three separate occasions on February 27, 2006 - at Mishicot High School, Two Rivers Police Dept and Fox Hills Resort.

But Brendan's mother claims that there was also a fourth interrogation that no one knows about because it happened outside.

‘At the cabin in Crivitz, Fassbender took Brendan outside for an interview. There is no record of that anywhere. The day they took me, Blaine and Brendan to Two Rivers’ police station, they told me that I was not allowed in while they interviewed my sons.

'They took them to Fox Hills Resort. I was told if I left I would be arrested. They were not allowed to leave Fox Hills. Wiegert and Fassbender kept saying to me: “It’s your brother or the yard.”

‘If I had been allowed into the interrogation room, I think things would have been way different because they would have never been able to pump things into Brendan’s head like they did. I started to think something was fishy at the Two Rivers Police Department and at Fox Hills when Fassbender and Wiegert said that if I left they would pick me up.

‘They say that I gave them permission to interview Brendan. Well, that was a lie.

'The day they did this at school, I was at work for ten hours. They called me after the fact. They interviewed him for three to four hours, and then first contacted me to come get him. I never gave them permission to do what they did. They did it behind my back.

'And when they took us to the police station, they told me I couldn’t go in with him because he was going to give them a gruesome story that I wouldn’t be able to handle, and told me to go have a seat on the chair. That is the truth, and they are lying through their teeth.’

Read more:
Making a Murderer Quote
08-13-2017 , 10:08 AM
This is from the hearing to suppress BD confession. This is from barbs testimony in that hearing.

You told investigators that day, on the first,
and you've told them after that, that Brendan's a
honest kid, that he's a truthful kid. Do you
remember telling them that?


In fact, I think you used the words, he doesn't
lie. Remember saying that?


And you believed, at least up until March 1, that
Brendan was truthful and honest, didn't you?


And that when he told people something, when he
told authority figures something, he should be
believed. You thought that, didn't you?

She believed BD at the very least saw something in the fire. Here is a few more things she said.

My question, though -- My guestion to you, Barb,
is you had, at least up until March 1, attempted
to be cooperative with law enforcement efforts to
interview not only y ourself but other family
members; is that right?

Yes .

Now, until March 1, were there any questions of
threats or promises or intimidation either to
yourself or to your sons that you knew about that
made you want to stop, uh, cooperating or stop
the interviews with your family?


So, as far as you knew, officers were respedtful.
I know -- I know the questions were hard and
the -- and the topic was difficult to talkabout
uh, but you understood that they were doing their
job and they were trying to be respectful to you
and your family. Is that -- is that a fair


Okay. And prior to March 1, did Brendan ever
complain to you how he was treated by any police
officers? Prior to March 1.

Not really, no.
So, on feb 27th BD says he sees SA burn a body. He doesn't recant. Everyone believes him (including his mom) He and his mom are coorperating with police then two days and 3 interviews later BD implicates himself in the crime and all of the sudden everything was coerced Including the two prior interviews where he said SA was burning a body.

Its also clear that BD mom didn't think anyone was being forced to do anything based on the above earlier testimony. Of course after BD is convicted everyones a pos but SA and BD.
Making a Murderer Quote
08-13-2017 , 11:14 AM
As we know, from the very first interview with Brendan police are trying to get him to tell lies to implicate Steven. That's just a stone cold fact.

The cops have zero credibility.

As Barb makes clear, cops lied to her about Brendan coaching sessions and even tried to get her to lie about Steven, too.
Making a Murderer Quote
08-13-2017 , 01:04 PM
So at what point was BD telling the truth and at what point did he tell his mom "hey, I made a mistake. I didn't mean to tell them I saw a body because I didn't" in those two days? The answer is: never. He didn't recant anything until he implemented himself. Why did he recant? I have a theory. Upcoming in my next post.
Making a Murderer Quote
