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Making a Murderer Making a Murderer

06-24-2017 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by golfnutt
You really aren't thinking things through. Just because you are not personally sued does not mean you have no motivation. You are foolish to think that testifying against your own department and an ex-sheriff is meaningless and just another day in the field. This was highly unusual and because of it, they also were publicly removed from investigated SA, but not only was that completely ignored, those two found all the key evidence. Yet, you somehow think that isn't a big deal.

Do you think I want an animal torturer who may have also killed an innocent woman released on obfuscation? I want a fair system applied to everyone so we have confidence in our justice system. When a law enforcement agency publicly says they are not going to be involved, we need to have faith in that statement. When they are actively involved, we should question it as should you.

When a potential suspect is allowed to enter a secured crime scene during the initial phases of an investigation, we should be allowed to question it. And if do we find that behavior highly unusual like all other investigative agencies do, we shouldn't just be told we are just fanboys and he is guilty regardless.

They found evidence, but there was enough to convict SA without their evidence. The blood in the rav 4 and her remains on his property burned the night after SA had a bonfire would have been enough to convict him.

Also, no I do not think that is motivation enough to take TH key from god knows where and plant it in his trailer or to find one of avery's bullets and rub TH dna on it and plant it in a garage especially when these two have never been accused of anything like this before.
Making a Murderer Quote
06-24-2017 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by PoorSkillz
How can anyone after reading zellners motion think that she did this for anything other than publicity?

RH is the killer.. Why?

Oh because on a police report it says his name is ryan kilgras.. So he must have given a false name, forget the fact that all the other police reports say Ryan Hilgras. This one report must be him giving a fake name and not someone misunderstanding or mispelling his name.

oh because someone said that TH was harrased by one of her exes, lets forget the fact that she didn't say which ex.

oh because SA all of the sudden remembers someone driving off right after he cut his finger and bleed in his sink.. Yea, ok. So someone snuck into your house and stole your blood before it clotted and planted it in the rav 4? haha.

Oh and brain fingerprinting.
Making a Murderer Quote
06-24-2017 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by eddymitchel
Lol who could have imagined poorshillz posting an article written by Michael griesbach and pretending it has any weight.
I think it was decided Poorskillz is related to Griesbach in some way. I assume Fraleyeight is related to TH now since I assume he has married into the family after his tenacious stalking.

It warms my heart to see two of the biggest proponents of a broken criminal justice system still plugging away all this time later. They are Judicial Status Quo Warriors and there is something to be said for that.
Making a Murderer Quote
06-24-2017 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by fraleyight
How can anyone after reading zellners motion think that she did this for anything other than publicity?

RH is the killer.. Why?

Oh because on a police report it says his name is ryan kilgras.. So he must have given a false name, forget the fact that all the other police reports say Ryan Hilgras. This one report must be him giving a fake name and not someone misunderstanding or mispelling his name.

oh because someone said that TH was harrased by one of her exes, lets forget the fact that she didn't say which ex.

oh because SA all of the sudden remembers someone driving off right after he cut his finger and bleed in his sink.. Yea, ok. So someone snuck into your house and stole your blood before it clotted and planted it in the rav 4? haha.

Oh and brain fingerprinting.
At least you don't have to rely on pure incompetence by the police department to explain this away, oh wait you do. You literally have to take on the fact that the police were incompetent in every single way.

AGAIN... their incompetence absolutely means things should be handled differently. A police officer who can't properly write down a name as part of an investigation? Are you serious? It is what likely happens but that is because they have demonstrated complete incompetence all along the way and we should not be locking people up for life on the basis of grossly incompetent investigations.
Making a Murderer Quote
06-24-2017 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by fraleyight
They found evidence, but there was enough to convict SA without their evidence. The blood in the rav 4 and her remains on his property burned the night after SA had a bonfire would have been enough to convict him.

Also, no I do not think that is motivation enough to take TH key from god knows where and plant it in his trailer or to find one of avery's bullets and rub TH dna on it and plant it in a garage especially when these two have never been accused of anything like this before.
Any evidence found by LEO that were specifically told to not be part of the investigation should be ruled inadmissible.

They could use the evidence you mentioned to get their conviction. A lot harder.
Making a Murderer Quote
06-24-2017 , 02:19 PM
That stance is awesome from people posting about griesbach new book or random article while at the same time depicting Zellner as a promotion whore.
Making a Murderer Quote
06-24-2017 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by PoorSkillz
Assuming this decision holds (certainly not a sure thing), I think it should be way less.

I have always been on the fence regarding certain aspects of Brendan's factual and legal guilt, but whether factually guilty or innocent, I believe Brendan brought this all on himself by repeatedly lying in every interview starting from his initial one on 11/6* and confessing to law enforcement and others on several occasions. He deserves the vast majority of the blame for his predicament.**

* In his trial testimony, Brendan admits to lying because "I'm just like my family - I don't like cops."

** Brendan is not mentally ******ed - in his IQ test taken before his trial, he scored above 12% of males his age.
Are you serious? He is a 16-year old kid who is in the bottom 12%. They could have had him admit to killing JFK. He didn't even recall that she was supposedly shot 10 times until the investigators told him. With the promise they would be there for him. Sad.
Making a Murderer Quote
06-24-2017 , 04:35 PM
He scored above 12% like that's good lololololololol
Making a Murderer Quote
06-24-2017 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by eddymitchel
That stance is awesome from people posting about griesbach new book or random article while at the same time depicting Zellner as a promotion whore.
Griesbach has written three books trying to profit off Avery's troubles. Plus he does all kinds of interviews as a self-appointed expert (on top of opinion pieces).

I suppose he's a bit put out that Zellner has made a name for herself serving justice and setting innocent people free.
Making a Murderer Quote
06-24-2017 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by golfnutt
Are you serious? He is a 16-year old kid who is in the bottom 12%. They could have had him admit to killing JFK. He didn't even recall that she was supposedly shot 10 times until the investigators told him. With the promise they would be there for him. Sad.
Blaming Brendan for the cops working hour after hour to frame him and Steven is a lot like folks who blame the little kids who get molested.
Making a Murderer Quote
06-24-2017 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by proudfootz
Griesbach has written three books trying to profit off Avery's troubles. Plus he does all kinds of interviews as a self-appointed expert (on top of opinion pieces).

I suppose he's a bit put out that Zellner has made a name for herself serving justice and setting innocent people free.
At least he s starting to shift into the investigation of 2005 was a cluster****, but not enough to warrant a doubt.
I suspect that the closer avery will be to freedom the more angry at the lack of proffessionnalism griesbach will be when covering 2005.
And book 4 will be critisizing ken kratz and the investigator reminding people that he had nothing to do with that mess.
Making a Murderer Quote
06-24-2017 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by DisGunBGud
He scored above 12% like that's good lololololololol
Maybe someone's a bit jealous of those scores?

There was rightwinger Dan O'Donnell who in his rebuttal to 'Making a Murderer' suggested an IQ score of 70 was 'normal'. Maybe it is - for his fan base.
Making a Murderer Quote
06-24-2017 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by proudfootz
Blaming Brendan for the cops working hour after hour to frame him and Steven is a lot like folks who blame the little kids who get molested.

Yes, give cops 100 hours with any kid and they will get a confession to whatever you want. I bet you are ok with water-boarding confessions too.
Making a Murderer Quote
06-24-2017 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by eddymitchel
At least he s starting to shift into the investigation of 2005 was a cluster****, but not enough to warrant a doubt.
I suspect that the closer avery will be to freedom the more angry at the lack of proffessionnalism griesbach will be when covering 2005.
And book 4 will be critisizing ken kratz and the investigator reminding people that he had nothing to do with that mess.
That's a career exploiting the murder of an innocent young woman - a book every two years criticizing what he wrote in the last book he published.
Making a Murderer Quote
06-25-2017 , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by proudfootz
Are these cops in the lower 12% of the population?
Probably accurate
Making a Murderer Quote
06-25-2017 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
At least you don't have to rely on pure incompetence by the police department to explain this away, oh wait you do. You literally have to take on the fact that the police were incompetent in every single way.

AGAIN... their incompetence absolutely means things should be handled differently. A police officer who can't properly write down a name as part of an investigation? Are you serious? It is what likely happens but that is because they have demonstrated complete incompetence all along the way and we should not be locking people up for life on the basis of grossly incompetent investigations.
Thats what you take from that? Not that zellner is trying to set a guilty man free? The best attorney at exonerating the innocent, putting in hundreds of hours into this and look at the bs she created and you can't admit the man is guilty?

So what if the cops jotted down his name wrong, that doesn't equal incompetence. Killgras vs hillgras... Ya, fire that cop guys lol.
Making a Murderer Quote
06-25-2017 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
I think it was decided Poorskillz is related to Griesbach in some way. I assume Fraleyeight is related to TH now since I assume he has married into the family after his tenacious stalking.

It warms my heart to see two of the biggest proponents of a broken criminal justice system still plugging away all this time later. They are Judicial Status Quo Warriors and there is something to be said for that.
False, and what stalking are you talking about? Me being involved in a group that had family members and friends of hers in the group? That isn't stalking. I didn't go looking for them, it just so happens that all her family and friends agree with the side of the fence I landed on, IE: Avery is guilty.
Making a Murderer Quote
06-25-2017 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by golfnutt
Any evidence found by LEO that were specifically told to not be part of the investigation should be ruled inadmissible.

They could use the evidence you mentioned to get their conviction. A lot harder.
Who told them not to be part of the investigation?
Making a Murderer Quote
06-25-2017 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by fraleyight
Who told them not to be part of the investigation?

Making a Murderer Quote
06-25-2017 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by golfnutt
Since youre not going to answer seriously ill tell you. they did. They told themselves they wouldn't. So unless Kratz as the prosecutor has a problem with it or unless a judge says the evidence must be dismissed because there is bias I am afraid what you're saying is wrong.
Making a Murderer Quote
06-25-2017 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by fraleyight
Since youre not going to answer seriously ill tell you. they did. They told themselves they wouldn't. So unless Kratz as the prosecutor has a problem with it or unless a judge says the evidence must be dismissed because there is bias I am afraid what you're saying is wrong.

So you seriously think it is ok when they publicly say they are not going to be involved since it would look horrible, yet they are actively involved and you are surprised that it looks horrible?

They rightfully knew there would be a cloud of suspicion over any evidence they uncovered. Yet, here we are with all the evidence uncovered by people that said they were not going to be involved.
Making a Murderer Quote
06-25-2017 , 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by fraleyight
Since youre not going to answer seriously ill tell you. they did. They told themselves they wouldn't. So unless Kratz as the prosecutor has a problem with it or unless a judge says the evidence must be dismissed because there is bias I am afraid what you're saying is wrong.

it's very telling as to what kind of person you are that you would hold a mentally challenged 16 y.o. to things he was coerced into saying, yet don't do same for things KK or LEO, CHOSE to say
Making a Murderer Quote
06-26-2017 , 01:58 AM
Originally Posted by golfnutt
So you seriously think it is ok when they publicly say they are not going to be involved since it would look horrible, yet they are actively involved and you are surprised that it looks horrible?

They rightfully knew there would be a cloud of suspicion over any evidence they uncovered. Yet, here we are with all the evidence uncovered by people that said they were not going to be involved.
Ethically or morally? No I do not think its "ok" but its not illegal and you are saying that the evidence should have been thrown out. On what grounds?
Making a Murderer Quote
06-26-2017 , 02:02 AM
Originally Posted by marke.
it's very telling as to what kind of person you are that you would hold a mentally challenged 16 y.o. to things he was coerced into saying, yet don't do same for things KK or LEO, CHOSE to say
1) I think youre using mentally challenged loosely

2) I don't think he was coerced, Ive posted a lot on this but there are several details he knew about the crime that he shouldn't have. The most telling is knowing where she was shot. He was also given false positives to which he passed. It was suggested to him that TH has a tattoo on her stomach (she doesn't) and he said he doesn't remember one, he was even pressed further "you sure, you sure you don't remember the tatto" etc. And he still said that he didn't remember her having a tatto.

3) This is a false equivalency. BD told police he helped rape and torture a woman. What KK did was tell the press that manitwoc is only going to be involved in the investigation as support, which was mostly true. Most of the efforts in the case were conducted by the neighboring county. Lenk and Colborn were there because they were evidence techs which was lacking in both counties.
Making a Murderer Quote
06-26-2017 , 02:43 AM
Originally Posted by fraleyight
1) I think youre using mentally challenged loosely

2) I don't think he was coerced, Ive posted a lot on this but there are several details he knew about the crime that he shouldn't have. The most telling is knowing where she was shot. He was also given false positives to which he passed. It was suggested to him that TH has a tattoo on her stomach (she doesn't) and he said he doesn't remember one, he was even pressed further "you sure, you sure you don't remember the tatto" etc. And he still said that he didn't remember her having a tatto.

3) This is a false equivalency. BD told police he helped rape and torture a woman. What KK did was tell the press that manitwoc is only going to be involved in the investigation as support, which was mostly true. Most of the efforts in the case were conducted by the neighboring county. Lenk and Colborn were there because they were evidence techs which was lacking in both counties.

1) cmon man you didn't even try

2) some experts are now viewing this as text book coercion so we'll call it undecided.

but really, that's the most telling thing for you? interesting.
i think others could view this as not much at all. he was tired, he was consfused, and he said he said he didn't remember which I'm sure was his go to response. it would be way more compelling if he said, no, there was no tattoo.

3) there was no physical evidence a rape occurred. just the fanciful story they told to sway public opinion, that the rape you mean?
as to the other press conference. why even bother to announce they would not be involved in the main investigation if there was no conflict of interest as you continually suggest?
why announce it but then not follow through?
if you think them finding most, if not all key evidence is just support then ok.

i think there was a very visible (to most) conflict of interest, and it was absolutely necessary for an independent investigation to occur.

instead of questioning the integrity of those involved who display continual incompetence/dishonesty at every opportunity, you seem to enjoy making excuses for every mis step they took
Making a Murderer Quote
