There's an old saying in Tennessee - I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee - that says, bitches be crazy.
Seriously though, there would easily be more tension and jealousy if a hot girl came in, Snooki would call her a slut for sure. JWOWW would want to fight her because Snooki feels threatened by her, or in some made for emTV moment, would probably hook up with the girl. Sammi would 100% go into an advanced version of depressed, insecure, jealous Sammi the moment Ron says "Welcome to our humble abode." Angelina would say how unclassy the girl is which translates to "she is so much hotter than me."
I agree with the others who say it will be jealousy over the attention, I don't think it will even need to be the guys hitting on her just the fact that the hot girl would be the
it girl in the house.
Edit: Sam would be the main cause of the problem, not out in the open like Snooki would probably be, but she would beat Ron to death with comments or the girls if she made up with them. I'll look for the cringe worthy scene where she pleads with Ron to change his work schedule because he is working with Jenni and she made a comment in the living room. Sammi is crazy.
Edit 2: Here it is the clip.
It fits perfectly with this,
Originally Posted by Zimmer4141
You obviously don't know women then. Women get jealous over stuff way smaller than this.
Last edited by yowhatsup; 11-04-2010 at 05:55 AM.