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Homeland Season 4 Homeland Season 4

12-15-2014 , 06:29 AM
Good line by Sepinwall: This season of "Homeland" has been all over the map in terms of quality, tone and character motivation that it's almost as if the show as being written by Carrie Mathison herself.
Homeland Season 4 Quote
12-15-2014 , 08:07 AM
didnt he say "there's haqqani" ?
Homeland Season 4 Quote
12-15-2014 , 08:28 AM
Originally Posted by tercet
Ok, so that was Dar Adal at the end right..?

And is he working undercover with the US w/ Hakani or working against the US w/ Hakani?
Neither, he's using him as a pawn in some kind of bigger game. Maybe his goal is to shake things up in Pakistan, maybe it's to get that dumb-ass Senator kicked out as CIA director, maybe it's something entirely different.
Homeland Season 4 Quote
12-15-2014 , 08:59 AM
Dar Adal in that car is too much. They're yanking us around.
Homeland Season 4 Quote
12-15-2014 , 09:32 AM
He said "look who's in the car Carrie, with Haqqani"

Woulda been awesome if there was no one special in the car and the bomb went off. I hate it when shows go in this "BUT THERE'S A BIGGER PLAN" plottwist mode, because it rarely makes sense.

So Dar Alal is in the inner circle of Haqqani and whatever his plan was is so big that he didn't want to stop a slaughter of the US embassy? I wont judge too much before we see the finale, but this looks ridiculous.
Homeland Season 4 Quote
12-15-2014 , 09:36 AM
The preview looks ****ing weird.
Homeland Season 4 Quote
12-15-2014 , 09:55 AM
dar adal was the mole ldo
Homeland Season 4 Quote
12-15-2014 , 10:13 AM
Now that I hear it, Dar Alal sounds a bit funny. Is there a logical reason why Pakistani secret service dude knows Dar Adal or are we just going with that?
Homeland Season 4 Quote
12-15-2014 , 11:49 AM
Seeing Dra Ladal in the car makes me wonder if the whole "remove Saul, input Lockhart" move was a front for something bigger. I have't given it much thought or anything, but maybe Saul was never really out of the CIA. Probly not, but now my mind is racing trying to figure it out.
Homeland Season 4 Quote
12-15-2014 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
dar adal was the mole ldo
Yea that was my first thought as well.

Seems like this show keeps self-inflicting and then somehow recovering so I'm hopeful.
Homeland Season 4 Quote
12-15-2014 , 12:52 PM
no jifs about carrotpatch baby??? weak thread
Homeland Season 4 Quote
12-15-2014 , 01:33 PM
I was so ready for Haqqani to be offed. Bah! Isn't he going to return to his compound later and be available for another try to be blown up? Carrie shooting him would have been real good too. Haqqani killed her kid lover. So what if Dar is in the car. Bah!
They made Carrie into a bungling fool. There is no way out for the writers to fix this mess. . Of course I'll still watch to see what insanity they come up with next.
Homeland Season 4 Quote
12-15-2014 , 01:44 PM
EDIT: wrong topic

Last edited by bbfg; 12-15-2014 at 01:45 PM. Reason: sorry if I spoiled anyone
Homeland Season 4 Quote
12-15-2014 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by Pokerlogist
I was so ready for Haqqani to be offed. Bah! Isn't he going to return to his compound later and be available for another try to be blown up? Carrie shooting him would have been real good too. Haqqani killed her kid lover. So what if Dar is in the car. Bah!
They made Carrie into a bungling fool. There is no way out for the writers to fix this mess. . Of course I'll still watch to see what insanity they come up with next.
They can always get out of a mess by just killing everyone but Quinn and setting him loose in North Korea next season.
Homeland Season 4 Quote
12-15-2014 , 03:42 PM
We need to unleash Carrie to North Korea next year, I want to see how far the writers are willing to go. Clearly a blond haired American woman in Pakistan doesn't draw any attention to herself when waving a gun around in a crowd, time to up the difficulty in a crowd of Asians.
Homeland Season 4 Quote
12-15-2014 , 04:04 PM
Obviously the CIA is grooming Haqqani as a successor scapegoat to Bin Laden.
Homeland Season 4 Quote
12-15-2014 , 04:29 PM
It would have been much better if it was Saul in the truck
Homeland Season 4 Quote
12-15-2014 , 04:32 PM
I think what is obviously going on in the show is that there is going to be a US sponsored coup in Pakistan. The radical influences like the devilish female intelligence agent will be ousted in the finale and we will see the sympathetic Pakistani General be a leading figure in the overthrow.

This explains two things --

1) How the General knows who Dar-Adal is and why he didn't want Carrie to execute Hakkani. The General has openly stated that Hakkani is responsible for the deaths of many of his soldiers. There have also been many scenes where he has been shown to be in direct opposition to the agenda of the female intelligence agent and what she represents for their politics.

2) The phone call between Lockehart and Carrie where he basically asks her "Is there something crazy about to go down?" I mean the dude literally calls her up and is like "I hear rumblings of something big." Then they both say out-loud how they are clearly not in the loop with what is going on.

So something fishy is going down with the CIA and we can most likely assume it will involve the Pakistani General. So my guess is that there is going to be a coup d'état.

Hopefully after the people actually good at their jobs get the USA#1 back on top with this coup, Carrie will get fired along with everyone else from this season. I mean just a catastrophic fail during her time in Pakistan. Fire her and reboot the show with my man F. Murray Abraham.
Homeland Season 4 Quote
12-15-2014 , 04:41 PM

Among all the super lol stuff in the last few mins already mentioned, Carrie standing up with her hair flowing free right next to a frenzied pack of radical Muslims and nobody gave a ****.
Homeland Season 4 Quote
12-15-2014 , 04:47 PM
Pretty sure Chris and Dana are behind the U.S. COUP
Homeland Season 4 Quote
12-15-2014 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by midas
It would have been much better if it was Brody in the truck
Homeland Season 4 Quote
12-15-2014 , 05:33 PM
I thought there had to be something going on when the entire ISI/Haqqani plot was laid out with 2 episodes left.

This isn't the walking dead. I knew they wouldn't just kill Haqqani and have 2 hours of filler.

I was surprised by the twist and I like it. My only complaint is that I thought this story arc would be tied up this season, but now I'm pretty sure they plan on this dragging on through the next season at least.
Homeland Season 4 Quote
12-15-2014 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by nutshot2
Pretty sure Chris and Dana are behind the U.S. COUP
Has to be black belt karate by now right
Homeland Season 4 Quote
12-15-2014 , 06:48 PM
Many things made no sense this episode.

As someone else pointed out, Quinn had been having moral pangs over the killing of innocent bystanders, yet he was ready to murder many random protesters?

And considering that Carrie wanted Haqqani dead, but she was preventing Quinn from doing anything only out of concern for his own safety, why wouldn't she let him set off the bomb considering that he could likely get away with it?

And it's very unclear what we are supposed to think about seeing Dar Adal in the car. Having him be just a mole makes no sense. But if he is part of some CIA inside job, how the hell doesn't the director of the CIA (and others, like Carrie) know about it?

What did Max say he was going to do with that bag of weapons and money?

Also, I wonder when they decided to kill Carrie's dad in the show...considering that the died within the last year.
Homeland Season 4 Quote
12-15-2014 , 07:06 PM
Also, wasn't Dar Adal in the USA a few weeks ago trying to stop Quinn from going to Pakistan on behalf of the CIA? How does he get in with Haqqani without anyone knowing?
Homeland Season 4 Quote
