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05-06-2013 , 10:35 AM
And I loled at Loras' fabulous wedding plans as well
05-06-2013 , 10:35 AM
Thought the episode would end with Littlefinger's "chaos" speech. When it didn't and they cut back to the Wall, I thought for sure that the ep would end with Jon/Ygritte pushing Tormund/Orell off the wall (with them screaming obv).
05-06-2013 , 10:37 AM
It's a good joke- but the term upon which it's based is a modern(ish) one. I don't mind it- but it's an example of that Dynasty noted.
05-06-2013 , 10:42 AM
i think i'd have enjoyed LF speech more if it hadn't been used in one of the previews. At the time i assumed he had recorded it for the preview specifically. I'm still pretty sure it was but was also shoehorned into an episode.
05-06-2013 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by Dids
It's a good joke- but the term upon which it's based is a modern(ish) one. I don't mind it- but it's an example of that Dynasty noted.
What they don't have card games in Westeros? Card games were played in Europe in the middle ages, doesn't seem like it's necessarily an anachronistic term.
05-06-2013 , 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by False Dawn
i think i'd have enjoyed LF speech more if it hadn't been used in one of the previews. At the time i assumed he had recorded it for the preview specifically. I'm still pretty sure it was but was also shoehorned into an episode.
Yes exactly.
05-06-2013 , 11:00 AM
LF is playing it perfectly, he's going to get Sansa now
05-06-2013 , 11:15 AM
Oh, and the I just woke up whats going on "Hodor?" was great.
05-06-2013 , 11:40 AM
I don't LOL at this show too often (not a knock) but the start of Ygritte's Jon Snow impression got one out of me this week.
05-06-2013 , 12:24 PM
At the end, Sansa is crying and a boat is leaving. Who is on the boat, or who's boat is it? I don't get that part.
05-06-2013 , 12:26 PM
It's Littlefinger's boat. And she's crying because she's stuck in KL.
05-06-2013 , 12:32 PM
I think they pepper sprayed her to get those tears.
05-06-2013 , 12:41 PM
was the ship leaving or just sitting out there like before?
05-06-2013 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by lycosid
It would be hilariously awesome if the entirety of Theons storyline this season was him getting tortured in that cell every episode. Nice touch with the horn there, but pretty weak that Theon couldn't come up with the Bolton name during 20 questions (not that it would have alleviated his problems anyway)
He was under a lot of pressure to be fair.
05-06-2013 , 12:47 PM
Ros' body is just unreal, LORD SHINE YOUR LIGHT UPON HER
05-06-2013 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by vixticator
Edemure is the Lord of Riverrun right?

Originally Posted by swag_check
Ros tho (RIP)

but yea, pretty weak of Theon who is the heir to a kingdom and was raised by the ruling House in the North to not know the sigils of all the noble houses in the North.
What sigil did he not recognize?

Originally Posted by blastoff
overplay your...position

oh bolton, you flay me
05-06-2013 , 12:53 PM
The sigil that he's strapped to, IMO.
05-06-2013 , 01:11 PM
Ygritte mocking Jon was great
05-06-2013 , 01:22 PM
Harrenhal is quite the hot potato, eh?

at this point i'm kinda really hoping it becomes a running joke and gets promised/given to dozens of people over the run of the show now

screw the Iron Throne, there's probably more claimants to Harrenhal at this point, lol

Originally Posted by Happy_Fish
It's Littlefinger's boat. And she's crying because she's stuck in KL.
yes, she's stuck in the worst place on earth, like Loras

and like him, she's being used as one of them bald-headed bitches on a chess board

(see: "The Wire" for more information)

Originally Posted by ShowUthExit
was the ship leaving or just sitting out there like before?
yes, looked liked it was leaving


(note: might not actually be headed south)
05-06-2013 , 01:42 PM
Born 21 February 1996 (age 17)
Northampton, Englan

So February next year we can officially talk about how much we would like to bone Sansa, right now it's just creepy and awkward like this post.
05-06-2013 , 02:12 PM
Amazing episode

The Red Caucasian told Thoros that the High Priest gave him a mission. That mission was to convert Robert Baratheon to the Lord of Light. That is GOAT stuff right there. While kings are fighting for the throne, religious leaders are fighting for a spiritual throne. Thoros was sent convert Robert and Red Lady to convert Stannis, both by this High Priest. It looks like they either tried to use Stannis to help convert Robert or hedged their bets by converting him. If they hedged their bets there, it's possible they hedged in another place....Talisa anyone???

Big and Baby Bolton both have interesting scenes. Baby Bolton tells Theon that he is a better hunter than Theon is, meaning he'll be able to find the boys when Theon couldn't. It didn't seem like he wanted to find them and bring them to safety. Big Bolton is sending Jamie to Kings Landing without consulting Robb, and he wants to make sure that Tywin knows that he didn't take his hand. He also mentioned Jamie being worth a lot of money.

Why did Frey give in so easily? Robb has just lost a good bit of his force. Cat said both that Frey is a dangerous man and called him the late Walder Frey(because he treats his vows how Robb has), yet all Robb has to do is apologize, agree to his original vows, and promise not to do it again? He wouldn't care about Harrenhall or marrying off his uncle. This is way too sweet of an offer after he just lost half of his army (maybe just in Riverrun).

Poor Sansa. She was sincerely offered safe passage to the North by the hound, insincerely by LF, and then given the marriage offer of her dreams only to be forced to marry Tyrion of all people and stay in King's Landing.

Who will Gendry's smoke monster kill?
2-1 Tywin
2-1 Joffrey
5-1 Robb(Not looking like he needs much help losing at this point)
25-1 Dany
25-1 Mance
25-1 Greyjoy
1000-1 Stannis
05-06-2013 , 02:13 PM
Pretty good episode, not as great as the past 2 but still pretty awesome.
05-06-2013 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by LastLife
Amazing episode

The Red Caucasian told Thoros that the High Priest gave him a mission. That mission was to convert Robert Baratheon to the Lord of Light. That is GOAT stuff right there. While kings are fighting for the throne, religious leaders are fighting for a spiritual throne. Thoros was sent convert Robert and Red Lady to convert Stannis, both by this High Priest. It looks like they either tried to use Stannis to help convert Robert or hedged their bets by converting him. If they hedged their bets there, it's possible they hedged in another place....Talisa anyone???

Big and Baby Bolton both have interesting scenes. Baby Bolton tells Theon that he is a better hunter than Theon is, meaning he'll be able to find the boys when Theon couldn't. It didn't seem like he wanted to find them and bring them to safety. Big Bolton is sending Jamie to Kings Landing without consulting Robb, and he wants to make sure that Tywin knows that he didn't take his hand. He also mentioned Jamie being worth a lot of money.

Why did Frey give in so easily? Robb has just lost a good bit of his force. Cat said both that Frey is a dangerous man and called him the late Walder Frey(because he treats his vows how Robb has), yet all Robb has to do is apologize, agree to his original vows, and promise not to do it again? He wouldn't care about Harrenhall or marrying off his uncle. This is way too sweet of an offer after he just lost half of his army (maybe just in Riverrun).

Poor Sansa. She was sincerely offered safe passage to the North by the hound, insincerely by LF, and then given the marriage offer of her dreams only to be forced to marry Tyrion of all people and stay in King's Landing.

Who will Gendry's smoke monster kill?
2-1 Tywin
2-1 Joffrey
5-1 Robb(Not looking like he needs much help losing at this point)
25-1 Dany
25-1 Mance
25-1 Greyjoy
1000-1 Stannis
Are we just assuming this will happen or what?
05-06-2013 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by Chilltown
Are we just assuming this will happen or what?
Who knows. In the scene where the Red Lady brings Gendry up, Stannis asks her to make him another son. She says something along the lines of him not being strong enough, but there is someone else. I'm guessing that there will at least be a smoke monster from Gendry. That might be her "power" in the way that Thoros can bring back his buddy.
05-06-2013 , 02:45 PM
Is the Lord of Light and the Lord of Fire the same? I'll have to watch that scene again but it sounded like they were talking about the same God.
