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05-05-2013 , 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by swag_check

I wish we could just fast forward to 2015, 16, or whatever to see what becomes of Arya. I mean all the groundwork is there that she's gonna become a badass of epic proportions. I'm assuming we're all in agreement that Lady Mel's speech about how Arya will "wear eyes of different colors" is 100% foreshadowing that she'll meet up with Jaquen again and learn how to be a faceless (wo)man?
Pretty sure that she said that eyes will be looking back at her and she will close those eyes. Meaning, she kills some bitches.

I may have misheard though
05-05-2013 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by swag_check
Not a ton of action but I actually enjoyed almost all the convos for one reason or another. Loras bit had me lol-ing irl.

Maybe it was the lighting but I'm gonna upgrade Ugly Wildling Chick to Sorta Cute Wildling Chick.

I wish we could just fast forward to 2015, 16, or whatever to see what becomes of Arya. I mean all the groundwork is there that she's gonna become a badass of epic proportions. I'm assuming we're all in agreement that Lady Mel's speech about how Arya will "wear eyes of different colors" is 100% foreshadowing that she'll meet up with Jaquen again and learn how to be a faceless (wo)man?

Super evil LF is always fun to watch in action, loooool Sansa.

Joff and Bolton Jr. would make awesome br0s, hopefully they get to share some screen time together.
Did she say Arya will "wear eyes of different colors"? I thought she said that she sees eyes inside Arya's darkness that she will close forever one day?

I understood it as foreshadowing that Arya will have her revenge someday.
05-05-2013 , 10:28 PM
I really hope Jamie and Brienne bust out and run away together. The two of them make an awesome odd couple team.
05-05-2013 , 10:29 PM
Arya gonna be an elite ninja, learning archery too. The joff scene even looked like he hit ros in the same places that arya hit the scarecrow, need to rewatch it though
05-05-2013 , 10:31 PM
Have these geniuses ever considered going AROUND the wall? It's like the cold weather made their brains freeze.
05-05-2013 , 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by D104
And hot damn, if and when Littlefinger gets what is coming to him, its gonna be super satisfying. Dude is straight evil.
If by "straight evil" you mean "super awesome and you hope he wins in the end" I agree with you.
05-05-2013 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by Jackitos
Pretty sure that she said that eyes will be looking back at her and she will close those eyes. Meaning, she kills some bitches.

I may have misheard though
Originally Posted by D104
Did she say Arya will "wear eyes of different colors"? I thought she said that she sees eyes inside Arya's darkness that she will close forever one day?

I understood it as foreshadowing that Arya will have her revenge someday.
Yea, you're right, I misheard it. Just listened over again and she says: "I see a darkness in you, and in that darkness eyes staring back at me. Brown eyes, blue eyes, green eyes. Eyes you'll shut forever."
I though she was talking about Arya having brown eyes, blue eyes, and green eyes but I guess it's actually that she'll kill people with those color eyes.
05-05-2013 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by StimAbuser
I'm kind of glad they did. I don't think there was a way for it not to be a weird/awkward/kinda bad scene.
yea this, imagine Shae's reaction...

Originally Posted by swag_check
I wish we could just fast forward to 2015, 16, or whatever to see what becomes of Arya. I mean all the groundwork is there that she's gonna become a badass of epic proportions. I'm assuming we're all in agreement that Lady Mel's speech about how Arya will "wear eyes of different colors" is 100% foreshadowing that she'll meet up with Jaquen again and learn how to be a faceless (wo)man?
It was close eyes, not wear eyes. She meant she will kill someone with blue eyes, green eyes and whatever the other one was. Joffrey has blue right? I think it just means she will get every one of those names she speaks before going to sleep at night.

edit: you got it
05-05-2013 , 10:37 PM
Also, loved Sophie Turner. She was breaking my heart with the ugly cry.

Didn't like the evil LF voice over, especially heading into the Joffery torture/murder scene... the music and everything just reminded me of Saw. But I generally dislike Aiden Gillen in this role anyway. His accents bugs the **** out of me and he's hammy as ****.

Robb was looking sexy in that lighting. Edmure isn't half bad looking, either.
05-05-2013 , 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by tuq
If by "straight evil" you mean "super awesome and you hope he wins in the end" I agree with you.
05-05-2013 , 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by tuq
If by "straight evil" you mean "super awesome and you hope he wins in the end" I agree with you.
05-05-2013 , 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by tuq
If by "straight evil" you mean "super awesome and you hope he wins in the end" I agree with you.
05-05-2013 , 11:05 PM
Who would've been heir to Highgarden if Loras was on the king guard?
05-05-2013 , 11:06 PM
Oh durr again iirc, Joff/Marg children right?
05-05-2013 , 11:09 PM
What a crazy episode. The torture scene was a bit too much for me. Pretty graphic.
05-05-2013 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by vixticator
So no shocker that Melissandre was coming for Gendry but I can't figure out why, what did she say to him exactly? Seemed like she has big plans for him.
During the scene where she left Stannis, didn't she say something about needing King's blood. And he said he's the true King. And she said yes, but there are others with his blood? (or Robert's blood i guess)
05-05-2013 , 11:18 PM
Edemure is the Lord of Riverrun right?
05-05-2013 , 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by splashpot
Why did joffrey kill ros?
Saddest part of the ep, for sure. Ros was a super MILF.

Joffrey is a sick ****.
05-05-2013 , 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by D104
LF monologue was pretty freaking great. Would have liked to see Tyrion actually tell Sansa tho, was kinda disappointing that they cut away.
Agree. We saw Sansa crying but that's it. I would've loved to see Tyrion work his magic w/ Shae in the room
05-05-2013 , 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by splashpot
During the scene where she left Stannis, didn't she say something about needing King's blood. And he said he's the true King. And she said yes, but there are others with his blood? (or Robert's blood i guess)
Yep, that's why I figured she was headed to meet up with Thoros and get Gendry. He was the only one with king's blood she could've been after. But in this episode tonight it sounded like she intends for Gendry to be a major player. Prior to that I figured she needed him as a sacrifice or something. Now I have no idea.
05-05-2013 , 11:23 PM
Originally Posted by Gizmo
Lady Olenna and Tywin
Yeah this was awesome.
05-05-2013 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by vixticator
What is Bolton up to with Jamie? He's going to return him to KL for what, exactly? All I can think is he's already decided to turn on Robb and is trying to gain Tywin's favor.
I think he just knows that the North is ****ed and doesn't want to die when they lose. He isn't really turning against Robb, it's more of an insurance policy for him.

And yeah Joff and the Bolton kid are ruthless. I mean jesus. They just don't give a ****.

I didn't really know what Varys and LF were talking about towards the end with the "story you tell over and over until you forget it's a lie". Maybe I'm forgetting something or maybe we'll just find out later?
05-05-2013 , 11:24 PM
Gotta suck to be on a major show for years only to die off screen and get a one second moving camera indication of your death.
05-05-2013 , 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by vixticator
Yep, that's why I figured she was headed to meet up with Thoros and get Gendry. He was the only one with king's blood she could've been after. But in this episode tonight it sounded like she intends for Gendry to be a major player. Prior to that I figured she needed him as a sacrifice or something. Now I have no idea.
What she said was "You will make kings rise and fall". So I think the best guess we can make atm is he's just some kind of sex slave to pump out smoke babies.
05-05-2013 , 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by Michael888
I didn't really know what Varys and LF were talking about towards the end with the "story you tell over and over until you forget it's a lie". Maybe I'm forgetting something or maybe we'll just find out later?
The story was that the Iron Throne is made of 1000 swords, when actually it is made of far fewer, but it's told so often that people forget it is a lie. Which LF was comparing to Varys saying that he does everything for the realm so often that people (even Varys perhaps) forget it's a lie.
