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11-15-2013 , 12:19 PM
khaleesi is an annoying irrelevant ****
11-15-2013 , 01:46 PM
I can see getting spazzy about a book reader calling her that, but pretty much only casual viewers use it like that, give em a break. They have enough trouble keeping all the characters straight let alone dealing with the stupid Essos names, if they call her by what she is most often called why pick a bitch about it.
11-15-2013 , 01:58 PM
It is funny how there is a spike of people naming their daughters Khalesi.

"mommy, why did you call me Khalesi?"
"well I liked this show on HBO and misunderstood the name of my favourite character"
"what happened to her on the show mommy?"
"she hung around in ****ing Meereen for three seasons then died without getting the throne as Jon had to sacrifice her to stop the white walkers, pissing everyone off and now I am reminded of this disappointment every time I see your face, that is why I like your sister Sansa more"
"oh, is that why I live under the stairs?"
"I got that idea from your brother Harry"
11-15-2013 , 02:01 PM
11-15-2013 , 02:31 PM
11-15-2013 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
It is funny how there is a spike of people naming their daughters Khalesi.

"mommy, why did you call me Khalesi?"
"well I liked this show on HBO and misunderstood the name of my favourite character"
"what happened to her on the show mommy?"
"she hung around in ****ing Meereen for three seasons then died without getting the throne as Jon had to sacrifice her to stop the white walkers, pissing everyone off and now I am reminded of this disappointment every time I see your face, that is why I like your sister Arya more"
"oh, is that why I live under the stairs?"
"I got that idea from your brother Harry"
11-15-2013 , 04:00 PM
I hate you for not highlighting what you changed aaron
11-15-2013 , 04:55 PM
There is no way Arya's story ends in a way that isnt a huge disappointment.
11-15-2013 , 05:00 PM
arya kills dany
11-15-2013 , 05:24 PM
One time
11-15-2013 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
lol people get annoyed when someone calls Danny Khalesi?
Wouldn't you get pissed off if everyone decided your name was Mister?
11-15-2013 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by Bremen
Wouldn't you get pissed off if everyone decided your name was Mister?
Don't you mean Señor?
11-15-2013 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by Bremen
Wouldn't you get pissed off if everyone decided your name was Mister?
11-15-2013 , 07:33 PM
Mr. T is not a title.
11-15-2013 , 08:30 PM
Cross posting to apologize for being a dick the other guise.

I'm not one to air out dirty laundry but I had some IRL stuff that kinda had my jimmies severely rustled and was quite upset the other day. I took it out on some solid posters and that's pretty bogus on my part and that's not what I'm about at all. I understand if people don't like me or whatever but I just thought I'd clarify since I wasn't doing a very good job of that the other day

Sorry for being a whiny douche guise.
11-15-2013 , 08:35 PM
11-15-2013 , 10:04 PM
Appreciate your saying so. Sorry if i was too hard on you for it.
11-15-2013 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by Gary Wise
Appreciate your saying so. Sorry if i was too hard on you for it.
It's ok bro of course. It was a bit harsh but obviously the way it went down you were right to think that way. Besides if we all just held every little thing that we each got mad about or didn't like about each other about we'd never get anywhere in life
11-16-2013 , 03:02 AM
It's okay, "bro." We've all been there. Some of us monthly.
11-16-2013 , 03:27 AM
Originally Posted by AlexM
It's okay, "bro." We've all been there. Some of us monthly.
Good one bro. Really stuck it to me after I apologized and explained my situation briefly lol.
11-16-2013 , 03:32 AM
I wasn't sticking it to you.
11-16-2013 , 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
lol people get annoyed when someone calls Danny Khalesi?
in other news, I can't believe Queen slept with her brother. Queen's children are a product of incest. Queen is such a bitch. What do you think of Queen? Will Queen survive to the end of the series? Who is the queen that with destroy everything Queen holds dear?
11-16-2013 , 11:27 PM
omg why are people taking it seriously she isnt even a real character

ooh im khaleesi i want to save the world but i cant because i just keep falling in love oh what am i to do
11-16-2013 , 11:41 PM
its not about the charcacter.
11-17-2013 , 03:06 AM
She's definitely a real character, but her character is not a real person.
