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Fear the Walking Dead Fear the Walking Dead

09-16-2015 , 01:23 PM
They don't shower in this universe.
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-16-2015 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by naggeri
There was the 3rd episode but the kid on drugs still did not take a shower. Look at his hair. Pretty tilting.
I'm more offended that the cute daughter still looks like fresh out of the hairdresser, a few days into a zombies outbreak.
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-16-2015 , 02:42 PM
No more than 48 hours have passed since the start of the show, and it's probably less than that as they're at night in the last episode.

Day 1: Nick gets hit by car probably late morning early afternoon.
Day 1 Night: Travis checks out church.
Day 2: Cal gets killed/comes back.
Day 2 Night: Travis/Chris/Eliza trapped at barber shop. Maddie/Nick/Alicia play Monopoly (which is even more odd after what Alicia witnessed at the end of episode 2).

If you want to play it really loose, you can say 3 days passed, but I don't think so.
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-16-2015 , 02:45 PM
Fine, you nit, i'll come back in a couple episodes and make the same comment, I doubt much changes by then!
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-16-2015 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by StuckinARutt
Also to everyone complaining about the character's reactions to everything that's going on, I don't think you quite understand TWD Universe.

In TWD Canon, the notion of people coming back from the dead doesn't even exist. In our world we have fiction and conspiracies and plots and paranoid theories about the subject in every day life, but for them, the concept doesn't even exist. This is why you'll notice in TWD the term "Zombie" isn't even used - they use "Walker", "Biter", "Roamer", etc. The term just didn't exist before the apocalypse.

Once you appreciate that the characters in FTWD truly cannot even fathom what's happening to their friends and families, you can appreciate the story better. It's also why Tobias is going to be a huge factor
The problem is that Maddie and Travis watched the shooting of the zombie (news feed). They also witnessed Cal inexplicably return from the dead. Travis even says in the second episode that "they come back" while in the barber shop.

Then, in the scene at the house with Peter they act like none of this happened, and this is the first time they've seen anything. Also, keep in mind that when the Peter incident happened (shotgun to the face) Maddie had already also "killed" Artie. Their reactions in the third episode were very dumb. The one with Susan and Maddie was right, all the earlier ones in that episode were not.
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-16-2015 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by Kamikam
Fine, you nit, i'll come back in a couple episodes and make the same comment, I doubt much changes by then!
lol, I wasn't criticizing, was just saying the timeline for the show as it stands now.
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-16-2015 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by nunnehi
The problem is that Maddie and Travis watched the shooting of the zombie (news feed). They also witnessed Cal inexplicably return from the dead. Travis even says in the second episode that "they come back" while in the barber shop.

Then, in the scene at the house with Peter they act like none of this happened, and this is the first time they've seen anything. Also, keep in mind that when the Peter incident happened (shotgun to the face) Maddie had already also "killed" Artie. Their reactions in the third episode were very dumb. The one with Susan and Maddie was right, all the earlier ones in that episode were not.
I don't think it's beyond the realm of possibility that when they first see their neighbors, they assume they're sick - not dead. As anyone would.
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-16-2015 , 03:25 PM
I'd buy it for Travis *maybe* (who's only witnessed the Cal thing, but they ran off without actually finishing him off), but not for Maddie. She's seen the exact behavior from Artie that she was witnessing with Peter. I just think the makers are trying to go to extraordinarily far lengths to portray Travis as weak (kind of like Rick at the beginning of TWD), and his seeming unwillingness to believe this is actually happening. But again, he does get what's going on, and that's the confusion here (at the end of episode 2, he overtly states that sick people die and are coming back). When you walk in on a guy eating a dog, based on what you've recently seen, you maybe wonder if he's actually one of the weird things they've both experienced. Alicia is literally the only main character who actually doesn't know what's going on.
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-16-2015 , 05:28 PM
Kim Dickens and Ruben Blades are 100x better actors than anyone on TWD, so just for that I'm enjoying it so far.

It still has the problem of devoting too much time to repeating the same interpersonal conflicts over and over though. I'm assuming the writers are pretty much the same?
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-16-2015 , 08:47 PM
The show itself for me is more less a solid B so far. Pretty much in agreement with the rest that with better actors comes better love Kim Dickens.

One thing I thought really funny from last week was the scene with Nick and Travis when they were in the backyard discussing zombie Wendy when Nick was like "She's dead" and Travis is like "nahhhhhh don't say that she's just sick." I couldn't help but think OMG this is the passive aggressive version of TWD Season 2 Ep. 7 when Shane was like "THEIR DEAD", and Hershel was like "nahhhhhh don't say that she's just sick."
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-16-2015 , 09:21 PM
Cliff Curtis is a damn good actor...he never disappoints
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-17-2015 , 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Cliff Curtis is a damn good actor...he never disappoints
Had no idea he's main Mexican in training day.
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-18-2015 , 09:49 AM
09-18-2015 , 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by GREEAR10
Had no idea he's main Mexican in training day.
I'll always remember him most as Pablo Escobar in Blow. But yeah, a chameleon for sure.
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-18-2015 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by Kamikam
I'm more offended that the cute daughter still looks like fresh out of the hairdresser, a few days into a zombies outbreak.
I'm more offended that we were a few days into the zombie outbreak, and the cute daughter still didn't even know there was a zombie outbreak
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-19-2015 , 01:40 AM
I disagree with those saying these people have never seen a horror film or heard the term zombie before. It would be natural to call a swarm of these things walkers or whatever term you want to make up, as it could even help you deal with the situation, they definitely aren't like zombies in your average zombie movie either, similarities yes, the same, no. If everyone was ITT was asked to give their definition of a zombie we would have almost as many definitions as responses.

I think TWD world is just like today (same society, movies, myths, etc...), except this outbreak starts. That means everyone has seen a zombie/monster film of some kind or heard of weird stuff (if producers have said otherwise then fine but I think they are dumb then and this is still how I view the show -- if this happened in real life even with the knowledge we have of this show no one ITT would believe it is actually happening in real life for quite some while (or even the characters on this show if they had seen TWD) -- assuming you have already watched all of the walking dead I doubt anyone would bash their neighbors head in with a hammer because he was walking funny or made a weird sound -- we would all need to see a lot of stuff happen before even getting close to that point).

That doesn't mean anyone actually believes myths like zombies or vampires or werewolves or whatever have any truth behind them or that anything like that could possibly ever be true. So to see it with your own eyes there is going to be a strong sense of denial that has to be overcome, those with the strongest sense of denial will be dead, those who are quick to adapt (like the Mom, and the latino Dad) already know what are going on and will have the best chance at survival (if they don't try to be too nice/helpful to others who don't get it yet). The rest, who knows? For the main Dad to still be in somewhat denial and not wanting to involve guns, etc... he needs to turn into Rick soon if he is going to have any chance at all. It seems like the show is committed to turning him into the next Rick but he should be dead already if not soon.

Last edited by Shoe; 09-19-2015 at 01:57 AM.
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-19-2015 , 02:11 AM
Also, I think the stupid stuff people are doing in this show (with our advanced knowledge of what is going to happen) absolutely pales in comparison to the stupid stuff people do a year or two into TWD when those characters (and apparent survivors) actually know what is going on.
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-21-2015 , 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by Shoe
I disagree with those saying these people have never seen a horror film or heard the term zombie before. It would be natural to call a swarm of these things walkers or whatever term you want to make up, as it could even help you deal with the situation, they definitely aren't like zombies in your average zombie movie either, similarities yes, the same, no. If everyone was ITT was asked to give their definition of a zombie we would have almost as many definitions as responses.
Nice wall of text. Pretty sure everyone in the thread would have as a key element the dead rising to feed upon the living.
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-21-2015 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by Shoe
I disagree with those saying these people have never seen a horror film or heard the term zombie before.
As I recall, the creator of the "Walking Dead" universe has stated that they're not called zombies because that word does not exist in this world.
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-21-2015 , 12:53 PM
I came here to read comments about yesterday's episode, but the fact that there are none makes me think I'm on the same page as everyone else. There's no much to talk about.

And, please, let that druggie kid get bitten and be gone.

The daughter can stay.
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-21-2015 , 01:54 PM
I'm worried they might play the 28 Days Later card and have the military guys become the real threat. It looks like they're already starting to go that direction.

Last edited by MortalWombat; 09-21-2015 at 02:00 PM.
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-21-2015 , 02:13 PM
Every single person on this show is so dumb . Amazing.
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-22-2015 , 06:26 AM
Originally Posted by MortalWombat
I'm worried they might play the 28 Days Later card and have the military guys become the real threat. It looks like they're already starting to go that direction.
I for one wouldn't mind. So far i've actually been enjoying FTWD more than TWD. Besides, you don't really want to see two versions of TWD, there have to be fundamental differences.

I enjoy how the tension is building and how this show is taking it's time. It doesn't make it an A+ show, but I like it nonetheless. TWD and its zombies everywhere will be back soon enough.
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-22-2015 , 07:38 AM
This was a turrible episode

I understand they have to set stuff up but jesus. No action at all.

I still understand character behavior though. Yes some of them are dumb in a common sense way, but a lot of them are behaving exactly as they should - what Shoe said is complete crap. In TWD canon, they don't have a term for Zombie, and the notion of the dead coming back to life doesn't even exist. Think of the Marvel universe wrt to Superman. Doesn't exist. They don't even mention him, they don't have their own DC comic books etc.

So in TWD universe, there most definitely isn't horror movies on the subject
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-22-2015 , 09:22 AM
Hell, even if this happened in our reality, where we have seen zombies on TV and movies, there's a good chance a lot of us STILL wouldn't bash a loved-one's or friend's head in even if I KNEW they were zombies. Obviously, we'd have to if we were in immediate danger, but I think there would still be that part of us that would hope for a cure or hope for some humanity left in them, so we'd just try to restrain them or trap them in a room or something.

Bottom line is that even though people have seen the dead walking, this is all still very new to them. They don't know what to think about it. They trust/hope everyone will get better or that a cure is on the way. They're not like, "Welp, time to start cracking skulls."

As for the last episode, looks like things are about to finally go somewhere. It's been one hell of a slow build.
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
