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Fear the Walking Dead Fear the Walking Dead

09-01-2015 , 03:27 AM
This has potential but my main gripe would be 90% of the characters are annoying. Also hilarious that the only three characters we really knew to become zombies/get ill have been three black guys, obviously.
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-01-2015 , 03:37 AM
Originally Posted by samcx
This has potential but my main gripe would be 90% of the characters are annoying. Also hilarious that the only three characters we really knew to become zombies/get ill have been three black guys, obviously.
Its a running joke on The Walking Dead you would think they'd be more aware but maybe they don't care.
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-01-2015 , 03:39 AM
Originally Posted by LimpDitka
They should rush it, and have the West Coast Walking dead meet up with Rick and his gang from the east coast. And for the finale of both series have one big shootout, battle royale style.
This is kinda what I was hoping this was going to turn into.. Or even little subtle hints thru out that it's a small world kinda feel.
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-01-2015 , 11:17 AM
Second episode definitely improved. Ratcheted up the tension. I like that the pimply kid knows what's going to happen.

One thing REALLY irked me, though. The handful of people who knew what was going on - Trevor, Madison (blonde mom), and Nick - WON'T ****ING TELL ANYONE.

I mean, Trevor called his ex-wife and said he was coming over to get her and his son and she gets all mad at him. He keeps telling her to just listen and let him come over, etc., but even when he gets there, he doesn't actually say what's happening. Even when she sees the riot starting on TV and they head over to get their kid, he STILL doesn't explain.

Neither Madison nor Nick will tell the sister what is happening. They just tell her to stay inside. She's seen her boyfriend get sick, yet they won't tell her exactly why she needs to stay away from him. The power went out, her family is packing up to flee to the desert, her step-dad is going to get his ex-wife and kid, but they won't give her the details.

I mean, ****. I know that if one person all of a sudden says, without any other evidence, that dead people are coming back to life and eating people, they wouldn't be believed, but now you have three people, two of whom are intelligent, respected, non-druggies, who have witnessed it. I would think their family members/friends would believe them, especially with the other evidence around the city.

If I'm trying to convince my kid to stay indoors and am getting everyone packed up to rush out to the ****ing desert, I sure as hell am going to explain why.
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-01-2015 , 12:19 PM
It worked for Lost. Seriously that entire show could have been a 6 episode mini-series if anyone at some point bothered to tell anyone else what they knew.

I tried watching this junk because I always wondered what world war Z would look like if it were a crappy 90s made for TV movie.

Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-01-2015 , 01:07 PM
I mean who wasn't disappointed to find out Cliff Curtis wasn't working for the CDC?
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-01-2015 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by SretiCentV
I tried watching this junk because I always wondered what world war Z would look like if it were a crappy 90s made for TV movie.

If the zombies moved that fast everyone in TWD with zero peripheral vision would be in trouble
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-01-2015 , 06:30 PM
Only slightly better than the first episode, but there's potential there if they don't screw it up.
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-01-2015 , 10:36 PM
Those complaining about some of the logic, premise here. You have to have some willing suspension of disbelief to watch shows like this. I understand that you want to at least have things logically consistent beyond the necessary disbelief. But the problem is that any world that has zombies essentially has magic (where magic might be some level of as yet understood science that appears to be magic) and trying to apply logic to magic is near impossible because magic's key component is "we don't know how it works." (Don't get me started on why these zombies haven't turned to skeletons due to decomposition over the years of TWD.)

That said, I believe these are components of a plausible scenario: the zombie virus is is asymptomatic (and the symptom I'm talking about is NOT flu - it's coming back after dying) for a significant time period after contracting it (I believe Ebola can take up to 21 days to present itself) so people can contract and carry it for quite a while. This allows it to be spread to many/most of the world before it's really recognized. Second, realize that most people will not see this as "the dead are walking" but as "wow, my friend/loved one seemed really sick but he seems to be recovering but he's delusional/violent. I need to help him." And so along the way people are getting bit. Even more, there are actually people protesting against the police's "attack on defenseless/sick citizens" and you can imagine the powers that be are metaphorically handcuffing the police and military forces from taking the action needed, much less advising citizens on how to deal with "the sick".

As for bites, first of all human mouths are filthy to begin with and human bites are among the worst you can get. Add to that that many of the bites will mix some necrotic flesh into the wound and those wounds will quickly and easily develop into nasty infections (if you don't out right die from the other bites and attack.)

Take the above plus panic leading to people abandoning their jobs (like maintaining the power grids or reporting for duty) and the exponential growth in the number of zombies and you have the apocalypse.
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-02-2015 , 10:57 AM
Whats up with no new episode Sunday?
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-02-2015 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by p566
As for bites, first of all human mouths are filthy to begin with and human bites are among the worst you can get. Add to that that many of the bites will mix some necrotic flesh into the wound and those wounds will quickly and easily develop into nasty infections (if you don't out right die from the other bites and attack.)

Makes enough sense.

What's tilting is the TWD writers still obliviously write characters who KNOW they are already infected with the zombie virus, yet go around acting like getting bit is what infects you with THAT specific virus, and that specific virus is what causes death when you are bit.
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-02-2015 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by parisron
Whats up with no new episode Sunday?
Holiday weekend.
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-02-2015 , 10:32 PM
Since we have two weeks until the next episode...

Suppose you know with certainty that the ZA starts in 1 week (first deaths). You have no proof to show others. You have $1 million cash. And you have a family: spouse, 15 yr old son and 10 yr old daughter.

What do you do? Where do you go? What do you buy? What is your plan?
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-02-2015 , 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by p566
Since we have two weeks until the next episode...

Suppose you know with certainty that the ZA starts in 1 week (first deaths). You have no proof to show others. You have $1 million cash. And you have a family: spouse, 15 yr old son and 10 yr old daughter.

What do you do? Where do you go? What do you buy? What is your plan?
Good question, could even be it's own thread. I'm thinking for supplies/weapons I would rent a big moving van (or multiple vans if multiple drivers) and stock them full as much supplies as I could fit (the exact list would take some work but with only 1 weeks time would probably just focus on buying mass quantity of non-perishables plus whatever select items I could think of, plus guns and tons of ammo obviously, crossbows/bows would be good too if you already the importance of not making noise, but they aren't as easy to use as Daryl makes it seem lol), obviously the moving vans would most likely never be returned but would not be intentionally stealing just realizing when the ZA breaks out there would be no one to return them to. Also, I don't think 1 week would be enough time to buy a property so if you don't already have a good place of your own I think you would either would have to find a place for rent that you can plan to just make your home or scout out a vacant area (vacation home or something) that would be good to move into, with a good well for water and on good terrain that is defensible. Maybe an island and get a boat to transfer all the supplies (just had the thought of a remote lighthouse but obviously would need to be able to sustain yourself too)?

You would also want to get as many friends/family that you can trust to join you as well, not sure how easy it would be to convince them unless they are already aware too. Could go on but will leave it at that for now.
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-02-2015 , 11:04 PM
I think I buy a boat, stock it for an around the world trip including desalination unit, fishing gear. Obviously guns & ammo, mostly 22 or 9mm (most common so easiest to find more ammo for?) rwith silencers + something heavy I can use to defend against marauders.
If I can get my hand on some mace like weapons and some spears for distance poking I'd like to have those.

I want to be at sea before **** starts. I would like to find some tropical island with relatively low population density. Maybe something like Kauai or one of the other Hawaiian islands with good weather and plentiful food sources.

I want to think basics and primitive tools like a sextant and waterproof maps, paper books on survival skills, navigation, how to can, smoke and otherwise preserve food.

Armor? Maybe some of the shark diving chain mail to wear for shore excursions to protect against bites and scratches?

Other ideas or things I am forgetting?
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-03-2015 , 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by p566
Since we have two weeks until the next episode...

Suppose you know with certainty that the ZA starts in 1 week (first deaths). You have no proof to show others. You have $1 million cash. And you have a family: spouse, 15 yr old son and 10 yr old daughter.

What do you do? Where do you go? What do you buy? What is your plan?

I use extremely vague language when talking about it, and make sure we are all separated at various times to add tension. Then I visit this forum to see how frustrated people are with that choice, despite it being a good device for TV in terms of ratings.
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-03-2015 , 09:48 AM
hijack / steal / rent a big boat is my best answer. then at least the zombies aren't going to be a real problem, just other people. go somewhere where it rains a lot > collect and store for drinking water. can fish for food. massive bathroom at your disposal.

or you could try to find a fortified CDC center, those things are indestructible and stocked with food and fine wine, can't go wrong there
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-03-2015 , 11:37 AM

Molokai light house. Just clear out the lepers and you have an island and a light house to yourself.
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-04-2015 , 01:54 AM
I had a thought about islands today, we saw (I think last season but not sure) that the walkers can live underwater (the one that was under the pier submerged in water was still alive), so while I don't think they can swim I don't think being in water would kill them, so it's still possible that the currents would wash zombies up on your island, so you would still need to remain vigilant. Ideally an island surrounded by all high cliffs would be the most defensible, or possibly a plateau on land there there is only a narrow and steep entrance that you can block off, a swarm would not be able to break through a narrow/steep path that is blocked off at the right points, if they can even figure out how to go up the path in the first place.
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-04-2015 , 03:59 AM
Fear the Great Pacific Zombie Patch.. Twice the size of Texas, they say.
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-04-2015 , 07:33 AM
I think zombies still sink though, right? The Hawaiian islands are mostly 10k+ mountains from sea floor to sea level (and another 10-15k above sea level to the tops of the peaks on the islands). I doubt many walkers are going to randomly make those climbs.

And that's assuming they aren't crushed due to water pressure during their walk from whatever continent at 10k feet down.
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-04-2015 , 09:31 AM
There are at least two other major approaches to this I can think of.

1) spend the week checking off your bucket list and then take the Kirkman solution to the ZA: find a bridge and jump.

2) try to find ways to prepare the populace for the outbreak in the hope of saving civilization. And try to avoid being committed or otherwise locked up while doing so. Probably gathering as much info as possible and preparing survival guides and distributing via the internet and then closely watching for first reports and trying to get ahead of it. Maybe hopeless but also very altruistic and unselfish.
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-05-2015 , 12:43 PM
This show is not very realistic. Why didnt Obamas head explode when the white lady hit him with the fire extinguisher ?

but seriously the first 2 episodes are good

Last edited by JulianAssange; 09-05-2015 at 12:51 PM.
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-09-2015 , 04:29 PM
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
09-09-2015 , 11:07 PM
This show uses overhead shots of LA way more effectively than True Detective 2

Last edited by Huehuecoyotl; 09-09-2015 at 11:26 PM.
Fear the Walking Dead Quote
