Originally Posted by CletusVanDamme
To those calling for the Skyler-and-her-boss hook up; I think its more likely "Mr. Grabby-Hands" (Marie's terminology) gets out of line, after too much flirting and sexual tension from Skyler, of course. Walt then continues his descent into bad-assdom, and beats the hell out of the guy.
And there's definitely gonna be a moment where Mr. Grabby-hands looks at Walt with total shock, like "when did this wuss become such a badass?"
Though I'm not sure if Skyler is going to run home crying about what Mr. GH did, or if Walt is just going to go through her cell phone and decide they've been talking too much (after overhearing a suspicious phone call). I think that when Walt gets pissed at Skyler and Mr. GH, Skyler will mention Ms. Hot-Principal and her flirtation with Walt as a counter attack.
It's gonna be an awesome season.