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Black Mirror Black Mirror

01-03-2018 , 06:39 PM
Jesse Plemons nickname history:

Already established:

Breaking Bad: Meth Damon
Fargo: Fat Damon

My new entry:

Black Mirror: Shat Damon
Black Mirror Quote
01-03-2018 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by PartyGirlUK

For all that the episode sucked - the guinea pig thing was a throw away at the end of the episode + the police would use facial recognition software to identify Mia as a suspect. They'd then match the tread marks of her car to the snow outside Shazia's house, find Shazia's husband's blood splatter over Mia's clothes, find Shazia's DNA in Mia's home (+ where is Shazia's body)? It's not like the guinea pig's memory would form the entire basis of the prosecution's case.

The guinea pig's memory could give police just cause to use the Recaller on Mia.
Yeah that was one of the problems there. They didn't need the guinea pig at all to solve the crime. Someone murdered the entire family of a missing person who was investigating an accident. Assume she disposed of the car and the body perfectly for that, they'd still just backtrack the investigator's day and do all the investigative steps she took, and part of that would be showing a picture of the investigator to the hotel clerk. The end.
Black Mirror Quote
01-03-2018 , 09:12 PM

Not sure why everybody hated this one; I liked it a lot. I love stories where you're thrown into a situation with no backstory. The dog was awesome and the woman was quite resourceful. Gorgeous black and white cinematography, too.

Black Museum:

Was really good, if a bit scattershot because of the three different stories. I liked how the consciousness transfer of the 2nd story melded with the electrocution story. The first story about the Doctor was probably the best and really twisted, but since that had nothing to do with any of the other stories or the spine (the museum story), it feels kind of tacked on.

This seemed more like an episode of Creepshow or some other horror anthology, than that of Black Mirror.

The actor who played Rolo was great, though.

My rankings:

USS Calister: A-
Metalhead: B+
Hang the DJ: B
Black Museum: B
Crocodile: B-
Arkangel: C+

Up until this season, Black Mirror was revelatory and unique, and each episode - even the weakest ones - were amazing.

This season, however, there seemed to be a few plot holes or things not quite worked out to my satisfaction.

Still quite entertaining.
Black Mirror Quote
01-03-2018 , 11:31 PM
USS McCallister: I confuse Cristin Milioti and Oona Chaplin every time. Is that the woman from Game of Thrones? Oh never mind, it's the wife from How I Met Your Mother.

Last edited by Huehuecoyotl; 01-03-2018 at 11:46 PM.
Black Mirror Quote
01-04-2018 , 01:19 AM
Originally Posted by dkgojackets
what's "not to buy"? it was a storyline that kept me interested throughout (pretty much the only episode of the season that did) and had me wondering what the endgame reveal would be. not a proposal that simulation dating is realistic
well, in a world that can run sentient versions of yourself on a computer, simulation dating probably is realistic.
Black Mirror Quote
01-04-2018 , 01:21 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Yeah that was one of the problems there. They didn't need the guinea pig at all to solve the crime. Someone murdered the entire family of a missing person who was investigating an accident. Assume she disposed of the car and the body perfectly for that, they'd still just backtrack the investigator's day and do all the investigative steps she took, and part of that would be showing a picture of the investigator to the hotel clerk. The end.
also she had her goddamn phone at the murder scene and it rang during the murder.
Black Mirror Quote
01-04-2018 , 05:23 AM
Hang The DJ was the best imo, as others mentioned the female lead was A+. Callister was very entertaining as well. The rest were meh for me. One great ep and one very good one out of 6 is a decent average at this point I suppose.
Black Mirror Quote
01-04-2018 , 10:44 AM

Not sure why everybody hated this one; I liked it a lot. I love stories where you're thrown into a situation with no backstory. The dog was awesome and the woman was quite resourceful. Gorgeous black and white cinematography, too.

There were a few problems: first, Black Mirror is supposed to in theory all exist within the same universe: this clearly didn't. second, there was no technology aspect - it was just a hunter chasing a victim. third, black and white was kind of jarring. fourth, the surprise at the end was stupid. As a standalone 45 minutes of television, it wasn't that bad - it just isn't part of Black Mirror
Black Mirror Quote
01-04-2018 , 01:17 PM
While there's easter egg continuity between some episodes I don't think there's a confirmed Black Mirror Cinematic Universe. For example, Arkangel exists in a world where Black Mirror the SHOW exists(which makes the implant even weirder, what was that pitch? "What if Black Mirror but for real"?), not the universe Men Against Fire happened in.

Anyway you can still fit Netalhead into the chronology, at some point in the future between Men Against Fire's global eugenics war and 15 Million Merits' future underground society the world was devastated by ??? and there were roving bands of killer dog robots.
Black Mirror Quote
01-04-2018 , 02:38 PM
i had never heard of the theory that there is one black mirror "universe". its all just a concept

metalhead sucked because it was too simple. not that simple cant be good, but it didnt give us anything to really think about. the world was exactly as it was presented. maybe if the episode was the timeline of implementing these crime-fighting(?) dogs which humans end up losing control over it would be more of a black mirror episode.
Black Mirror Quote
01-04-2018 , 03:51 PM
My rankings:

Hang the DJ
Black Museum

Further thoughts:
Female lead in DJ was excellent.

I disliked the male lead in BM, even though I liked the story. To Fly’s point, neither BM nor Callister really grappled with the moral and ethical questions about maltreating what is essentially AI, and instead assumes simplistic clarity on that point, although in different ways. In Callister, it’s morally repugnant for Fat Damon to abuse AI simulations of everyone else, but acceptable on vengeance grounds for everyone else to do it to him. In BM, the teddy bear woman is a little more ambiguous, but it’s once again OK for the heroine to trap the museum keeper’s consciousness into an eternity of pain. Of course, the Callister issue relates to copies, but that distinction is never addressed from a moral perspective.

I liked Arkangel, if only because I have teenage daughters who occasionally bridle at parental restrictions.

Overall, I thought Callister was flat, and I thought perhaps that the annoying receptionist deserved an infinity of pain.

Metalhead reminded me of The Road, which was just a dystopia without hope of any redemption. I liked the black and white, although the plot had some holes. Why didn’t the wheel man start the van before going inside? Why did they need the van at all? And where were all the other dogs that showed up at the end? And why was there a dog behind a box of teddy bears? Fooling the dog by dropping bits of wood on it felt silly. Still, it was tense and kind of interesting.

I rather thought that hang the DJ was as much about determinism as anything else. The reason they rebel is the system’s maltreatment of them after Frank checks his timer to assuage his insecurity and it resets much lower. But for the actual test to occur, he has to have done so. Maybe I’m all wet here, though.
Black Mirror Quote
01-04-2018 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by dkgojackets
i had never heard of the theory that there is one black mirror "universe". its all just a concept

metalhead sucked because it was too simple. not that simple cant be good, but it didnt give us anything to really think about. the world was exactly as it was presented. maybe if the episode was the timeline of implementing these crime-fighting(?) dogs which humans end up losing control over it would be more of a black mirror episode.
The first 2 seasons (including White Christmas) had references to previous episodes in all episodes.
Black Mirror Quote
01-04-2018 , 04:25 PM
they include a lot of easter eggs because fans love those but that doesn't have to imply one world

like naming the porno in crocodile the same as in 15 million merits is just meant to be a fun shoutout imo
Black Mirror Quote
01-04-2018 , 04:36 PM
feel like this show lacks the profundity that (the original) twilight zone had
Black Mirror Quote
01-04-2018 , 11:54 PM
No lie, about 2/3 of the way through the Metalhead episode I said to myself

I bet what was in the box is something ridiculous like a teddy bear

Regarding Black Museum, I thought it was probably the weakest episode of the season, and I would bet money that every story told in that episode was once an idea for a full standalone episode that didn't make the cut.
Black Mirror Quote
01-05-2018 , 12:54 AM
I didn't categorize any of S4 as a waste of an hour - all at least pretty good. Previous seasons had a couple I just didn't like.

Also, it seems there is more of a wow factor with initail seasons regarding new age technology that might wear off a little as seasons progress. Like I might rate History of You a little lower if it was part of S4, and might rate USS Callister higher if it was part of S1.

My ratings something like this:

Black Museum (great uses of cutting edge tech)
Hang the DJ (I build simulation models, so liked it a lot)
USS Callister (see above)
Crocodile (BM style with suspense)

Metalhead (chase scene, but still interesting)
Arkangel (no real problem with the tech, just overbearing mother)
Black Mirror Quote
01-05-2018 , 03:04 AM
I'm with HT on the ethics of characters treat the AI. If you believe in San Junipero as a happy ending, can you reconcile that with how characters treat AIs at the end of episodes in S4?
How would a conscious independent AI singularity view humans?
Would you blame it for exterminating human consciousness?
Black Mirror Quote
01-05-2018 , 03:07 AM
Hang the DJ
Do you suppose that the "dating app" had to be developed using real people undergoing that process before becoming virtual?
Black Mirror Quote
01-05-2018 , 03:56 AM

Black Mirror, was looking forward to this season for many months, and I hope/look forward to future seasons.

Black Museum:

When the device was stuck in her head they said "initiate upload procedure"

Next, they put it in his head and said "initiate download procedure" it should be reversed, her brain should have been download, and uploaded into his brain... right?
Black Mirror Quote
01-05-2018 , 06:24 AM
Originally Posted by NhlNut
Hang the DJ
Do you suppose that the "dating app" had to be developed using real people undergoing that process before becoming virtual?
I don't see how the same parameters would work - the simulated people were in the app for hundreds/thousands of simulated years, never aging over the course of 1000 replications.
Black Mirror Quote
01-05-2018 , 08:05 AM
The whole "torturing an AI simulation of a person" thing is nonsensical. It annoyed me a bit in White Christmas (specifically the ending) and I'm surprised they keep re-using it.

It's no different to taking a (digital) photo of someone and then photoshopping it to look like the person is being horribly tortured or something. The person who had their photo taken doesn't get hurt. The pixels don't get hurt. The person doing the photoshopping may be a bit of a sicko. That's it.

I think SJ was different in that they were supposed to be somehow transferring the person's consciousness into the simulation, not just mimicking it.
Black Mirror Quote
01-05-2018 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by JustASpectator
Jesse Plemons nickname history:

Already established:

Breaking Bad: Meth Damon
Fargo: Fat Damon

My new entry:

Black Mirror: Shat Damon
his nickname is Lance
Black Mirror Quote
01-05-2018 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by RubbishCards
The whole "torturing an AI simulation of a person" thing is nonsensical. It annoyed me a bit in White Christmas (specifically the ending) and I'm surprised they keep re-using it.
I didn't mind it as much as a theme, but what did bother me was that the characters never seemed to address it. They just sort of assumed it immediately, and I don't know if that's Black Mirror just assuming that characters in its universe have already had and accepted that notion or what, but I felt like that was missing from those episodes.
Black Mirror Quote
01-05-2018 , 12:11 PM
Don't think it's nonsense at all, if a simulation is sentient then certainly it could be tortured
Black Mirror Quote
01-05-2018 , 12:22 PM
Well, for me a lot of the fun of Black Mirror are the interesting points that it brings up that you can debate, which this has, but we usually see the characters in the episodes struggle or at least ask them too, which I just found missing. I don't think it stopped me from enjoying the episodes by and large, but I did find myself asking "wait, why aren't they even questioning this?"
Black Mirror Quote
