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Black Mirror Black Mirror

01-02-2018 , 03:00 AM
It's Black Mirror so I'm channeling my inner Homer-Simpson-as-a-food-critic, but I gotta say halfway through this season it's getting my lowest rating yet, nine thumbs up.

The Star Trek episode had some glaring unforced errors.
Black Mirror Quote
01-02-2018 , 08:21 AM
So, Charlie Brooker is pretty scared of getting his consciousness trapped in something I reckon.
Black Mirror Quote
01-02-2018 , 09:05 AM
Regarding USS episode:

I think it would have been stronger with another step to the ending. I think that the coder girl shoulda gone back to rescue him in real life. The story didn't say that that didn't happen, but I woulda liked to see it. I mean slow matt damon was a bastard but not a completely evil SOB. There was a redemption story that was missed
Black Mirror Quote
01-02-2018 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by JudgeHoldem
Regarding USS episode:

I think it would have been stronger with another step to the ending. I think that the coder girl shoulda gone back to rescue him in real life. The story didn't say that that didn't happen, but I woulda liked to see it. I mean slow matt damon was a bastard but not a completely evil SOB. There was a redemption story that was missed
I think there was kind of a lot going on in that episode that woulda been cool to see expanded on. Maybe that storyline would do better as a film.

Some things:

I can't tell if the writers' intentionally set it up to be sorta ambiguous, but I wonder what the fate is of Real-Nanette. Meth Damon is going to probably die stuck in the game at his desk (the office just went on a 10 day holiday and he apparently has no social life), and if the police investigate they'll probably figure out she broke into his house and was maybe the last to see him alive. Real-Nanette told at least two people at her work that she took the job specifically because she was fascinated with Daly's code. Beyond that, I think her nudes are gonna be on his internet network (that's how Clone-Nanette got them to her phone right?) and that could certainly be seen as some kind of motive.

Then there is the other thing. Let's say the police get involved and figure out the whole story. Is the fate of DNA-loaded AI clones going to be something people even care about? I feel like the fact that the AI characters aren't real humans is kind of glossed over when people talk about the episode. It seemed like there was an ethical question being proposed there (e,g,
exactly HOW bad is what Daly was doing, do AI loaded with someones' DNA have more rights than regular AI, etc.)
Black Mirror Quote
01-02-2018 , 02:48 PM
I thought it would have been perfectly black mirror at the end to continue with their entire new world of "freedom" being a bunch of abrasive gamers only wanting to trade loot/fight/troll/etc
Black Mirror Quote
01-02-2018 , 03:18 PM
did you guys know the voice (of the other player) at the end was aaron paul?
Black Mirror Quote
01-02-2018 , 04:19 PM
I don't think this guy has it right on 'Hang the DJ'

"Hang the DJ" seemed at first to be an earnest look at how modern dating can weigh on an existence. But the ending heavily implies the opposite; that dating apps and the algorithms they use ultimately will lead you to happiness.

I'm all for a closer, darker look at what modern dating can (and does) do to me, and the ending robbed me of that, giving instead a very shallow view of how we should think about dating apps.

Dating has seen an extremely sudden shift because of technology and Black Mirror squandered an opportunity to investigate where this path may take us.

However, what the ending suggests is that dating apps are great, depending on their algorithms. Because of this weirdo simulation, where everything is perfect except the number of times you can skip a stone, those real world counterparts can live happily ever after. All thanks to that algorithm! How great!

(Also, how truthfully can a dating app replicate a person in a synthesized world to see how they will interact with others? Seriously, how good would that questionnaire have to be? I've filled out hundreds of questions on OkCupid over the years, and it still doesn't know who I am.)

In trying to tell a story about how isolating and confusing modern dating can be, "Hang the DJ" instead ends that story suggesting with the suggestion that modern dating is fantastic because it will ultimately guarantee you will find the one for you. Eventually.

I don't think the episode makes any kind of declaration on how dating is in the ultimate reality. I think the episode does hint at the unconfortableness with Big Data creating a deterministic world where Big Data knows more than you do about your life and what's good for it, but it doesn't imply that's what's happening in the real world. I looked at it as a kind of one off 'what if?' story as in 'what if dating apps created virtual people to simulate match rates?' instead of some big statement about dating apps and finding the Right One.
Black Mirror Quote
01-02-2018 , 05:00 PM
I think a cool black mirror episode would be a technology where married people can engage in technosex with other married people and whether that is really cheating if no physical contact takes place. that's just the bare bones but i'm sure it could be fleshed out a lot more in interesting ways. or maybe i'm just bummed i totally missed the tinder/swipe left way of hooking up
Black Mirror Quote
01-02-2018 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by gadgetguru
Didn’t even know this was coming out and I’ve always felt like bm was hit or miss. I thought this was the best season and binged all of it. Everything was entirely predictable but maybe it’s meant to be, I literally told my gf early in ep 1 what was going to happen and it did. Don’t think that is a drawback though, completely enjoyable up to metalhead which sucked, totally worth skipping.

It felt like the director was trying too hard, if you’re gonna go b&w these days you better knock it out of the park. You could almost feel the director coaching half the scenes like the slow motion car off the 20ft cliff lol. The abrupt introduction of the characters made you feel nothing vested in them and yes half way I was rooting for the dog.
Is she counting the minutes until it expires?
Black Mirror Quote
01-02-2018 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by PartyGirlUK
Crocodile - first episode I've watched of the fourth season and the worst episode I've seen of the series. It was slow, quite predictable & the actual "technology" aspect was superfluous. Guy kills everyone who witnessed his crime. But the way they witnessed his crimes is very slightly different. And he is a she. Zzz.
Black Museum - awful. Worst than Crocodile. Felt like two stories Brooker didn't think were good enough for a full episode + gotta say something about institutional racism!! Douglas Hodge sucked as Rolo Haynes & I thought his accent was very dodgy too. Penn Jillette would have excelled (he wanted the role & the pain story was his). Really shocked to see this generally has good reviews - I thought it was a hot pile of trash and struggled to get through it.
Black Mirror Quote
01-02-2018 , 09:35 PM
His accent was all over the place.
Black Mirror Quote
01-02-2018 , 09:40 PM
can't understand how you guys think black museum was bad. thought the doctor's story was specially interesting. the one with the woman in the teddy bear's body was also good. can't recall the third one so I guess it wasn't that interesting.
my rankings:
uss callister > hang the dj > black museum > crocodile > arkangel > metalhead
Black Mirror Quote
01-02-2018 , 09:59 PM
The first two stories both had potential to be feature length episodes but didn't work as twenty minutes vignettes. For example the doctor getting addicted to the pain could worked spectacularly had it gradually happened over the course of an episode, but when some dude in a dodgy accent just says "He got addicted to the pain" it's like reading the wikipedia summary of a great book.

The third story was the death row revenge plot which featured Nish doing a Poirotesque exposition. I have an extremely strong dislike for clunky, unnatural exposition on screen so that scene grated. I mean, she'd just never talk like that! The only reason that dialogue was put in was to explain the ending, because the rest of the episode was written so poorly.

Last edited by PartyGirlUK; 01-02-2018 at 10:13 PM.
Black Mirror Quote
01-02-2018 , 10:00 PM
Yeah Black Museum was great and I loved the way the guy played Haynes.

To tie both of the discussions together, something that is a little odd is how in both Callister and Black Museum the show does not at ALL grapple with the moral/theological question about whether it's OK to do something bad to a virtual copy of a person. In both it's treated as completely unquestioned that it's not.

It's sort of refreshing to see the clarity of it tackling whether the problem with being an ******* is the negative impact on other people's lives or the moral failings of the person that would want to mistreat other people and come down very harshly on the innate moral failing side. Because it doesn't even HINT that there is a debate, it's unquestioned in both episodes that literally murdering someone is justice for mistreating what are functionally just very advanced Sims.
Black Mirror Quote
01-02-2018 , 10:20 PM

Black Mirror Quote
01-02-2018 , 11:03 PM
Trying to figure out what it means that two of the most all time liked episodes of a show about bleak, dystopian futures are unabashed romantic love stories. Like, if San Junipero and
Hang the DJ
are objectively better than most other episodes, it says something about Booker. But if they're about the same in terms of writing, acting and directing, it says more about us.
Black Mirror Quote
01-02-2018 , 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Yeah Black Museum was great and I loved the way the guy played Haynes.

To tie both of the discussions together, something that is a little odd is how in both Callister and Black Museum the show does not at ALL grapple with the moral/theological question about whether it's OK to do something bad to a virtual copy of a person. In both it's treated as completely unquestioned that it's not.

It's sort of refreshing to see the clarity of it tackling whether the problem with being an ******* is the negative impact on other people's lives or the moral failings of the person that would want to mistreat other people and come down very harshly on the innate moral failing side. Because it doesn't even HINT that there is a debate, it's unquestioned in both episodes that literally murdering someone is justice for mistreating what are functionally just very advanced Sims.
agree. obviously the tech in those is a completely different universe but as I understood it they created essentially a new conscious "being" to torture. like the same as your mind just without a physical body. dunno the answer but its tough to analyze such a leap from the closer to real episodes
Black Mirror Quote
01-03-2018 , 03:02 AM

I liked a lot of it - the ever-increasing hole Mia finds herself in, but jesus, I can't buy the fact the a ****ing guinea pig could have a memory that would be legally binding in a court of law.
Black Mirror Quote
01-03-2018 , 03:56 AM
Hang The DJ:

I liked it up until the very end. I don't understand - was the whole thing just a simulation that the people at the end don't know about? So this app in the "real world" knows these two strangers are perfect for each other without them actually having met?

I'm not buying it.

The girl is fantastic, though. She should be a star.
Black Mirror Quote
01-03-2018 , 03:58 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic

I liked a lot of it - the ever-increasing hole Mia finds herself in, but jesus, I can't buy the fact the a ****ing guinea pig could have a memory that would be legally binding in a court of law.
There was quite a lot to pick apart in crocodile but I still enjoyed watching.
Just dont go into that ep too seriously
Black Mirror Quote
01-03-2018 , 08:22 AM

For all that the episode sucked - the guinea pig thing was a throw away at the end of the episode + the police would use facial recognition software to identify Mia as a suspect. They'd then match the tread marks of her car to the snow outside Shazia's house, find Shazia's husband's blood splatter over Mia's clothes, find Shazia's DNA in Mia's home (+ where is Shazia's body)? It's not like the guinea pig's memory would form the entire basis of the prosecution's case.

The guinea pig's memory could give police just cause to use the Recaller on Mia.

Last edited by PartyGirlUK; 01-03-2018 at 08:30 AM.
Black Mirror Quote
01-03-2018 , 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Hang The DJ:

I liked it up until the very end. I don't understand - was the whole thing just a simulation that the people at the end don't know about? So this app in the "real world" knows these two strangers are perfect for each other without them actually having met?

I'm not buying it.

The girl is fantastic, though. She should be a star.
That's exactly it; right now, dating sites use algorithms to try to match you with your best partner. This is the extension of that - these two strangers have entered whatever it is in their dating app, and rather than a dry number crunch, it runs 1000 simulations of their relationship to determine their match potential. I've seen tons of comments that they are trying to rip off San Junipero, but it's really not the same thing, other than the idea that technology sometimes leads to good results instead of always ending up with everyone dead.
Black Mirror Quote
01-03-2018 , 10:34 AM
what's "not to buy"? it was a storyline that kept me interested throughout (pretty much the only episode of the season that did) and had me wondering what the endgame reveal would be. not a proposal that simulation dating is realistic
Black Mirror Quote
01-03-2018 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by BABARtheELEPHANT

Regarding S04E01:

Cmon man, let it go and enjoy the show. Of course he could have just started over but this is TV made so that you take a step back and think of things. For exemple: is it that bad for Doley to do ****ty things in the game if it stops him to be an ******* IRL (he looks fairly straight up IRL)? What if we allowed our sick minds to do that (pedos and serial killers)? It also made me wonder about how people live through dictatorship when they see no way out with the breathing thing which I found to be very troubling.
One of the main points was that it wasn't a game. That's not subjective; Plemon's character was motivated by it all being real.
Black Mirror Quote
01-03-2018 , 04:46 PM
Hang the DJ>>USS Callister>Black museum>Arkangel=Crocodile>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>Metalhead

Hang the DJ is one of the strongest overall BM episodes for me, Metalhead is I think the weakest I've seen but admittedly I dozed off a few times during it

Callister and Black museum very very good, Arkangel and Crocodile solid imho

Overall, I'm sad I've seen them all now

Last edited by LOLCh1pPorn; 01-03-2018 at 05:10 PM. Reason: also madly in love with HTDJ lead female ldo
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