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Black Mirror Black Mirror

01-05-2018 , 12:30 PM
Right, but in this world (these worlds?) it seems like people being uploaded to the cloud is a thing, like that's the whole premise of that Juniper episode. So it seems like it's generally accepted that simulations of people can be, and are, actually people.
Black Mirror Quote
01-05-2018 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by RubbishCards
It's no different to taking a (digital) photo of someone and then photoshopping it to look like the person is being horribly tortured or something. The person who had their photo taken doesn't get hurt. The pixels don't get hurt. The person doing the photoshopping may be a bit of a sicko. That's it.

Black Mirror Quote
01-05-2018 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by movieman2g
Well, for me a lot of the fun of Black Mirror are the interesting points that it brings up that you can debate, which this has, but we usually see the characters in the episodes struggle or at least ask them too, which I just found missing. I don't think it stopped me from enjoying the episodes by and large, but I did find myself asking "wait, why aren't they even questioning this?"
I think the only ones who would be asking these questions in the context of the show would the the sims themselves but they obviously think of themselves sentient beings so they think they're being tortured. You could have had a scene where meth damon tries to justify his actions (I've seen you drown your Sims characters in a pool!) but it wouldn't have flowed in the episode imo.
Black Mirror Quote
01-05-2018 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
Right, but in this world (these worlds?) it seems like people being uploaded to the cloud is a thing, like that's the whole premise of that Juniper episode. So it seems like it's generally accepted that simulations of people can be, and are, actually people.
Originally Posted by tomdemaine
I think the only ones who would be asking these questions in the context of the show would the the sims themselves but they obviously think of themselves sentient beings so they think they're being tortured. You could have had a scene where meth damon tries to justify his actions (I've seen you drown your Sims characters in a pool!) but it wouldn't have flowed in the episode imo.
True. And thinking about it, there was that one quick scene in the 2nd BM vignette where the Doc said he could delete the wife from his head, and his gf said it would just be like deleting an email and he said it would be like killing her.
Black Mirror Quote
01-05-2018 , 02:03 PM
it seemed consistent to me. a clone of a consciousness is functionally the same as a human consciousness and begins its own "life", so it can be tortured/killed

hang the dj wasnt the story of 1000s of brain uploads imo, the storyline wasnt "real" for anyone
Black Mirror Quote
01-05-2018 , 02:26 PM
A lot of the episodes are shot from the AI's perspective with the 'real' person being the antagonist. It'd be hard to have a discussion about the reality of the AI because the audience is already identifying with the AI via perspective.
Black Mirror Quote
01-05-2018 , 03:28 PM
USS Callister > Black Museum/Hang the DJ >>>>>>>>>>>> Crocodile > Metalhead/Arkangel

Definitly a huge quality gap between the former 3 and the latter

EDIT - actually if you only look at quality, BM and HTDJ is probably > USS, but its a different story entertainment wise

Last edited by Kamikam; 01-05-2018 at 03:46 PM.
Black Mirror Quote
01-05-2018 , 03:50 PM
i honestly liked metalhead and crocodile, they just didnt feel at all like black mirror episodes. little to no commentary or deeper thought, and both had a really silly/dumb "twist ending" that really felt tacked on just because someone was like "well we need to make it kind of like black mirror somehow." but just on their own as pieces of TV, they were fine imo.

i did just find arkangel predictable and dull the entire way through
Black Mirror Quote
01-05-2018 , 04:45 PM
did anyone else start laughing when the mom tuned into

her teenage daughter's thoughts as she was getting losing her virginity. A+,
lols, would watch again.
Black Mirror Quote
01-05-2018 , 08:56 PM
Wow I think hang the dj was one of the best of all the BM eps ever
Black Mirror Quote
01-05-2018 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by PartyGirlUK
Crocodile - first episode I've watched of the fourth season and the worst episode I've seen of the series. It was slow, quite predictable & the actual "technology" aspect was superfluous. Guy kills everyone who witnessed his crime. But the way they witnessed his crimes is very slightly different. And he is a she. Zzz.
Originally Posted by PartyGirlUK
Black Museum - awful. Worst than Crocodile. Felt like two stories Brooker didn't think were good enough for a full episode + gotta say something about institutional racism!! Douglas Hodge sucked as Rolo Haynes & I thought his accent was very dodgy too. Penn Jillette would have excelled (he wanted the role & the pain story was his). Really shocked to see this generally has good reviews - I thought it was a hot pile of trash and struggled to get through it.
USS Callister - this was fun. B+?
Black Mirror Quote
01-06-2018 , 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by movieman2g
i honestly liked metalhead and crocodile, they just didnt feel at all like black mirror episodes. little to no commentary or deeper thought, and both had a really silly/dumb "twist ending" that really felt tacked on just because someone was like "well we need to make it kind of like black mirror somehow." but just on their own as pieces of TV, they were fine imo.

i did just find arkangel predictable and dull the entire way through
I think the concept of Metalhead was Black Mirrorish enough.
But the "twist" ending was very dumb and stupid.

it's as if these writers submit a finished project. and Charlie Brooker has to add something to the end to get his writing credit. and he just adds the dumb crap at the end. mental innit?
Black Mirror Quote
01-06-2018 , 11:17 AM
I think metalhead was amazing as a story/film. Whatever about it being "black mirror" enough.
The teddy bear reveal was dumb. Should have been store-an-AI bears. As if humans had to escape the physical world and fled to San Juniperos
Black Mirror Quote
01-06-2018 , 11:26 AM
Just finished the last one, gonna repost my overall rankings, not much difference within tiers:

Amazing TV

San Junipero
Be Right Back
Entire History of You
Hang the DJ
15 Million Merits

Liked a lot

White Christmas
Hated in the Nation
USS Callister
National Anthem
White Bear
Black Museum


Waldo Moment

Complete waste of time

Shut up and Dance
Men Against Fire
Black Mirror Quote
01-06-2018 , 12:31 PM
^ cosign
Black Mirror Quote
01-06-2018 , 11:19 PM
Metalhead is easily a top5 episode and maybe even top3.
Black Mirror Quote
01-06-2018 , 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by Punker
Originally Posted by Dominic

Not sure why everybody hated this one; I liked it a lot. I love stories where you're thrown into a situation with no backstory. The dog was awesome and the woman was quite resourceful. Gorgeous black and white cinematography, too.

There were a few problems: first, Black Mirror is supposed to in theory all exist within the same universe: this clearly didn't. second, there was no technology aspect - it was just a hunter chasing a victim. third, black and white was kind of jarring. fourth, the surprise at the end was stupid. As a standalone 45 minutes of television, it wasn't that bad - it just isn't part of Black Mirror
Originally Posted by movieman2g
i honestly liked metalhead and crocodile, they just didnt feel at all like black mirror episodes. little to no commentary or deeper thought, and both had a really silly/dumb "twist ending" that really felt tacked on just because someone was like "well we need to make it kind of like black mirror somehow." but just on their own as pieces of TV, they were fine imo.

i did just find arkangel predictable and dull the entire way through

Originally Posted by JustASpectator
No lie, about 2/3 of the way through the Metalhead episode I said to myself

I bet what was in the box is something ridiculous like a teddy bear

Regarding Black Museum, I thought it was probably the weakest episode of the season, and I would bet money that every story told in that episode was once an idea for a full standalone episode that didn't make the cut.
Originally Posted by NhlNut
I think metalhead was amazing as a story/film. Whatever about it being "black mirror" enough.
The teddy bear reveal was dumb. Should have been store-an-AI bears. As if humans had to escape the physical world and fled to San Juniperos

Imagine you had a warehouse full of excess teddy bears and other crap of varying usefulness. Then imagine this excess crap was so important you made a robotic, hyperweaponized guard dog to protect it. Then, because there's many a slip betwixt the cup and the lip, imagine something went haywire and this robot ended up hunting and killing all life it came into contact with.
Black Mirror Quote
01-07-2018 , 12:40 AM
i can imagine that but it isn't the episode, the dogs were everywhere and had been for some time
Black Mirror Quote
01-07-2018 , 03:20 AM

Black Mirror Quote
01-07-2018 , 03:23 AM
yeah they werent protecting the wearhouse, they were hunting. your projection is a weird jump and defending something with no real warrant for it - although, more interesting than whats there. i get what the ending was "doing", i just thought it was unnecessary. the neat post apocalyptic robot hunting a human short film was cool. but adding a weird twist to it is what "feel black mirror-y" and thats just meh
Black Mirror Quote
01-07-2018 , 06:41 AM
OK I feel like I'm in a Black Mirror episode now.
Black Mirror Quote
01-07-2018 , 11:32 AM
in the car at the start of the episode they talk about how "the dogs" had killed off all the pigs that used to roam around on farms
Black Mirror Quote
01-07-2018 , 10:40 PM
I liked metalhead more than most but yes, it definitely has some serious internal inconsistencies.
Black Mirror Quote
01-07-2018 , 10:53 PM
Easter eggs in season 4. Spoilers in the video

Black Mirror Quote
01-07-2018 , 10:53 PM
My series top-five, in a rough order, is:

San Junipero
The National Anthem
Hated in the Nation

"Playtest" is my biggest deviation from average rankings by a lot -- it worked for me because I found the images utterly terrifying, and I was a wreck at the end. The ability to elicit strong emotional reactions in me is the quality I rate highest. Would never watch this episode again though, for the same reason I liked it.
Black Mirror Quote
