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Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS

07-14-2018 , 07:27 PM
Scottie won the veto
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-14-2018 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by YeahYou
The last thing I heard was Sam told Tyler that when the power is used whoever is not evicted goes home. Did she tell him the actual rules of the power?

It doesn't make sense that he would talk Sam out of using the power on Kaitlyn. He knows whoever gets evicted next week would stay because the power is automatically used next week. Wouldn't he rather Kaitlyn stay than a random person? Plus he knows Sam promised Kaitlyn she'd use it on him and Sam doesn't seem like the person who will go back on that. If he pushes her to not use it on Kaitlyn it could make Sam not trust him.

I guess I must have missed something between Tyler and Kaitlyn in the past few days. I just watched today and Tyler seemed closer to her than ever though.
this is just my personal opinion that he’d be better off without Kaitlin, both in the game and in life. she was insanely high maintenance last week and he had to do it because she was HOH, but I think it would be a big relief for him if she was evicted. right now he still has actual people against him (rockstar, bayleigh, maybe Haleigh and fessie as well) who he definitely needs out. but I don’t think it would bother him to sacrifice Kaitlin sooner rather than later

he has also expressed concern whenever anyone comments on how close he is with her, and has had to fend off her advances multiple times.

it’s all moot anyways with Scottie winning veto. can’t see that being used

it’ll be interesting to see who goes home. it’s pretty consensus that people like Brett more (and actively dislike Winston), but recognize Brett as the greater threat. Scottie doesn’t really have a preference and wants to tell people to just vote however they want
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-14-2018 , 07:50 PM
it’s also interesting whether Brett and Winston turn against each other once the veto isn’t used. or if they focus their efforts on getting Sam to save them. obviously they are super tight, but they are both here to win and I can’t see them rolling over. at least Brett will fight to stay imo. Winston might as well but he is terrible without Brett
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-14-2018 , 07:59 PM
The bros plan on going to Scottie at 3 am and pitching a final 3 and telling Scottie that Kaitlin voted Steve out to try to get her backdoored. It’s more Winston than Brett.

I don’t disagree with what you’re saying about Tyler. I was just wondering if it was opinion or if anything actually happened and those are for sure his intentions. I’ve just skimmed Reddit to see what I missed the last few days and a lot of posts are talking about how it seems like Tyler actually likes kaitlyn now. I don’t buy that though.
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-14-2018 , 08:28 PM
I highly doubt he likes her
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-14-2018 , 08:58 PM
I don't either which is why I hate reading updates from these sites. Sometimes it's obvious people are just agreeing with whoever is in the room and there's 100s of "he's flipped" comments.
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-14-2018 , 09:48 PM
ya the updates aren’t always the best. I don’t have time to watch the feeds too much, but I get my updates from the daily live feed recaps on RHAP since I have a long commute. not sure if you’re familiar with that, but I recommend it because they watch all the feeds and then talk about it so you get a better idea of what’s going on and they are more reliable than update sites imo
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-14-2018 , 09:53 PM
I used to listen to RHAP but I can't stand Brent. He cares more about drama than strategy and lies a lot to get people on his side especially when America gets to vote. I haven't listened to the live feed recaps mostly because I probably watch the feeds more than the people doing the recaps but I'll check them out.
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-14-2018 , 10:02 PM
I get that. Taran Armstrong is the one who does recaps every single morning - Brent is a recurring guest but definitely isn’t there every time (most weekdays he’s not there). I find Taran to be very reasonable and strategic, and he does a good job separating what he’s rooting for for drama/tv with what is actually good strategy
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-14-2018 , 10:14 PM
I'll give it a shot. I like Taran a lot and usually agree with him on most things.

Just an example on why I hate reading updates:

2 hours ago 90% reddit said Tyler definitely likes Kaitlyn.

20 minutes ago Tyler told Kaycee Kaitlyn has to go soon and 90% of reddit says he doesn't like Kaitlyn.

10 minutes ago Tyler went up to HOH room where Kaitlyn was and 90% of reddit says Tyler likes Kaitlyn cause he always goes to whatever room she's in.

From what I've seen last week and this week I feel like Tyler wants to keep Kaitlyn as long as possible but he doesn't want his alliance to think he's really aligned with her or view them as a pair. He said she has to go right after they said their targets are Scottie, Rockstar and Fessie. However, if down the line Kaitlyn is the target of the alliance he won't go out of his way to keep her. I could be completely wrong and maybe he does want her out ASAP. Maybe he just thinks her erratic behavior outweighs the fact that she will be 100% loyal to him.
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-14-2018 , 10:27 PM
if I had to guess, Tyler’s rankings would be something like:

rest of L6 (not sure order on this, maybe Brett at top)
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-14-2018 , 11:09 PM
foute side wants Brett out
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-15-2018 , 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by jcohen
if I had to guess, Tyler’s rankings would be something like:

rest of L6 (not sure order on this, maybe Brett at top)
I think I agree with most of this but I would flip Kaitlyn and JC. I'm almost positive JC is the only one in the house that doesn't know Sam got the 1st power. Maybe I'm reading too much into that though. Actually Scottie doesn't know either does he? Tyler has to know JC is playing the middle and talks too much.

Tyler only tells anything to Kaycee and Kaitlyn. He tells things to the rest of L6 but as a group. He told Kaitlyn things because he needed her vote and she was HOH though. I wonder if Kaitlyn and Scottie weren't HOH last 2 weeks and Sam didn't have the power we'd have them ranked lower. He doesn't really tell Sam anything but she doesn't want to be involved in game talk.

I don't think anyone knows who Tyler is most loyal to with the exception of Kaycee and Sam. He is definitely loyal to L6 but in what order? Tyler might not even know and is leaving himself multiple outs which is the best strategy for anyone IMO.
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-15-2018 , 01:16 AM
when he talks with JC alone, it seems like both of them are being really open. and I also think their interests align a lot since they both lean toward the L6 side, but still aren’t quite in the inner core of it, or don’t want to go to the end with exactly them. I think Tyler wants to wipe out foute side, and then use Kaycee/Sam/JC as his breakaway alliance to turn against L6 once it gets to jury

that might become less necessary if a couple of them get picked off before jury anyways. but obviously before this week, the bros and Angela/Rachel were all pretty tight and Tyler wouldn’t have wanted to be in final five with them. If the bros get broken up there’s a lot more room for him to squeeze in though

With Kaitlin, she just happened to be the most important person two weeks in a row, from swing vote to HOH. Tyler had to get her to do what he wanted, but then he got in over his head because Kaitlin is crazy. So now he’s kinda stuck with a close relationship with her by default. but he was even telling Kaycee earlier today that Kaitlin has to go. She is a huge hindrance for his game because of the time and attention she requires, it’s just not worth it. I think he would choose JC over her easily
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-15-2018 , 03:40 AM
Rockstar Bayleigh Haliegh and Kaitlyn are naming their alliance. I'm very confused why the 3 of them are still in an alliance with Kaitlyn especially Bay.
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-15-2018 , 09:12 AM
Originally Posted by YeahYou
Rockstar Bayleigh Haliegh and Kaitlyn are naming their alliance. I'm very confused why the 3 of them are still in an alliance with Kaitlyn especially Bay.
What choice do they have? The other side is strong while they're all loose broken alliance. They don't like what she did but they all need each other if they want to survive against the other side.
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-15-2018 , 09:55 AM
they don’t even have to rename it. it could just stand for ‘four of us til the end’ instead of five
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-15-2018 , 09:56 PM
a lot of gametalk erupted tonight. haleigh and scottie talking in hoh and haleigh annoyed with kaitlin because kaitlin wants to keep brett. kaitlin/tyler talking with kaitlin being super passive aggressive and irritated. in the middle of it, tyler gave a look to the camera like wtf which was pretty funny. i think hes getting more and more annoyed with her. they both said they wanted to keep brett

but most surprisingly, kaycee and baleigh formed a secret alliance which actually seemed legit. this was the first ive really seen of kaycee and it was impressive. its always hard to evaluate the under the radar people like her - like if shes in a good position intentionally or if she just stumbled into it and isnt really playing. but she totally reeled baleigh in. baleigh wanted to name themselves and have a longlasting alliance. i cant really tell how serious kaycee is about it, but that doesnt really matter. kaycee was also trying to link baleigh into angela and rachel's good graces. so maybe kaycee is more of a factor than people realize (especially because we know she has a f2 with tyler). an alliance with baleigh is huge for her because thats one of the main people who tyler does not have
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-15-2018 , 10:00 PM
oh duh, plus baleigh has the power. so kaycee doesnt even know how huge it is to be good with her
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-15-2018 , 10:25 PM
CBS missed a golden opportunity. I would pay good $$$ to hear JC read hamlet.
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-15-2018 , 11:19 PM
It took 25 days but I went from liking almost everyone to liking almost no one. At this point I only like Brett Tyler and Rachel. I like watching Kaitlyn and JC on feeds though.
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-16-2018 , 12:24 AM
I can't deal with these idiots anymore. Foutte and Scottie in a room saying we have the votes right here to get Brett out. There are 4 eligible voters in the room and they need 6. Also, they've had 7 in a room when they've needed 7 and still didn't have the votes.
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-16-2018 , 12:30 AM
These idiots still don't know how to deal with Kaitlyn. I know it's hard but they do the same things every time.

Feeds about to be incredible in 30 seconds...
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-16-2018 , 12:46 AM
Kaitlyn is a gift from the BB producers. Has there ever been a more delusional person in BB?
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-16-2018 , 12:48 AM
pure GOLD happening now!
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
