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Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS

07-08-2018 , 10:02 PM
I love this play by Kaitlyn and im becoming a fan of hers. Although Swaggy has a big mouth and ruins game with it. But im not really sure who on the other side she would target that is a bigger threat hopefully the plan sticks.
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-08-2018 , 10:44 PM
I think the cloud would’ve been the last thing I picked. Either that or redraw. I wonder how good the cloud is in comparison to the others.
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-08-2018 , 11:54 PM
It so dumb to give tyler the power. They should have gave it to Swaggy since he the one in trouble. This is going to be a runaway boring season until level 6 have to go against each other much later on in the game.

I'm not a Tyler fan right now mainly because he making it very boring season by having Kaitlyn destroy her own side every week. Also his excuses are really weak yet people still believe him except for Balyeigh and Swaggy.

Last edited by DarkCheck; 07-09-2018 at 12:02 AM.
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-09-2018 , 12:05 AM
I think I would rather Foutte gets picked off and then it's a free for all. To me it makes for a more strategic game than one side wins and targets the other side back and forth. I mean we're only like 2 L6 wins away from having only 2 Foutte left. There will be side alliances and trying to bring people in so there's a lot of time for this to not be boring.

Most of the "better players" are going to be left in the game since in my opinion almost everyone not in Foutte is at least competent. Angela is the worst IMO. I think Kaycee is probably the second worst of the group but at this point she might be playing the best game in the house. She's great socially but any time she talks game it shows she knows nothing.

I 100% agree that Tyler getting the power makes things boring though. One of the things I'm looking forward to is how he reacts when Foutte wins an HOH. Him having Sam's power makes that much less exciting. I do wonder if next week we get Kaitlyn vs Tyler on the block and Kaitlyn is evicted what Sam will do. She knows that if she doesn't save Kaitlyn then whoever is evicted the next week will automatically have the chance to come in the game so it's probably best for her to use it but I doubt she will. She may tell Tyler the full details of the power if he's on the block so maybe he'll tell her to use it.

There's also a chance Kaitlyn gets the next power so Tyler will essentially have 3. I'd bet on Bayleigh getting it but Kaitlyn does have a good chance along with JC.
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-09-2018 , 12:18 AM
I'm not watching feeds so maybe I don't have all the info. Just watching episodes +RHAP stuff.

It feels like the side with Rockstar/Faysal/Haleigh/Scottie should piece together more stuff.

My understanding is Haleigh knows about the backdoor Swaggy plan and also told Rockstar. It feels to me they should/could stop this plan from happening if they got everyone in a room or at least try. I understand you don't wanna piss off the HOH but I feel you can fight a little without being a target yourself.
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-09-2018 , 12:25 AM
They should've pieced together a lot of things a lot earlier. Everyone ITT last week kept saying they're onto Tyler but they weren't. It was just so obvious and easy to piece together that it was almost unfathomable they didn't figure it out. They remind me an athletic version of the Meg/Jason alliance with how they're always 3 steps behind.

They all talk a big game but none of them will try to stop Kaitlyn. Both this week and last week they're planning on what's going to happen in 3-4 weeks but are missing what's happening this week.
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-09-2018 , 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by YeahYou
I think the cloud would’ve been the last thing I picked. Either that or redraw. I wonder how good the cloud is in comparison to the others.
Wasn't sure what it was going to be. I thought it might be just to peek in on convos or something. But it turns out might be the best one. I mean I think he said he has 8 weeks to use it and he can stay off the block when he does. So that means Tyler will be in the game until his power is used up or 8 weeks pass. Gotta be the best one. Sam's was for only 4 weeks and she would have to win a comp to stay in or one of the other evicted houseguests would have a chance to come back.
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-09-2018 , 12:55 AM
The Cloud

"Keep yourself from going on the block at any one Nomination Ceremony or Veto Meeting. If you are worried you could be nominated, sit in the Cloud, and you cannot be put on the block.

"You have a two-month subscription to the Cloud. So for the next 8 weeks, you may choose one time in which to use the Cloud to keep yourself safe!"

Based on that wording you must decide before either ceremony.
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-09-2018 , 01:06 AM
Am I right in thinking he should never use it at nominations unless he's 100% sure he's going up? He basically has a can't get backdoored pass is he knows he's a target for the week.
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-09-2018 , 01:18 AM
Yea but if the HOH throws him up without him knowing he's basically screwed unless he wins POV.

This power seems more powerful than it really is because who has it. Tyler seems like the type of player who should have a sense what will happen at all times.
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-09-2018 , 01:24 AM
I don't think it's that powerful. I agree in Tyler's hands it's way more powerful though. I think Identity Theft is going to very powerful but that's just a guess.
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-09-2018 , 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by YeahYou
Kaitlyn has everyone misted. She had a dream Swaggy has the power and now Winston is flipping out that she sees visions so Swaggy has it.
yes, but what color are their aura's?
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-09-2018 , 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by YeahYou
I don't think it's that powerful. I agree in Tyler's hands it's way more powerful though. I think Identity Theft is going to very powerful but that's just a guess.
I think this will be taking one person's vote and having them vote the way you want.

Last edited by DarkCheck; 07-09-2018 at 01:36 AM.
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-09-2018 , 01:39 AM
Originally Posted by DarkCheck
I think this will be taking one person's vote and having them vote the way you want.
If this is what it is then it might be the worst one. This makes more sense than what I thought it was.

Sam telling Tyler if she doesn't use her power then whoever gets evicted the 4th week the other person on the block goes home. She literally has no clue what her power is.
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-09-2018 , 01:43 AM
I would love to see like Winston vs Bayleigh on the block week 4 and Tyler convinces everyone to vote out Winston and he just goes out the door and has to do a challenge.
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-09-2018 , 01:49 AM
They're already talking about doing this. I wonder if production will correct her or not.
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-09-2018 , 03:27 AM
Swaggy Scottie and Bayleigh discussing how Kaitlyn is the brains of the operation and Tyler will do whatever she says. At the same time, on the other camera Kaitlyn write I will drop everything for you on Tyler's arm. She's trying to hook up with him.
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-09-2018 , 02:21 PM
Pretty sure the veto meeting is currently happening. Just a heads up because feeds should be good when they return.
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-09-2018 , 03:10 PM
feeds back
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-09-2018 , 03:10 PM
They think they can flip JC and Rachael
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-09-2018 , 03:21 PM
I like that they're not rolling over and dying but it just shows how out of the loop they are. Last night Swaggy and Bayleigh were talking to the cameras saying they're easily playing the 2 best games in the house and running everything. This is after they didn't get their way in nominations either week and got blindsided in the 1 vote.
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-09-2018 , 03:25 PM
it’s unusual that the two people on the block come eviction night are rivals rather than friends. should be entertaining
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-09-2018 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by YeahYou
I like that they're not rolling over and dying but it just shows how out of the loop they are. Last night Swaggy and Bayleigh were talking to the cameras saying they're easily playing the 2 best games in the house and running everything. This is after they didn't get their way in nominations either week and got blindsided in the 1 vote.
And he was shocked he didn't get the power. He's like i'm the best here, i'm in the ultimate showmance, what more can I do? How did you not give me the power?
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-09-2018 , 03:30 PM
it really is going to be funny when foute wins the next HOH and puts up Kaitlin and Tyler. that would be almost as bad as Jess leaving Ramses on the block last year
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-09-2018 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by jcohen
it’s unusual that the two people on the block come eviction night are rivals rather than friends. should be entertaining
Swaggy's getting evicted.

Not only are they rivals they're both the most hated in the house by the other sides. Even Kaitlyn doesn't like Winston yet she puts up her alliance member Swaggy against him knowing Swaggy will go home. Kaitlyn misted by Tyler. Her boyfriend outside gotta be really mad.

I guess there is a slight chance(but not likely) to switch the vote since Winston isn't liked. Foutte will try real hard to sway some of the loose alliance members on other side.
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
