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Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS

09-21-2017 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by jcohen
and this is just inaccurate. he talked **** about everyone behind their backs all season long, and when they got to jury they finally compared notes. you can see it in their interviews. Alex in particular said paul had her vote until she found out he was making fun of her all the time
I didn't watch much live feeds 2nd half season but i never saw him talk crap about Alex. I think the people who hated Paul as in Cody and Mark tainted the jury making stuff up about Paul. They knew if they said Paul made fun of her she would def. vote against him. And that what she said to Dr. Will in interview. That she isn't voting for someone who made fun of her. Paul was loyal to her all the way until he had to choose between Christmas/Josh or Jason/Alex. But she thinks he played her the whole time and just made fun of her the whole time.

Paul didn't make fun of anyone moreso than any other housemate did. He didn't burn anyone bad in an insulting way. And he was nice when they went out the door. But Josh in his goodbye speeches tainted the jury. Then the people that dislike Paul in jury tainted the jury.
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-21-2017 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by DarkCheck
I didn't watch much live feeds 2nd half season but i never saw him talk crap about Alex. I think the people who hated Paul as in Cody and Mark tainted the jury making stuff up about Paul. They knew if they said Paul made fun of her she would def. vote against him. And that what she said to Dr. Will in interview. That she isn't voting for someone who made fun of her. Paul was loyal to her all the way until he had to choose between Christmas/Josh or Jason/Alex. But she thinks he played her the whole time and just made fun of her the whole time.

Paul didn't make fun of anyone moreso than any other housemate did. He didn't burn anyone bad in an insulting way. And he was nice when they went out the door. But Josh in his goodbye speeches tainted the jury. Then the people that dislike Paul in jury tainted the jury.
You somehow watched an entirely different game than most of us here. Paul admitted to being a puppetmaster, which included sucking the pitbulls on those who were down and out. He joined in on every session of "Why does this person suck so much" that went down in the JOB. Raven being so loyal to him is the funniest because he eviscerated her constantly when she wasn't around (along with everyone else.) Taking Raven to the end was a no brainer for anyone paying attention, And it didn't have to involve taking Matt along as well.

Just horrible management of the entire game within the game.

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Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-21-2017 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
You somehow watched an entirely different game than most of us here. Paul admitted to being a puppetmaster, which included sucking the pitbulls on those who were down and out. He joined in on every session of "Why does this person suck so much" that went down in the JOB. Raven being so loyal to him is the funniest because he eviscerated her constantly when she wasn't around (along with everyone else.) Taking Raven to the end was a no brainer for anyone paying attention, And it didn't have to involve taking Matt along as well.

Just horrible management of the entire game within the game.

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They don't get to see him say he the puppetmaster. That is private and they didn't get to see that until after they put their votes in.

Yes he did with Raven but so did everyone else. And taking Raven would have been nice but then he would have pissed off Christmas and Josh and he might not have gotten to final seat. He thought it didn't matter if he take Raven, Josh, or christmas since he played WAY better than them all and should have won easily. And he should have if people in jury voted for who they thought played the best game instead of being manipulated into thinking Paul hated and insulted them all.
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-21-2017 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by DarkCheck
They don't get to see him say he the puppetmaster. That is private and they didn't get to see that until after they put their votes in.

Yes he did with Raven but so did everyone else. And taking Raven would have been nice but then he would have pissed off Christmas and Josh and he might not have gotten to final seat. He thought it didn't matter if he take Raven, Josh, or christmas since he played WAY better than them all and should have won easily. And he should have if people in jury voted for who they thought played the best game instead of being manipulated into thinking Paul hated and insulted them all.
Another person who doesn't understand how the friggin game works
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-21-2017 , 02:53 PM
A bunch of bitter morons voted for a guy who did nothing all season. End of story.

Thankfully a new Survivor season starts soon to cleanse the palate of this disgrace.
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-21-2017 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by TimTimSalabim
A bunch of bitter morons voted for a guy who did nothing all season. End of story.

Thankfully a new Survivor season starts soon to cleanse the palate of this disgrace.
Don't make the jury bitter.

End of story
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-21-2017 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Another person who doesn't understand how the friggin game works
You might be right that I don't understand the friggin game but Dr Will told Paul that him and a bunch of great vets Will respects felt Paul got robbed. So I feel I'm in good company on this opinion.

Btw I got no issue with you not sure why seem u want insult. It all good though.
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-21-2017 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by DarkCheck
You might be right that I don't understand the friggin game but Dr Will told Paul that him and a bunch of great vets Will respects felt Paul got robbed. So I feel I'm in good company on this opinion.

Btw I got no issue with you not sure why seem u want insult. It all good though.
When it comes to realty shows master is 100% results oreinted. He is unable to see beyond the win for any type of analysis.
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-21-2017 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by DarkCheck
You might be right that I don't understand the friggin game but Dr Will told Paul that him and a bunch of great vets Will respects felt Paul got robbed. So I feel I'm in good company on this opinion.

Btw I got no issue with you not sure why seem u want insult. It all good though.
I wasn't insulting, simply stating a fact. The game does not end when you eliminate somebody from the main house. If you cannot account for the fact that the jury will compare notes and those notes may cast you in a bad light, then you have failed at the game. If you do not get the jury to give you their vote at the end, probably the most integral part of the entire game, then you have failed, and not because you were robbed or because the jury sucks. If the jury sucks for not voting for you, then the blame is on you as you are the one that crafted the jury.

Paul failed. Just like last year. He didn't learn a thing and he lost, not because of a bitter jury, but because of Paul. He may have had control all game but he decided to not control the one piece of the game that decides whether he wins or loses? That's on him. That is part of the game. Ignoring it and blaming the jury means YOU do not understand what the game is or how it's played.

What s the difference between Paul and Derek? Derek treated the jury like humans and finished 100% of the game. Paul only finished 95% And you don't win the game that way.
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-21-2017 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
When it comes to realty shows master is 100% results oreinted. He is unable to see beyond the win for any type of analysis.
This is bull and you know it.

Who do I think played the best this year? Paul did, but he didn't finish and he ****ed up. He had plenty of opportunity to not directly stab people in the back and then when they turned to look at him throw up his hands and say "I don't know what happened!"

He created the monster that destroyed him. He's 100% to blame for his loss. That doesn't mean he didn't play the best game, he just handled the end of each of the others games poorly and it cost him in the end. If he showed some empathy and compassion to people on their way out the door, He wins, but he didn't. Their vote is therefore justified.
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-21-2017 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by jcohen
and further, i find it really interesting how people think josh made a mistake by taking Paul to the end when it was clearly the smart move. he would have lost to Christmas by a lot. the jury hated paul and that was his only chance. obviously it would have been more entertaining and dramatic to cut paul, but you cant compare him to bb16 cody because this was actually the right move

and i hope im not mistaken for some type of josh fan. i completely hate josh and think hes an idiot. i can still say he completely outplayed paul today and in his goodbye messages, even if he was worthless the rest of the season
this is so results oriented. how was josh supposed to know the jury hated paul? how many times was josh mad at paul for wanting to use the veto or make a certain vote so he could get off scotch free? he constantly talked to christmas about paul sucking up to houseguests as they were evicted to secure votes. these are reasons why he wanted to cut paul previously. when he ultimately decided to pick paul over christmas i think this was more of a testament to pauls gameplay than josh knowing what the right decision was. considering his goodbye messages it does make more sense to take paul, but i don't think that was even close to his intention. his goodbye messages were simply a way to show he was making moves, yet his messages were basically his only move, which somehow allowed him to stumble his way to victory

its much easier to say what the right move is from our perspective, but i just don't believe taking paul was correct from josh's.

anyways, satisfying finale only because it was the one unpredictable episode of the season.
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-21-2017 , 03:46 PM
Paul was sympathetic with many as they left. Especially Alex. He had a talk with her about how he sorry he vote her out but he didn't think he win against her. She didn't like hearing it but understood and felt respected by Paul that he was worried she would beat him.

It wasn't until the jury which probably cody and mark told her he made fun of her whole time.

Paul should have gotten her vote as she worked with him whole time and she never would hav ed gotten that far and maybe not make jury if not for Paul aligning with her.

Respect is very important to her so when people told her Paul insulting her Paul was done for.
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-21-2017 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
I wasn't insulting, simply stating a fact. The game does not end when you eliminate somebody from the main house. If you cannot account for the fact that the jury will compare notes and those notes may cast you in a bad light, then you have failed at the game. If you do not get the jury to give you their vote at the end, probably the most integral part of the entire game, then you have failed, and not because you were robbed or because the jury sucks. If the jury sucks for not voting for you, then the blame is on you as you are the one that crafted the jury.

Paul failed. Just like last year. He didn't learn a thing and he lost, not because of a bitter jury, but because of Paul. He may have had control all game but he decided to not control the one piece of the game that decides whether he wins or loses? That's on him. That is part of the game. Ignoring it and blaming the jury means YOU do not understand what the game is or how it's played.

What s the difference between Paul and Derek? Derek treated the jury like humans and finished 100% of the game. Paul only finished 95% And you don't win the game that way.
i mean yea okay we can agree that pauls jury management wasn't the best and yes paul is not as good at big brother as derrick, but this is an individual season, this isn't is paul the greatest big brother player OAT. this is paul vs josh. all this "paul had poor jury management" arguments are ridiculous because its kind of assuming josh had any sort of jury management, which he didn't at all. so basically what it comes down to in winning in these situations is who is gonna luckbox their way to the very end with a strong player that pissed too many people off. and a bitter jury who will only vote with their emotions.
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-21-2017 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
This is bull and you know it.

Who do I think played the best this year? Paul did, but he didn't finish and he ****ed up. He had plenty of opportunity to not directly stab people in the back and then when they turned to look at him throw up his hands and say "I don't know what happened!"

He created the monster that destroyed him. He's 100% to blame for his loss. That doesn't mean he didn't play the best game, he just handled the end of each of the others games poorly and it cost him in the end. If he showed some empathy and compassion to people on their way out the door, He wins, but he didn't. Their vote is therefore justified.
I agree with all of this. Paul ****ed up the end game badly. I never did nor do I now think he is good at the game. Still even with his **** up he was millions times better than anyone else given every other cast member represents the bottom 0.00000001 of BB players.

Therefore in any rational world he should have won.

If you take the 10 worst poker players on earth and make them play, the 10th worst one is still the best one playing.
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-21-2017 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
I agree with all of this. Paul ****ed up the end game badly. I never did nor do I now think he is good at the game. Still even with his **** up he was millions times better than anyone else given every other cast member represents the bottom 0.00000001 of BB players.

Therefore in any rational world he should have won.

If you take the 10 worst poker players on earth and make them play, the 10th worst one is still the best one playing.
Fair enough and I'll agree. But if you put 9 horrendously stupid people on a jury, is it any wonder they side with the stupidest one left?

You don't have to go far to find me agreeing with you that this is the worst cast in the history of competition reality shows, by far.
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-21-2017 , 04:30 PM
1 Dan
2 Will
3 Derrick
4 Paul
5 Andy
6 Vanessa
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-21-2017 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by King~of~Diamonds
1 Dan
2 Will
3 Derrick
4 Paul
5 Andy
6 Vanessa
I think Hayden is a clear tier two player behind the dan/will/derrick tier. Enjoy seeing Andy so high though. Thought he was great. If we're including BBCanada I think Kevins also in that 2nd tier.
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-21-2017 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by BoKnows
Cody winning america's favourite player was the best part of the season
came here to say this

for once, I love the American public for how they voted
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-21-2017 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by jcohen
btw paul calling josh's goodbye messages 'cowardly' was the biggest joke. compared to his own goodbye messages where he's lying about why the person got evicted and what role he had in it. hes truly believing his own lies

goodbye messages are 100% a part of the game, weak to call that cowardly
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-21-2017 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by King~of~Diamonds
1 Dan
2 Will
3 Derrick
4 Paul
5 Andy
6 Vanessa
This seems right.
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-21-2017 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by Dubey
The Jury's mind may have been made up, but the Q&A was at the very least indicative of why Paul lost. I completely agree with jcohen's last several posts. All Paul had to do was own his actions all season. Instead he went to great lengths to not be confronted in any way, right down to his cringe inducing goodbye messages.

Paul played the loyalty/friendship angle so hard, with so many people, with no thought to jury management once they inevitably compared notes.

To the person who said Dr. Will would lose with this Jury, not a chance. Dr. Will was as upfront about his gameplay as any player who ever played this game. If Dr. Will had the Paul personality trait where he constantly backpedals and defends himself to the bitter end, he would have lost too.
Agree with all but the Dr. Will part. Do you remember that season?
Maybe my memory is hazy but I think he was continually kept in the game by other players under the premise that he can't win because jury will hate his guts. He was really effective but a total jerk to some of those people.

That jury voted differently. These people just hated being lied to so much.

Again, still Paul's fault... but Josh is more deserving? Eh
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-21-2017 , 11:31 PM
Both seasons, Paul wins if the jury is 7 people.

Davonne and Zakiyah voted against him last year. Cody and Elena this year.
Both times, people evicted in July cost him the game
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-22-2017 , 12:21 AM
I have Andy ahead of Paul. Andy played the way Paul wanted to play, only Andy was better at laying low.
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-22-2017 , 12:25 AM
Rob's interview with Raven is hilarious
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-22-2017 , 01:03 AM
Originally Posted by jcohen
and further, i find it really interesting how people think josh made a mistake by taking Paul to the end when it was clearly the smart move. he would have lost to Christmas by a lot. the jury hated paul and that was his only chance. obviously it would have been more entertaining and dramatic to cut paul, but you cant compare him to bb16 cody because this was actually the right move

and i hope im not mistaken for some type of josh fan. i completely hate josh and think hes an idiot. i can still say he completely outplayed paul today and in his goodbye messages, even if he was worthless the rest of the season

I have no clue how Josh would have known the Jury hated Paul. Every single person that got evicted was on good terms with Paul prior to leaving. Paul even tricked Josh into manipulating the votes so that it ALWAYS seemed like Josh/Christmas were the ones who turned on everyone (ie: the blowup after Jason's eviction saying "if I was up there you would have evicted me huh Josh").

Unless Josh was smart enough to put together that his goodbye messages would conflict with Paul's (that he presumably doesn't even know what Paul said) idk how/why Josh would think the jury hated Paul. The only vote it's even realistic to think he garnered by taking Paul over Xmas is Cody's. And even that is a stretch as Cody hated Josh with a passion..
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
