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Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS

09-20-2017 , 10:43 PM
A+ ending to this season
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-20-2017 , 10:43 PM
Wow wow wow! Just watched it. Once Jason voted for Josh I knew it was over. Elena hated Paul, and you knew Mark and Cody were going along too. I feel bad for Paul, but he got got.
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-20-2017 , 10:43 PM
Josh SMOKED Paul in the answers to jury questions
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-20-2017 , 10:45 PM
Paul may never recover from this. someone should seriously stay around him to make sure he doesnt kill himself

the look on his face as they went to commercials after those jury questions lol. he was pissed
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-20-2017 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by King~of~Diamonds
I got 4 out of 7 of those.

Bad job by Paul, not getting Alex's correct
yeah that one was the most obvious. everyone shouldve known how much alex hated jessica
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-20-2017 , 10:49 PM
The goodbye messages were the difference
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-20-2017 , 10:51 PM
Um the difference was these are the dumbest 0.000000000000001% of humanity.
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-20-2017 , 10:51 PM
god i love how Cody got the last laugh and was the final reason paul didnt win, then wins america's fav too. only thing i hate is how they kept camera on him when he won AFP instead of showing everyone else's faces. love him not even walking over to julie and just saying "doesnt make sense." summed up the season perfectly
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-20-2017 , 10:54 PM
It ended up not mattering but Jesus can we get a better 3rd part of HOH then what they've used for the last ten years. It is beyond a crapshoot and ridiculous that 90 days worth of game can be decided by whether or not Raven thought the kitchen was dirty
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-20-2017 , 10:55 PM
btw paul calling josh's goodbye messages 'cowardly' was the biggest joke. compared to his own goodbye messages where he's lying about why the person got evicted and what role he had in it. hes truly believing his own lies
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-20-2017 , 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by jabawokky
It ended up not mattering but Jesus can we get a better 3rd part of HOH then what they've used for the last ten years. It is beyond a crapshoot and ridiculous that 90 days worth of game can be decided by whether or not Raven thought the kitchen was dirty

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I've always thought the dates comp should be the final one between the last two instead of around 4-5.
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-20-2017 , 10:58 PM
josh legit had great answers to the jury questions too. speech was ehh but his answers were exactly what was needed
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-20-2017 , 10:58 PM
i dont have a problem with the final comp because they want it to be live and it makes it dramatic/suspenseful. and i like the idea of needing to know the juror members as the last comp. just wish the structure of it was a little less of a crapshoot

the key is to pick the more specific answer and not the vague one
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-20-2017 , 11:01 PM
Oh good let the revisionist history begin. Soon jcohen will be ranking Josh among the top five all time.
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-20-2017 , 11:02 PM
lol Dr. Will just joked that Big Jeff died
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-20-2017 , 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
Oh good let the revisionist history begin. Soon jcohen will be ranking Josh among the top five all time.
are you calling something that just immediately happened revisionist history? all i said was josh answered the jury questions well, which he did. literally cant be revisionist history since it just happened. cool though
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-20-2017 , 11:10 PM
Josh's first answer took the wind out of Paul's sails. The jury questions definitely buried Paul, but I think the goodbye messages were the difference. Jury management is part of the game. Paul didn't have that part covered.
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-20-2017 , 11:12 PM
Originally Posted by jcohen
are you calling something that just immediately happened revisionist history? all i said was josh answered the jury questions well, which he did. literally cant be revisionist history since it just happened. cool though
Josh is the worst, least skilled, winner of any reality show all time.
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-20-2017 , 11:15 PM
sure. he still gave good answers to the jury questions. these are two very different things lol
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-20-2017 , 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
Josh is the worst, least skilled, winner of any reality show all time.

You know Jordan won Big Brother right?
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-20-2017 , 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by EddyB66
You know Jordan won Big Brother right?
Jordon is dr will compared to josh.
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-20-2017 , 11:24 PM
its not like reality tv is known for always having sophisticated, intelligent winners

josh winning was perfect for entertainment. no one is saying he was good at anything (besides the goodbye messages + jury questions)
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-20-2017 , 11:57 PM
Clovis exaggerates everything in the moment. Nothing to see here
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-21-2017 , 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by EddyB66
Josh's first answer took the wind out of Paul's sails. The jury questions definitely buried Paul, but I think the goodbye messages were the difference. Jury management is part of the game. Paul didn't have that part covered.
I actually think Josh lost bigtime in jury questions. But how could he do good when there is zero justification he should have won. Josh one of guys i was rooting for because i like him and he entertaining but people are seriously delusional if they think he deserved to win over Paul. Nobody deserved to win vs. Paul. In fact Paul should have said in his final speech that how could you vote for josh to win when josh won the 3rd leg the right to choose who to go against and he chose me over christmas when i clearly played the best game in the house.

Josh didn't win because people thought he played a better game. He won because of a bitter jury. Only smart thing Josh did was taint the jury by telling all evicted people blame Paul for you going home it that he the one that sent you to jury not me.

I rooted for Alex all season and jason sorta because he was working with Alex,Paul, Josh who were my 3 i wanted. But i really don't like they voted against Paul just because they're sore losers and wanted to hurt Paul instead of voting for who deserved to win.

They set it up nice that Cody the final vote. Honestly that could have went either way as he hated both. If he voted for who he thought deserved it he would have picked Paul. I thought he would vote for Paul actually.

Last edited by DarkCheck; 09-21-2017 at 01:34 AM.
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
09-21-2017 , 01:28 AM
Josh taking paul to final 2 might be the 2nd dumbest choice ever after Cody taking Derrick. But somehow he still wins. I like Josh and happy for him but it very unfair for Paul. 2 years in a row he should have won easily. I thought this vote might be a clean sweep for Paul to be honest lol. I knew there was a chance jason and Alex would be bitter and might screw him. But i thought he had Elena and probably Mark. Knew he had Maven and Kevin for sure. Thought he would get Cody's vote as Cody usually respects a leader and is disgusted by josh on a game level and personal level.

I'm always shocked by these players that didn't deserve at all to win winning. I'd feel better about josh winning if he took christmas as at least he would have a legitimate claim he might have deserved to win vs her. Especially him taking out the best player in Paul.

Bitter jury strikes again. But the funny thing is Paul didn't really do anything bad to anyone except work with all of them and then in end chose who he wanted to go final 3 with. He never swore on his grandmas necklace. Put his hand on a bible. He didn't insult the players as they left the game in her diary sessions like Danielle did when the jury wasn't sequestered. All he did was play and apart from Cody who deserved it didn't get nasty with anyone. Very unfair.
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
