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New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings)

01-21-2015 , 12:45 AM
If the league comes forward and declares that BB doctored all of his footballs to help his team out, how can you stand behind this man?
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
01-21-2015 , 12:51 AM
Yeah, Packers probably cutting Aaron Rodgers right after that. Although would be pretty GOAT move on his part if he could set up Fat Mike for the same thing.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
01-21-2015 , 12:52 AM
I seriously doubt the balls were doctored in any deliberate hands-on way.

I expect what happened is the Patriots inflated the balls to the minimum PSI and then simply stored them in acceptable conditions which naturally caused the balls to deflate.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
01-21-2015 , 12:54 AM
This is bad. Like, really really really really ****ing bad.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
01-21-2015 , 12:56 AM
Originally Posted by Dynasty;45901084[B
]I seriously doubt the balls were doctored in any deliberate hands-on way.
I expect what happened is the Patriots inflated the balls to the minimum PSI and then simply stored them in acceptable conditions which naturally caused the balls to deflate.
I now 100% believe it now. They don't just investigate the Pats, of all teams, at this exact moment for ****s and giggles. BB ordered the balls to be doctored and lied about it.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
01-21-2015 , 01:02 AM
What if BB knew nothing and Brady was the one behind it? Does BB get fired for not knowing?
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
01-21-2015 , 01:03 AM
Originally Posted by Salva135
If the league comes forward and declares that BB doctored all of his footballs to help his team out, how can you stand behind this man?
If it comes out that BB (or anyone on the Pats) had the balls tampered with after inspection, then I'm with you. That would be beyond stupid and clearly cheating.

However, my take from what's been coming out (Rogers' comments, tweets from some NFL refs and former players, comments about how many QB's prefer "flat" footballs, etc.) is the officials pretty much let them play with the balls they choose to. If they get too flat, they remove them from play. This is supported by the fact that none of the officials noticed anything wrong with the balls during the 1st half.

If the Pats presented under-inflated balls for inspection pre-game and the officials approved them for the game, and this is common, then it's sour grapes.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
01-21-2015 , 01:04 AM
im trying to think of something football related that Belichick could do that would cause >20% of the fan base to want him gone
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
01-21-2015 , 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by DrawNone
im trying to think of something football related that Belichick could do that would cause >20% of the fan base to want him gone
Bench Brady for the Superbowl?
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
01-21-2015 , 01:08 AM
Originally Posted by DrawNone
im trying to think of something football related that Belichick could do that would cause >20% of the fan base to want him gone
If belichick sucked and they had a couple of football related losing seasons I might be ok with him being gone. Id probly give him more time tho.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
01-21-2015 , 01:13 AM
lol ya that would do it, but i was thinking more along the lines of an underhanded coaching/management practice that would cause me to go into a hang wringing, "WHY BILL?!?!WHY?!?!" meltdown similar to what Salva is experiencing over footballs inflated to 84% of regulation pressure.

forcefeeding PEDs to draft picks i guess
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
01-21-2015 , 01:15 AM
Originally Posted by Jbrochu
So Rogers outright admits they give the league over-inflated balls in the hopes the refs don't catch it, and it's belly laughs all around. Pats obviously doing the same with under-inflated balls and the sky is falling.

If they can prove the Pats did something to the balls after inspection, they are and should be ****ed.

If these went through inspection under-inflated because the officials just generally let the QB's use the balls as they prefer, and now the league is going to make a big deal and pretend that they are somehow surprised by it, then it's a giant load of BS.
Lol an epic lack of understanding of the entire situation
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
01-21-2015 , 01:21 AM
Originally Posted by loK2thabrain
Lol an epic lack of understanding of the entire situation
Ok, any more helpful comments?
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
01-21-2015 , 01:45 AM
Just here to laugh at Salva's overreaction.

With the info that's out now, this story is still a non story.

Just think how much better the posting would be here if a device was installed which made you pass a breathalyzer before you could post.

Last edited by MDoranD; 01-21-2015 at 01:50 AM.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
01-21-2015 , 02:16 AM
It's unfortunate that you, Gambololol and many others here don't seem to care about the ****storm that is going to engulf this team very shortly.

LOL @ "overreaction"... yep, nothing to see here, folks... media will forget about this in the morning.

I've stated my piece: if it comes out that BB was behind the deliberate deflating of game balls, I'm done with this team. Pushing edges is cute. Deliberate manipulation of game balls is straight up cheating and unacceptable. I won't defend this BS anymore.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
01-21-2015 , 02:21 AM
Salva how many beers in are you right now? Maybe take it easy for the rest of the night.

What exactly are you afraid of, are other fans on the internet going to say naughty words about Tommy Touchdown?

Pretty sure the overreaction part was your wet dream of finally being able to call for BBs firing.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
01-21-2015 , 02:23 AM
Originally Posted by MDoranD
Just here to laugh at Salva's overreaction.

With the info that's out now, this story is still a non story.

Just think how much better the posting would be here if a device was installed which made you pass a breathalyzer before you could post.
What all 3 of the top links on ESPN are Sources: Footballs Deflated, it's a story
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
01-21-2015 , 02:27 AM
It's obviously going to be a huge story, just not the human tragedy Salva makes it out to be
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
01-21-2015 , 02:29 AM
Originally Posted by Prawney
Im looking forward to how it will be totally forgotten that score with "illegal" Balls 17-7, score with "legal" balls 28-0
What mean by this? Do they switch balls at half ?
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
01-21-2015 , 02:31 AM
Originally Posted by dfb89
What mean by this? Do they switch balls at half ?
Delay at start of second half was supposedly from bringing balls back up to spec.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
01-21-2015 , 02:32 AM
Yeah they switched the balls out at the half apparently because they seemed/measured too low at halftime
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
01-21-2015 , 02:35 AM
*because the Colts noticed they were low after intercepting a pass and the refs were notified.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
01-21-2015 , 02:37 AM
Yes clearly
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
01-21-2015 , 02:41 AM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
It's obviously going to be a huge story, just not the human tragedy Salva makes it out to be
It's a ridiculously embarrassing mark on BB, not sure how that's not a big deal to you. I guess it's going to take draft pick penalties for all of this to truly hit home for some of you. Then **** will get real.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
01-21-2015 , 02:42 AM
I'm going to call my own shot here: Pats will lose, at minimum, a 3rd round draft pick.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
