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raise first in standard % raise first in standard %

04-10-2010 , 07:21 AM
Hi what do you guys think is the standard % of hands raising % from all the positions i 6max

utg hijack CO BTN SB?

how is it for a fish TAG player LAG player %?

do yiu guys think it do change a lot if it is 4 players and not 6 ?
raise first in standard % Quote
04-10-2010 , 08:15 AM
The amount of players doesn't matter, besides the obvious hands your raise should depend on the opponents. Ie. if there's nits on the blinds, you can raise ATC from BTN and tons of hands from CO, if there's calling stations you should raise value hands and hands that play well postflop (ie JTs instead of A2o). If there's LAGgier players who 3-bet a lot you should think more about how the hand plays against a 3-bet and so on.

Stack sizes matter of course, if the opponents have smaller stacks hands like 67s go down in value while hands like A9o go up.

There is no standard raise % on any position, except maybe in full ring early position. It all depends.
raise first in standard % Quote
04-10-2010 , 08:36 AM
yes i know but this is more for when i dont have any reads any stats are new to the tabel and I was woundering what % of hands do you guys think the avg player avg good player rais from the positions first in ? like 10% utg? 15% hijack ?? andso on please help me
raise first in standard % Quote
