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The 1-A concept The 1-A concept

03-12-2020 , 11:17 PM

So i've been watching some lefort theory videos from back in the day and i assume some range approximations are outdated now due to solvers and the growing change in population tendencies across the board.

but im not quite sure what the following means or how he got to this point:

a = b/(b+1) = 0.588
(1-a)% = 41%

these two equations dont make sense to me whats b+1 and 1-a?

i know 1-a is a shared responsibility for the sb and bb to defend vs BTN but i dont know how to work it out for myself
The 1-A concept Quote
03-13-2020 , 03:00 AM
b = the bet size

so if you bet 0.5 pot size bet (psb) then you are betting 0.50 into 1.00

a = 0.50/(0.50+1) = 0.5/1.5 = 0.33333,

a is the frequency the opponent needs to fold to automatically profit, therefore the MDF (minimum defense frequency) = 1 - a
The 1-A concept Quote
03-13-2020 , 10:15 PM
Yeah, Brokenstars is spot on, but let me clarify.

b = bet/pot. For example a half-pot bet = 0.5

a (alpha) is better known as the Break-Even% or how often villain must fold for our bluff to autoprofit.

(1 - a) is better known as the Minimum Defense Frequency, and is simply how often villain must continue to stop me from auto-profiting.
The 1-A concept Quote
