Are you a jehovahs witness? These are the sort of arguments ( I use the word loosely) that I hear from them when they stop me to debate in the street
Originally Posted by rjr777
But if they tell you in school that a Big Bang happened and everything formed from nothing for no reason most people would say ok science and believe it hook line and sinker.
Where are all the mathematical minds in tnhis forum questioning the Big Bang as having no empirical evidence???
Are you saying theres no evidence that supports the big bang theory?
The 2 pieces of evidence that I know of , are
1)Red shift of light from distant stars, which means that stars are moving away from us.
2) background microwave radiation, which is the residue of the energy of the big bang.
You can claim that the big bang theory is incorrect, sure. Do you have anything to support that claim? The big Bang theory is the best explanation we have thus far, for what we see in the universe( stars moving away from us, background radiation,etc).
God takes a lot of heat from people claiming there is no proof but where is the scientific proof we evolved from monkeys, live on a spinning ball, and everything formed from nothing? Darwin claimed “transitory fossils” would be found and never were found there’s literally no explanataion anyone can give for this other than evolution is a load of bs. Adaptation can explain away everything in evolution. Just like relative density can explain away gravity.
evolution,change over time, is as much a fact as anything can be. The scientific proof is in DNA, in fossil records ( yes, there are transitional fossils), in biology. Again, you claim theres no evidence. You are wrong. You can dispute the evidence, sure, but you have to show why its wrong, you dont just get to claim "its wrong" or "it doesnt exist"
If the bing Bang is bs... then it opens the door for an intelligent designer
Even if the big bang is true, it still leaves room for an intelligent designer.
The proof in said designer is in the handy work. When you look around and see the intelligible all around you know it was put there in purpose with intent and design.
What does it mean to see the intelligible all around? I dont see anything particularly designed about a tree or a rock.