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The thought that there has to be a God because of how complex the human body is. The thought that there has to be a God because of how complex the human body is.

02-26-2009 , 06:06 AM
Originally Posted by Janabis
We actually know this is false in the case of vestigial organs such as the appendix. The one and only thing that your appendix can do for you is to become infected and possibly kill you unless you have it removed. Having an appendix has absolutely no positive impact on your health, and people who have had it removed have good health with no impairment to their digestive systems. If the appendix was inserted into humans by design, then it was, without a doubt, a very big mistake.

There is no intelligent reason for humans to have been designed in such a way, indicating that either we were not designed, or that the designer was in fact unintelligent. However, this all makes perfect sense and is elegantly explained by evolution, since vestigial organs such as the appendix may have simply lost their original function, yet remained intact, as new species evolved. Remarkably, we can even see how these organs retain their function in other species that are related to the species in which the vestigial organ still exists.
There's a great book called "Kluge: The Haphazard Construction of the Human Mind" that delves into all kinds of things like this. Your retina is actually backwards in your eye which gives you blind spots, we get hernias because we haven't full evolved into being upright animals, etc.... Most of it is about the brain and its poor assembly. I have it on audio book if anyone is interested... pm me if you want it.
The thought that there has to be a God because of how complex the human body is. Quote
03-01-2009 , 04:25 PM
The thought that there has to be a God because of how complex the human body is. Quote
