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Serious question, how can anyone in this day and age who is somewhat intelligent believe in God Serious question, how can anyone in this day and age who is somewhat intelligent believe in God

06-25-2010 , 04:41 AM
Originally Posted by ilovedonks
All religion is man made. All early civilizations created them as myths, as a way to try to understand the world & themselves at a time when knowledge & self awareness were in their infancy. Many of these myths are beautiful examples of early man seeking understanding.

We see creation myths or religion in middle east, europe, south & north america, asia, australia, africa etc. This tells us a lot about man, as the first living thing on this planet to realise his mortality, and his need to feel safe in the face of certain death and nothing about some imagined deity!

As for why people still believe in our more sophisticated society, as opposed to more backward society hundreds or thousands of years ago. Well deep down everyone is still terrified of death, and hanging on to belief in afterlife, or some imagined paternal creator/provider, provides people with comfort, they are in some way constructing a belief system which makes the obvious fact we are doomed to death more bearable.
location: sunnyvale TRAILER PARK

enough said.

your conclusion is not the intelligent person's conclusion. the intelligent person weighs in ALL factors before making a decision.
Serious question, how can anyone in this day and age who is somewhat intelligent believe in God Quote
06-25-2010 , 05:55 AM
Originally Posted by fivesfull21
location: sunnyvale TRAILER PARK

enough said.

your conclusion is not the intelligent person's conclusion. the intelligent person weighs in ALL factors before making a decision.

Since his post isn't about decisions, I think you should revisit school sometime in the near future.

Also, did you make your decision to say "enough said" basing it solely on what his location says? Way to weigh ALL the factors brah! Wp Wp

I could bash your sentence structure, too.. but this ain't no crusade!
Serious question, how can anyone in this day and age who is somewhat intelligent believe in God Quote
06-25-2010 , 06:15 AM
Originally Posted by fivesfull21
location: sunnyvale TRAILER PARK

enough said.

your conclusion is not the intelligent person's conclusion. the intelligent person weighs in ALL factors before making a decision.
My location is reference to a t.v. programme, trailer park boys. (get over it)

My conclusion is based on study and exploration, because i have always been interested in big questions, i have two honours degrees, one in Christian theology, one in Philosophy, and ur questioning my intelligence.

Giving psychological reasons for constructing a belief system, which i did, to me is more intelligent than blindly excepting a Supernatural God. All early civilisations created these gods, literally hundreds of diff examples, it screams that it was a necessary human psychological development to help us cope with life, and not actually revelation by hundreds of gods, are all religions right??

u dont even say what is wrong with my arguement or what u propose instead.
Serious question, how can anyone in this day and age who is somewhat intelligent believe in God Quote
06-25-2010 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by Splendour
The question should be the opposite: how can anyone not believe who is intelligent?
Exactly. I almost started a new thread posing that very question a few days ago.
Serious question, how can anyone in this day and age who is somewhat intelligent believe in God Quote
06-25-2010 , 09:32 AM
Originally Posted by SecondChance
So who created this supernatural phenomena then? Something even more complex? I don't understand why your answer to "what created the universe" is "something even more complex"

It's obvious how religion came about...2000 years when they knew even less than we do, they formed stories about god and supernatural powers. These fairy tales are known as religion.

As we can see, there are plenty of crazies around even imagine just how many there were 2000+ years ago. Combine that with the question "how the **** did we get here?" and you have religion
So religion just got started up 2000 years ago? Interesting.
Serious question, how can anyone in this day and age who is somewhat intelligent believe in God Quote
06-25-2010 , 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by TexArcher
No one is suggesting that, though. I don't know of any atheist or evolutionist who argues that matter came from nothingness, or that life came from nothingness. That's what theists argue, actually -- that life magically came from nothingness, and the magic is called "God". The error, in my opinion, is in assuming that there ever was a nothingness in the first place.
I contend that many atheists are arguing exactly that - that matter came from nothingness - and they don't even know it. The OP thinks "variance" created the origin... This is literally the first time in this thread that anyone has made the argument that there never was "nothingness." I guess that is possible.

Yep, you are wrong about that.
Do tell.

Okay. You're welcome to believe whatever you like, of course.
Thank you.

I just don't understand why so many theists persist in getting into debates when they're coming from a position of faith, not of reason. Hey, if your faith convinces you to be a better person, or comforts you, then great. But if you can't prove it, then why even engage rationalists about it at all? When cornered about proof, theists typically say, "You have to believe it in order to see it". Well, that simply isn't how reason works -- reasonable people believe after proof, not before proof. And if you value faith over reason, that's fine, but why try to be both faithful and rational at the same time when it simply isn't possible? Why even debate rationalists?
I don't think I'm coming from a position of faith, not reason. I would actually consider myself an agnostic, not a theist, despite the fact that I do "believe" there is a God. My belief is not from faith, though. It is from evaluating all the info I have and determining that a certain answer makes the most sense to me.

I have also argued time and time again that Christianity (my version, which simply entails following the words of the character "Jesus Christ," not the perverted version that Bible-thumpers espouse) works to make the world a better place whether or not the story is true or whether or not you believe it. That's the beauty/genius of the concept. If everyone went around treating people how they wanted to be treated, would we live in a better world? Seems obvious, doesn't it? And I don't think you have to believe anything to see that. There's a difference between being a "reasonable" person, being a skeptic and just being an ***hole.

Again, I do NOT value faith over reason. And, by the way, I do NOT view you as a rationalist. You are a misguided, closed-minded skeptic, plain and simple.
Serious question, how can anyone in this day and age who is somewhat intelligent believe in God Quote
06-25-2010 , 09:56 AM
Originally Posted by lew189
I contend that many atheists are arguing exactly that - that matter came from nothingness - and they don't even know it.
actually, no. how about you ask an atheist where he thinks matter came from instead of making your cute contentions? i'm sure if you ask any atheist who has put some thought into the question, you'll get an answer that is similar to:

"i don't know, but there's no reason to believe at this point, knowing what we do know, that the energy from the big bang didn't always exist in some capacity."

and in fact, in quantum mechanics, you see matter coming in and out of "nothing" all the time. so who knows? one thing that is fairly clear is that the answer to "where did all the matter come from? it just doesn't make sense that it all came from nothing!" isn't "god did it, and this god being has just always been there. don't ask me any more questions about the origins of god because that would expose a flaw in my line of reasoning"
Serious question, how can anyone in this day and age who is somewhat intelligent believe in God Quote
06-25-2010 , 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by CanadaLowball
one thing that is fairly clear is that the answer to "where did all the matter come from? it just doesn't make sense that it all came from nothing!" isn't "god did it, and this god being has just always been there. don't ask me any more questions about the origins of god because that would expose a flaw in my line of reasoning"
Actually "God did it, and this God being has just always been there" is just as good or better than any argument I've heard any atheist make.

Clearly there is a flaw in my line of reasoning. There is no proof and there is no debating that. However, at least I have a theory and a theory that explains virtually everything since the origin.

You are just another skeptic, which is fine, but please accept the fact that you don't know ****, either. I am only offering my opinion based on what I know and what makes sense to me. I am not saying I'm definitely right or even trying to convince others of anything. I am just putting an idea out there and you seem to take some pleasure in shooting it down, despite the fact that you offer absolutely nothing that makes more sense.
Serious question, how can anyone in this day and age who is somewhat intelligent believe in God Quote
06-25-2010 , 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by lew189
I contend that many atheists are arguing exactly that - that matter came from nothingness - and they don't even know it. The OP thinks "variance" created the origin... This is literally the first time in this thread that anyone has made the argument that there never was "nothingness." I guess that is possible.
This doesn't make sense. If people don't know that they are arguing for something, i.e. that matter came from nothingness, but you think they really are arguing for it, then that must be because you think it is a logical implication of their position. But then you admit that there is another possible view. Doesn't make sense.

I don't think I'm coming from a position of faith, not reason. I would actually consider myself an agnostic, not a theist, despite the fact that I do "believe" there is a God. My belief is not from faith, though. It is from evaluating all the info I have and determining that a certain answer makes the most sense to me.
So let me get this straight. You say that you are not a theist, but you believe in God. You say that you are an agnostic, but the basis for your belief in God is reason and evidence, not faith.

If this is your understanding of these words, then I am glad we disagree--you seem to understand them in a way completely contradictory to my own.

I have also argued time and time again that Christianity (my version, which simply entails following the words of the character "Jesus Christ," not the perverted version that Bible-thumpers espouse) works to make the world a better place whether or not the story is true or whether or not you believe it. That's the beauty/genius of the concept. If everyone went around treating people how they wanted to be treated, would we live in a better world? Seems obvious, doesn't it? And I don't think you have to believe anything to see that. There's a difference between being a "reasonable" person, being a skeptic and just being an ***hole.
Fine. If you wish to follow some of the moral teaching of the NT, I have no problem with that. I wish to follow some of the moral teachings of the NT. But TexArcher is correct then. If this is your concern, then why bother engaging with people on whether or not the (non-moral) claims of the Bible are true? After all, your version of Christianity doesn't actually claim that they are true.

Also, there are differences between being a skeptic, an ***hole, and a reasonable person, but these differences don't preclude someone being all three.
Serious question, how can anyone in this day and age who is somewhat intelligent believe in God Quote
06-25-2010 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by Original Position
This doesn't make sense. If people don't know that they are arguing for something, i.e. that matter came from nothingness, but you think they really are arguing for it, then that must be because you think it is a logical implication of their position. But then you admit that there is another possible view. Doesn't make sense.
I'm not saying all, I'm saying some. I gave an example.

So let me get this straight. You say that you are not a theist, but you believe in God. You say that you are an agnostic, but the basis for your belief in God is reason and evidence, not faith.

If this is your understanding of these words, then I am glad we disagree--you seem to understand them in a way completely contradictory to my own.
I think of words like these as subjective. Clearly we disagree on that.

Fine. If you wish to follow some of the moral teaching of the NT, I have no problem with that. I wish to follow some of the moral teachings of the NT. But TexArcher is correct then. If this is your concern, then why bother engaging with people on whether or not the (non-moral) claims of the Bible are true? After all, your version of Christianity doesn't actually claim that they are true.
I didn't think that was what I was engaging with people about. I think this thread is about whether or not intelligent people can believe in God. And, for the record, my version of Christianity is the literal one. Everyone else is wrong, lol.

Also, there are differences between being a skeptic, an ***hole, and a reasonable person, but these differences don't preclude someone being all three.
You are very good at this! I couldn't agree more.
Serious question, how can anyone in this day and age who is somewhat intelligent believe in God Quote
06-25-2010 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by lew189
I'm not saying all, I'm saying some. I gave an example.
In order for it to be a logical implication, it must be all. If it is not a logical implication, then your claim is unjustified.

I think of words like these as subjective. Clearly we disagree on that.
Clearly we do.

I didn't think that was what I was engaging with people about. I think this thread is about whether or not intelligent people can believe in God. And, for the record, my version of Christianity is the literal one. Everyone else is wrong, lol.
I'll assume your use of "literal" here is kind of like how you use "theist" and "agnostic," very subjectively. Also, this thread has never been about whether intelligent people can believe in God. That is clearly true. OP is a relatively transparent troll.
Serious question, how can anyone in this day and age who is somewhat intelligent believe in God Quote
06-25-2010 , 04:16 PM
I'll admit I'm an ******* to a lot of theists/believers. Because I get so ****ing sick and tired of their God damned cherry picking! You cannot have your cake and eat, too! Unless you have a digestive system similar to a fly's.


Serious question, how can anyone in this day and age who is somewhat intelligent believe in God Quote
06-25-2010 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by lew189
Exactly. I almost started a new thread posing that very question a few days ago.
Do you guys really not see how unbiased objective observers don't believe what you do (i.e. an invisible entity in the sky)? On what grounds do you think everyone should believe as you do? What if we aren't persuaded by biblical stories as you. Some do not believe in things they cannot see, touch, hear, and have no manifest on my reality whatsoever.

Is it REALLY that hard to understand how it's possible for some not to accept your god and beliefs the way you do?
Serious question, how can anyone in this day and age who is somewhat intelligent believe in God Quote
06-25-2010 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by Lestat
Is it REALLY that hard to understand how it's possible for some not to accept your god and beliefs the way you do?
Heh. One of the things you can see in this thread is how this question can also be fairly asked of many atheists as well. Theists hardly have a monopoly on bias.
Serious question, how can anyone in this day and age who is somewhat intelligent believe in God Quote
06-25-2010 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by lew189
Exactly. I almost started a new thread posing that very question a few days ago.
Didn't you read thread, the op got slammed. I wonder how that would work the other way around.. you should start that thread.
Serious question, how can anyone in this day and age who is somewhat intelligent believe in God Quote
06-25-2010 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by Lestat
Do you guys really not see how unbiased objective observers don't believe what you do (i.e. an invisible entity in the sky)? What if we aren't persuaded by biblical stories as you. Some do not believe in things they cannot see, touch, hear, and have no manifest on my reality whatsoever.

Is it REALLY that hard to understand how it's possible for some not to accept your god and beliefs the way you do?
I don't believe in an invisible entity in the sky. I don't believe in biblical stories, either.

I think the issue is the bolded part. You see, many people see, touch and hear God every day and it is very obvious to them. Have you considered that you may be the one who is blind?

And no, it isn't that hard for me to understand that someone does not accept "my" God & beliefs. I'm OK with that. It is only when people get indignant that I hold certain beliefs (eg- the op of this thread) that I get upset.

Last edited by lew189; 06-25-2010 at 04:54 PM. Reason: Grammar
Serious question, how can anyone in this day and age who is somewhat intelligent believe in God Quote
06-25-2010 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by batair
Didn't you read thread, the op got slammed. I wonder how that would work the other way around.. you should start that thread.
I did read it. I just wanted the opposite thread out there for balance.
Serious question, how can anyone in this day and age who is somewhat intelligent believe in God Quote
06-25-2010 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by lew189
I think the issue is the bolded part. You see, many people see, touch and hear God every day and it is very obvious to them. Have you considered that you may be the one who is blind?
of course. Most atheists will happily say that if God wanted to "open their eyes" they would ... he is O3 and should certainly know how to.

Unfortunately, despite there being a few honest theists out there, most would claim they are 100% certain that God (their version of God of course) exists, and nothing could convince them otherwise. I have never met an atheist who has made that claim regarding their disbelief in God before (although I'm sure they exist, even on this board)
Serious question, how can anyone in this day and age who is somewhat intelligent believe in God Quote
06-25-2010 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by lew189
I don't believe in an invisible entity in the sky. I don't believe in biblical stories, either.

I think the issue is the bolded part. You see, many people think they see, touch and hear God every day and it is very obvious to them. Have you considered that you may be the one who is blind?

And no, it isn't that hard for me to understand that someone does not accept "my" God & beliefs. I'm OK with that. It is only when people get indignant that I hold certain beliefs (eg- the op of this thread) that I get upset.
FYP. Thinking something or believing something are very different from something actually happening.
Serious question, how can anyone in this day and age who is somewhat intelligent believe in God Quote
06-25-2010 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by lew189

I don't think I'm coming from a position of faith, not reason. I would actually consider myself an agnostic, not a theist, despite the fact that I do "believe" there is a God. My belief is not from faith, though. It is from evaluating all the info I have and determining that a certain answer makes the most sense to me.

I have also argued time and time again that Christianity (my version, which simply entails following the words of the character "Jesus Christ," not the perverted version that Bible-thumpers espouse) works to make the world a better place whether or not the story is true or whether or not you believe it. That's the beauty/genius of the concept. If everyone went around treating people how they wanted to be treated, would we live in a better world? Seems obvious, doesn't it? And I don't think you have to believe anything to see that. There's a difference between being a "reasonable" person, being a skeptic and just being an ***hole.

Again, I do NOT value faith over reason. And, by the way, I do NOT view you as a rationalist. You are a misguided, closed-minded skeptic, plain and simple.
This is very much my position.
I dont think its very smart to have no belief!
Serious question, how can anyone in this day and age who is somewhat intelligent believe in God Quote
06-25-2010 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by ilovedonks
FYP. Thinking something or believing something are very different from something actually happening.
I actually wrote your version first and then changed it. In practice, there is very little difference between seeing something and thinking you see something. Life is practice, not theory.
Serious question, how can anyone in this day and age who is somewhat intelligent believe in God Quote
06-25-2010 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by lew189
I actually wrote your version first and then changed it. In practice, there is very little difference between seeing something and thinking you see something. Life is practice, not theory.
This is similar to the 'knowledge' discussion we had earlier ITT. Your point is not invalid, but it implies only that you mean something different by 'seeing god' from what you mean by 'seeing a "Stop" sign'*.

*When you're driving your airship
Serious question, how can anyone in this day and age who is somewhat intelligent believe in God Quote
06-25-2010 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by lew189
I actually wrote your version first and then changed it. In practice, there is very little difference between seeing something and thinking you see something. Life is practice, not theory.
so whatever people think they see, hear etc we have to accept that they really did see, hear etc. There is a huge diff between thinking you have a exp and experiencing something in reality.

I knew someone who thought Jesus walked into the room he was in when he was having a hard time in life and helped him turn his life around. While of course he believes he saw this, it does not mean it happened in reality, he was alcoholic, cudnt get out of a rut, so his mind subconsiously created this image to help him. The belief he had this experience helped him, but it did not really happened, see the diff?
Serious question, how can anyone in this day and age who is somewhat intelligent believe in God Quote
06-25-2010 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by lew189
I don't believe in an invisible entity in the sky.
Sorry. But you DO believe in something invisible, right? You can't show me this god you believe in, can you?

Have you considered that you may be the one who is blind?
If I'm blind, I'm blind. I was speaking to (splendour's) remark at how the question should be turned around i.e., how can anyone not believe in god who is intelligent? You just said it's a blind thing and not an intelligence thing. This has nothing to do with what I was referring to.
Serious question, how can anyone in this day and age who is somewhat intelligent believe in God Quote
06-25-2010 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by lew189
I think the issue is the bolded part. You see, many people see, touch and hear God every day and it is very obvious to them. Have you considered that you may be the one who is blind?
Such an assholic thing to say. Would you ever say this to a real blind person because they lacked the ability to see?

I've never had a spiritual experience, and it's not for lack of trying. It may very well be that I'm completely incapable of experiencing God the way you do. Some people are handicapped by that their entire lives, and there isn't a damned thing they can do about it. Calling us blind or blaming us for something beyond our control is soooooo unbelievably arrogant.

This of course assumes that you ACTUALLY experience God. If you don't, well, then your comment makes an even bigger condescending ******* out of you.
Serious question, how can anyone in this day and age who is somewhat intelligent believe in God Quote
