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Question for non Christians:  Christian people/conversations youve enjoyed vs ones you've hated Question for non Christians:  Christian people/conversations youve enjoyed vs ones you've hated

03-31-2011 , 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
False. I have said mutliple times that you have symptoms of schizophrenia/a thought disorder, and I'm a theist.

Also, some people are irrational. In their own minds they are being rational, but that doesn't always equate to objection rationality. And come to think of it, nearly everyone is irrational from time to time. Most of use can actually admit this.
And you're an unethical human being posing as an authority.

A real doctor with some ethics would never make such a statement on the Internet about another poster. It's the purest negligence. But you're just a student anyway with a grudge because some people dared to explore difficult questions on the nature of gay rights and religion in a forum where outrageous questions are the norm.
03-31-2011 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
And you're an unethical human being posing as an authority.

A real doctor with some ethics would never make such a statement on the Internet about another poster. It's the purest negligence. But you're just a student anyway with a grudge because some people dared to explore difficult questions on the nature of gay rights and religion in a forum where outrageous questions are the norm.
1) I've said over and over that I'm not angry at you for anything and I don't hold a grudge. Why do you continue to bring it up though as if it's real? My posts ITT are about your posts ITT, not your views on gays.

2) How is this negligent? If anything, it could benefit you.

3) I'm not diagnosing you. I don't know you and I can't do it anyway. What I can say (and have), is that your postings here look a whole lot like a thought disorder as they are so tangential and can't properly respond to the simplest of questions. I don't know what you are like in real life, but your 2+2 persona certainly does not think in a linear, cohesive manner.

4) Finally, I'm not saying any of this as an insult. I don't find it insulting at all. I'm just reporting on what I read.
03-31-2011 , 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by All-In Flynn
Yes We Can!
Ah, ok. So Miss Off Topic with 85% of posts/thread and Stu defending her for the other 14% is ok. Cool, 99% off-topic, 1% content. Thumbs up!
03-31-2011 , 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by FlushRoyal
Ah, ok. So Miss Off Topic with 85% of posts/thread and Stu defending her for the other 14% is ok. Cool, 99% off-topic, 1% content. Thumbs up!
[ ] content
Can we please do something about this attention-whore of a person who destroys every interesting thread by spouting off-topic nonsense?

I'm offended by being forced to read and skip through this crap to find some interesting posts.

And I'm (once again) disappointed by Stu and his ongoing "intellectual suicide".
He babbles something about being offended and banning people for pointing out that a poster in this forum has mental problems (obviously obvious) and doesn't respect any serious discussion by forcing us to read through her verbal diarrhea.
[ ] content

It's time to either do better or stop complaining when others don't. You don't have to read anything you don't want to, and you don't have to post anything no-one will want to read.
04-01-2011 , 12:49 AM
At least we're accidentally still on topic?
04-01-2011 , 01:21 AM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
1) I've said over and over that I'm not angry at you for anything and I don't hold a grudge. Why do you continue to bring it up though as if it's real? My posts ITT are about your posts ITT, not your views on gays.

2) How is this negligent? If anything, it could benefit you.

3) I'm not diagnosing you. I don't know you and I can't do it anyway. What I can say (and have), is that your postings here look a whole lot like a thought disorder as they are so tangential and can't properly respond to the simplest of questions. I don't know what you are like in real life, but your 2+2 persona certainly does not think in a linear, cohesive manner.

4) Finally, I'm not saying any of this as an insult. I don't find it insulting at all. I'm just reporting on what I read.

You're thoroughly negligent. You are attempting to diagnose someone through a message board. Also this is a hostile environment to theist posters and you're not even licensed and are most likely outside of your field of specialization in medical school.

Any number of reasons which I don't feel the need to divulge could cause me to have lapses in posting or make me disinclined not to answer or address a post. Tone being one of the more obvious.

Once again you are negligent. If I were sitting on your medical school oral board and found out you were rendering medical opinions so egregriously I would most likely consider you unqualified for meeting board standards.

You've shown a shocking lack of scientific objectivity.

Publicly diagnose someone on a message azz! You're either a crackpot or dishonest or both or have a hidden personal motive...I think I would resign from medical school or at least take a sabbatical and re-evaluate if I were you.
04-01-2011 , 02:39 AM
Show the guy a little mercy. Jesus.
04-01-2011 , 03:12 AM
Originally Posted by Acemanhattan
"read 2 Timothy, because you contradicted God" This is what Im talking about, thats not how you engage in diolauge. The scripture isnt there so you dont have to communicate like a normal human with someon.

"Jesus was MOBBED" Jesus was mobbed by the tons and tons of people who were coming to him to receive the free gift of healing and mercy and compassion he was readily giving them. He was MURDERED by the Legally Zelous Pharisees. You are not being mobbed, you are being properly held accountable for your rude behavior. It is a joke that you think you are doing Christ a service, or immitating his humility. That you would compare your "sufferings" because of your arrogance and Bible beating with Christ's suffering at the hands of those who talk like you do is a joke.
Well you could have handled this more delicately but I guess you made your holier than thou power move on the board.

May you do a better job on this board than I have.

I've only had to surf at a rough guestimate about 50,000 personal insults in the past 5 years while I tried to break a couple of dozen atheistic religious stereotypes and in this format thats not easy.

One plants, another waters but God gives the increase.

You want the job? I hope you can put in the hours. Good luck and God bless!
04-01-2011 , 03:20 AM
Originally Posted by Splendour
You're thoroughly negligent. You are attempting to diagnose someone through a message board. Also this is a hostile environment to theist posters and you're not even licensed and are most likely outside of your field of specialization in medical school.

Any number of reasons which I don't feel the need to divulge could cause me to have lapses in posting or make me disinclined not to answer or address a post. Tone being one of the more obvious.

Once again you are negligent. If I were sitting on your medical school oral board and found out you were rendering medical opinions so egregriously I would most likely consider you unqualified for meeting board standards.

You've shown a shocking lack of scientific objectivity.

Publicly diagnose someone on a message azz! You're either a crackpot or dishonest or both or have a hidden personal motive...I think I would resign from medical school or at least take a sabbatical and re-evaluate if I were you. Im actually speechless at this point. Glad a person like you could get nowhere near medical school, nevermind the board.

The bold is just a classic splenda "I've completely lost my mind" quote.
04-01-2011 , 03:30 AM
Originally Posted by Weatherhead03 Im actually speechless at this point. Glad a person like you could get nowhere near medical school, nevermind the board.

The bold is just a classic splenda "I've completely lost my mind" quote.
No, but I could write a letter to one apprising them of the lack of patient confidentiality.

It's so ethical to accuse a person of craziness on a message board. Smacks a little bit of an attempt to humiliate someone, don't you agree?

And doctors should always be in the business of humiliating their patients, right?
04-01-2011 , 04:56 AM
Splenda; if you don't want to engage in discussion when it suddenly becomes too much for you/becomes to difficult to engage, you have no business entering discussion. it is rude, trollish, and a waste of time to enter discussion then half way through say "im not debating" or "this doesn't interest me" or "im not here to talk about that"; if your not willing to complete or engage a discusion dont just pip in with one or two opinions.
That is in no way how a discourse can rationally work, nor is it a pleasant attitude to have
04-01-2011 , 06:57 AM
Man. Splendour. The church got you good.

(NB please dont send a strongly worded letter to my uni, I dont want to get thrown out. thanks)
04-01-2011 , 08:27 AM
Originally Posted by Le Boeuf
Splenda; if you don't want to engage in discussion when it suddenly becomes too much for you/becomes to difficult to engage, you have no business entering discussion. it is rude, trollish, and a waste of time to enter discussion then half way through say "im not debating" or "this doesn't interest me" or "im not here to talk about that"; if your not willing to complete or engage a discusion dont just pip in with one or two opinions.
That is in no way how a discourse can rationally work, nor is it a pleasant attitude to have
Grow Up.

Nobody is obliged to entertain you.

I can enter and leave a discussion whenever I want but not a debate (which you want to force on me because you need a sparring partner for your bouts of verbal aggression). People come and go on here all the time and they just don't say they are leaving. Sometimes they exit and take off for months or years. My way is actually politer...Do you want someone to leave a thread and leave you hanging for a couple of days?

Don't flatter yourself that anything ever becomes too much for me. I get bored because I've heard the same hackneyed ideas regurgitated on here over and over.
04-01-2011 , 08:30 AM
Originally Posted by Splendour
You're thoroughly negligent. You are attempting to diagnose someone through a message board. Also this is a hostile environment to theist posters and you're not even licensed and are most likely outside of your field of specialization in medical school.

Any number of reasons which I don't feel the need to divulge could cause me to have lapses in posting or make me disinclined not to answer or address a post. Tone being one of the more obvious.

Once again you are negligent. If I were sitting on your medical school oral board and found out you were rendering medical opinions so egregriously I would most likely consider you unqualified for meeting board standards.

You've shown a shocking lack of scientific objectivity.

Publicly diagnose someone on a message azz! You're either a crackpot or dishonest or both or have a hidden personal motive...I think I would resign from medical school or at least take a sabbatical and re-evaluate if I were you.
Originally Posted by Splendour
No, but I could write a letter to one apprising them of the lack of patient confidentiality.

It's so ethical to accuse a person of craziness on a message board. Smacks a little bit of an attempt to humiliate someone, don't you agree?

And doctors should always be in the business of humiliating their patients, right?
I have never met you. You are not my patient. Therefore, I can not diagnose the person on the other side of the computer screen and there are no patient confidentiality issues.

I will be starting my psychiatry residency after I graduate this May. I do not find a psychiatric diagnosis to be insulting. I understand that many are humiliated by such diagnoses, but that's never how I intend such a thing. It doesn't make sense -- would I call people diabetics or cancer patients as an insult?

My goal here was to understand your posts. If they were off topic for reasons beyond your control, then that's fine. I would not get so upset that you derail every thread you're in, and hopefully the forum as a whole could cut you some slack. However, if you post like this despite knowing that it's wrong and it annoys so many and you can control it, then I wouldn't be so happy with you at all. Also, I would want you to get help if it were warranted.

All this is besides the point, though. You said that no theist ever called you irrational. I have proved you wrong.
04-01-2011 , 08:34 AM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
I have never met you. You are not my patient. Therefore, I can not diagnose the person on the other side of the computer screen and there are no patient confidentiality issues.

I will be starting my psychiatry residency after I graduate this May. I do not find a psychiatric diagnosis to be insulting. I understand that many are humiliated by such diagnoses, but that's never how I intend such a thing. It doesn't make sense -- would I call people diabetics or cancer patients as an insult?

My goal here was to understand your posts. If they were off topic for reasons beyond your control, then that's fine. I would not get so upset that you derail every thread you're in, and hopefully the forum as a whole could cut you some slack. However, if you post like this despite knowing that it's wrong and it annoys so many and you can control it, then I wouldn't be so happy with you at all. Also, I would want you to get help if it were warranted.

All this is besides the point, though. You said that no theist ever called you irrational. I have proved you wrong.
I should have qualified it and said Christian theist though the one or two Muslims on the board like shahrad usually agree with me too.

You're a quack with an ax to grind. No self respecting doctor would ever presume to diagnose someone through a message board. End of story.
04-01-2011 , 09:05 AM
Originally Posted by Splendour
Grow Up.

Nobody is obliged to entertain you.

I can enter and leave a discussion whenever I want but not a debate (which you want to force on me because you need a sparring partner for your bouts of verbal aggression). People come and go on here all the time and they just don't say they are leaving. Sometimes they exit and take off for months or years. My way is actually politer...Do you want someone to leave a thread and leave you hanging for a couple of days?
Nobody is obliged to entertain me obviously. I just think its rude to drop a counter point in discussion then if someone says your wrong storming off. Don't join in if your not going to engage.
If we were talking about how to deal with an unruly child, and I said lets lock him in his room as punishment will teach him, then someone else said no we should explain to him where he went wrong as teaching from reason is better; then you come along and say we're both wrong we should shout at him as he will then associate being bad with being disliked, i then respond how is that different to my way, then you say DAMN IVE HEARD THESE IDEA'S BEFORE I DON'T NEED TO EXPLAIN MYSELF TO YOU, you will have done nothing but disrupt a conversation in progress.
Just because i disagree does not make it aggression; as i've said before, if you have a position decided on you will meet opposition which can be interpreted as aggression as people will disagree with you. If you don't wanna be disagreed with or debate or discuss don't get involved.

As to people coming and going; that is a wider point. If anyone left RGT now and never came back, people would not be offended if they weren't mid discussion saying "no i'm finished"; their done, they can leave. To carry on contributing but refuse to respond to people is rude.
Take as long as you want to respond, jsut don't equate that with ignoring a point fully and going off on another one, then ignoring response and going off on another

Don't flatter yourself that anything ever becomes too much for me. I get bored because I've heard the same hackneyed ideas regurgitated on here over and over.
Then why do you ignore them? If they are valid points that have already been resolved by you, why not link the threads or answers you have provided? If your bored why do you come back? All that happens is you get attacked. Why do you respond to personal attacks?

We were mid discussion; i made points, you made points, i made points and then you decided you were done.

If we were discussing ice cream flavours and i say i like strawberry because its red; you respond that you like raspberry because its velvety, i say oh starwberry is to you should try it, then you just ignore and walk off it seems pretty rude. We were talking, i engaged in your opinion and that annoyed you?
04-01-2011 , 09:49 AM
Just drop it.

I'm a natural born teacher and almost a type of faith therapist so in this forum I'm a fish out of water because everyone is so determined to be skeptical and object that there is no point in me posting out of the prayers thread any more.

If we weren't in this medium with the agitators I could probably make everyone on here a believer or at least an agnostic because atheism is most likely an illogical position to hold.

But I really feel that God is inspiring me to do different things now besides exchange "opinions" with other people. Opinions are not truth. People get so personally invested in their opinions though that they act like they are but they aren't.

Only an act of God or soul searching or a genuine experience ever teachs you that though and a high percentage of the posters on here are haters. Some atheist posters on here never make a claim or exchange of ideas without it being a pointed insult with the result mere hatred bubbling out of them as if hatred ever convinced anyone. If I belonged to a group with this many haters...I wouldn't argue to defend them....I would run screaming away from them...lots of rational people have ran from atheism doing just that...haters are haters whatever label they fall under....
04-01-2011 , 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by Splendour
I'm a natural born teacher and almost a type of faith therapist so in this forum I'm a fish out of water because everyone is so determined to be skeptical
'if only they didn't bother thinking for themselves i'd be able to convince them all'. Skepticism will always stand in the way of nonsense.

If we weren't in this medium with the agitators I could probably make everyone on here a believer or at least an agnostic
04-01-2011 , 10:28 AM
Maybe you are a teacher but you cant teach people who don't want to learn. I could convince someone god exists if they wanted it to be true or were looking for 'him' thats easy, very easy.
04-01-2011 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by Splendour
Just drop it.

I'm a natural born teacher and almost a type of faith therapist so in this forum I'm a fish out of water because everyone is so determined to be skeptical and object that there is no point in me posting out of the prayers thread any more.

If we weren't in this medium with the agitators I could probably make everyone on here a believer or at least an agnostic because atheism is most likely an illogical position to hold.

But I really feel that God is inspiring me to do different things now besides exchange "opinions" with other people. Opinions are not truth. People get so personally invested in their opinions though that they act like they are but they aren't.

Only an act of God or soul searching or a genuine experience ever teachs you that though and a high percentage of the posters on here are haters. Some atheist posters on here never make a claim or exchange of ideas without it being a pointed insult with the result mere hatred bubbling out of them as if hatred ever convinced anyone. If I belonged to a group with this many haters...I wouldn't argue to defend them....I would run screaming away from them...lots of rational people have ran from atheism doing just that...haters are haters whatever label they fall under....
You've done what I did at the start. Active disbelief is different to atheist.

Also to claim to be a natural born teacher, and failing to change opinions people actually hold, or even having the ability to engage them successfully points away from teaching i.e.persuading, imparting knowledge.

I think you are labelling yourself a victim again. Stop it.
04-01-2011 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by BASaint
'if only they didn't bother thinking for themselves i'd be able to convince them all'. Skepticism will always stand in the way of nonsense.

No skepticism or doubt disrupts the seed of God's thinking in people.

How come atheists can't figure out the nature of God from faith and the fruits of the spirit?

Faith is always a love seed attached to respect.

You can almost boil the bible down to 2 concepts: love and respect.

The ancient Hebrews called it "lovingkindness". Kindness is a kind of respect.

And fear of the Lord generates: respect.

If belief/faith is a love seed received with welcome by the hearer and let to grow into the fruits of the Spirit then obviously the God of the bible is a God with a benovolent nature.

All skepticism let you do was outright reject something before you examined it meticulously.

Instead you let yourself focus on all the historical development failure stories of the seeds of God. Then lumped the success stories with the failures which is a category error in your own thinking but it allowed you to give yourself permission to refuse to develop as God wills you develop.

A seed always has to struggle to break out and grow into a worthwhile specimen of the data encoded in it. Of course, something could block the seed...Something internal and/or external....
04-01-2011 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by All-In Flynn
[ ] content

[ ] content

It's time to either do better or stop complaining when others don't. You don't have to read anything you don't want to, and you don't have to post anything no-one will want to read.
You didn't get my sarcastic post, did you? Obviously not, smartass.
Read the posts after yours. And then see the irony. She is on my ignore list.
And the thread is about her, again and about her only. Get it now?

But it's totally cool, dude, that you've come back to tell me what to do or not to do. The irony. You just leveled yourself.

And just in case you bother to answer (follow your own advice above and don't do it), that's exactly the kind of conversation with Christian people I didn't want to read about, on and on, in this thread.

Ignore list member, yes. 78762 posts quoting her self-centered posts, yes.
And just in case you don't like this, well, you can kiss my read end, mmmkaay? Thank you for your attention, Sir.
04-01-2011 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by FlushRoyal
You didn't get my sarcastic post, did you? Obviously not, smartass.
Read the posts after yours. And then see the irony. She is on my ignore list.
And the thread is about her, again and about her only. Get it now?

But it's totally cool, dude, that you've come back to tell me what to do or not to do. The irony. You just leveled yourself.

And just in case you bother to answer (follow your own advice above and don't do it), that's exactly the kind of conversation with Christian people I didn't want to read about, on and on, in this thread.

Ignore list member, yes. 78762 posts quoting her self-centered posts, yes.
And just in case you don't like this, well, you can kiss my read end, mmmkaay? Thank you for your attention, Sir.
Don't forget to put me on you ignore list.
04-01-2011 , 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
Don't forget to put me on you ignore list.
Don't tell me what to do or not to do.
Go back to demanding that people be banned for posts you don't agree with. This is what my sarcastic and "moral" "I'm being offended"-post was all about.
Do YOU at least get that you've been leveled? You've been trapped and this thread is the result.

This is exactly the kind of discussions/conversations most atheists AND believers don't want to have/lead. People of certain opinion or belief feeling "entitled" to be offended by someone's opinion. I've just shown you how many "believers" act, when someone disagrees with them and how they feel "offended" or ask for someone to be "banned" because of their opinion.

I hope you get now what you did. All-in Flynn still doesn't see the obvious level.
04-01-2011 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by Splendour
I should have qualified it and said Christian

You're a quack with an ax to grind. No self respecting doctor would ever presume to diagnose someone through a message board. End of story.
Originally Posted by Splendour
No, but I could write a letter to [the medical board] apprising them of the lack of patient confidentiality.

It's so ethical to accuse a person of craziness on a message board. Smacks a little bit of an attempt to humiliate someone, don't you agree?

And doctors should always be in the business of humiliating their patients, right?
I'm new in this forum, and didn't want to say anything, but splendor, your posts are the worst.
It's not your viewpoints or your posts that bother me, but it is the fact that you just spout nonsense over and over and derail the conversation.

I fully agree that the moderators should shut down this person's account.

A couple of statements directly to splendor.
I am a physician, and not a medical resident, so let me give my full medical Diagnosis to you on the situation.

1) I really think you're trying to post pad, and somehow think that the fact that you have 12 K posts makes you respectable. You derail threads with trolling fights, and your viewpoint is not really that intelligent, lending credence to the opinion that most people who are theists are less intelligent.

2) I find it Extremely offensive, that you would threaten to throw some med student under the bus to their medical board, after a casual discussion on a message board.
It is people like you, that are the reason our malpractice insurance is so high, and I can tell you Christian or not, you are a true degenerate. the worst type of trolls.

3) The previous poster who said you had a personality problem is probably very correct, I however disagree with his diagnosis. He says you may be schizophrenic, but in my honest medical opinion, I think you probably are just plain bipolar.

for my third view, you cannot sue me, you cannot sue anyone. if I made the statement "I think you are mentally ******ed", can you sue me for malpractice?

why am I getting into a conversation about the nature of malpractice with a person like you anyway? why am I engaging you in a conversation, where your response is going to be pure drivel?

Splendor, I think the previous poster put it best when they said that you are nowhere close, not a yard not a mile not 100 miles, from a medical school, medical board, or even an Med school admission committee.

If you want to try to sue me or pursue action with my state board, feel free to PM me and I will give you my full details name address etc.

Last edited by mustafamond; 04-01-2011 at 11:44 AM.
