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Question for non Christians:  Christian people/conversations youve enjoyed vs ones you've hated Question for non Christians:  Christian people/conversations youve enjoyed vs ones you've hated

03-31-2011 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
And you need to be banned.
Then so does splendour since she has said atheists have a brain malfunction.

@op I like most of the conversations. Even the ones which mock atheists by making generalizations that we are evil heathens.
03-31-2011 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by mustafamond
Splendor took all that the time to write a detailed response to this post, the subject of which has been derailed entirely by your guy's Little bitch fight.
now, that's offensive.. "bitch fight" ... funny , you can call our disagreement bitch fight and then state that you agree that I Was being offending to SPLENDOUR by calling her statements dumb and questioning her age and logic...
03-31-2011 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by Hopey
If I'm talking to a Polish person, and I tell him that "Poles are lazy and stupid", does it matter that I was attacking the Polish people as a whole as opposed to attacking the individual I'm talking to? Is it any less insulting?

When Splendour writes "Atheism leads to communism", or "Atheists are doing Satan's work", or "Atheists aren't capable of understanding what I write", or any number of disparaging comments she makes about's insulting to every Atheist on this forum.

When people criticize Splendour, they're generally criticizing her alone. They aren't criticizing Christians as a group (though she enjoys portraying the attacks on her as an attack on Christianity). She's bigoted towards atheists.
Hopey, what do you think of this comment by weaselgirl? Is it alright for me to respond to it by calling her an idiot?

Originally Posted by weaselgirl
Christianity is just so disgusting sometimes. Seriously, just listen to yourself man, I don't even know what to say to this.
03-31-2011 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
I don't think God allows the devil to take control of people's minds.

People allow it by ignoring God and falling for the devil's tricks.
This makes no sense Splendour... IF GOD allows the DEVIL to exist and knows about THE DEVIL's little tricks then he is allowing him to continue to do bad. Same as if you knew that your husband (if you have one) robs banks yet you did not call the cops and tell them about it. You are basically allowing him to continue to do bad things while you do have powers to stop it...

Last edited by gskowal; 03-31-2011 at 12:52 PM.
03-31-2011 , 12:47 PM

Who did Jesus bash over the head with quoted scripture? Who was it that he had relational problems and tension with?

It certainly was NEVER the "Sinners" it was never the unsaved, it was never the adulteress or the gentile living in sin.

It was the legally zelous pharisee's who had access to the scriptures, who upheld the letter of the law exactly, but had absolutley no mercy or compassion in their hearts.

Who was it that Jesus condemned? It was those that slammed the door of the kingdom of heaven in peoples faces through their own ignorance.

Read through the Gospels, tell me where the tension is. Is it between the "Christian" and the "Sinner"? No it's not. Jesus never had any relational dysfunction between himself and the common person. It was the loud mouthed know it all Pharisees that came in and interrupted any time there was healing, any time mercy took precedent over the law.

Do you ever ask yourself why you can't have a normal conversation with anyone on here? Why every time you show up the harmony is disrupted? It isn't because "the Word of God is so offensive" It's because you are.

I mean think about what you are doing and saying. Think about WHO you are saying it to. Scripture lessons are not medicine for people who don't believe in it. Scripture is medicience for people who do. Mercy, compassion, and humble relationships are the only medicine that a "Sinner" will accept. (for all the baby eating sinners in here, i'd never call you a sinner to your face (just behind your back) I'm just illustrating my point.
03-31-2011 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by Acemanhattan
Splendour, ...

I mean think about what you are doing and saying.
OHhhh BOY, wait.. STU is going to call this VERY offensive...
03-31-2011 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by batair
Then so does splendour since she has said atheists have a brain malfunction.

@op I like most of the conversations. Even the ones which mock atheists by making generalizations that we are evil heathens.
Let me see the quote....I might agree with you. I have no problem with Splendour being banned if she engages in personal attacks.
03-31-2011 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by Hopey
If I'm talking to a Polish person, and I tell him that "Poles are lazy and stupid", does it matter that I was attacking the Polish people as a whole as opposed to attacking the individual I'm talking to? Is it any less insulting?
No its more insulting and offensive when people attack groups.

Last edited by batair; 03-31-2011 at 01:09 PM.
03-31-2011 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by Le Boeuf
where do you get this analysis of Satan? Why can't God the all powerful defeat Satan? Or at least get him out of us? Does that not screw up God's plan? Does than not make God not all poweful/ not let us have free will?

Also you ignored the other point. God created you knowing you would believe. God created me knowing i would not. God created me. Therefore God created me knowing I would be damned. God created something he "loves" to be condemned. How is this a loving act?
If he choses who is created; why not only create those who will freely choose him?
You need not have non-believers to have believers
How is God going to fight an appearance versus reality war with the aim of saving your soul if he doesn't grant you free will?

Maybe his aim was for people to always have free will. Do you upset the goal to satisfy the unpleasant interim of the means?

If you did would your goal/purpose(s) ever be satisfied/reached?

Is there any victory without a struggle first?
03-31-2011 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by batair
No more insulting and offensive when people attack groups.
I would say a lot less offensive then one of the stickys in this forum....The Official Images for Atheists thread. For those critical of Spendour...she is a lot less offensive then many of the atheists in this forum.
03-31-2011 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by Acemanhattan

Who did Jesus bash over the head with quoted scripture? Who was it that he had relational problems and tension with?

It certainly was NEVER the "Sinners" it was never the unsaved, it was never the adulteress or the gentile living in sin.

It was the legally zelous pharisee's who had access to the scriptures, who upheld the letter of the law exactly, but had absolutley no mercy or compassion in their hearts.

Who was it that Jesus condemned? It was those that slammed the door of the kingdom of heaven in peoples faces through their own ignorance.

Read through the Gospels, tell me where the tension is. Is it between the "Christian" and the "Sinner"? No it's not. Jesus never had any relational dysfunction between himself and the common person. It was the loud mouthed know it all Pharisees that came in and interrupted any time there was healing, any time mercy took precedent over the law.

Do you ever ask yourself why you can't have a normal conversation with anyone on here? Why every time you show up the harmony is disrupted? It isn't because "the Word of God is so offensive" It's because you are.

I mean think about what you are doing and saying. Think about WHO you are saying it to. Scripture lessons are not medicine for people who don't believe in it. Scripture is medicience for people who do. Mercy, compassion, and humble relationships are the only medicine that a "Sinner" will accept. (for all the baby eating sinners in here, i'd never call you a sinner to your face (just behind your back) I'm just illustrating my point.

I've been targeted intentionally from my earliest posting days which were years before you showed up.

You're the passive type. The type that thinks scriptures have to be picked through and chosen.

They don't.

Read 2 Timothy 3:16: ALL Scripture is useful:

If you don't read all scripture then you gave openings to evil.

And Christ was radical. The truth is radical and the truth can hurt. Christ never minced words with anyone.

Christ was a healer...and even today in medicine sometimes they have to amputate an arm or leg to save a body...

Christ said to pluck out your eye if you lust...etc...
03-31-2011 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
I would say a lot less offensive then one of the stickys in this forum....The Official Images for Atheists thread. For those critical of Spendour...she is a lot less offensive then many of the atheists in this forum.
One can find anything offensive if he wants to be picky.
03-31-2011 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
Let me see the quote....I might agree with you. I have no problem with Splendour being banned if she engages in personal attacks.
Im not digging for it take it or leave it. Its not hard to find personal attacks by her. Like Hopey pointed out she regally makes disparaging generalizations about atheists.

If i say blacks are lazy, im making attacks against blacks as a whole and individually.

And even if you dont agree those are personal would be a complete joke to not allow personal attacks but then to allow all encompassing attacks on groups. Which are even more offensive and ignorant. At least imo.
03-31-2011 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
Hopey, what do you think of this comment by weaselgirl? Is it alright for me to respond to it by calling her an idiot?
Originally Posted by weaselgirl
Christianity is just so disgusting sometimes.
Do you disagree with her statement?
03-31-2011 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
I would say a lot less offensive then one of the stickys in this forum....The Official Images for Atheists thread. For those critical of Spendour...she is a lot less offensive then many of the atheists in this forum.
I dont really disagree. Which is why i think you are wrong and i dont think anyone should be banned.
03-31-2011 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by Hopey
Do you disagree with her statement?
03-31-2011 , 01:15 PM

Not that it's a pissing contest, friend. But Humbly I can say that I've Read the Bible Cover to cover 3 times in the last 10 months alone.

I'm not the passive type. I'm the type who's world view is formed by the entire council of God, proportionally. Not by Beth Moore Bible studies, or daily devotional books that have 10 calories in them.

I'm critical of Christian behavior, angered by it. If you think not extending grace and compassion to "sinners" and not being able to have a mutually respecting conversation with one is the result of being bathed by Scripture or changed into Christ image, you're nuts.

I challenge you, go read the Gospels a few times through. With open eyes, and then come back and list all the times Christ got in a spitting contest with "Sinners".
03-31-2011 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by batair
Im not digging for it take it or leave it. Its not hard to find personal attacks by her. Like Hopey pointed out she regally makes disparaging generalizations about atheists.
And this forum is full of disparaging generalizations against theists....look at the sticky threads.

However claiming someone did something wrong and then refusing to provide evidence to back up the claim is underhanded. How is that person supposed to defend against your accusation?
03-31-2011 , 01:15 PM
Stu you said you would ban personal attacks. If so would you ban theists who quote those fool verses to non believers?

If i go through the bible and find all the verses that attack me as a non believer in Yahweh would you agree to banning them?
03-31-2011 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
And this forum is full of disparaging generalizations against theists....look at the sticky threads.

However claiming someone did something wrong and then refusing to provide evidence to back up the claim is underhanded. How is that person supposed to defend against your accusation?
They dont need to, she and you can dismiss them as unfounded lies.

If you cant see how her posts are regularly offensive then not much needs to be said.
03-31-2011 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by batair
I dont really disagree. Which is why i think you are wrong and i dont think anyone should be banned.
I think people should be banned for ad hominem attacks, but not for disparging comments about an ideology.
03-31-2011 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by Hopey
Do you disagree with her statement?
Yes, I think christianity is preverted by people sometimes but I find nothing intrinsically disgusting about it.
03-31-2011 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by batair
I dont really disagree. Which is why i think you are wrong and i dont think anyone should be banned.
Yeah, I don't think Splendour should be banned for being insulting to atheists. I was just pointing out Stu's hypocrisy in calling for a poster to be banned for insulting Splendour, while turning a blind eye to the fact that she is guilty of much the same thing (and worse).
03-31-2011 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by Acemanhattan

Not that it's a pissing contest, friend. But Humbly I can say that I've Read the Bible Cover to cover 3 times in the last 10 months alone.

I'm not the passive type. I'm the type who's world view is formed by the entire council of God, proportionally. Not by Beth Moore Bible studies, or daily devotional books that have 10 calories in them.

I'm critical of Christian behavior, angered by it. If you think not extending grace and compassion to "sinners" and not being able to have a mutually respecting conversation with one is the result of being bathed by Scripture or changed into Christ image, you're nuts.

I challenge you, go read the Gospels a few times through. With open eyes, and then come back and list all the times Christ got in a spitting contest with "Sinners".
If we had more Christians like you and fewer Christians like Splendour on this board, RGT would be a much better place.
03-31-2011 , 01:23 PM
I find anyone who claims to worships a god who wants to punish those for eternity (simply because they did not find enough convincing/supporting evidence) to eternal demnation offensive.
