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09-24-2011 , 04:31 PM
Thanks. I emailed this same question to "Diamond" Jack Holgroth who wrote this article on game theory on some crazy creationist website. Cannot f**king wait for a response, this guy seems totally legit.
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09-24-2011 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by PokerRon247
Thanks. I emailed this same question to "Diamond" Jack Holgroth who wrote this article on game theory on some crazy creationist website. Cannot f**king wait for a response, this guy seems totally legit.
I clicked on the link, and now I feel cheap.
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09-24-2011 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by VP$IP
I clicked on the link, and now I feel cheap.
That site's kept me laughing for a couple of days now. My favourite bit is where the guy cites the existence of the Loch Ness Monster as proof that humans and dinosaurs have always co-existed.

Although exceedingly rare, living dinosaur and related species can still be found world wide. Some famous examples are the Loch Ness Monster, a Scottish plesiosaur (or leviathan); Mokele-Mbembe, an African sauropod; and the Chupacabra, a South American velociraptor. This obviously proves that man and dinosaur have existed -- and continue to exist -- contemporaneously.
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09-24-2011 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by PokerRon247
Didn't really want to start a new thread for this because I'm sure it's been done to death, but I can't find any concrete answers from searching.

To those Christians that believe that Pascal's Wager is a justifiable reason to believe in God... why does it also not apply to every god that has been concieved throught world history?
The best answer is that if you accept the reasoning behind Pascal's Wager, you should regard following a religion as a freeroll. That is, there isn't any reason to think that being a Christian is more likely to get you an eternal reward than being a Muslim, but it is better than being non-religious, as that would have no possibility of an eternal reward.

Btw, hi people. I'm new to this forum but finding it fascinating reading. I'm a strong athiest but am extremely interesting in listening to, and trying to understand the views of others on the subject (and maybe trying to make them see sense).
Welcome to the forum.
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09-24-2011 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by Original Position
The best answer is that if you accept the reasoning behind Pascal's Wager, you should regard following a religion as a freeroll. That is, there isn't any reason to think that being a Christian is more likely to get you an eternal reward than being a Muslim, but it is better than being non-religious, as that would have no possibility of an eternal reward.
Ok so we're getting a freeroll, makes sense. So if you think it's +EV to take this freeroll, why is it not more +EV to apply it to every god and believe in everything? If the answer to this is that you can only truely believe in one god, then surely the fact that the same argument applies to every conceivable god means that the whole thing is a worthless argument for the belief in one particular god?
Official RGT random **** thread Quote
09-24-2011 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by PokerRon247
Ok so we're getting a freeroll, makes sense. So if you think it's +EV to take this freeroll, why is it not more +EV to apply it to every god and believe in everything? If the answer to this is that you can only truely believe in one god, then surely the fact that the same argument applies to every conceivable god means that the whole thing is a worthless argument for the belief in one particular god?
The problem is that several of these religions require exclusivity--you don't get the promised reward if you follow more than one religion. So you can't follow all religions at once. In fact, Pascal's Wager only applies to religions that are exclusive. If you can get the infinite reward without being a member of that particular religion, then you no longer have a prudential reason for joining it.

I didn't follow the argument in your last sentence. It seems to be repeating the point you originally brought up and that I already responded to.
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09-24-2011 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by Original Position
I didn't follow the argument in your last sentence. It seems to be repeating the point you originally brought up and that I already responded to.
Christians present Pascal's Wager as an argument to believe in their God. What I am saying is that it (if you accept the logic) is an argument to believe in a god, but not any one specific god.
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09-24-2011 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by PokerRon247
Christians present Pascal's Wager as an argument to believe in their God. What I am saying is that it (if you accept the logic) is an argument to believe in a god, but not any one specific god.
Fair enough. Obviously that is a mistake.
Official RGT random **** thread Quote
09-24-2011 , 06:38 PM
Death of the chat thread in uFR drive you to RGT, Ron? Run. Run far and fast. This forum is the crack cocaine of time wasters.
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09-24-2011 , 07:09 PM
It's just something I've always been interested in, and I don't get much chance to engage in debate on the subject irl. As I expected though, there doesn't seem to be much actual intelligent debate as as soon as the tough questions start being asked, the Christians etc seem to disappear/ignore the question.
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09-24-2011 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by kb coolman
Death of the chat thread in uFR drive you to RGT, Ron? Run. Run far and fast. This forum is the crack cocaine of time wasters.
It would be, but
  • there are many lurkers who read the arguments posted here
  • our posts often show up in major search engines on these topics, and
  • in the future, anthropologists will discover that not everyone believed in superstitions in 2011
Official RGT random **** thread Quote
09-25-2011 , 08:53 AM
I was going to post this link in SMP then found they'd already posted a similar one:
Particles Moved Faster Than Speed of Light?

"Crazy" neutrino find has many physicists skeptical, still backing Einstein.

Science, always a changin'...makes you wonder how you can build a worldview off of it when it's so changeable...
Official RGT random **** thread Quote
09-25-2011 , 09:20 AM
Originally Posted by Splendour
I was going to post this link in SMP then found they'd already posted a similar one:
Particles Moved Faster Than Speed of Light?

"Crazy" neutrino find has many physicists skeptical, still backing Einstein.

Science, always a changin'...makes you wonder how you can build a worldview off of it when it's so changeable...
Why do you keep posting statements like this, when many people have pointed out previously, that science never claims to be 100% right( unlike religion) and science is happy to change when new information is revealed or discovered( unlike religion).

Its almost like you dont read any of the replies to any of your posts, just go on blissfully thinking that you have made groundbreaking posts that threaten the very foundation of "atheist" thinking.
Official RGT random **** thread Quote
09-25-2011 , 09:27 AM
LOL..find the words "100 percent" in the bible.

Science and religion are both progressions though on different paths.
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09-25-2011 , 09:58 AM
so on one hand you are expressing surprise and contempt at the fact that science is a progression, next you are stating that both science and religion are a progression?

you are not making sense
Official RGT random **** thread Quote
09-30-2011 , 05:56 PM
They need to change this forum's name to RVA for Religion Versus Atheism. It'd be more accurate.

Currently, it's RGT with a subtitle that says: Discussion of God, religion, faith, theology, and spirituality.

It neglects to tell everyone that many threads are about atheism and that the forum is populated by a majority of atheists.

So I move for a forum name change. Any possibility of that occurring?
Official RGT random **** thread Quote
09-30-2011 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
They need to change this forum's name to RVA for Religion Versus Atheism. It'd be more accurate.

Currently, it's RGT with a subtitle that says: Discussion of God, religion, faith, theology, and spirituality.

It neglects to tell everyone that many threads are about atheism and that the forum is populated by a majority of atheists.

So I move for a forum name change. Any possibility of that occurring?
how many times do you suppose you've asked for them to change the name of the forum. Do you think anyone cares what its called besides yourself?
Official RGT random **** thread Quote
09-30-2011 , 05:59 PM
I want to hear from a mod.
Official RGT random **** thread Quote
09-30-2011 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
They need to change this forum's name to RVA for Religion Versus Atheism. It'd be more accurate.

Currently, it's RGT with a subtitle that says: Discussion of God, religion, faith, theology, and spirituality.

It neglects to tell everyone that many threads are about atheism and that the forum is populated by a majority of atheists.

So I move for a forum name change. Any possibility of that occurring?
Absolutely no chance of ever changing the name of the forum.
Official RGT random **** thread Quote
09-30-2011 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
Absolutely no chance of ever changing the name of the forum.
Why not?
Official RGT random **** thread Quote
09-30-2011 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
Why not?
Because it is not necessary.
Official RGT random **** thread Quote
09-30-2011 , 06:11 PM
Accuracy isn't necessary when describing itself and the habits of the typical forum poster?
Official RGT random **** thread Quote
09-30-2011 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
They need to change this forum's name to RVA for Religion Versus Atheism. It'd be more accurate.

Currently, it's RGT with a subtitle that says: Discussion of God, religion, faith, theology, and spirituality.

It neglects to tell everyone that many threads are about atheism and that the forum is populated by a majority of atheists.

So I move for a forum name change. Any possibility of that occurring?
This sounds like a splendid idea. RVA is much more suitable for this forum.
Official RGT random **** thread Quote
10-01-2011 , 12:03 AM
What about the Deists And the Agnostics and the Pantheist and the Pagans and the Wicken and ..... It would have to be RVAVDVAVPVPW......
Official RGT random **** thread Quote
10-01-2011 , 10:55 AM
Matter changes. Matter changes. Matter changes. Matter changes.

Matter changes. Matter changes. Matter changes. Matter changes.

Matter changes. Matter changes. Matter changes. Matter changes.

Matter changes form all the time.

So I don't know how a materialist can deny the resurrection. It's matter changing form. If God intended a massive change later and wanted to let us all know then it'd be reasonable of Him to give us an example or two and leave a few witnesses of it so word gets around.

From Wiki Answers:

Matter changes with everything.

Example: breathing, your lungs change the oxygen into carbon dioxide, and plants change it back into oxygen, that's matter changing. Burning coals, the fire changes the carbon in the coal into carbon dioxide, and the plants do their photo synthesis bit and change it into oxygen.

Another Example: sand is heated until it becomes molten, then it cools to form glass.
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