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Muslims represent ~20% of world's population, have 0.37% of Nobel Prizes Muslims represent ~20% of world's population, have 0.37% of Nobel Prizes

09-07-2010 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by KB24
i'm eager to hear how rizeagainst will explain the lack of proportions with women, black people and mexicans for the nobel in science.
On difficult questions like these, I think it's best to appeal to one of our great moral heroes, Richard Nixon, to shed some light for us:

Richard Nixon on Women:

I'm not for women, frankly, in any job. I don't want any of them around. Thank God we don't have any in the Cabinet.
I don't think a woman should be in any government job whatever. I mean, I really don't. The reason why I do is mainly because they are erratic. And emotional.
Richard Nixon on blacks and Mexicans:

I have the greatest affection for them but I know they're not going to make it for 500 years. They aren't. You know it, too. The Mexicans are a different cup of tea. They have a heritage. At the present time they steal, they're dishonest, but they do have some concept of family life. They don't live like a bunch of dogs, which the Negroes do live like.
Muslims represent ~20% of world's population, have 0.37% of Nobel Prizes Quote
09-07-2010 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by KB24
i'm eager to hear how rizeagainst will explain the lack of proportions with women, black people and mexicans for the nobel in science.
No first you can posit a reason(s) for the stats ITT being the way they are, and Islam somehow not being one of them. Once you do that, I will do this.

Good luck.
Muslims represent ~20% of world's population, have 0.37% of Nobel Prizes Quote
09-07-2010 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by rizeagainst
No first you can posit a reason(s) for the stats ITT being the way they are, and Islam somehow not being one of them. Once you do that, I will do this.

Good luck.
Could it be the geography? Maybe population density? Majority of the muslims live in very hot places and maybe they're too distracted by the awful heat. Maybe it's the Government? Maybe the Govts. don't give grants to Scientists. So people interested in science pursue other opportunities that will put food on their plates? I see that Pakistan's population is 166 million, half of US population yet the country's land size is no where close to half of US. Indonesia has 225 million people and their geographic size is also small. Maybe too many people live in cramped places that a scientist can't possibly concentrate with all the noise around. Or maybe the classes are so crowded that they don't have advanced classes for brilliant students like here or labs where students can see practical side of it like here? It could be a combination of bunch of different things. For you to say, it's islam and nothing else is at fault is hard to defend.
Muslims represent ~20% of world's population, have 0.37% of Nobel Prizes Quote
09-07-2010 , 05:48 PM
I don't think Islam is 100% the problem. I think it's a substantial part of the problem, but it's obvious that Islam can't be blamed for all of it. Maybe I didn't make myself clear on that.

I'm grinding for now, I will try to make it back in here later tonight.
Muslims represent ~20% of world's population, have 0.37% of Nobel Prizes Quote
09-07-2010 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by rizeagainst
Islamic law (Sharia) clearly requires women to cover themselves.
So does US law. I'm pretty sure your mom can't walk down the street topless without getting a ticket.

Not that that stops her.
Muslims represent ~20% of world's population, have 0.37% of Nobel Prizes Quote
09-07-2010 , 06:20 PM
Yes, being forced to live inside a black cocoon in the desert that only shows your eyes is the exact same thing as requiring a woman to wear at least bikini in public.

And what happens when these are violated? Are the punishments the same in each culture?

No...............guess which is more punitive............
Muslims represent ~20% of world's population, have 0.37% of Nobel Prizes Quote
09-07-2010 , 06:21 PM
Seriously though, your argument seems to be against ANYTHING that takes time away from science. Be honest with yourself. How many Mormon Nobel prize winners are there? How many Amish, Jahova's Witnesses? I'm betting the more extreme of the western religions have just as little Nobel Prize experience as the Muslims. Maybe the correct answer is not to abolish Islam, but all religions?
Muslims represent ~20% of world's population, have 0.37% of Nobel Prizes Quote
09-07-2010 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by rizeagainst
Yes, being forced to live inside a black cocoon in the desert that only shows your eyes is the exact same thing as requiring a woman to wear at least bikini in public.

And what happens when these are violated? Are the punishments the same in each culture?

No...............guess which is more punitive............
So really, your entire thread was about your problems with the Muslim religion, not about how many Nobel prizes they've won. Maybe we should rename the thread: I hate Islam! And they suck at science too!

and you still haven't answered the question concerning Blacks and Women? Mayhap because it blows a hole the size of a mack truck in your argument?
Muslims represent ~20% of world's population, have 0.37% of Nobel Prizes Quote
09-07-2010 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by rizeagainst
Yes, being forced to live inside a black cocoon in the desert that only shows your eyes is the exact same thing as requiring a woman to wear at least bikini in public.

And what happens when these are violated? Are the punishments the same in each culture?

No...............guess which is more punitive............
Never seen a strict Christan womens dress code i see. Because they aint wearing bikinis.
Muslims represent ~20% of world's population, have 0.37% of Nobel Prizes Quote
09-07-2010 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
and you still haven't answered the question concerning Blacks and Women? Mayhap because it blows a hole the size of a mack truck in your argument?
I think there are reasons for why they are under represented as well, and why other groups are over represented. What those reasons are, I never claimed to know.
Muslims represent ~20% of world's population, have 0.37% of Nobel Prizes Quote
09-07-2010 , 06:35 PM
Yes you did! You claimed that Islam is underrepresented because of their propensity to rape and pray.

I can only assume that its the same for Black people, rape and pray, pray and rape.

And women of course
Muslims represent ~20% of world's population, have 0.37% of Nobel Prizes Quote
09-07-2010 , 06:35 PM

Let's stipulate for a minute that you're entirely correct ITT, whatever that might entail. What do these facts lead you to conclude?
Muslims represent ~20% of world's population, have 0.37% of Nobel Prizes Quote
09-07-2010 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Yes you did! You claimed that Islam is underrepresented because of their propensity to rape and pray.

I can only assume that its the same for Black people, rape and pray, pray and rape.

And women of course
what the hell are you talking about

how could you conclude that it's the exact same reasons as for muslims

Muslims represent ~20% of world's population, have 0.37% of Nobel Prizes Quote
09-07-2010 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by All-In Flynn

Let's stipulate for a minute that you're entirely correct ITT, whatever that might entail. What do these facts lead you to conclude?
Islam is a detriment to society
Muslims represent ~20% of world's population, have 0.37% of Nobel Prizes Quote
09-07-2010 , 06:44 PM
Atheists here have their own Stupid Asso. How quaint.
Muslims represent ~20% of world's population, have 0.37% of Nobel Prizes Quote
09-07-2010 , 06:47 PM
Its already been answered, Muslims are a ****load poorer and dont have the chance to spend half their life studying science, or much of any kind of education.

As has been said black people also make up a disproportionate amount. They do so for the exact same reason.

The shocking statistic is the number of women who win the prize, everything else is logical to explain away.

Lets be honest here, you arent saying Christian scientists win the Nobel prize because they are Christian, are you?
Muslims represent ~20% of world's population, have 0.37% of Nobel Prizes Quote
09-07-2010 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by rizeagainst
Islam is a detriment to society
Well, obviously - that's the 'fact' we're stipulating. I'm asking you what the 'fact' means to you - what would you like to see happen in response to that fact, for instance?
Muslims represent ~20% of world's population, have 0.37% of Nobel Prizes Quote
09-07-2010 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by rizeagainst
what the hell are you talking about

how could you conclude that it's the exact same reasons as for muslims

Im saying that if you have a reason for Islam to be underrepresented, there must logically be a reason the other groups are underrepresented. Again, Mormons and Jahova's witnesses are more concerned with converting people than with studying science. Are they also detrimental to society? If your main problem is the fact that Islam says its ok to rape, then put that as the title of the thread. The simple fact is, your title has nothing at all to do with the reason that you created this thread, which is "I hate muslims." ****ing be honest man.
Muslims represent ~20% of world's population, have 0.37% of Nobel Prizes Quote
09-07-2010 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by rizeagainst
Islam is a detriment to society
How many stupid people have won a Nobel Prize? Should we kill stupid people to make the society better?

Also im not even sure how you are measuring a detriment to society. Especially as i presume an American where there are less than half a percent of your society who pray to Allah.
Muslims represent ~20% of world's population, have 0.37% of Nobel Prizes Quote
09-07-2010 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]

Lets be honest here, you arent saying Christian scientists win the Nobel prize because they are Christian, are you?
There's nothing about the christian faith that makes people more likely to do better science.

There are many things about the muslim faith that make people less likely to do good science

Not analogous whatsoever.
Muslims represent ~20% of world's population, have 0.37% of Nobel Prizes Quote
09-07-2010 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by All-In Flynn
Well, obviously - that's the 'fact' we're stipulating. I'm asking you what the 'fact' means to you - what would you like to see happen in response to that fact, for instance?
It should be collectively acknowledged instead of hidden under thousands of layers of politically correct bull****.

When that happens, people start leaving the faith, future generations are not indoctrinated, world becomes better.
Muslims represent ~20% of world's population, have 0.37% of Nobel Prizes Quote
09-07-2010 , 07:01 PM
So long as you are willing to make that the norm for every single religion, then cool.
That being take every example of hypocritical layers of political bull**** and expose it to the world.
Muslims represent ~20% of world's population, have 0.37% of Nobel Prizes Quote
09-07-2010 , 07:17 PM
Well I've been accused a fair amount on here on only attacking Christianity, so I made this thread. Now I make this thread and people say I'm not criticizing other religions enough.
Muslims represent ~20% of world's population, have 0.37% of Nobel Prizes Quote
09-07-2010 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by rizeagainst
Now I make this thread and people say I'm not criticizing other religions enough.
That's not what they're saying. They're showing your premise (few Muslim Nobel laureates due solely to religion) is ignorant, as shown by applying your logic to other religions (e.g., is the great number of Jewish or Christian Nobel laureates due solely to religion? and, if Islam itself is the cause, how could you simultaneously say the Muslim world was the pinnacle of scientific achievement in the past?). See, it isn't that you're politically incorrect, it's that your arguments are generally stupid and only appeal to half wits. Hope that helps.
Muslims represent ~20% of world's population, have 0.37% of Nobel Prizes Quote
09-07-2010 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by rizeagainst
There's nothing about the christian faith that makes people more likely to do better science.

There are many things about the muslim faith that make people less likely to do good science

Not analogous whatsoever.
There are no things about the Muslim faith that makes it less likely to do good science than any other faith.

Have you even attempted to account for the differences in wealth between the average Muslim and the average [not Muslim] - with emphasis on those [not Muslim] that produce lots of Nobel Prizes?
Muslims represent ~20% of world's population, have 0.37% of Nobel Prizes Quote
