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Evolution: Biggest myth in world history Evolution: Biggest myth in world history

11-28-2012 , 01:43 AM
Originally Posted by wahoo3
Yeah. He asked for one and I gave him more than fifty. Imagine my surprise when the standard he'd previously set for the anti-fluoride crowd wasnt strict enough when it came to evaluating actual science.
Evolution: Biggest myth in world history Quote
11-28-2012 , 01:44 AM
Originally Posted by bunny
You didnt cite those and they dont show what you think they do.

No, we should stop because it's unethical. We can't stop everything "just in case" or we'd be back in the stone age.

I agree that your argument is simple. It's also flawed.
at least you agree we should stop
but thats only the crux of the arguments

Fluoride is readily absorbed through the skin when showering, bathing, or swimming in a fluoridated swimming pool. (just like a nicotine patch). Your skin is the largest organ of the body. And yes, the fluoride in toothpaste, foods, water, and beverages can be absorbed through the tissues of the mouth and from under the tongue. (just like nitroglycerin tablets or sub-lingual vitamin B-12). According to the Physican's Desk Reference, the mucosal lining inside the mouth has an absorption efficiency of over ninety percent. Because of this, fluoride and other carcinogens can get into your blood, your brain, and your cells in no time at all.

In 1997, the EPA concluded that a person can absorb more contaminants from bathing and showering than from drinking polluted water.

Studies done by Brown, Bishop and Rowan in the early 1980s showed that an average of 64 percent of the total dose of waterborne contaminants (including fluoride) are absorbed through the skin.

A study by British researchers at the Health and Safety Laboratory in Sheffield published in the February 19, 2000 issue of Human Experimental Toxicology suggests that toxicants such as fluorides can be stored in the skin and released over a period of time.

The failure to account for inhalation and dermal exposures to fluorides is the most significant flaw in fluoride research. It invalidates all dosage conclusions based solely on ingestion.

The fluoridated water you drink is not the same product as researched. The only similarity is the fact that the fluoride ion is present in some form. The fluoride ion only hypothetically exists as an entity in an ideal solution, purified water, and tap water is far from pure H2O. It is not, "simply the fluoride ion in water," it is a complex recipe of toxic substances.

and we already get fluoride from other ways (toothpaste)
Evolution: Biggest myth in world history Quote
11-28-2012 , 01:48 AM
Originally Posted by nooberftw
at least you agree we should stop
but thats only the crux of the arguments
You havent presented any arguments. You've presented the biased, dishonest ravings of obsessed nutjobs.
Fluoride is readily absorbed through the skin when showering, bathing, or swimming in a fluoridated swimming pool. (just like a nicotine patch). Your skin is the largest organ of the body. And yes, the fluoride in toothpaste, foods, water, and beverages can be absorbed through the tissues of the mouth and from under the tongue. (just like nitroglycerin tablets or sub-lingual vitamin B-12). According to the Physican's Desk Reference, the mucosal lining inside the mouth has an absorption efficiency of over ninety percent. Because of this, fluoride and other carcinogens can get into your blood, your brain, and your cells in no time at all.
Did you just go an look up the Physican's Desk Reference? Or do you cut and paste typos too?
In 1997, the EPA concluded that a person can absorb more contaminants from bathing and showering than from drinking polluted water.

Studies done by Brown, Bishop and Rowan in the early 1980s showed that an average of 64 percent of the total dose of waterborne contaminants (including fluoride) are absorbed through the skin.

A study by British researchers at the Health and Safety Laboratory in Sheffield published in the February 19, 2000 issue of Human Experimental Toxicology suggests that toxicants such as fluorides can be stored in the skin and released over a period of time.

The failure to account for inhalation and dermal exposures to fluorides is the most significant flaw in fluoride research. It invalidates all dosage conclusions based solely on ingestion.
I wonder if it it invalidates all that fluoride research you've been citing which says fluoride is bad.
The fluoridated water you drink is not the same product as researched. The only similarity is the fact that the fluoride ion is present in some form. The fluoride ion only hypothetically exists as an entity in an ideal solution, purified water, and tap water is far from pure H2O. It is not, "simply the fluoride ion in water," it is a complex recipe of toxic substances.
This is just an outright lie. It's one of the reasons I suspect asdfasdf32 would like you to cite your sources when you cut-and-paste in lieu of argument. Whoever wrote this is being blatantly dishonest - it defies reason to think they arent aware of their error (although you may be, I suppose).
Evolution: Biggest myth in world history Quote
11-28-2012 , 01:48 AM
I've managed to find a few direct studies that show a reduction in caries, fillings, and extractions, in fluoridated communities compared to non. These are all summarized in a meta-analyses but i'm sure you want to examine the primary evidence for yourself.

Brunelle JA, Carlos JP. Recent trends in dental caries in U.S. children. J Dent Res 1990;69:723–7.

Grembowski D, Fiset L, Spadafora A. How fluoridation affects adult dental caries. J Am Dent Assoc 1992;123:49–54.

Gillcrist JA, Brumley DE, Blackford JU. Community fluoridation status and caries experience in children. J Public Health Dent 2001;61:168–71.

Kumar JV, Green EL, Coluccio C, Davenport R. Oral health status of second grade school children in upstate New York. NY State Dent J 2001;67:26–31.

Ismail AI, Brodeur J-M, Kavanagh M, Boisclair G, Tessier C, Picotte L. Prevalence of dental caries and dental fluorosis in students, 11–17 years of age, in fluoridated and non-fluoridated cities in Quebec. Caries Res 1990;24:290–7.

Ismail AI, Shoveller J, Langille D, MacInnis WA, McNally M. Should the drinking water of Truro, Nova Scotia, be fluoridated? Water fluoridation in the 1990s. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 1993;21:118–25.

Clark DC, Hann HJ, Williamson MF, Berkowitz J. Effects of lifelong consumption of fluoridated water or use of fluoride supplements on dental caries. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 1995;23:20–4.

Brezina AJ, Baranchuk LN. [Water fluoridation in the city of Buenos Aires]. Rev Asoc Odontol Argent 1991;79:32–5.

Cortes DF, Ellwood R, O'Mullane DM, Bastos JRM. Drinking water fluoride levels, dental fluorosis, and caries experience in Brazil. J Public Health Dent 1996;56:226–8.

Dini EL, Holt RD, Bedi R. Prevalence and severity of caries in 3–12-year-old children from three districts with different fluoridation histories in Araraquara, SP, Brazil. Community Dent Health 1998;15:44–8.

Sales-Peres SHC, Bastos JRM. Perfil epidemiológico de cárie dentária em crianças de 12 anos de idade, residents em cidades fluoretadas e não fluoretadas, na Região Centro-Oeste do Estado de São Paulo, Brazil. [An epidemiological profile of dental caries in 12-year-old children residing in cities with and without fluoridated water supply in the central western area of the State of São Paulo, Brazil]. Cad Saúde Pública 2002;18:1281–8.

Cypriano S, Pecharki GD, de Sousa MLR, Wada RS. A saúde buccal de escolares residents em locais com ou sem fluoretação nas águas de abastecimento public na região de Sorocaba, São Paulo, Brazil. [Oral health of schoolchildren residing in areas with or without water fluoridation in Soraba, São Paulo State, Brazil]. Cad Saúde Pública 2003;19:1063–71.

Tagliaferro EPS, Cypriano S, Sousa MLR, Wada RS. Caries experience among schoolchildren in relation to community fluoridation status and town size. Acta Odontol Scand 2004;62:124–8.

Saliba NA, Moimaz SAS, Casotti CA, Pagliari AV. Dental caries of lifetime residents in Baixo Guandu, Brazil, fluoridated since 1953 – a brief communication. J Public Health Dent 2008;68:119–21.

Bastos RS, Olympio KP, Bijella VT, Buzalaf MAR, Bastos JRM. Trends in dental caries prevalence in 12-year-old schoolchildren between 1976 and 2001 in Bauru, Brazil. Public Health 2005;119:269–75.

Ramires I, Buzalaf MAR. A fluoretação da água de abastecimento public e seus benefícios no controle da cárie dentária – cinqüenta anos no Brazil. [Fifty years of fluoridation of public water supplies in Brazil: benefits for the control of dental caries]. Cien Saude Colet 2007;12:1057–65.

Murray JJ, Breckon JA, Reynolds PJ, Tabari ED, Nunn JH. The effect of residence and social class on dental caries experience in 15–16-year-old children living in three towns (natural, adjusted fluoride and low fluoride) in the north east of England. Br Dent J 1991;171:319–22.

Thomas FD, Kassab JY. Fluoridation in Anglesey: a clinical study of dental caries in mothers at term. Br Dent J 1992;173:136–40.

Booth IM, Mitropoulos CM, Worthington HV. A comparison between the dental health of 3-year-old children living in fluoridated Huddersfield and non-fluoridated Dewsbury in 1989. Community Dent Health 1992;9:151–7.

Evans DJ, Rugg-Gunn AJ, Tabari ED. The effect of 25 years of water fluoridation in Newcastle assessed in four surveys of 5-year-old children over an 18-year period. Br Dent J 1995;178:60–4.

Ellwood RP, O'Mullane DM. The association between area deprivation and dental caries in groups with and without fluoride in their drinking water. Community Dent Health 1995;12:18–22.

Jones C, Taylor G, Woods K, Whittle G, Evans D, Young P. Jarman underprivileged area scores, tooth decay and the effect of water fluoridation. Community Dent Health 1997;14:156–60.

Jones CM, Taylor GO, Whittle JG, Evans D, Trotter DP. Water fluoridation, tooth decay in 5 year olds, and social deprivation measured by the Jarman score: analysis of data from British dental surveys. Br Med J 1997;315:514–7.

Riley JC, Lennon MA, Ellwood RP. The effect of water fluoridation and social inequalities on dental caries in 5-year-old children. Int J Epidemiol 1999;28:300–5.

Tickle M, Milsom KM, Jenner TM, Blinkhorn AS. The geodemographic distribution of caries experience in neighboring fluoridated and nonfluoridated populations. J Public Health Dent 2003;63:92–8.

Foster GRK, Downer MC, Lunt M, Aggarwal V, Tickle M. Predictive tool for estimating the potential effect of water fluoridation on dental caries. Community Dent Health 2009;26:5–11.

O'Mullane D, Whelton HP, Costelloe P, Clarke D, McDermott S, McLoughlin J. The results of water fluoridation in Ireland. J Public Health Dent 1996;56:259–64.

Whelton H, Crowley E, O'Mullane D, Donaldson M, Kelleher V, Cronin M. Dental caries and enamel fluorosis among the fluoridated and non-fluoridated populations in the Republic of Ireland in 2002. Community Dent Health 2004;21:37–44.

Whelton H, Crowley E, O'Mullane D, Donaldson M, Cronin M, Kelleher V. Dental caries and dental fluorosis among the fluoridated population in the Republic of Ireland and non fluoridated population in Northern Ireland in 2002. Community Dent Health 2006;23:37–

Zadik D, Zusman SP, Kelman AM. Caries prevalence in 5- and 12-year-old children in Israel. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 1992;20:54–5.

Kelman AM. Fluoridation – the Israel experience. Community Dent Health 1996;13(Suppl 2):42–6.

Kang EJ, Shin SC, Lyoo YJ et al. [7 years study on caries prevention effect of water fluoridation at Ok-cheon County]. J Korea Dent Health 2005;29:484–95.

Park YD. [Comparisons of the fluoride concentration in tap water and dental caries between 12 year-old living children in Dongducheon City and Yeoncheon County]. J 

Chin IJ, Kim DH, Lee SM et al. [Caries preventive effect on primary teeth by community water fluoridation program in Metropolitan City comparison of Ulsan and Busan Metropolitan City, Korea]. J Korea Dent Health 2007;31:224–34.

Brown LP, Mulqueen TF, Storey E. The effect of fluoride consumption and social class on dental caries in 8-year-old children. Aust Dent J 1990;35:61–8.

Stockwell AJ, Medcalf GW, Rutledge GJ, Holman CDJ, Roberts M. Dental caries experience in schoolchildren in fluoridated and non-fluoridated communities in Western Australia. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 1990;18:184–9.

Riordan PJ. Dental caries and fluoride exposure in Western Australia. J Dent Res 1991;70:1029–34.

Morgan MV, Stonnill A, Laslett AM. Dental caries amongst Royal Australian Navy recruits, 1988. Aust Dent J 1992;37:201–4.

Slade GD, Davies MJ, Spencer AJ, Stewart JF. Associations between exposure to fluoridated drinking water and dental caries experience among children in two Australian states. J Public Health Dent 1995;55:218–28.

Slade GD, Spencer AJ, Davies MJ, Stewart JF. Caries experience among children in fluoridated Townsville and unfluoridated Brisbane. Aust N Z J Public Health 1996;20:623–9.

Hopcraft MS, Morgan MV. Exposure to fluoridated drinking water and dental caries experience in Australian army recruits, 1996. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2003;31:68–74.

Hopcraft M, Morgan MV. Dental caries experience in Australian Army recruits 2002–2003. Aust Dent J 2005;50:16–20.

Mahoney G, Slade GD, Kitchener S, Barnett A. Lifetime fluoridation exposure and dental caries experience in a military population. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2008;36:485–92.

Evans RW, Hsiau ACY, Dennison PJ, Patterson A, Jalaludin B. Water fluoridation in the Blue Mountains reduces risk of tooth decay. Aust Dent J 2009;54:368–73.

Hopcraft MS, Yapp KE, Mahoney G, Morgan MV. Dental caries experience in young Australian Army recruits 2008. Aust Dent J 2009;54:316–22.

Armfield JM. Community effectiveness of public water fluoridation in reducing children's dental disease. Public Health Rep 2010;125:655–64.

Treasure ET, Dever JG. The prevalence of caries in 5-year-old children living in fluoridated and non-fluoridated communities in New Zealand. NZ Dent J 1992;88:9–13.

Treasure ET, Dever JG. Relationship of caries with socioeconomic status in 14-year-old children from communities with different fluoride histories. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 1994;22:226–30.

Lee M, Dennison PJ. Water fluoridation and dental caries in 5- and 12-year-old children from Canterbury and Wellington. NZ Dent J 2004;100:10–5.

Mackay TD, Thomson WM. Enamel defects and dental caries among Southland children. NZ Dent J 2005;101:35–43.

Kanagaratnam S, Schluter P, Durward C, Mahood R, Mackay T. Enamel defects and dental caries in 9-year-old children living in fluoridated and nonfluoridated areas of Auckland, New Zealand. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2009;37:250–9.

Ministry of Health. Our oral health: key findings of the 2009 New Zealand oral health survey. Wellington: Ministry of Health; 2010.
Evolution: Biggest myth in world history Quote
11-28-2012 , 01:54 AM
Originally Posted by bunny
This is just an outright lie. It's one of the reasons I suspect asdfasdf32 would like you to cite your sources when you cut-and-paste in lieu of argument. Whoever wrote this is being blatantly dishonest - it defies reason to think they arent aware of their error.
No im not kidding
These people want to kill you and they dont care

"One intriguing and disturbing fact about fluoridation is that over 90% of the agent used in US fluoridation schemes is not pharmaceutical grade sodium fluoride, on which practically all toxicological testing has been performed, but industrial grade hexafluorosilicic acid obtained from the air pollution scrubbing systems of the superphosphate industry."

"These hazardous wastes have not been tested comprehensively. .. The assumption being made is that by the time the waste product used has been diluted, all the hexafluorosilicic acid will have been converted into free fluoride ions and the other toxic and radioactive isotopes will be so dilute that they will cause no harm, even with lifetime exposure. These assumptions have not been examined carefully by scientists, independent of the fluoridation program."
Evolution: Biggest myth in world history Quote
11-28-2012 , 01:57 AM

still want it in your water?
Evolution: Biggest myth in world history Quote
11-28-2012 , 02:00 AM
Originally Posted by nooberftw
No im not kidding
I dont think I said you were kidding did I? My mistake, if I did.

I meant that you're deluded or just messing around. (I'm starting to suspect it's the latter - the 'true believers' get much more upset when they're not taken seriously. They dont just move on to the next recycled nutter's website).
These people want to kill you and they dont care
They really dont. There's nothing in it for them. Loonies think corporations are out to get them. Sensible people realise that the selfish dont have any interest in killing random people.
"One intriguing and disturbing fact about fluoridation is that over 90% of the agent used in US fluoridation schemes is not pharmaceutical grade sodium fluoride, on which practically all toxicological testing has been performed, but industrial grade hexafluorosilicic acid obtained from the air pollution scrubbing systems of the superphosphate industry."
This is neither intriguing, nor disturbing. (And "practically all" is another lie by the nameless person you're quoting).
"These hazardous wastes have not been tested comprehensively. .. The assumption being made is that by the time the waste product used has been diluted, all the hexafluorosilicic acid will have been converted into free fluoride ions and the other toxic and radioactive isotopes will be so dilute that they will cause no harm, even with lifetime exposure. These assumptions have not been examined carefully by scientists, independent of the fluoridation program."
The nameless person you're quoting again (it couldnt have been a member of FAN could it?) can presumably substantiate his claim about the underlying assumption. I mean these guys are rigorous.
Evolution: Biggest myth in world history Quote
11-28-2012 , 02:03 AM
Originally Posted by nooberftw
still want it in your water?
There's acid in oranges. Shall we ban them?
Evolution: Biggest myth in world history Quote
11-28-2012 , 02:08 AM
Okay this is definitely in my top 50 wikipedia pages now

Almost every single sentence is golden. This one is probably my favorite: "Evolution is the foundation for communism, nazism, socialism, Marxism and those who want a one-world government."
Evolution: Biggest myth in world history Quote
11-28-2012 , 02:10 AM
i dont know what to tell you then
god bless you

Last edited by nooberftw; 11-28-2012 at 02:15 AM.
Evolution: Biggest myth in world history Quote
11-28-2012 , 02:12 AM
well, at least you've got 396 people on your side.
Evolution: Biggest myth in world history Quote
11-28-2012 , 02:15 AM
Originally Posted by nooberftw
i dont know what to tell you then
maybe being in australia you havnt seen the type of evil im talking about
Or maybe you're wrong to listen to obsessive nutters with no evidence?
perhaps australia just tags along with america and fluoridates not to harm people but because they think its actually good
Indeed. After all, that's what the science says.
Evolution: Biggest myth in world history Quote
11-28-2012 , 02:18 AM
might as well put prozac in the water too

who cares about the millions who dont want it

deal with it
Evolution: Biggest myth in world history Quote
11-28-2012 , 02:21 AM
Originally Posted by nooberftw
might as well put prozac in the water too

who cares about the millions who dont want it

deal with it
The enforced medication argument is the same in both cases. Of course, there arent a plethora of studies showing health benefits from adding prozac the way there are stacks of studies showing the health benefits of adding fluoride.
Evolution: Biggest myth in world history Quote
11-28-2012 , 02:21 AM
Originally Posted by nooberftw
might as well put prozac in the water too

who cares about the millions who dont want it

deal with it
Which is your argument:
1) Things with clear health benefits should not be put in water
2) Fluoride causes harm not health and therefore should not be put in water
3) 1) & 2)

As in, if you are going to make the argument that people don't want it therefore it is wrong this is true regardless of whether it is or is not beneficial. And if it really is harmful, why are you worrying about the argument that it shouldn't be put there if people don't want it. Note that only one of these is a scientific question and, thankfully, we have a clear scientific answer to it.

Anyways I think what is making me most giddy like a kid in a candy store about this little foray into kent hovind (lol just read this is how he has entirely bought into the scientific framing of things. Science is good religion is bad. It is just that he calls his quack religion science and he calls actual science religion.
Evolution: Biggest myth in world history Quote
11-28-2012 , 02:27 AM
Originally Posted by bunny
The enforced medication argument is the same in both cases. Of course, there arent a plethora of studies showing health benefits from adding prozac the way there are stacks of studies showing the health benefits of adding fluoride.
but there isnt "health benefits"
its tooth decay only.

and it doesnt even help in that category because you can look at cities where they removed fluoride and tooth decay actually went down...

and yes prozac cures depression and would prevent people from committing suicide and will help people be productive in society and its for the greater good we might as well put it in the water

what could go wrong
Evolution: Biggest myth in world history Quote
11-28-2012 , 02:32 AM
Originally Posted by nooberftw
but there isnt "health benefits"
its tooth decay only.
That's a health benefit. Maybe you dont care about it (a good argument for avoiding enforced medication, in my view) but it's a health benefit. After all one of the "health risks" is blotchy teeth - the anti-fluoride nutters go on about that all the time (they use the long, scientificky name though, because it sounds scarier). Do you think they're not speaking of health risks?
and it doesnt even help in that category because you can look at cities where they removed fluoride and tooth decay actually went down...
Sure. Statistics can be baffling at first, but it's not hard to understand once you allow yourself to think about it without basing your thinking on what answer you want to get.

There are rich people who die young and poor people who live a long time. Nonetheless, being rich helps you live longer.
and yes prozac cures depression and would prevent people from committing suicide and being productive in society and its for the greater good we might as well put it in the water
Nah. I'm against enforced medication. That would be bad.

uke_master was far more constructive in his most recent post than I have been. (I'm still skeptical that you're interested in actually doing anything other than cutting-and-pasting other people's erroneous thoughts).

Work out what you want to say and say it well (hint: it's not the conclusion you should be thinking about - a conclusion wont persuade anyone).
Evolution: Biggest myth in world history Quote
11-28-2012 , 02:37 AM
dental fluorosis isnt a joke
that blotchy teeth is just the beginning of the damage of the teeth

but theres just so many arguments thats why im not going to simply work out 1 of them

but if you agree that we shouldnt forcibly medicate but you still are arguing for fluoridation....

or you disagree with my arguments that i use to argue against fluoridation which makes no sense what so ever to do, you are either for or against it
Evolution: Biggest myth in world history Quote
11-28-2012 , 02:51 AM
alright im going to sleep

Evolution: Biggest myth in world history Quote
11-28-2012 , 03:00 AM
Originally Posted by nooberftw
dental fluorosis isnt a joke
that blotchy teeth is just the beginning of the damage of the teeth
So your position is that preventing tooth decay isn't a health benefit but blotchy teeth is a poor health outcome? (Irony points for so immediately using the scientificky name, nice one).
but theres just so many arguments thats why im not going to simply work out 1 of them
Lots of crap arguments doesn't add anything. If they're all crap there's no good reason to support them, no matter how many there are.
but if you agree that we shouldnt forcibly medicate but you still are arguing for fluoridation....

or you disagree with my arguments that i use to argue against fluoridation which makes no sense what so ever to do, you are either for or against it
I think rationality is a greater issue to champion than ending enforced fluoridation.

It is important to have decent arguments for ones positions (especially when the issues are around public activities). It's also more practical - loonies and conspiracy nutjobs aren't as effective as changing public policy as reasoned argument.

If you really care, frame a sensible argument and defend it. Don't just spew forth random, easily defeated quotes from idiots with an agenda. Your path isn't going to change anyone important's mind (luckily) and it prevents you from critically examining your own views.

Note that you've spent so much energy propagating false claims about fluoride being bad for you and that there's no evidence it's done any good that your actually valid argument is lost in the muck. Anyone who follows up your links and quotes will see that it's half a dozen nutters with websites citing one another, cross linking the same false or misrepresented data on one side. The other has well argued, scientific evidence. People will shrug and walk away and never consider the actual issue.

Is it right to force people to take medicine (or at least to make it very hard for them to avoid it)? I can't see many good arguments (and I'd like to hear anyone who thinks so defend allowing sales of cigarettes).
Evolution: Biggest myth in world history Quote
11-28-2012 , 03:08 AM
I realise this is all tangential, at best, but the almost identical argument can be directed at global warming skeptics, anti-vaccinators and (relevantly) creationists.

What is put forth as creationist "evidence" really isn't and your quote above is telling:
but theres just so many arguments thats why im not going to simply work out 1 of them.
This is how creationism works. There's no evidence or reason to support their views - they just hope that by posting lots of nonsense people will shrug and say "there must be something to it - look at all those arguments!"

Ultimately, it's unnecessary anyhow. Christianity isn't inconsistent with science, you just have to think a bit. The world isn't really six thousand years old, eve didnt really grow from a rib, the world didnt really get covered in water and god isn't really a word.

That doesn't mean the bible isn't true though and it doesn't mean the Christian god doesn't exist.
Evolution: Biggest myth in world history Quote
11-28-2012 , 09:42 AM
Originally Posted by nooberftw
might as well put prozac in the water too

who cares about the millions who dont want it

deal with it
Millions want periods, capitalization, and spell check.
Evolution: Biggest myth in world history Quote
11-28-2012 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by nooberftw
but you really dont even need a study its just a fundamental problem for fluoride to be in the water
The Illuminati make people believe crazy things. Like they tell us all that we need a source of iron in our diet.

I spent yesterday trying to eat a metal bar, and now all my teeth are broken, just like they want.
Evolution: Biggest myth in world history Quote
11-28-2012 , 10:40 AM
at work, not clicking links. what does fluoride in our water have to do with evolution?
Evolution: Biggest myth in world history Quote
11-28-2012 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by nooberftw
and yes prozac cures depression and would prevent people from committing suicide and will help people be productive in society and its for the greater good we might as well put it in the water

what could go wrong
This was ignorant to a special degree.

Prozac doesn't "cure" depression. It can, however, aid the symptoms.

For a large number of people, prozac isn't very helpful anyway, and they'll be put on another anti-depressant.

Prozac also has a number of side-effects, many that can be quite noticeable or debilitating. Erectile dysfunction, low libido, nausea. It can lead to suicidal fixations.

Prozac is not something that you should just take without regularly consulting with a doctor.

You show a gross ignorance of SSRIs, depression, and a misunderstanding of the subject if you want to at all compare it to fluoridation of water.
Evolution: Biggest myth in world history Quote
