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Do You Believe In Degrees Of Good & Evil? Do You Believe In Degrees Of Good & Evil?
View Poll Results: Choose
Good & Evil Come In Various Degrees
33 89.19%
Good Is Good And Evil Is Evil
4 10.81%

02-25-2009 , 07:47 AM
This thread might help clear some things up about Biblical Morality, the problem of evil, God's omnibenevolence, etc.

Example A:

100 - Pure good
75 - Very good
50 - Pretty good
25 - Somewhat good
0 -- Neutral
-25 - Somewhat evil
-50 - Pretty evil
-75 - Very evil
-100 - Pure evil

Example B:

1 - Good
0 -- Neutral
-1 - Evil

Would you choose something along the lines of Example A or Example B? (if you think there's an Example C or more, elaborate plz)
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02-25-2009 , 08:02 AM
I believe in example A
Do You Believe In Degrees Of Good & Evil? Quote
02-25-2009 , 04:07 PM
I guess one of the points of this OP (nobody has chosen Example B so far) is...

Do you really need to have -100 to be able to experience 100?

If life contains -100, couldn't God easily cap evil at -50 (more benevolent) or -25 (even more benevolent) or 0 (omnibenevolent)?

There's seems to be a problem with God's benevolence that no theist has really been able to properly address. A free will argument just doesn't cut it. Evil CLEARLY doesn't need to be able to be manifested at -100 for free will to still exist AND for us to be able to experience a contrasted goodness.
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02-25-2009 , 04:13 PM
I feel like B might even be a bad representation of what a lot of theists claim to believe. I remember an argument in a philosophy class over this - lots of Christians claim that evil is simply lacking God. If something is without God/goodness, it is evil. This was Augustine's argument, I believe. This seems to dismiss the idea of "neutral" actions, which are without any goodness but still out of place if classified as evil.
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02-25-2009 , 04:17 PM
Yeah, I get tired of hearing things like "evil is the absence of good" and "hate is the absence of love". These are just plain stupid ideas.

The absence of good is not-good...not evil.
The absence of loving is not-loving...not hating.
The absence of having an orgasm is not having an orgasm...not castration.

EDIT: you don't need the existence of castration to experience the awesomeness of an orgasm.
Do You Believe In Degrees Of Good & Evil? Quote
02-25-2009 , 05:20 PM
Example C:

Concepts like good and evil are for children's stories.

People just do things.
Do You Believe In Degrees Of Good & Evil? Quote
02-25-2009 , 05:22 PM
EDIT: you don't need the existence of castration to experience the awesomeness of an orgasm.
But you do need the existence of genitals.
Do You Believe In Degrees Of Good & Evil? Quote
02-25-2009 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
But you do need the existence of genitals.
Unless God deemed otherwise, which he easily could have upon creating orgasms and/or genitals.
Do You Believe In Degrees Of Good & Evil? Quote
02-25-2009 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by Our House
I guess one of the points of this OP (nobody has chosen Example B so far) is...

Do you really need to have -100 to be able to experience 100?

If life contains -100, couldn't God easily cap evil at -50 (more benevolent) or -25 (even more benevolent) or 0 (omnibenevolent)?

There's seems to be a problem with God's benevolence that no theist has really been able to properly address. A free will argument just doesn't cut it. Evil CLEARLY doesn't need to be able to be manifested at -100 for free will to still exist AND for us to be able to experience a contrasted goodness.
wow, this is *exactly* what I was trying to say in the other free will thread. I'm glad you could put it more eloquently. The idea that evil is necessary for freewill is misguided.

Jib simply responded with "having the choice to kind of love God and really love God is not a choice".
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02-25-2009 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by Autocratic
Unless God deemed otherwise, which he easily could have upon creating orgasms and/or genitals.
This is just wrong. By definition castration deals with genitals. So in order for castration to exist there would need to be genitals.

If not you would then be talking about something completely different. And if that were the case you would just be complaining about something else.
Do You Believe In Degrees Of Good & Evil? Quote
02-25-2009 , 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by Our House
Yeah, I get tired of hearing things like "evil is the absence of good" and "hate is the absence of love". These are just plain stupid ideas.

The absence of good is not-good...not evil.
The absence of loving is not-loving...not hating.
The absence of having an orgasm is not having an orgasm...not castration.

EDIT: you don't need the existence of castration to experience the awesomeness of an orgasm.
The negation of good is evil. To not do good is to do evil.

The negation of good is not less good. That is absurd and that is what you are trying to say.

If God is all that is good then to not chose God is to not chose good. And as said before the negation of good is evil.

It's a tautology.
Do You Believe In Degrees Of Good & Evil? Quote
02-25-2009 , 06:43 PM
How does A and B account for the idea that good and evil is often a matter of perspective?
Do You Believe In Degrees Of Good & Evil? Quote
02-25-2009 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
This is just wrong. By definition castration deals with genitals. So in order for castration to exist there would need to be genitals.

If not you would then be talking about something completely different. And if that were the case you would just be complaining about something else.
I was referring to orgasms, not castration.
Do You Believe In Degrees Of Good & Evil? Quote
02-25-2009 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
The negation of good is evil. To not do good is to do evil.
So both picking up a pen and placing it back down where it was, which is not doing any good, and murdering a human being, also not doing any good, are evil on the scale of one to evil?
Do You Believe In Degrees Of Good & Evil? Quote
02-25-2009 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by kurto
How does A and B account for the idea that good and evil is often a matter of perspective?
C takes this in to account fwiw
Do You Believe In Degrees Of Good & Evil? Quote
02-25-2009 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
The negation of good is evil. To not do good is to do evil.

The negation of good is not less good. That is absurd and that is what you are trying to say.
What on earth are you talking about?

Someone is swimming in a pool and you're not.

If you jump in and play volleyball, or swim, or hang out with them, or bring them a cool lemonade, you're doing good.

If you jump in and hold their head underwater to drown them, you're doing evil.

If you don't do anything at all, you're...?
Do You Believe In Degrees Of Good & Evil? Quote
02-25-2009 , 06:58 PM
Example C (for Jib):

100 - Pure good
75 - Very good
50 - Pretty good
25 - Somewhat good
0 -- Evil

Do You Believe In Degrees Of Good & Evil? Quote
02-25-2009 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by Our House
What on earth are you talking about?

Someone is swimming in a pool and you're not.

If you jump in and play volleyball, or swim, or hang out with them, or bring them a cool lemonade, you're doing good.

If you jump in and hold their head underwater to drown them, you're doing evil.

If you don't do anything at all, you're...?
God says to not hurt your fellow man(good). So to turn from God is to hurt your fellow man(evil)

God says to help your fellow man(good). So to turn from God is to not help your fellow man(evil).
Do You Believe In Degrees Of Good & Evil? Quote
02-25-2009 , 07:40 PM
there is no "nothing/neutral" mode?

so anytime i could have done something good and chose to ignore the situation i have done evil? no wonder everyone is so sinful, its an impossible standard to live up to...
Do You Believe In Degrees Of Good & Evil? Quote
02-25-2009 , 07:41 PM
can you ever just answer a question straight up? just answer this question:

Is taking a sip of water from my bottle of water good, evil, or nuetral?

If its nuetral, then what you just said about "To not do good is to do evil." wouldn't make sense.

If its good, then why?

If its evil, then why?
Do You Believe In Degrees Of Good & Evil? Quote
02-25-2009 , 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
God says to not hurt your fellow man(good). So to turn from God is to hurt your fellow man(evil)
Unless commanded to do so by God of course.

It must suck having to keep changing your "absolute" values for each situation. Why not just accept that they're not absolute in the first place and save yourself the aggravation of having to justify your conclusion/premise unconditionally?

/tangent - because you didn't answer whether it was good, bad, or neutral to not jump in the swimming pool at all.
Do You Believe In Degrees Of Good & Evil? Quote
02-25-2009 , 08:39 PM
It must suck having to keep changing your "absolute" values for each situation. Why not just accept that they're not absolute in the first place and save yourself the aggravation of having to justify your conclusion/premise unconditionally?
I spoke nothing about absolutes. This is merely an example.

/tangent - because you didn't answer whether it was good, bad, or neutral to not jump in the swimming pool at all.
Your analogy was fallacious to begin with. Jumping in a pool is not a moral decision, nor does it have anything to do with hurting someone. So just ignored it.

Blowing my nose is also not a moral decision. That does not mean that God can just replace rape with blowing your nose. Your comparison is that silly
Do You Believe In Degrees Of Good & Evil? Quote
02-25-2009 , 08:44 PM
what about something like giving money to charity?
I can give charity > good
I can do nothing > neutral
I can steal money from charity > evil

is this accurate?
Do You Believe In Degrees Of Good & Evil? Quote
02-25-2009 , 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
Jumping in a pool is not a moral decision

Blowing my nose is also not a moral decision

EVERYTHING not necessary for your own survival or well-being (i.e. making sure you're not experiencing pain, and not suffering) is a moral decision. Rationalize it however you want, but every second you spend not helping others is a decision to do something else...whether you realize it or not.
Do You Believe In Degrees Of Good & Evil? Quote
02-25-2009 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by thirddan
what about something like giving money to charity?
I can give charity > good
I can do nothing > neutral
I can steal money from charity > evil

is this accurate?
I would say that you have to look at something like charity in a broader sense of helping others and helping the poor.

Helping other/poor = good
Not helping others/poor = evil.

Now bare in mind that I do believe that there are severities of evil.
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