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Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce?

03-11-2009 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by RoosterCAD
Why do people assume things I just asked a simple question.

Why did you feel the need to say this? The statement above suggest that you think I am a bigoted jerk?

If this is they way some people treat each other outside my religion than I am so lucky.
You misunderstood me Rooster. I don't think you're a bigoted jerk. I don't know you. I think the Christian God is a bigoted jerk. I think God's word in the bible establishes this pretty well.
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-11-2009 , 03:25 PM
Gay loving states like massachusits and and maybe California may have these laws passed already I am not sure but I know what they are after, MONEY! and children to have sex with and influence.
You are a delight.

Have a Nice Day!
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-11-2009 , 03:45 PM
There's plenty of gay child molestors as well as straight molestors.

And it doesn't matter if being gay is immoral.

Morality and Legality are not synonymous... is it a crime to cheat on a significant other?

hence peoples rights to disagree and express different opinions.
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-11-2009 , 05:28 PM
Ah, so Pletho has actually decided to show his true colours. It would be hard to quantify the disgust I feel towards the views he has expressed here. I will be linking some moderate Christians I am friendly with to this thread as we have been having a discussion about how religion can warp individuals and indeed can be used as an effective shield in modern society for racists and bigots to hide behind.

I wonder if Big Erf and Splendour will still be following him around patting his back after reading this.
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-11-2009 , 06:32 PM
So in the terms of evolutionary process is it correct to be gay?
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-11-2009 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by RoosterCAD
So in the terms of evolutionary process is it correct to be gay?
plenty of threads in SMP on the topic, use the search function.

wiki/google "homosexuality and evolution" for more
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-11-2009 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by devilset666
I wonder if Big Erf and Splendour will still be following him around patting his back after reading this.
They were patting his back last night when Pletho first started going off on his rants. After one of his homophobic rants, Splendour was commiserating with him as to how "closed minded" the atheists on this board are.
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-11-2009 , 06:45 PM
plenty of threads in SMP on the topic, use the search function.

wiki/google "homosexuality and evolution" for more

I was hoping that people would voice their opinions because I could easily do wiki/google any question I wish and almost always get a answer.
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-11-2009 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by RoosterCAD

I was hoping that people would voice their opinions because I could easily do wiki/google any question I wish and almost always get a answer.

Can you summarize that article for us? I'm really curious as to what *you* believe it is saying.
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-11-2009 , 07:15 PM
Most of Plethos posts go rambling around always promising some truth to come, but for the first time he actually said something.

Last edited by batair; 03-11-2009 at 07:17 PM. Reason: something crazy but...
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-11-2009 , 07:17 PM
That homosexuality in some cases might even be beneficial to the fitness of the species as a whole. It goes on to explain some possibilities and reasons why it is needed to exist in some areas of animal life including us.
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-11-2009 , 07:21 PM
So in the terms of evolutionary process then why get married, why not just have "random sex" if its just to continue the species
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-11-2009 , 07:25 PM
Because men are jealous and possessive and invented it to control woman and insure their genes.
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-11-2009 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by RoosterCAD
So in the terms of evolutionary process then why get married, why not just have "random sex" if its just to continue the species
because raising the child is a way to ensure it doesnt die if left to fend for themselves.
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-11-2009 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by bonsaltron
This wasn't written specifically for this forum but it's not-so-directly geared at conservative religion vs gay marriage.

We've all heard the "gays getting hitched violates the sanctity of marriage" school of thought argument for the banning of such legislation in recent years. Strictly keeping religion out of mind out of sight, I've thought long and hard in determining my problems with this logic. I don't quite buy into the credibility of this particular two-cents.
Nowadays, in some states, over 50% of marriages end in divorce. Over 50%!?!?! Those are Al Gore numbers ;-P
More than half the time? If the Seattle Mariners lose a little more than half their games this season, I'd HARDLY call that a sacred season (Griffeyyy...One time/PlzHolddd).
So here's my question...
Where were all these arguers 10, 15 years ago when the divorce rate was at a slender 20, 25%? Ya know, before it put on the lbs. Where was the push to abolish divorce?
If you're expending soooo much energy on protecting the sanctity of marriage, surely a climbing divorce rate seems like an appropriate radar blip as well?
...Don't call me Shirley...
Well I think I can explain this doublestandard; divorce is truly blind.
Every minute of every day someone is getting a divorce, and "someone" meaning one of any religion, any gender, any ethnicity... EVERYONE IS GETTING A DIVORCE. Well... except gays of course...we wouldn't want them de-purifying the subject, now would we.
Ya see, it's easy to be against people who are different from you when they fit into a nice universal category. A slur, if you will. Open a ****in' history book, thumb any time period in man's existence and you'll see those getting shafted at the time matched a stereotype or two. Color, orientation, petname... that's why it'll take some time for gays to be left alone.
Meanwhile, divorcees will never be bothered.
And why is it so wrong exactly? They want to get married, presumably in love, wanting the standard marriage, based on sex, lies and unrealistic expectations. It's the same flavor as a straight relationship when you really look at the basic picture.
Same idea, different tools.
If I eat a delicious bowl of macaroni and cheese with a fork and spoon, I'm eating it to get full and at the end of the day it'll be a Kraft-tastic meal. So what's the difference if I eat it with a fork and spoon...or fork and fork...or spoon and spoon...?
It's like comparing innings, when the whole ****ing thing is supposed to be about the final score in the first place!
I have no problems with gay people. I've got no reason to muster up grudges on entire frequencies of the human race... the New York Rangers have got that slot filled just fine... I fail to understand this argument that there's a tainting of marriage's principals.
It's just a modern deviation of an old tradition... just because times change, it doesn't mean variations in rituals and pastimes are being attacked by some virus.
(What's he talking about? What's 'modern deviation?')
~Ok, I'll bring religion in just for an example or two~
When a priest offers you bread as you eat the metaphoric carbs, that's 21st century bread. That's in all probability grocery store bread. That means there's preservatives in that bread.
Does that mean the tradition has been tainted? It's been stripped o' sanctity? After all, bread ingredients were strictly a certain way when the Newb Testament was written.
No! Stop scapegoating this inconsistent argument for you're intolerance of homosexuals. Stop this selfish fear of change. There are second-class citizens out there!
What about Zionists? Aren't those the religions where one has to make holy pilgrimage to the holy land in the MiddleEast once in their lifetime? Fine... but does that mean taking an airplane or driving a car on the trip disqualifies you? Wouldn't that, by the gay-measuring stick, make the pilgrimage any less graceful???
We used to lynch condemned meanies in front of the town for entertainment. Now we do it quietly with gas chambers, needles and Ol' Sparky. It aint good, it aint bad, it's just modern deviation.
I doubt some God hates you taking your kid to the doctor, just because the only healthcare in holy writ was miracles and leaches.
Modern deviation, not the apocalypse. Get over yourselves, please.
And please please please don't get me started on 'Our Founding Fathers would disapprove.' ... Listen, it's amend means change. Thus amendments. Our Founding Fathers new times would change and the law of the land could be made to change with the times. ~~~And I love the founding fathers' advice on governmental philosophy, but definitely not their racial or sexist beliefs. Neither should you.~~~
It's the same reason there are a dozen bad words for gay, black, Jewish, female... and there's not a single remote slur designated to "divorcee."
It's why there's no picketers outside municipal buildings, harassing marriage license bailouts....
...Because it's easy to accept change when it's on your terms, but even easier to condemn when it's not.
Please leave gays alone and stop impeding the radical theory that Americans can coexist.
so how come you aren't at UB anymore sir
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-11-2009 , 08:36 PM
this thread makes me laugh! how many homosexuals have posted in this thread?
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-11-2009 , 08:40 PM
is that a rhetorical question? do you think that each person that called pletho an idiot is a homosexual?
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-11-2009 , 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by thirddan
is that a rhetorical question? do you think that each person that called pletho an idiot is a homosexual?
it was a rhetorical question. i didn't expect to actually get a number.
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-11-2009 , 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by excellent!
it was a rhetorical question. i didn't expect to actually get a number.
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-11-2009 , 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by RoosterCAD
So in the terms of evolutionary process is it correct to be gay?
I don't know if that question makes sense. Look at it this way. Homosexual activity has been observed in almost 1500 species. So the genetic component or disposition to being gay has been very successful in nature. If a God exists, homosexuality is CLEARLY a part of his/her/it's plan.
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-11-2009 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by ILOVEPOKER929
I don't know if that question makes sense. Look at it this way. Homosexual activity has been observed in almost 1500 species. So the genetic component or disposition to being gay has been very successful in nature. If a God exists, homosexuality is CLEARLY a part of his/her/it's plan.

This statement does not follow. Just because something is capable of surviving does not mean that it is beneficial nor does it mean that it was intended.

Alcoholism had survived the ages as well. Does that mean that it is beneficial?
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-11-2009 , 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
This statement does not follow. Just because something is capable of surviving does not mean that it is beneficial nor does it mean that it was intended.
I didn't say or imply any of that.

Here's my point. Assuming homosexual behavior has a genetic component (which I think is a pretty safe assumption), that genetic component has been very successful in nature in terms of surviving and propagating over evolutionary time. NOTHING is intended in nature. Those genes that are relatively better at getting themselves copied end up dominating the gene pool over time. The homosexual gene(s) has been very successful in nature. This is evidenced by the fact that these genes are still present in the overall gene pool today. Genes that get themselves copied better than other genes are beneficial to themselves and that's all that matters in nature.

Originally Posted by Jibninjas
Alcoholism had survived the ages as well. Does that mean that it is beneficial?
The genes that predispose someone to alcoholism have been beneficial in the sense that they've helped the organisms they've occupied survive and reproduce. The fact that these genes have the side effect of making someone more likely to be an alcoholic is incidental.
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-12-2009 , 12:14 AM
I do not know how much more plain and forward I can be.

Homosexuality serves NO good purpose in life whatsoever. It is from a biblical point of view the bottom of the barrel. It destroys the morality of the society on every level.

Sure their are **** Christians. Some are really Christians and some are not. Those that have gotten born again will be ressurected and have eternal life.

I do not hate ****'s I strongly dislike the act of homosexuality and any promogation of it, especially to children. Many homosexuals have been healed and have become normal and have children and wives. Thats a great thing and would love to see this happen to all of them, but I am a realist and know for a fact the the major majority of them like the sickness and twistedness they are in and do.

The more homosexuality is accepted by our society and looked upon as norm the more perverted and down the tube our country will go.

I have just as many strong view points about many other things. So please homosexexuals don't point to me and say I am singling you out. I call it like I see it and I see it from a biblical spiritual point of view.

If a homosexual wanted help I know I could honestly help them get out of homosexuality and would do whatever it took to help but only if someone was serious.

Most of you who think I am evil are actually the evil ones and God rejectors.

The majority of bible believing Christians who actually know the word well know for a fact homosexuality is wrong, and those who are Christians and sympathize with homosexuals do not know the word well or what love is.

Do you tell your childern when they do something wrong that they are right when they are actually wrong? I hope not. Same with this subject, its wrong and they are wrong and do not like hearing they are wrong. Either way it is wrong.

Does God love them? Yes, does it mean He still won't tell them they are wrong? No. When you love people you tell them they are wrong so they have a chance to change.

Well enough said, you have my voice on the matter and I do not think I need to join in again on this particular post again and talk about this subject because all you will get is something you do not agree with or do not want to hear.


P.S. Here is what I think is sick, Homosexuals think that those who speak out against them are racist, people are people, they are born different colors and have NO CHOICE as to what color or nation they are from and are all equal in that they are humans.

That in no way is comparable to Homosexuality which is a CHOICE. They always try and throw out the racist card are something similar.
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-12-2009 , 12:20 AM
are you 100% convinced of this? is there anything that could possibly change your mind?
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-12-2009 , 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by Pletho
I do not know how much more plain and forward I can be.

Homosexuality serves NO good purpose in life whatsoever. It is from a biblical point of view the bottom of the barrel. It destroys the morality of the society on every level.

Sure their are **** Christians. Some are really Christians and some are not. Those that have gotten born again will be ressurected and have eternal life.

I do not hate ****'s I strongly dislike the act of homosexuality and any promogation of it, especially to children. Many homosexuals have been healed and have become normal and have children and wives. Thats a great thing and would love to see this happen to all of them, but I am a realist and know for a fact the the major majority of them like the sickness and twistedness they are in and do.

The more homosexuality is accepted by our society and looked upon as norm the more perverted and down the tube our country will go.

I have just as many strong view points about many other things. So please homosexexuals don't point to me and say I am singling you out. I call it like I see it and I see it from a biblical spiritual point of view.

If a homosexual wanted help I know I could honestly help them get out of homosexuality and would do whatever it took to help but only if someone was serious.

Most of you who think I am evil are actually the evil ones and God rejectors.

The majority of bible believing Christians who actually know the word well know for a fact homosexuality is wrong, and those who are Christians and sympathize with homosexuals do not know the word well or what love is.

Do you tell your childern when they do something wrong that they are right when they are actually wrong? I hope not. Same with this subject, its wrong and they are wrong and do not like hearing they are wrong. Either way it is wrong.

Does God love them? Yes, does it mean He still won't tell them they are wrong? No. When you love people you tell them they are wrong so they have a chance to change.

Well enough said, you have my voice on the matter and I do not think I need to join in again on this particular post again and talk about this subject because all you will get is something you do not agree with or do not want to hear.


P.S. Here is what I think is sick, Homosexuals think that those who speak out against them are racist, people are people, they are born different colors and have NO CHOICE as to what color or nation they are from and are all equal in that they are humans.

That in no way is comparable to Homosexuality which is a CHOICE. They always try and throw out the racist card are something similar.
if homosexuality is a choice how is it a bad thing? it stems the overpopulation if nothing else. i for one applaud these ppl for making the choice to pound aszhole (or forced if in prison obv)
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
