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Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce?

03-10-2009 , 10:53 PM
Actually I have been hit on by people of the same gender on more than one occasion and in each situation it was simply a question of saying "sorry im straight". Im not sure why you think it would be such an ordeal.
I have never really been hit on by a gay dude. I have been told that I do not give off any sort of gay vibe.

Kinda disappointing. I mean, I know the ladies think that I am sexy, but if the dudes did too... then I would have proof that I am one sexy bitch!

I have caught them checking me out a couple times, so I guess that counts for something, right?
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-10-2009 , 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by thirddan
look up homosexuality in the old testament.
then look up homosexuality in the new testament.
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-10-2009 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by thirddan
1 Corinthians 6:9Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-10-2009 , 11:40 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
1 Corinthians 6:9Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders
This clearly means "people who offend homosexuals". And to Christians had it wrong all this time.
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-10-2009 , 11:44 PM
Originally Posted by Our House
This clearly means "people who offend homosexuals". And to Christians had it wrong all this time.
lol, you know I was actually going to make the same comment. When I read that that was the first thing that popped into my head. good stuff
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-10-2009 , 11:50 PM
Pletho you are a ****ing idiot. Ill start by just saying that gays have all of the tax benefits of marriage in some states where they are still actively fighting for gay marriage, so you're talking out of your ass about that. I'll also point out that the majority of gay males were not molested by males as children, and that you're talking out of your ass about that as well.
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-10-2009 , 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by Pletho
Its a spiritual thing not something that I am going to pretend that you will understand. I am trying not to get to abrasive about this.

Animals are not gay. Just because they lick each others crap holes doesn't mean they are gay. They are animals. Ask a zoologist or a aniamal doctor about it.

I would rather not have a home or lesbo teach my kids because it is much deeper than the physical, words are spritual and have affects on people and homosexuality is a spiritual thing. Why do you think ****'s voices are so distorted and change completely different than when they weren't ****'s. They are not rowing their own boat anymore is the answer, they are under spirutual influence that controls their bodies and other things. You may not agree with me but it is true and no one I predict will agree with me unless they are a knowledgable Christian. Which you probably wont find on this forum.

Holy **** there is not a single fact in this paragraph. Their voices aren't different, especially not when you qualify it as talking about the same person before and after they come out of the closet. The cornerstones of every single argument you have made ITT are blatant falsehoods.
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-10-2009 , 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
I have been told that I do not give off any sort of gay vibe.
I've watched your videos. I disagree.
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-11-2009 , 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by Claudius Galenus
Pletho you are a ****ing idiot. Ill start by just saying that gays have all of the tax benefits of marriage in some states where they are still actively fighting for gay marriage, so you're talking out of your ass about that. I'll also point out that the majority of gay males were not molested by males as children, and that you're talking out of your ass about that as well.
Really? I think your are a spiritual idiot. And have nothing useful ever to say about anything. You pop in and out of threads with one liners all the time adding nothing to the conversation at all.

Prove that I am wrong. In some states is right but they want the laws passed in ALL the states. Gay loving states like massachusits and and maybe California may have these laws passed already I am not sure but I know what they are after, MONEY! and children to have sex with and influence.

See if they teach the children homosexuality is okay and normal those children will grow up thinking it is normal and possibly switch over when accosted by some freakin perv. They want a country of male on male freaks. Or woman on woman freaks.

They are after destroying the family concept and many other things and when I say they I mean they the H*m*'s from a spritual warfare point of view. Which I know you will nbot understand because yuou are a spiritual idiot.

Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-11-2009 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by Pletho
Really? I think your are a spiritual idiot. And have nothing useful ever to say about anything. You pop in and out of threads with one liners all the time adding nothing to the conversation at all.

Prove that I am wrong. In some states is right but htey want them in ALL the states. Gay loving states like massachusits and and maybe California may have these laws passed alreadt I am not sure but I know what they are after MONEY! and Children to have sex with and infleunce. They are after destroying the family concept and many other things and when I say they I mean they the ****'s from a spritual warfare point of view. Which I know you will nbot understand because yuou are a spiritual idiot.


They already get the money, they still want the term marriage to apply, therefore they are not doing it for the money. And the last few threads I have replied to your posts in, I have rebuked your drivel with facts and sources, to which you have responded by ignoring the posts.

When you start a thread or take hours to write a reply, you manage to use enough big words and abstract language to fool people into believing you know what you're talking about. When you think more quickly and react to arguments, you speak plainly enough to expose your ignorance.
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-11-2009 , 01:07 AM
wow, pletho you are a real piece of ****...

do all the theists feel the same way as him? ive read a lot of ridiculous stuff on this forum, but this might take the cake....
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-11-2009 , 01:54 AM
Originally Posted by Claudius Galenus
Holy **** there is not a single fact in this paragraph. Their voices aren't different, especially not when you qualify it as talking about the same person before and after they come out of the closet. The cornerstones of every single argument you have made ITT are blatant falsehoods.
Sure their voices are different. They have changed and their demeanor, the way they move ect... ALL to immitate a woman. If you can't see that then you really are dumb and blind, more than I first thought.

Just so you know, I am not trying to be politically correct or anything else that you may agree with.

Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-11-2009 , 02:19 AM
Pletho, you're beyond politically incorrect in this thread. In fact, you're so far beyond it that you're not even a Christian.
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-11-2009 , 02:36 AM
Originally Posted by Pletho
Sure their voices are different. They have changed and their demeanor, the way they move ect... ALL to immitate a woman. If you can't see that then you really are dumb and blind, more than I first thought.

Just so you know, I am not trying to be politically correct or anything else that you may agree with.

If by "they" you mean a few people that you have seen, or the typical media/hollywood portrayal then you are correct. If by "they" you mean homosexuals, then you are laughably wrong. No one wants you to be politically correct, just correct in any way would be a nice change. Could you cite some proof of the difference in voices and actions?
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-11-2009 , 10:06 AM
People like Pletho are a sickness in humanity
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-11-2009 , 11:53 AM
Didn't Pletho already admit to being 14 in the other thread? Why are people wasting time debating a child (in every sense of the word)?

note- he may have been lying about his age... but if so, I suspect he's lying about everything. I'm going on a limb and suggesting that he wants attention. Since Splendour has the monopoly on 'crazy cat lady', he's playing the ignorant racist troll card.
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-11-2009 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by thirddan

do all the theists feel the same way as him?
Absolutely not. Pletho's comments are so bigoted they don't, in my opinion, evne warrant a response, I'm so baffled I don't even know if I could respond without being a huge jerk.

However, I will say that I certainly know:

Straight Christians who believe living a gay lifestyle is not a sin

Straight Christians who believe living a gay lifestyle is sinful, but that people shouldn't be legally prevented from making such a choice if they want to

Straight Christians who enjoy the company of gay friends even if they disagree with their sexual choices

happily gay Christians.

Do I know creepy homophobic Christians like Pletho as well? Sure. However, don't think for a moment that Pletho's viewpoint speaks for all Christians.
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-11-2009 , 12:23 PM
creepy homophobic Christians
gay Christians
for the most part this is the same group right?
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-11-2009 , 12:31 PM
Is it morally wrong to be gay?
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-11-2009 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by starvingwriter82
Absolutely not. Pletho's comments are so bigoted they don't, in my opinion, evne warrant a response, I'm so baffled I don't even know if I could respond without being a huge jerk.

However, I will say that I certainly know:

Straight Christians who believe living a gay lifestyle is not a sin

Straight Christians who believe living a gay lifestyle is sinful, but that people shouldn't be legally prevented from making such a choice if they want to

Straight Christians who enjoy the company of gay friends even if they disagree with their sexual choices

happily gay Christians.

Do I know creepy homophobic Christians like Pletho as well? Sure. However, don't think for a moment that Pletho's viewpoint speaks for all Christians.
yeah...i understand that in every group (especially religious ones) people will have different opinions...i think i asked the wrong question...

im more curious whether or not most theists could reach the same conclusions that pletho did based on scripture...or is he some fringe radical that is totally misinterpreting one or two vague lines from the bible...hopefully that makes more sense...
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-11-2009 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by RoosterCAD
Is it morally wrong to be gay?
Yes, according to your bible. No, according to any moral framework based on compassion.

Remember, just because the Christian God is a bigoted jerk doesn't mean you have to be.
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-11-2009 , 02:51 PM
Remember, just because the Christian God is a bigoted jerk doesn't mean you have to be
Why do people assume things I just asked a simple question.

Why did you feel the need to say this? The statement above suggest that you think I am a bigoted jerk?

If this is they way some people treat each other outside my religion than I am so lucky.
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-11-2009 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by Pletho
If you call not liking child molestors evil then I am as evil as they come.

You must be gay or have a friend or reletive who is gay. Don't get your emotions so mixed up in it. Black is black and white is white. Molesting children is sick and demented and those who do it should have their heads chopped off. Or get healed of their insanity by getting born-again and getting their forgiveness and forgetting the past and start a new life.

Pletho, heres a helpful diagram

Have a Nice Day!
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-11-2009 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by RoosterCAD
Why do people assume things I just asked a simple question.

Why did you feel the need to say this? The statement above suggest that you think I am a bigoted jerk?

If this is they way some people treat each other outside my religion than I am so lucky.
i guess it depends where you think your morals are from...

if, like most atheists on this board, you think they come from the compassion and some sort of golden rule then its not immoral to be gay, why would it matter?

but, if you get them from scripture like pletho then apparently it is...(im still not sure if pletho is a fringe on what the scripture says)
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
03-11-2009 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by Pletho
Its a spiritual thing not something that I am going to pretend that you will understand.
I read this as:

'It's something I believe based on absolutely nothing logical, so I'll refrain from embarrassing myself'

This and your comments about people being 'spiritual idiots' is just like saying 'I believe stuff based on nothing, and you disagree, so yeah you're an idiot'.

You remind me of that banner at the top of that compares stuffs with a disclaimer at the bottom 'This is my opinion and not based on any facts at all'.
Common Religious Aspect of Gay Marriage... But why not Divorce? Quote
