Originally Posted by Jibninjas
The prophecies do not have know which free will agents will be involved to know that the prophecy will happen.
the prophecies don't know anything, it's god who knows things or doesn't know things.
By using probabilities you can be certain that something will come to pass. Insurance agencies do this all of the time. They know that statistically they will make money, even if they do not know which individual will ultimately get into an accident and cost them money.
this is false, and it's my whole point. you're equating virtual certainty with actual certainty. if it's impossible for god to lie then he isn't relying on the law of large numbers.
insurance "agencies" (?) do not "know" that they will make money. they reasonably expect to make money.
Casino's also do this. A Casino knows that it will make money in the long run because of the probabilities of the games are in their favor.
i hope you get it by now, but it's possible for a casino to lose every bet.
You are also confusing prophesies with what God says might happen in the bible. If you read the bible God says many things that are in fact contingent on the free will decisions of men.
you are confusing prophesies with what God says might happen in the bible.
very often, god says "person X is going do to Y." if it's impossible for him to say something that isn't true, he must be certain. so either god can be wrong or sometimes he knows for sure what people will do.
If God says that it will happen, then he knows that he can make it happen.
exactly, so when the prophecy concerns something that people will
do, either we don't have free will (and he'll force us) or he
knows that we will choose to do it.
Also remember that the very first decision that we make in life is not as equally weighted as the last decision that we make.
"as equally weighted?" dude.
All of our previous decisions effect our latter decisions. So if we have a choice between an apple and a banana. And we choose apple 20 times in a row, we are more likely to choose apple the 21 time then we were the 1st time.
well since my whole point is that god is absolutely certain and not relatively this has nothing to do with anything.