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Official Stake-Seeking Thread Official Stake-Seeking Thread

08-12-2010 , 05:28 PM
Hey my Screen name is : Krazee2, and Im looking to be backed for the upcoming WCOOP, I would like to play as many NL holdem events as possible, (FR,6max,HU) If your interested in making a deal please PM me and we can work something out. If you need some good Ref's as well, i will have them PM you once we start working on a deal. He are some links to my previous results.

Look forward to hearing from you and working out a deal.

08-12-2010 , 06:49 PM
I will be playing events 1, 3, 5, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 31, 33, 34, 37, 40, 41, 45, and 60 of WCOOP totaling $4388. Due to my new house in Vegas, I'm looking to sell 1% shares of myself for $50 a share (just under 1.14-1 markup). I will not sell more then 50% of myself. If I play any other event, it won't count in this. If I fail to play any of these events, I'll refund that event. If I don't play at least 12 events, I'll both refund the events I didn't play and pay back at 1-1. PM me or email gannon2@illinois if you are interested.

Sharkscope currently has me up a bit over $49k

edit: PS STARS: c Dannon s

Last edited by Suigin406; 08-12-2010 at 07:04 PM.
08-14-2010 , 07:50 AM
New Member with potential looking for NL25 backer !!
Possible longterm Staking if we get along good !

Dear 2+2 community,

This is my first post here and maybe it's very strange that iam directly looking for a Backer but I hope to convince someone with my history to get a staking anyway.

I also want to excuse me for my low english skills. I hope u can understand me anyway

Who i am ?

My name ist Sahin, i'm 21 years old and i'm living in the near of Hamburg (Germany).
I am playing under the alias Filasse @ Pokerstars
At the moment i'm graduating an Open University course to get my general qualification for university entrance... so iam very flexible and have many time to play poker casually.

What i want?

I am looking for a NLH CG Backer.
First i want to start with NL25 FR to convince you with my skills and increase my reputation @2+2 by getting postive references step by step because i'm new in this community.
After this periode i can visualize me to keep the staking for future and other limits. So a longterm staking is possible if we get along wonderfully and it will be +EV for both site.

Why do I need a staking?

Since the mittle of May 2010 i earned about 4500$ Online. (~3300MTT + ~1200CG)
Before that periode i had a BR of ~1000$. I cashed out 4000$ during the last 2 month to allow oneself many things like travalling, new clothes... so i had ~1500$ to play with on my account 3 weeks ago.

2 weeks ago my dad who is orginally from Turkey asked me whether i can borrow him money which he will pay back step by step the following monthe's so he can travel to turkey to see his family because he wasn't there for about 10 years. I didn't want to disappoint him and borrow him the rest of my bankroll because i got the option to earn fast money by jobbing after september so i can deposite money again to grind casually and work to rebuild my bankroll.

But thats not my philosophie. I dont like to deposite because i didn't deposite now for years because i wasn't loosing and was playing BE a long periode or winning smart.
So i got the idea to post here at 2+2 and look for a staker because both sites have there advantage.
Furthermore i have the chance zu become postive references and can increase my reputation so i have the chance to ask for a stake in future or make shares or something like this.

I also want to play poker in future more serious and want do it as a small business. I also will keep more money back ,so something like this will not happen again

If you have more questions so far please PM me.

My Poker History:

I started to play online poker ~ 2008 at Pokerstars. Before that Periode i was playing small homegames with my friends.
That periode i was a real Fish. I was losing everywhere.

February 2009 i bought my frist Pokerbook and start to learn about Pod Odds, strategy.... . I joined the online Pokercommunitys intellipoker .
I was starting to win small periods but I lost a big part again because of missing experiences.So i played BE a long time and lose only small. Summer 2009 i shipped the daily 11 Dollar Deepstack for about 2k.
That was my first real bankroll.
I started to masstable NL 25 FR and NL50 FR with low experience. At the beginning i didn't lose and I set me the goal to become supernova. I played to much tables, didn't increase my play and went nearly broke in the end of oktober. xD

Then i started to play less. Learn more and play less tables because of that experience.
The end of November i started winning in NL 10 SH.
Since than i had won 1,6$ by playing ~ 250K hand in NL10 SH.
I had a real loose style (about 26/22 + ).
With that style i started to play NL25 SH. Because of the low experience at that time i loose i real Big part again.

I keep to learn , play, play, learn, play, play.... It was like a rollercoaster because i also keept my loose style.
But i become more confident in my game.

Now i am winning in NL25FR. During may and june i really crushed that limit by 6-12 tabling. I had won 1,7K$ in 45K hands.
Here u can see a graph and session summaries:

After that periode i beginne to make some experiments on my game and the limits. I dropped a littlebit but i am sure the result will keep if i play my A-Game again.
Thats my NL25FR Graph since may.

Here are some summaries of my MTT results:

My PTR link:

Lifetime about 700K hands played and BB/100 of 1,19 is ok i think

Why it's + EV to stake me as unknown in 2+2 community

In My history part u saw my 45K hand periode where i really crushed NL25.
Ok I was running also over EV but it's also a good samplesize to see my tendence.
U also can see at the Session Picture, that it's possible to keep the variance very low. I really have very less losing sessions.
Iam sure that i could keep that tendence for future so u can be sure that i will win.
For this reason i think for the beginn it's ok if u only transfer 20 buyins.
I can comfortable play 6-9 tables to show u my skill and u can trust me.
If i lose a big part of the Frist part of staking, i will make i detailed analysis which i will send to you where u can decide to send more ore quit the staking.
U can also be sure that i will not run away with the first transfer of 500$ because it's also important for me to get a good reputation and reference. So it's very - EV for me.

I think that are enough informations.
If u have any questins or if i had forget anything please tell.

Hope to find someone who will trust me and give me the chance

Pls kontakt me via PM oder email:

edit: bolding from earlier in the thread:
I am playing under the alias Filasse @ Pokerstars

Last edited by Suigin406; 08-14-2010 at 12:19 PM.
08-14-2010 , 12:42 PM
Full Tilt Player Name : JohnnyTremz

Hey guys before I get flamed I know this is my first post and I just joined but I was encouraged by my fellow poker friends to just give it a try because theres nothing to lose.

I am looking to get staked in today's 2k FTOPS event as I have found the sats to be very steep. I have already cashed in 4 FTOPS events this season as you can tell by looking me up on shark scope or any of the other sites. I'm a very consistant winning tourney player both in MTT's and SNG's. Not sure how to post the image from sharkscope like some of you have but for those that dont want to go searc below are the stats.

Username Games Played Av. Profit Av. Stake Av. ROI Total Profit Form Ability /100 Network Filter
JohnnyTremz 4,568 $3 $29 4% $13,123 Super Hot 81 FullTilt x

I understand most arent going to be interested but figured its worth a shot and cant hurt.

Thanks, Johnny

Edit: You can email me at
08-14-2010 , 11:01 PM
Hello my name is John, I am a professional poker player in South Florida looking for a full time backer for 5/10 Cash Games and MTT's, I am looking for a local backer, I am offering 50/50 split plus full makeup, I am very accomplished and respected among the Florida Poker community, I play mostly at Hard Rock Hollywood, and The Isle in Pompano Beach, I've been to Vegas and Atlantic City so Florida isn't the only poker ive played. Please contact me if you would like to discuss this further, I would like to talk via phone, via pm, or in person if possible, thank you.
08-15-2010 , 03:06 PM
Im looking to get backed and get my roll back to where it was a couple months ago. Went on vaca and was forced to withdraw to sum it up. Run anything from 3-12$ sng mtt's and 5-26$ MTT's. Been playing for 4 years. Live in Chicago, 22 student with lots of time and eligable for 10 tables at once. if interested, email me at

U GOT ZAPPED on PS +1000
also im on AIM and FB so lets just start with the email
08-15-2010 , 06:43 PM
Hi, I am looking to get staked for small stakes PLO on PokerStars, I play under the name KingOfThe$ea. I was was a decent winner at the 25 - 100PLO games on PokerStars at the beginning of the year after only depositing $250. Unfortunately I encountered a bad downswing that started in mid May due to massively running below expectation and some other issues that affected my play, which I have now taken care of. Currently my liquid finances are going towards college and thus I am unable to bankroll myself in the games which is why I am seeking a stake. I am also a supernova VIP and 58k VPPs away from the 3.4k bonus which means less risk for you if the stake should ever fall into make up. Below I will include my results from the beginning of the year before my downswing obtained using PTR premium as I do not currently have a HEM database:

Either contact me via PM or on skype at Seakinglol to discuss details, but send me a pm with your skype name also so I know who I am talking to.

08-15-2010 , 06:50 PM
Hello, my name is Serkan and im looking to get staked in a series of $100 super turbo heads up over a period of a month and I will need a roll of 5k in order to do this. My record speaks for it self as im ranked 5th on sharkscope of anygames $36-$100. Look me up (serkules) on full tilt. I will split the profits with you 65-35 in your favour. I predict I could produce 15k plus for the month as I have done before.

Thank You,

See next post. - G

Last edited by Gonzirra; 08-15-2010 at 09:20 PM.
08-15-2010 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by Serkules
Hello, my name is Serkan and im looking to get staked in a series of $100 super turbo heads up over a period of a month and I will need a roll of 5k in order to do this. My record speaks for it self as im ranked 5th on sharkscope of anygames $36-$100. Look me up (serkules) on full tilt. I will split the profits with you 65-35 in your favour. I predict I could produce 15k plus for the month as I have done before.

Thank You,
hey joker. here real life friend of serkules speaking here. just found this thread by accident and found it quite funny and even more absurd because no way serkules needs a staking.

so i just called him and he confirmed he never registred on 2+2 or even made any kind of posts.

i would call this BUSTED!

please bann this faker mofo and dont trust him any of your moneyz.

ps: if its possible i would appreciate if a mod could look up the ip of the faker and tell me where he is from. thx in advance
08-15-2010 , 07:51 PM
Looking for a stake for mtt's. If interested, PM me or email and we could discuss about it.

edit: PS stars: vincelis. Please have username in body of post, thanks.

Last edited by Suigin406; 08-15-2010 at 08:41 PM.
08-15-2010 , 08:48 PM
Serkules, wowkAA, please check your pms.
08-15-2010 , 09:46 PM
Hi everyone. I'm very new to this site, but I'm not new to the game of poker.

My full tilt poker screenname is pokermaniac1122. I would love to be staked in 45 man $1.10 sngs or $1 turbo heads - up. I'm very good at these and I will make a profitable bankroll for us.

I hope to make friends on this site and meet new people. I wish this to be a pleasurable experience for both myself and my backer.


Last edited by JL514; 08-16-2010 at 03:20 PM.
08-15-2010 , 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by eezark
Hey my Screen name is : Krazee2, and Im looking to be backed for the upcoming WCOOP, I would like to play as many NL holdem events as possible, (FR,6max,HU) If your interested in making a deal please PM me and we can work something out. If you need some good Ref's as well, i will have them PM you once we start working on a deal. He are some links to my previous results.

Look forward to hearing from you and working out a deal.

08-16-2010 , 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by LastStance
Hello my name is John, I am a professional poker player in South Florida looking for a full time backer for 5/10 Cash Games and MTT's, I am looking for a local backer, I am offering 50/50 split plus full makeup, I am very accomplished and respected among the Florida Poker community, I play mostly at Hard Rock Hollywood, and The Isle in Pompano Beach, I've been to Vegas and Atlantic City so Florida isn't the only poker ive played. Please contact me if you would like to discuss this further, I would like to talk via phone, via pm, or in person if possible, thank you.

08-16-2010 , 10:02 AM
Hello, iam 23yrs old, my name is Stoiko and i'am living in Stockholm, Sweden
I'am playing from 5years poker, but from 6 months iam making attempts for live pro-poker.

My first attempt was in Unibet Open Prague 2010, there I finished 56th from 424 players
I have few cashes in live tournaments in Casino Cosmopol - Stockholm
At this moment i'am looking for stacking for IPT (Italian Poker Tour) Nova Gorica 23th - 27th September Buy-in 2000+200Eur.
I'am selling 60% of my action (but we can comment the procenteges)
1% = 18Eur.
5% = 90Eur.
10% = 180Eur

7% is already sold

FTP nick : Simeonov
08-16-2010 , 10:04 AM
Hello ,
My name is Eddy , I am from Bulgaria and I am 21 years old . I am playing poker seriously already for more than a year and half , I play NL100 , NL200 both omaha and holdem .
My online tournament achievement are winning EPT packet , ECOSTT Talinn packet (wich I sold ) , shiping first place in 20 k tournament for 4 k on Cake and few other money finishers.
Those links shows my best tournament achievement.

Live Poker
I have 3 live tournaments for now , one EPT San Remo and two tourneys part of the BPT tours in wich I won the first one and finished 6th in the second one

I am going to play Pokerstars Balcan Poker Tour Main Event in Golden Sands - Bulgaria September 2-5 . The tournament will be with buy in 900+90€ and the prize pool will be over 200 000 € .
I put 10 % mark-up for travel expenses and hotel .
Total 1100 €
1 % - 11 €
5 % - 55 €
10 % - 110 €
20 % - 200 €

here is a link for the tournament : There are also satelites in pokerstars for the tourney.

reference :
mixie , silver18

Last edited by NinaRIcci; 08-16-2010 at 10:10 AM.
08-16-2010 , 10:49 AM
My screename on Stars is "Tienno". Here's my stats:
I'm looking for a deal to play 100e mtt on french pokerstars client.
You can email me to discuss about it at:
08-16-2010 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by NinaRIcci
Hello ,
My name is Eddy , I am from Bulgaria and I am 21 years old . I am playing poker seriously already for more than a year and half , I play NL100 , NL200 both omaha and holdem .
My online tournament achievement are winning EPT packet , ECOSTT Talinn packet (wich I sold ) , shiping first place in 20 k tournament for 4 k on Cake and few other money finishers.
Those links shows my best tournament achievement.

Live Poker
I have 3 live tournaments for now , one EPT San Remo and two tourneys part of the BPT tours in wich I won the first one and finished 6th in the second one

I am going to play Pokerstars Balcan Poker Tour Main Event in Golden Sands - Bulgaria September 2-5 . The tournament will be with buy in 900+90€ and the prize pool will be over 200 000 € .
I put 10 % mark-up for travel expenses and hotel .
Total 1100 €
1 % - 11 €
5 % - 55 €
10 % - 110 €
20 % - 200 €

here is a link for the tournament : There are also satelites in pokerstars for the tourney.

reference :
mixie , silver18
I forgot to write down my msn : and skype eddyisready
08-16-2010 , 11:22 AM
Hey guys.
My name is jennifer.
I am looking for a stake for cash games. preferebly LHE. I am also interested in SnGs an Mtts although i havent played many MTTs.

I want to build a good trusting relationship with my backer. That being said for a trial run i am prepared to offer a 70/30 split in favor of the backer until i can prove myself to him. once i prove myself we will change the split. I will also leave the limits of play up to the backer. (just want to get my foot in the door).
I realize that i do not have great results but i have been extensivly studying as of late. And it should show in my results

This stake is also for either UB, Cake, or Preferably Powerpoker although i dont think anyone on 2p2 plays there.

alliejenn on UB
alliejj on cake
jenisis2010 on powerpoker

Any questions PM me
thanks. Lets make some money


Last edited by Rainbow Warrior; 01-05-2013 at 01:59 PM.
08-16-2010 , 12:35 PM
Hey my name's Taylor, I'm looking to be backed on Stars. I have been playing online for several years, ever since the party poker days, and have been very successful in MTT's and SNGs throughout my online career. I have just recently decided to look for backing since Im looking to put in a higher volume of play than I can currently afford. I have been backed in a few short-term staking agreements, and now I'm looking for something more long-term. My past backers are very credible sources, and would be happy to vouch for me upon your request. Below, I have listed links to my OPR's from Stars, as well as FTP for some extra information about my play. If interested, I am hoping to play +40 hours a week. Hopefully my stats speak for themselves and someone will see that im a great longterm investment, as I have always had loads of success in MTTs. I should mention once more, that Im only looking for backing on Stars right now, but am open to further discussion if the backer is interested to take things to other sites as well. I can be reached via email at, and/or via AIM at hoodyhootay. Thank for your time and hope to hear back soon.

Stars: Tayballer

FTP: 1990prodigy
08-16-2010 , 02:43 PM
hola amigos/amigas!

my name is JB and I have recently returned to online poker after some time away(moved to vegas) and am loving it once again. I am looking for any type of backing for tournaments or cash. i play as cloverstorm on ps/Hi Im JB on ftp and also have some videos posted on pokertube that may show my progression as a poker player(still getting better obv). i mainly have been playing small buy-in tourneys and cash on pokerstars and very little play at all on ftp so far. $3-11 normal buy-in's some higher on occasion. .25/.50 and .50/1 for cash but can play higher, just didnt put the funds online.

Last edited by cloverstorm; 08-16-2010 at 02:49 PM.
08-16-2010 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by pokermaniac1122
Hi everyone. I'm very new to this site, but I'm not new to the game of poker.

My full tilt poker screenname is pokermaniac1122. I would love to be staked in 45 man $1.10 sngs or $1 turbo heads - up. I'm very good at these and I will make a profitable bankroll for us.

I hope to make friends on this site and meet new people. I wish this to be a pleasurable experience for both myself and my backer.
Gear: Do not stake at Part-time Poker

Originally Posted by jenisis
Hey guys.
My name is jennifer.
I am looking for a stake for cash games. preferebly LHE. I am also interested in SnGs an Mtts although i havent played many MTTs.

I want to build a good trusting relationship with my backer. That being said for a trial run i am prepared to offer a 70/30 split in favor of the backer until i can prove myself to him. once i prove myself we will change the split. I will also leave the limits of play up to the backer. (just want to get my foot in the door).
I realize that i do not have great results but i have been extensivly studying as of late. And it should show in my results

This stake is also for either UB, Cake, or Preferably Powerpoker although i dont think anyone on 2p2 plays there.

alliejenn on UB
alliejj on cake
jenisis2010 on powerpoker

Any questions PM me
thanks. Lets make some money
Bold added for lol's, Gear: Do not stake at Part-time Poker
08-17-2010 , 10:37 AM
Seeking WCOOP Satellite Staker

Hi, guys and girls.
From Australia.

Stars Screen name JOHNJAMES4
Email me at
aim: Harry Horse (prefer an email)

I Have a very limited expendable income with which to build my roll.
I am time rich and able to play for 10 hours a day.

Slack poster here,

Playing 3 years very successfully.Up $50k.

MTT’s , $1- $530 buyins. High volumes at the lower end.
Satellites (1.10r – 33r) –eat em for breakfast, lunch , dinner.(very high volumes).

I am looking for a staker to stake me $500 to play in the Stars WCOOP satellites only,
NL,Omaha and Omaha Hi/Lo.

The usual 50/50 plus makeup would suit me.

My goal is to build a $2K + bankroll for my self through the qualify/unregister/rinse repeat method, in the WCOOP sats’ over the next few weeks.

(I did this last year and built my own personal roll from $400 to $6k in 3 weeks, starting at 2.22 rebuys and moving up to 33 rebuys as roll increased,

check it at

I will send you a daily or as requested excel file of games/results etc.

Then I will Sell $T for 97% value give you 50% and me 47%, minus makeup of course.
(Staking agreement would end when WCOOP satellites end).

If as I envisage we are very profitable along the way and by this time you have full confidence in my game we could discuss you buying action in any WCOOP events.i enter if you are interested.

In this regard you will have first right of offer.
This would be;
1. BUYIN- 100%you ; profit 40%me/60%you+ buyin, no make up.
2. BUYIN- 50%you/50%me profit 75%me/25%you, no make up.

I will agree not to sell any other part of myself, you are free to onsell if you choose.
Only rider in this agreement is that if I cash above $10k in any event then in subsequent events the split would alter too.

BUYIN- 100%you profit 50% me / 50% you no makeup.

Cheers and Wealth [/quote]

Two Plus Two Poker Forums[/QUOTE]

Last edited by jjamesjjok; 08-17-2010 at 10:58 AM. Reason: coppied to a fressh post
08-17-2010 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by eezark
Hey my Screen name is : Krazee2, and Im looking to be backed for the upcoming WCOOP, I would like to play as many NL holdem events as possible, (FR,6max,HU) If your interested in making a deal please PM me and we can work something out. If you need some good Ref's as well, i will have them PM you once we start working on a deal. He are some links to my previous results.

Look forward to hearing from you and working out a deal.

08-17-2010 , 01:08 PM
Hey all,

AFD92 on Stars.

I'm a part time pro playing on smaller sites. I would like staking for any FRNL WCOOP games coming up.

PM me with questions.

