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omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #164 omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #164

09-20-2020 , 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by AlwaysFolding
I have an interview for a pharmacist position on Tuesday. It is guaranteed position post grad if they think I'm a delectable candidate.
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
you should do some coke first so that you're your best self. you know the right amount. there's a perfect amount and this is your moment to guess it

delectable delights, both of these posts
09-20-2020 , 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by Da33le
Also (maybe it's because I'm sort of british, and our humour is different) but I found the upward trajectory of each character bordering on ridiculous, and not at all conducive to comedy. We like our comedic heroes to fail.

Hey look, Leonard is a nerd HAHAHA. Oh but he ended up dating the girl of his dream and being super successful AAWWWWW

Hey look, Sheldon is really weird HAHAHAHA. Oh, but he ended up being fairly normal and also got the girl of his dreams AAWWWWW

Hey look, Howard is a creep and he's jewish HAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh, but he's also stupid successful and went to space and marries a smoking babe AAWWWWWW

Hey look, Raj is brown and can't talk to women HAHAHAHAH. Oh, but yet again, he's successful and does very well for himself AAWWWWW

Hey look, that cute blonde girl is stupid HAHAHAHAHA. Oh, but she also winds up with a good career and being successful.

lol this was a trip, too
09-21-2020 , 04:13 AM
Originally Posted by Schlitz mmmm
dabs, I was asking about Planet of the Humans

see how a minor inefficiency on my part led to total confusion? welcome to Earth


My problem with planet of the humans is it was in my opinion deceptive with regards to the facts. The makers were happy to show clips that were from at least a decade ago, if not longer, and never once made mention of that, so the info they were giving was wildly out of date. I suspect they did that deliberately so they didn’t have to show the improvements made in renewables.

I also thought the overall message was a joke. It essentially seemed to boil down to “renewables are shit” “they’re not the answer” “we’re ****ed” “we have to stop all consuming and polluting”.

That’s a stupid message, because it’s literally impossible.

I also think claiming renewables aren’t the answer is dumb. Sure, they can’t solve all our problems, but the film didn’t account for technological improvements, or other tech.

I also don’t think their is “an answer”. Instead I think there are a long series of slight better answers, of which renewables is one.

Overall it was just a down beat piece of trash.
09-21-2020 , 04:31 AM
One example I can remember, was they visited a small solar farm, and they interviewed some guy about it. He prattled on about how the panels were 8% efficient, and then they used that to calculate how much land they’d need to power that town. The whole point of that bit was to say “woah, look how much this cost, and how much land it needs! Look how unrealistic it is”.

They conveniently failed to mention that the price of solar has come down, and the efficiency of panels has gone up. Average panels are only 15-20% efficient, but that’s still double, so already that’s half as much land. They also failed to mention you don’t have to put solar panels in a ****ing field. We already take up huge amounts of space with housing and businesses, which all have a roof. So it would use nowhere near the space they claimed. Also, whose claiming we go 100% solar..?

It was pure trash.
09-21-2020 , 06:04 AM
I like mad Daz
09-21-2020 , 06:12 AM
I'd watch that sitcom!
09-21-2020 , 07:08 AM
It would be a drama.
09-21-2020 , 07:09 AM
Or a porn.
09-21-2020 , 07:32 AM
It would be a comedic drama, and if there was the occasional sex scene, I wouldn’t be complaining.
09-21-2020 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
you should do some coke first so that you're your best self. you know the right amount. there's a perfect amount and this is your moment to guess it
This actually made me lol
09-21-2020 , 03:05 PM
Its interesting. The brief lifespan of batteries is gonna be improved by technology and lithium mining.

the rare earth mining and all the other industrial processes designed to save us from industrial civilization.

I don't buy it
09-21-2020 , 03:32 PM
I mean, I don't see how you have a choice... We're already destroying the natural world, on top of that we should carry on emitting more and more Co2 until everything is ****ed? Seems to me the logical choice is to jump all aboard the future train, and science the **** out of it.

Are lithium batteries THE answer? I highly doubt it, but they're a starter answer. Then we discover solid state batteries. Then who knows.

Are solar panels the answer? Perhaps not, but solar, wind, nuclear, etc are better answers on the road to even better answers.

When them crazy wright brothers made that flimsy plane, do you think they knew that 60 years later concord would be flying faster than the speed of sound? Who knows what we'll discover, but we gotta throw brains and money at it.

I just don't see why people gonna just be like "it's too hard, might as well not try".
09-21-2020 , 03:41 PM
There's no possibility of that. If the science is correct and we are about to enter the feedback loop phase, its game over.

The methane alone under the melting 'permafrost' is equal to 2/3rds the emissions of the entire industrial era.

Humans can't do squat when faced with existential threat. Look at the Mickey mouse response to the virus
09-21-2020 , 03:47 PM
It may be a legit miracle that we haven't nuked ourselves into Oblivion already.
09-21-2020 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
you should do some coke first so that you're your best self. you know the right amount. there's a perfect amount and this is your moment to guess it
This has not gone wrong ever
09-21-2020 , 04:04 PM
Jesus dude, and I thought I was a pessimist!

Even if you turn out to be right, and we're ****ed, would you not rather go down fighting?? Tbh I'm looking forward to the future, should be exciting no matter which road we take.
09-21-2020 , 04:09 PM
I'm the same. I'm actually in a great space. Meds are helping, I'm killing it at work. Doing good in my relationships with family and friends.

I had a guilt-free good time yesterday with work and a full day of sports.

calling it like it is, isn't necessarily pessimism imo it's realism
09-21-2020 , 04:10 PM
amazing time to be alive
09-21-2020 , 04:12 PM
Schlitz is my kind of realist.
09-21-2020 , 04:13 PM
Dali is my kind of surrealist
09-21-2020 , 04:13 PM
Dabs is my kind of socialist
09-21-2020 , 04:14 PM
I've been in an online feud with some Tory chump these past few days. He's legit insane. Thinks taxes are full on theft, doesn't think society should help support the poor/disabled. Basically wants society to collapse because he thinks he'd be better off. Thinks he earns every penny he makes, even though he actually works in a field that produces nothing and offers literally no value without society.

So yeah, if society did collapse and we all went rogue, I'd take great pleasure in hunting him for sport.
09-21-2020 , 04:15 PM
Again, if the science is correct lol we are in the 6th great mass extinction, losing 150 species of plant, insect and animal life every 24 hours.

Go listen to some Chris Hedges speaking engagements on utube. He lays it out.
09-21-2020 , 04:17 PM
****, I wish someone would lay me out
09-21-2020 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by Da33le
I've been in an online feud with some Tory chump these past few days. He's legit insane. Thinks taxes are full on theft, doesn't think society should help support the poor/disabled. Basically wants society to collapse because he thinks he'd be better off. Thinks he earns every penny he makes, even though he actually works in a field that produces nothing and offers literally no value without society.

So yeah, if society did collapse and we all went rogue, I'd take great pleasure in hunting him for sport.
whatever are the combination of factors responsible for holding society together? seems a delicate symbiosis, and the children hellbent to tinker with it haven't the 1st clue.

unsophistication and hubris, thinking one understands this surreal life
