-Sydney and Melbourne are topping Worlds best cities to live lists for few years now. With CA Tokyo Northern Europe, Suisse. Then London, Seoul...
-I dunno about Aus debt but im sure China doesnt own their grandgrandchildren.
-They are not cynically given a choice beetwen Trump and Hillary.
-I pi$$ed cause:
My laptop in my kitchen, streaming GSW-LAL while i wash dishes and then make dinner, 5 am local. The tone is a bit down and i can barely hear dull preseason commentary over fausset. Halftime, FOX commercials time. Volume goes up by 300% making me scramble to turn it down with my soapy hands. Commercials end. Volume goes back down and i cant hear a thing from the game anymore.
I'm gonna disappoint you. I'm fine with well-managed hunting seasons.
Unrelated tangent:
Do you have any thoughts/resources/experience with hyposensitivity to stimuli in Autism and appropriate intervention on that end of the spectrum? I'm struggling to find information I trust on that side, and Lily is hypo on everything except possibly taste. I feel like I'm winging it while we fine tune her IEP and therapy schedules.
I don't eat much meat, but I see the value in having an animal live its natural life to be harvested locally, processed in home--with no cross country trucking or wasted resources on excessive packaging--and eaten with real acknowledgement and respect of the life ended and environment from which it came.
He just likes guns and power.
I feel pretty confident my take is better, but meh. Result is the same.