2 bags of candy, only 4 trick-or-treaters [more 4 me].
It appears that whether it's gov't or private industry,
Amurrica can't fly rockets worth a crap anymore.
But, remember:
> We blew up Apollo 1, and put Neil on the moon 2 years later.
> Space shuttle Challenger blew up a schoolteacher, yet Amurrica still ran the remaining 4 shuttles into planned obsolescence/retirement.
> The semiconductor development demanded by NASA for the moon landing program has evolved into teh internetz and the puter you're reading this crap with.
We only ask that those who have died in the name of Tang [the drink, NOT the poon], vacuum-packed ice cream [which they actually used to sell at
Edmund Scientific], and the technology developed to be able to pee and pewp in a state of weightlessness,
shall never be in vain.