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04-15-2014 , 02:20 PM
no domestic violence pls kthx
04-15-2014 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by Kristy
I'm not trying to change him. I'm trying to passive-aggressively irritate the hell out of him. All while having a huge lol, myself...'cause I'm completely comfortable with my level of rancid bitch.

We have laundry issues as well. I will wash, dry, fold, put away ANYTHING that hits one of our seven laundry baskets...but his somehow never does.

Thoughts? I don't hammer and nail.
Icy hot in underwear
04-15-2014 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by pelicanpoker
Some fan made this image in 2011 on a Man Utd fanboard (link below) and titled it "The Impossible Dream"

I really don't miss cocky Man Utd fans at all. Haven't heard a peep from them all year.

Enjoy mediocrity for the next 24 years ****s
Tbh I haven't heard much either. I think they realize how ****ed they are
Originally Posted by LuckyLuke01
pel please get over yourself and you title win

Title win? I didn't realize city and Chelsea laid down with games to play.
04-15-2014 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
Joanne was fed up. For months she had been asking Greg not to throw his dirty laundry on the bedroom floor. For months he kept forgetting, just like he kept forgetting to vacuum the carpet and wash the dishes every night, even though he agreed that these were his jobs.

Both of them worked full time, but Joanne usually got home first and would end up picking up after Greg. As she ran the vacuum or rinsed the dirty dishes that were still in the sink, she would be seething. When he got home, she'd give him the silent treatment or make sarcastic remarks about being the maid. He'd insist that the problem was that she was a terrible nag."Maybe if you'd leave me alone about it, I'd be more likely to do it," he'd tell her.

Greg didn't realize how damaging his attitude toward housework was to his marriage until the day he arrived home to the sound of banging from the bedroom. He walked in to find his wife, still in her business suit, nailing his dirty boxer shorts to the oak floor.

"They've been there for three days," she told him. "So I figured you wanted to make them a permanent part of the decor."
This didn't escalate as quickly as I thought it might.
Cool story tho
04-15-2014 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by allinontheturn
The person with the highest tolerance for living in their own filth wins.

04-15-2014 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by Da33le
I am rather sunburnt. Damn this pale skin.
Going outside is dangerous, mate
04-15-2014 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by Kristy
Question: what are some of the funniest way youve ever heard to make a point in a relationship?
Funny haha or funny like Joe Pesci?
04-15-2014 , 03:25 PM
Funny--doesn't leave a scar, can't be used against me in court
04-15-2014 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by allinontheturn
The person with the highest tolerance for living in their own filth wins.

Not if I'm tormenting him in ways I find hilarious. I'll look forward to his slovenly behaviour as an opportunity to shine.

Last edited by Kristy; 04-15-2014 at 03:29 PM. Reason: #framing
04-15-2014 , 03:28 PM
Maybe I should mail his dirty clothes to his mother?
04-15-2014 , 03:30 PM
Actually, I'll just hide them and tell him I did.
04-15-2014 , 03:30 PM
04-15-2014 , 03:40 PM
Post-it NOPES

put little messages on stickies and tag offending items.

Sample messages:
this does not belong here
Expiration date
International symbol for NOPE
I got close enough to this nasty s#1t to put a note on it, but I'm not touching it.
04-15-2014 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by JustJ46671
Going outside is dangerous, mate
I was outside all day m8. Should have used sun screen
04-15-2014 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by Da33le
I was outside all day m8. Should have used sun screen
it's snowing out, ffs, you don't need sun screen
04-15-2014 , 04:37 PM
This will make us happy.

04-15-2014 , 04:48 PM
Let's clear out the room.
04-15-2014 , 04:52 PM
04-15-2014 , 04:52 PM
7 Team Parlay #343419898

Baseball - MLB (Game) Moneyline


(954) Miami Marlins +164* Apr 15/14@05:10p

Competitor: (953) Washington Nationals

Baseball - MLB (Game) Moneyline


(956) Cincinnati Reds -101* Apr 15/14@05:10p

Competitor: (955) Pittsburgh Pirates

Baseball - MLB (Game) Moneyline


(969) Seattle Mariners +135* Apr 15/14@06:05p

Competitor: (970) Texas Rangers

Baseball - MLB (Game) Moneyline


(957) St. Louis Cardinals +104* Apr 15/14@06:10p

Competitor: (958) Milwaukee Brewers

Baseball - MLB (Game) Moneyline


(972) Chicago White Sox +135* Apr 15/14@06:10p

Competitor: (971) Boston Red Sox

Baseball - MLB (Game) Moneyline


(974) Minnesota Twins +117* Apr 15/14@06:10p

Competitor: (973) Toronto Blue Jays

Baseball - MLB (Game) Moneyline


(976) Houston Astros +146* Apr 15/14@06:10p

Competitor: (975) Kansas City Royals

* Odds and win amount may not be the same as at time of placement, if a pitcher change takes place.
Web US$ 1.00 US$ 314.97

1 time lol
04-15-2014 , 04:53 PM
Wat r u purchasing, elrey ?
04-15-2014 , 04:54 PM
watch the Royals nut-up and f*ck me
04-15-2014 , 04:56 PM
I'm gussing he finally bought knee sleeves.
04-15-2014 , 04:56 PM
Oh that was a sophisticated jab... Here's something less so..

04-15-2014 , 05:06 PM
That brought 'em back.. Jesus, I deliver
04-15-2014 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by fredd-bird
I'm gussing he finally bought knee sleeves.
Do they attach to his jorts?
