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omg omg omg 124 omg omg omg 124

02-07-2012 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by stabn

I recommend playing whale sounds and smoking up.
That reminds me, I think I have a drug test coming up soon. I love them, because I get out of work for like an hour.
02-07-2012 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by JustJ46671
Spoilers blow on mobile app.
You shoulda gotten the brizalian trim.

Tantalizing, nevertheless
02-07-2012 , 08:08 PM
It takes you that long to pee? You might want to get that looked at.
02-07-2012 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by fredd-bird
Giz and peli should just bang and get this over with.

that tension between us gets me so hot tho
02-07-2012 , 08:09 PM
Peli needs to f5 and see the where she already said no.
02-07-2012 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by Gizmo
.... have you seen a vagina recently?
There was a diagram in the doctors office iirc.

Originally Posted by ashes of eight
pretty disappointing seeing ppl who think they are adults making fun of someones disability in omg , way to go mods u guys are the ones i want to lead me
The Leaders and Best!
02-07-2012 , 08:10 PM
Fascia is awesome.
02-07-2012 , 08:10 PM
remember guys i was too volatile to mod lol
02-07-2012 , 08:11 PM
02-07-2012 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by ashes of eight
pretty disappointing seeing ppl who think they are adults making fun of someones disability in omg , way to go mods u guys are the ones i want to lead me
they mad
02-07-2012 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by stabn
It takes you that long to pee? You might want to get that looked at.
1. Get phone call to report to PA.
2. Report to PA.
3. Get orders to report to drug testing.
4. Go to drug testing.
5. Drink lots of water while watching a Tyler Perry movie.
6. Pee in cup.
7. Stand in line holding own urine above your shoulder.
8. Answer questionnaire about said urine.
9. Receive paperwork indicating successful urination.
10. Return to work center.
11. Report on successful urination to supervisor.
12. Take paperwork concerning same to PA.
13. Stand in line at PA.
14. Surrender paperwork.
15. Return to work.
02-07-2012 , 08:12 PM
the like 8 walking dead trades in the background make the picture really awesome
02-07-2012 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by stabn
Peli needs to f5 and see the where she already said no.
Nbats ftw
02-07-2012 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by Gizmo
I wonder if pelican makes creepy deaf noises with an australian accent?
i wonder if your a bitch today
02-07-2012 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by allinontheturn
You guys ready for this neck vag?

02-07-2012 , 08:15 PM
The problem with eating healthy is that when I buy a cucumber and cut it in half and put one of the halves in the fridge to eat later it spoiles on me in the interim. This would never happen to a bag OT Chips Ahoy which are 42% preservatives.
02-07-2012 , 08:16 PM
neck vagina itt
02-07-2012 , 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by allinontheturn
The problem with eating healthy is that when I buy a cucumber and cut it in half and put one of the halves in the fridge to eat later it spoiles on me in the interim. This would never happen to a bag OT Chips Ahoy which are 42% preservatives.
or if u put the cucumber in a zip lock bag
02-07-2012 , 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by Mayo
1. Get phone call to report to PA.
2. Report to PA.
3. Get orders to report to drug testing.
4. Go to drug testing.
5. Drink lots of water while watching a Tyler Perry movie.
6. Pee in cup.
7. Stand in line holding own urine above your shoulder.
8. Answer questionnaire about said urine.
9. Receive paperwork indicating successful urination.
10. Return to work center.
11. Report on successful urination to supervisor.
12. Take paperwork concerning same to PA.
13. Stand in line at PA.
14. Surrender paperwork.
15. Return to work.
omg i would probably just walk away and never come back
02-07-2012 , 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by dangeraw
or if u put the cucumber in a zip lock bag
With a little lemon juice on it!
02-07-2012 , 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by dangeraw
or if u put the cucumber in a zip lock bag
It was
02-07-2012 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by stabn
omg i would probably just walk away and never come back
That's a shorter list.

1. Get dishonorably discharged.
2. Never get a decent job again.
02-07-2012 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by dangeraw
i wonder if your a bitch today
02-07-2012 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by allinontheturn
The problem with eating healthy is that when I buy a cucumber and cut it in half and put one of the halves in the fridge to eat later it spoiles on me in the interim. This would never happen to a bag OT Chips Ahoy which are 42% preservatives.
srsly tho....the rubbermaid tupperware looking deals you can get now that have green spacers in the bottom (kinda like a false floor) help quite a bit....who knew?
02-07-2012 , 08:21 PM
decent jobs are for ******s
