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Vegas Vlog thread (Trooper et all) Vegas Vlog thread (Trooper et all)

07-05-2016 , 04:38 PM
Interesting that the plan was to c/r the river after villain checked the turn and the board had low cards. I wonder how often this villain bets the river with air. Many 1-2 players just check it down when they miss so a c/r will target the part of their range that hits the river. I also wonder if this villain folds a weaker jack there. But a weaker jack raises PF less often so when he hits the jack it's often AJ or KJ a high percentage of the time.

He obviously thought this villain was going to play very aggressively based on the info he had.

Last edited by Steve00007; 07-05-2016 at 04:56 PM.
07-05-2016 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by CreamOfTheCrop
Is anybody going to let him know that limping AQo in his game is not ideal?

It's interesting because he thinks he is good but constantly when he mentions any hand its almost always misplayed. He never admits that maybe he isn't very good either even when the results slap him in the face, very strange behavior. For someone so smart and so fast he sure does struggle at 1/2 and seems to learn incredibly slow.
If I have this right he doesn't believe in talking about hands. He thinks the person telling the story about a hand is only giving about 10% of the information. He elaborated a little on that in an interview he did. As a result, he might think the posters here are in a really poor position to criticize his play on this particular hand.
07-05-2016 , 06:21 PM

finger banging Mary Jane

I can never remember how to embed a youtube video here.

Last edited by parisron; 07-05-2016 at 06:30 PM.
07-05-2016 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by parisron

finger banging Mary Jane

I can never remember how to embed a youtube video here.

07-05-2016 , 08:21 PM
ah, just the last part in youtube quotes. Thanks.
07-05-2016 , 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by Steve00007
If I have this right he doesn't believe in talking about hands. He thinks the person telling the story about a hand is only giving about 10% of the information. He elaborated a little on that in an interview he did. As a result, he might think the posters here are in a really poor position to criticize his play on this particular hand.
That's just ******ed the avg poster in this thread plays this game at a higher level.
07-05-2016 , 09:18 PM
^^^ sometimes Steve is being reasonable and measured sometimes he comes off as an apologist - this leans more toward the latter.
07-05-2016 , 09:35 PM
07-05-2016 , 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by Natamus
^^^ sometimes Steve is being reasonable and measured sometimes he comes off as an apologist - this leans more toward the latter.
I know I come across that way a lot. Trooper seems like a decent guy and idk maybe I'm just too nice sometimes.

I wasn't saying what my opinion was of the hand history stuff though. I was mostly repeating what I've seen him say before. I think posting about hands can help a lot and I notice a lot of the best thinkers on the live low-stakes NL forum on 2+2 tend to be the people who participate there the most.

Here is an interview where he shares his opinion of hand histories and I know I've seen him repeat that opinion on the forum:
07-05-2016 , 09:47 PM
But that's my exact point Steve - not that you were making an opinion on the hand, but that we are making excuses for his excuses now.

"He doesn't think people online know what they are talking about because of xyz" is an excuse for not discussing hand histories but we shouldn't make it out as a good decision.

I may be reading between the lines and that wasn't your intention at all.
07-05-2016 , 09:55 PM
trooper just tore all of you degenerates a new ass hole
07-05-2016 , 09:56 PM
We've both (Steve and I) been watching Trooper's videos for a long time now and in my opinion his biggest flaw at the poker tables has been an inability or an unwillingness to make adjustments.

Trooper loves to say that individual sessions are not played in a vacuum and it's one long session played out over time. Yet he telling us about hands that are played: too passively/bet sizing is off/playing too wide a range amongst other flaws. At the end of the video 7/10 times the last year he post a loss while telling the viewers how easy the table was and how he should have crushed the game but XYZ happened. Also the amount loss in the losses seem to double and triple the amount won many times - I've never personally known or heard of a long term winning player who repeatedly has those patterns in their results so I can't expect the Trooper to win long term at 1/2-1/3 and move up.

At what point is he going to make adjustments to prevent xyz from happening?

That has been bugging me about his vlogs/poker sessions since last year. He seems unable or reluctant to make the adjustments needed for success.

In a way this circles back to my post a few days ago about wj94. Proven winning player (at about double my
Winrate) sees obvious flaws even with limited information and have been willing to make time to share their knowledge and help Trooper improve his game and they go ignored like a timeshare salesman on a mid-tier casino floor
07-05-2016 , 09:57 PM
Yea, he makes the videos for the fishes.
07-05-2016 , 10:02 PM
Troop has turned into a straight hater. 2+2 spent all this time promoting him and now he just h8ing.
07-05-2016 , 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by TheTrooper97
Ok just put vlog on pause after first 34 seconds.. Brilliant beginning .. The song, the new camera, prison imagery, the mountains.

Ok I'll go back to watching..

Last edited by Lover959; 07-05-2016 at 10:21 PM.
07-05-2016 , 10:08 PM
Hey Trooper you dont have 2 play poker every day. maybe just once a week or so
and take the money u save and get a place.
07-05-2016 , 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by Lover959
Ok just put vlog on pause after first 34 seconds.. Brilliant beginning .. The song, the new camera, prison imagery...

now officially scared to watch the new blog in case I get Rick-rolled I'm a graphic scene from "OZ"...
07-05-2016 , 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by apkrnewb
Hey Trooper you dont have 2 play poker every day. maybe just once a week or so
and take the money u save and get a place.
Trooper isn't homeless bro, have you watched the videos??
07-05-2016 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by Ilikevegas
agreed, getting a nice, women friendly place >> using your excess money to play cards in a casino
This is something we (and hopefully everyone) most certainly can agree on. Stop playing for 2-3 weeks and take those buy ins and put them toward a deposit and moving cost.

It's been nearly 2 years at Desert Manor and you're a grown man, if you don't leave soon what was called "temporary" will soon be literally where you live. I'm not saying this to bash his living situation it's just human nature that if you stay somewhere long enough you will adapt to it's shortcomings and rationalize the positives (it's cheap, centrally located, no long term commitment) as good reasons to continue to stay.

This really should of been done a year ago but it's understandable that delays/changes in plans happen. However, for his own good and quality of life Trooper really needs to move on out of Desert Manor and into a legitimate apartment that is up to the standard he deserves.

You find yourself in DM this time next year and you're going to start to see yourself settling down and dipping to the quality of your housing/neighborhood and that's something no one wants to see.
07-05-2016 , 10:51 PM
Woahhh tough love coming from Natamus now.. You been hanging out with Surf at the hustler..

Jay Kay.. Don't bash me over the head Natamus.
07-05-2016 , 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by Lover959
Woahhh tough love coming from Natamus now.. You been hanging out with Surf at the hustler..

Jay Kay.. Don't bash me over the head Natamus.

Surf stays anon at the hustler so I won't 3 bet his face off and check raise him to death

Seriously tho everything I wrote I'd tell a friend. I've been a supporter of Troopers from pateron to Starbucks cards and thumbs up on YouTube and telling my friends about the ****s so they can do it too. I used Trooper10 on blind squirrel.

The frustration I'm feeling/expressing is the lack of seeing progress and making adjustments when needed both at the table and off. I'm not mad at him but it's pretty obvious he needs to make some changes and adjustments which like I said a couple days ago "affecting changing in your life is easier said than done" but he you gotta take steps.

Last edited by Natamus; 07-05-2016 at 11:07 PM.
07-05-2016 , 10:57 PM
Something is not quite right. He seems to be very frustrated and angry. Half of this last video is a rant defending his actions.

This isn't variance. This is something else.

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07-05-2016 , 11:04 PM
i tend to agree with the AQ hand, but in the end, we all play poker differently, and i think we've all taken Tim's line before, which isn't entirely horrid if... the v was much deeper, and the stakes were higher. like 5/10.

Tim says he doesnt watch these postings anymore, but I hope for his own growth he doesnt shut this all out as negative trolling.
07-05-2016 , 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by Lover959
Uhhh how long you been watching the vlog??

Long enough to know that his supporters like yourself are doing him a major dis-service.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
07-05-2016 , 11:23 PM
Originally Posted by Natamus

Seriously tho everything I wrote I'd tell a friend.

The frustration I'm feeling/expressing is the lack of seeing progress and making adjustments when needed both at the table and off. I'm not mad at him but it's pretty obvious he needs to make some changes and adjustments which like I said a couple days ago "affecting changing in your life is easier said than done" but he you gotta take steps.

I think the title of this vlog tells you everything you need to know.. Oh and he is looking for new apartment at 2:13 minutes

Last edited by Lover959; 07-05-2016 at 11:37 PM.
